Ecolight is an eco-friendly shoe that generate light and power as you walk or jump moving forward or backward.
In the history of Africa till date, inaccessibility to electricity is one of the top issue the majority is finding challenging.
According to energy progress report 2022, Nigeria has the lowest access to electricity globally with about 92million persons out of the country's 200million population affecting SDG 3, 4, 7, 8, 13.
EcoLight is a self electricity generating eco-friendly shoe that would charge up itself when your foot swing forward or backward, as you walk or run providing an affordable and alternative means of clean, sustainable and reliable power energy supply.
EcoLight targeted population is the estimated status report of over 92million people without access to electricity in Nigeria, were the most affected reside in rural area.
It is a life changing for community living in remote, off grid area without access to reliable electricity.
In rural area children had to do their homework by candlelight which is hazardous, fishermen are unable to fish at night, artisan not able to fill their order, cell phone, radio and emergency torchlight cannot be charged.
EcoLight providing access to electricity will foster economy growth and improve the quality of life addressing SDG 3, 4, 7, 8, 13.
My team comprises of an embedded developer, robotic engineer and designer with years of experience in our area of specialty.
Some of us is residing , while some has lived in rural community while growing up facing the problem of access to reliable power supply.
Our personal experience living in remote community has helped us understand the said problem and has drive us to provide a long lasting solution.
We've engage with potential user in the development of our solution by granting interviews, questionnaire and outreach survey to rural and urban community taking feedbacks and validation on our developed prototype to understand our target audience need for our proffered solution.
- Improving financial and economic opportunities for all (Economic Prosperity)
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model
Our Solution is unique, original and revolutionary that would change the market place segment of it direct and indirect competitor.
Making use of of day to day walk life as a medium to generate electricity makes it more innovative and gives it more edge of advantage to it sector.
To combat electricity poverty through our proffered solution "EcoLight" in Africa.
In Nigeria provide electricity access to the estimated 92million people living in remote and off grid area.
Reduce the annual economic yearly burden of $26.2 billion in Nigeria stated by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).
To bring about job opportunity, advance economic development and mitigate climate action.
It is a hardware base solution
- Internet of Things
- Manufacturing Technology
- Nigeria
Our solution is yet to be launch, for we are still testing and validating to be ready to be launched.
The current number of people it is serving is = 0
The currently number of people To Serve Next Year Is to be = 1million
Patent Right
We partnered with Faculty of Computing and Informatics LAUTECH in using their facility to carry out our research purpose.
A B2B (Business 2 Business) model is initiated as an indirect sale to reach our potential customer segment (local boutique shops, side hustle seller, wholesaler etc)
A B2C (Business 2 Consumer) was initiated as a direct sale to the initial targeted affected customer segment (rural community)
Our financial plan for sustainability is selling of our product, grant acquisition and partnership contract with NGOs and other organization promotion and supporting renewable energy.