HOLIVO Package
64% of more than 1 million Domestic workers in Tanzania aged 10-25 have no access to Education. This reduces their work performance on current occupations and weak foundation to their Future lives.
HOLIVO Package as abbreviation of (Homestead, Life, and Vocational Skills) is designed to empower Domestic workers in Tanzania by Training them important skills that could enable them to do better their current occupations as well as laying strong foundation by choosing a course correlating to her career ambitions.
HOLIVO Package allows to them to access The Fishing Rod Mentorship Designed to connect and give them important resources in launching and developing their own products or services. Fishing Rod mentorship will guide them through the process.
Holivo package is expected to help students build outstanding products and services that could help them provide employment opportunities to others as well as supporting their own lives.
The ILO report about The status of Domestic workers in Tanzania shows that in Tanzania the number equals to 5% of the whole population. More that one Million Domestic worker in Tanzania 64% have no access to Education ( https://drive.google.com/file/... ) The number equals to Kenya and Uganda according to BBC Documentary
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The World Development 2019 Report shows that Globally, 260 million young people aged 15-24 are out of school and work increasing unemployment level and the rate is seem to increase year after year for example in developing countries the experienced school dropout rate was 27.5 in 2014 jeopardizing the future of work and employment.
https://drive.google.com/file/... )
Our surveys and Dialogue ( https://drive.google.com/file/... ) Shows that, Most of Domestic workers comes from poor families in Rural areas and they are working to earn for their family members get basic necessity of life. The situation becomes more worse soon after finishing their contracts and want to go back home having no enough money and never grounded to depend on themselves. Our survey went further and we discovered that, 78% of middle class families having Domestic workers are unsatisfactory with work performances of their workers
We offer our service to marginalised groups in Tanzania especially Young Girls working as Domestic workers.
HOLIVO Package gives Domestic workers opportunities to learn potential skills on
1. Homestead works (Cooking and cleanliness)
2. Life skills and
3. One core course offered which are (Basic Computer skills, Tailoring and Cooking
After every end of the course, students are provide with requested equipments or devices ready to start implementing their works.
- Support communities in designing and determining solutions around critical services
- Create or advance equitable and inclusive economic growth
- Growth
- New business model or process
Our solution is Innovative because
1. offers Trainings to marginalized groups who cannot afford from public and other private institutions Hence we give them incentives soon after showing competencies on their courses where they will use the gained profits to pay back for their Tuition fees and cost of given incentives.
2. Intends to offer online Trainings for distant students get enrolled.
Recap Academy offers it's services both offline and online.
The solution use technology in two broad ways;
1. As the model of teaching and learning platform through a Website (www.recapacademy.ac.tz) which is still under construction and
2. As a course offered for Computer maintainance and repair
- Social Networks
HoLiVo Package intends to bring serious changes to the community starting with mindset change for the people not to underrate Domestic works as for only uneducated individuals, Domestic workers will increase their value and start demanding for better payment.
Educated domestic workers ensure good upbringing to the children and elders because of Homestead works activities for example people getting well training from www.hudumasmart.co.tz provides amazing feedbacks.
Holivo package accompanied with Fishing rods mentorship ensures well performances because students are highly encouraged to start their own initiatives that enables them to provide employment opportunities to other youths.
- Women & Girls
- Urban Residents
- Very Poor/Poor
- Minorities/Previously Excluded Populations
- For-Profit
We are independent enterprise through we have already worked with organizations such as Lambokile Company, Help to Help organization and Niajiri platform.
Full time staff are 2
Part time staff is 1
Volunteers are 3
Advisory Body members are 5
James Chitemo is a teacher by professional raised from a poor family got their basic necessities from salaries of his 2 blood sisters worked as domestic workers in Dar es salaam for more that 2 years and came home With nothing, that is No Education and any other important thing they can feel proud of. Despite of being a Teacher he managed to Volunteer to other organization and gained more experience on leadership, projects management and other entrepreneurial skills from Tai Tanzania, EFD, Lambokile Company, and Help to Help Organization.
Noela Mathias studied Marketing is more passionate about education and empowerment to marginalized communities and her Knowledge in marketing ensures information and services get publicized.
We are close to have partnership with Huduma smart (www.hudumasmart.co.tz) to train their Domestic workers
We also work closely with the Tanzania Vocational education and Training Authority (VETA) to access important curriculum and material approvals and Examination supervisions.
We also worked and still working with Majumba sits Local government in planning and conducting more Dialogue and Community discussions about the importance of giving access Domestic workers our valuable Holivo Package
Key Customers and Beneficiaries
250,000 of 1 million Domestic workers existing in Tanzania.
Our Services
(A) Orientation Course and screening students for wise career choices and mentorship.
(B) Training
(C) Mentorhip and Continuous Education.
Mode of Delivery
1. Offline or Physical Education
2. Online services
1. 30% of Total Tuition fees to be paid by individual student during the entire course program and remaining during Mentorship program
2. Fishing Rods equipment will be provided with an interest rate of 20% annually to each item for 5 years.
3. Advancing Company and Recreational Visits by allowing even other people to participate, 20% of income to be earned is for Recap Academy.
3. Online Courses to be offered with prescribed fees for students access lessons easily.
I'm applying to SOLVE so that I can get help on the following;
1. Financial assistance preferably grants so that we can scale and advance our service provision.
2. Capacity Building through mentorship, exchange program and Trainings to the team and Volunteers.
3. Research and effective implementation of activities such as Dialogues.
4. Need assessment, project monitoring and evaluation.
- Business model
- Technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent or board members
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Other
Our plans is giving access Domestic workers soon after completing their courses hence your SOLVE's other contribution is expected on directing us to good partners who will help us accomplish our mission.
1. WAVE ACADEMY From Nigeria are doing Amazing job and it will be good to partner with them in working collaboratively on Vocational Education Trainings that would enable us gain more experiences on how to run our activities.
2. Huduma Smart of Tanzania are offering temporary Domestic workers and from this partnership we expect to have a mutual benefit model as we will focus on recruiting them.
I would like to apply for Al Innovations Prize that is because Recap Academy team is highly passionate about empowering Marginalized communities such as Domestic Workers b giving them access to Quality Education that will make them feed their futures and break the circle of poverty. Winning the prize will be another biggest opportunity to cover large and critical areas to bring about real tangible impacts through advancing equitable economic growth in East Africa by extending our service provision beyond the borders of Tanzania.
Recap Academy basically work to uplift young girls working as Domestic workers hence winning THE WOMEN PRIZE means a lot to recognize what we impacts we are delivering to them. In top of that, The Prize will increase our reputation to a great extend and our expectations is getting more domestic workers joining our Short and Long courses.