Girls Goals
Girls Goals its a program to help girls in school and college to have financial help and support to achieve their goals
Financial problems and lack of opportunities, a lot of girls are affected by their financial and family situation and sometimes dont have the acess to the right opportunities, about 2 milion kids and teenagers abandoned school in my country Brazil, and sometimes they finish high school but dont get to college or pass trought college with a lot of issues
Its a program that works in person with visits to schools and colleges and online using social medias and a platafform that connect this girls and organize a profile so the team can provide support online and direct with wich girl
Girls Goals will impact milions of girls in high school and college in Brazil and in the World, a lot of girls drop high school or dont have academicals plans for their future, recently i met one of my mom's old friend and by the end of the conversation she told me to continue my studys because she wish she had end hers and could achieve her goals, but because of financial problems and family issues she had to drop, and this still happens in the present to a lot of girls so we want to impact these lifes and give them a happy ending
I had experiences with programs to assistant people before and i have a background of studying in a public school located next to a favela during my high school wich gave me the opportunitie to meet all kinds of people and see that a lot of people could have a hand to help during this time and during college so they can use all their potencial, and not only in Brazil but for all the girls around the world specially in developing countries like India, Paquistan and South Africa who also deals with issues about girls education
I have met a lot of girls in a situation of need of support in high school and in my life that would be a part of Girls Goals, my mom and other women next to me also has gone trought issues and havent finished high school, and for this project im getting to know more girls educational cenarios in the world by the internet, so in a future i wish i can met more girls and actually put this in work
- Improving financial and economic opportunities for all (Economic Prosperity)
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea.
Its a online and in person experience that helps girls in a more personal and effective way, being present in their phones, computers and in their schools and colleges
I want to impact the most girls as possible being able to see them achieving their goals and continuing their studys
We will use social medias and a website/app that connects the girls and the Girls Goals mentors/team
- Audiovisual Media
- Software and Mobile Applications
We havent lounched yet but we want to impact the most girls as possible, at least about 10 thousand in the first year
Financial and tchnical, we need the money to help the girls and the tecnology to make the website and app faster