Moonlight academy
We help students of government, tier 2,3 schools get equal opportunities by providing training, mentorship, seminars on technology ,upcoming opportunities and holistic development of every student.
Education system is getting depreciated like the economic system (rich becoming richer, poor becoming poorer), students of top school enjoy there luxuries, all because of one factor 'money'. On the other hand students of economically backward sects usually get admitted to government or tier-3 schools, having little or no idea what they actually want to do. Leave aside the infrastructure, hygiene these students are receiving poor quality education, as the teacher themselves went through such a system. For instance in a larger picture india 75 per cent schools in India are governed owned , and 65 per cent students in India attend government school. And the shocking thing being, in 2018, 55 percent of fifth-grade children in public schools in India could not read a second-grade textbook.
With such low quality education being offered to big numbers (65 per cent students of India) the nation coming generations are in a very critical if not in worst situation. A country over 1.3 bn people and the majority of the population being youths, where the youths and the upcoming generation themselves aren't prepared.
The main factor contributing to this problem is not the infrastructure, hygiene, lack of students etc. The main factor is the quality of education, which isn't equipped with the correct tools which is needed by every student studying.
"Necessity is the mother of all inventions", Right from a young age I believed in adding value to others people's life. And thus god designed my life in sucha way.
Currently I am in my 3rd year of engineering, and my journey to change started in my second year, long story cut short( which I would definitely love to tell), I started a Moonlight academy ( earlier I used to refer it as moonlight University), I started approaching government, tier 3 schools and explained the problem statement, fortunately they were ready to support.
Moonlight academy, we are a group of young individuals, taken up oath to bring a change in our societies. We conduct training sessions on broad range to topics like personality development, communication, leadership skills etc. Educating them on topics such as sex education, which is absolutely taken for a toss in India.
We conduct seminars on technology, upcoming opportunities in various fields, And provide mentorship to all students.
We approach schools, we conduct session for over a month, where every week we take one session. It schools have reverted back to us in a very positive note on how it has impacted the young minds.
Finance for us is not a issue but with by leveraging the power of this opportunity provided by, we can bring about an impactful change in our communities..
Our target audience are the primary and secondary school students of government and tier 3 schools ( aged 14- 18 years) these students are deprived of basic qualitative education necessary to survive in coming competitive world.
The main motto of moonlight academy is that we try to bring them the right tools necessary to excel in there in there individual life, be it in education or any skill development which we are looking forward to.
My name is Mohammed Mehtab Afsar, 20 years old, I initiated a change called ' Moonlight academy'.
My team is an energetic team of 10 young individual having the same mindset, purpose driven Life,
We have devised time in a way that it helps both us and schools to manage our timings.
Our future plans are, As said we conduct one session every week, for over an month, with every team member going across conducting 2-3 sessions per week we scale about 15 - 20 schools per month .
We realised that it's not just limited to students, the teachers play a crucial role, in fact the parents too play a very crucial role. We are devising modules for parents as well, on helping them understand the problem and give there best for there Children's.
- Improving learning opportunities and outcomes for learners across their lifetimes, from early childhood on (Learning)
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
From a business perspective, we want to scale this pan India, to all schools , right from tier 1 private institutions to government schools, there are many trainers out there, but we've got an edge over them, we are bringing more into the plates of student's .
We charge a minimal price on the session we conduct, later we have plans to come up with online courses for high school students.