fa-BRICK-it eliminate textile waste from nature by channeling hundred of thousands tonnes of end-life clothing in africa into useful long term house structure through making ecological&aesthetic bricks from recycled textiles.
Problem :High level of pollution and carbon credits generated by construction industries especially in finishing and subdivision panels amidst availability of tonnes of resources which can be exploited to make next generation construction material .
60% of total construction carbon footprint is emitted as a result of unsustainable finishing and subdivision mainly due to dependant of wood based boards and sythetic boards . Apart from these footprints , these boards are expensive to locals and only serve the structural feature.
on the other end there are High level of pollution caused by end of life second hand clothing imported to africa (kenya).Kenya importsaround 177000 tonnes annually with 80% of these fast fashion ending up in dumpsite wihin an year, these causes lots ofwater pollution (microfibre shedding) and air pollution when burnt to reduce volume. these is in additional carbon credits
imported as most are made of non convectional fabrics.
fa-Brick-it absorbs all end of life clothing an recycle them into an innovative acoustic and thermal insulator bricks used in housing sector .by doing these we are able to prevent hundreds of tonnes of clothing from reaching dumpsite fire or water pollution and create jobs to micro entreprenuers who does slum and rural aggregation for us . our final product ( clothe based sustainable building bricks and panels) is a safe alternative to polluting and energy intensive material used in construction industry. with us dealing with end of life clothe we take what no one need.
from waste farm, straws which in most cases are burned down to emit fumes and polluting ashes in rural kenya , we grow mycelium based boards . unlike other mycelium boards , our boards are infused by long term insect reppelants to ensure the build house is not only decent and affordable but also disease safe .
local and regional : Kenya like many African countries is a net importer of second hand clothing with177000 tonnes imported and wasted in dumpsite yearly. with highest growing population ,low local manufacturing capabilities , these challenge seems to be growing each year. however the growing population also offer a unique opportunity, the demand for housing and decent ,affordable and sustainable housing material is on rise amidst increased advocacy against synthetic wood and tree felling. our aim is to solve the growing problem in waste cloth dumping while bringing the growing gap of sustainable construction material supply in market. our target market at scale is Nairobi ,Mombasa and Nakuru cities where dumping and burning happens at slum based community dumpsites affecting millions of locals around. on success , we aim to scale to entire country and Africa where our solution is much applicable.our boards target low income earners looking for decent and affordable housing solution .
currently we are testing of interior panel with a group of engineers and interior designers to see its applicability. we are optimist these will be suscessful and that by end of trials on june 2023, we shall be able to get a chance to provide subdivision panel to 160 housing project inua uwezo builders our pilot partner is running,. with these , we shall be able to atleast move to scale production and recycle 16 tonnes of fabrics into construction boards and be able to analyze our cost
structures, profits and operational structure. we hope to finalize and designing of market fit product by year 2 and hopefully move to commercial production by year 2025.
The overall impact that we envision apart from low cost and decent housing , insect repellant house finishing is on planet. these through ensuring :zero end of life clothe burning in kenya slums and villages dumpsite which leads to carbon and other pollutants emissionin the air . on average 1kgs of polyester clothe burnt leads to production of 4kgs of co2 considering 75% of total clothingimported are made of polyester, we shall measure primary impact by equating the total weight of clothing recycled bythese.
However our planet impacts are more by these, by preventing dumping of sythetic clothing at end life , we safe the planets and water way much of microplastics that are shed over years as these clothing tries to compose .synthetic dyes used in these clothes also washes away and pollute water ways . our planet impact goes beyond textile sector, the resultant products(brick and panel) are carbon negative and are used as replacers of polluting and energy intensive product that are currently used in construction sector eg synthetic plastic boards and wood based panel whose production requires tree felling.
we are a diverse team of professions brought together by passion and a need to see a green planet safe from textile
pollution amidst increased usage as population increase.
The team is led by James kamau , a mechanical engineer graduate with 5 years experience in product design and
innovation . previously ,james have worked in innoavtive textiles industry as a technical person and was largely involved
in making natural fibre decorticating machine for banana waste,fibre processing line from pineapple waste and is currently
leading these team to solve end of life problem which occurs irregardless of how production process was sustainable .
peter maina is a industrial chemist and a co founder of the venture . with 8 years experience in enviromental pollution
control , chemical material transformation he is key in product design
nathaniel and john are both social innovators working in designing and building affordable houses using sustainable
material.they advice us on the quality
fa-BRICK-it is a waste textiles to innovative construction material making company. our research and focus is recycling end
of life clothing into highest quality long life construction material , but these material must be marketed and used in textile
industry for our company to be sustainable .
to these end, we have partnered with inua uwezo builder who are first adopters of our products to try and test our material
in their affordable housing projects.these saves us costs of marketing and piloting. we are in discusion with kenya
industrial and research institute to collaborate in product as well as production machine line development which will ease
our entry to market .
to raise more revenue , our AI tech selection machine is creating a data pull of type of material recycled , source/brand
which we aim to collaborate with brand companies as they look for traceability and ways to attain sustainability. the data is
also important to government in charging carbon credit to companies
- Taking action to combat climate change and its impacts (Sustainability)
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
fa-Brick-it absorbs all end of life clothing an recycle them into an innovative acoustic and thermal insulator bricks used inhousing sector .by doing these we are able to prevent hundreds of tonnes of clothing from reaching dumpsite fire or water pollution and create jobs to micro entreprenuers who does slum and rural aggregation for us . our final product ( clothe based sustainable building bricks and panels) is a safe alternative to polluting and energy intensive material used in construction industry. with us dealing with end of life clothe we take what no one need.
our boards are infused by long term insect reppelants to ensure the build house is not only decent and affordable but also disease safe .
All our boards are acoustic, fire retardant ,light and easily customizable to reduce waste.
currently we are testing of interior panel with a group of engineers and interior designers to see its applicability. we are optimist these will be suscessful and that by end of trials on june 2023, we shall be able to get a chance to provide subdivision panel to 160 housing project inua uwezo builders our pilot partner is running,. with these , we shall be able to atleast move to scale production and recycle 16 tonnes of fabrics into construction boards and be able to analyze our cost
structures, profits and operational structure. we hope to finalize and designing of market fit product by year 2 and hopefully move to commercial production by year 2025.
New material generation through environmentally friendly bioresins and waste clothe .Its an improvement of normal structural bonding chemistry and mechanical engineering to develop materials that are structural wise strong to be used in construction industry .
- Manufacturing Technology
- Materials Science
- Kenya
currently we are testing of interior panel with a group of engineers and interior designers to see its applicability.
we are optimist these will be suscessful and that by end of trials on june 2023, we shall be able to get a chance to provide subdivision panel to 160 housing project inua uwezo builders our pilot partner is running,.
Currently the biggest challenge we are facing is age of the venture, production capacity and low market acceptability due
to limited knowledge of the technology and materials produced
our venture is barely 2 years and most of these time has being limited to lab , with these we have not created enough/big
collaboration of business who are willing to test and approve our material . Though we are doing perfectly in elimination
waste and creating next generation construction material, we fall short in marketing which is the backborne of our success.
with us domiciled in Africa ,production capacity and technology around is limited , im most cases we have being forced to
start working from developing the machine we need before even of thinking where we need it in product development.
These has drained us financially and also take lots of valuable time. with replicable and reverse engineered machine
machine available elsewhere , we feel we can do more if we can access then in real time
inua uwezo builders , pilot partners