Helping, Advancing and Nourishing the Plant, Agricultural and Animal life and Also the Environment and Atmosphere with Technology.
The World is Getting Better And Better Everyday and Every Hour, New Technology, New Structures, New Programs etc. The World has improved a Great Pace of Development and is Increasing the Pace Every Hour as the world is Growing. But the Ecosystem and the Atmosphere are not being able to keep up with the Pace and hence are getting harmed and unbalanced, as the Atmosphere is getting Harmed so is The Environment and Plant Life of the World. The people are trying to do their best but still aren't able to give their Best, as they should be helped and the Man Power should be Applied in Proper way, they also need Help and Rest .The World should keep Growing, the Man has to reach the Mars and Nothing should be Left Behind. The S.ER.NER.B.SYS is The Solution for all of these problems, from Agriculture to Environment Sustaining, Helping Atmosphere and Creating an Environment for Everybody, Man , Animals,Birds and Plants, All of this can be Done on A Very Large Scale And with less Budget and Less Man Power with Best Outcomes With S.ER.NER.B.SYS.
The S.ER.NER.B.SYS is a System which runs throughout the whole Agricultural Body or required portion to cover and will Connect the whole Ecosystem around the Place(farm) and will Help in one time analyzing and inspecting or even scheduled analyzing and will Help the Environment accordingly needed to the plants and will reduce almost all of the Harmful effect of Atmosphere completely. The S.ER.NER.B.SYS stands for 'Solar Energy Nervous Body System' , the S.ER.NER.B.SYS will act like a Whole System Which will Connect each part of the Farm and Environment. It will act like a Whole body System which will include the Respillars( Respiratory System [will also purify the Air as well as adjust the temperature]), Nervlines(pipelines which connect the Whole System and will act like Nerves and will also carry nutrients and analyzed Information) , The Main Power House will Be The Sol.E.C ( Solar Energy Collector) ,the Sol.E.C is the Power Generator of the Whole System that will Generate Power through Solar Panels will Utilize that Energy for the Running of the System and Store the Remaining Power , there will be a Manual Controlling Spot which will Overlook the Whole System and the System will be Controlled my it. The Sol.E.C is designed in such a way that it tackles the disadvantage of the Solar Energy which is 'more Space consumption ' the Sol.E.C has a Solar Cube which will be Covered in solar Panels and The stand which holds the Solar Cube, will be covered with mirrors so that the light gets Right on All Sides of the Cube No matter where the Sunlight is. The S.ER.NER.B.SYS will take care of the Environment and the Farm and keep the Farm at it's Best.
The S.ER.NER.B.SYS is a Great Help for Large Level (National Level) Agriculture to small level Agriculture. The S.ER.NER.B.SYS will also Help the Natural Parks as the Animals can be Overlooked and be observed as well as if Help is needed for the Animal in any way, it will notify the Caretakers. It can also be used fair having a nice Environment around any Structures. It can also be used for some kinds of projects regarding the Atmosphere. The Lives of the People, Animals, Plants and The Complete Atmosphere will at their Best , and the Work for People will also be Reduced. It's a in Budget Greta level Project which will Guve Best Outcomes in less Time and more Progress as the Monitoring, Energy Production, Caretaking and Observation are being Done Every time Continuously.
I am a Solo Guy, I don't have any Team or any Institute Helping Me. For Now, I don't have all of the things to Give a Proper Large Level Performance. Given the Proper Needs which are required, the Product can be produced on a Great Scale.
I have Ran through all of these procedures Required for A Proper Large Agricultural Life and a Large Scale Project or any other Projects Regarding the Vast Environment and Atmosphere. I have completely made The System with Advantages and Benefits, and have Ended all the Disadvantages. I have Asked the People who are Farmers, Environment Specialists, and Atmosphere Specialists and Botanists and Have Also Heard their Interviews. I have done All the Work by myself and Have came up with best conclusion.
- Other: Addressing an unmet social, environmental, or economic need not covered in the four dimensions above.
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea.