Covid free world
Covid free earth.
I am trying to eradicate covid fully from the globe.Present statistic shows there are approximately 600000 patients affect covid daily .
This should be gradually reduced.Eg: 500000, 300000, 100000, 50000, 20000, 7500,20, 0
In Sri Lanka now covid has eradicated to a significant level.
We should categarize the countries with covid by daily patients.Eg:United States, Brazil, India, Russia. if the highest number of daily patients are found in United States, we should give our high concentration towards United States.Then we have to recognize the states of USA by daily patients for an example of Arizona has highest number of Corona patients, we should give our high attention to Arizona State.If the daily covid patients are low in Newyork we can give our low attention to New York.
Same process should be implemented in other countries too.
We should use the maximum technology to eradicate this fully.From simple face mask to high technology air purification systems.
If we decide a home need a air purification system for save from corona in a high risky area we have to give them however by collecting a corona fund or whatever method.Modern Air purification systems are giving more than 80% support to get rid from Covid.If a place is not a high risky, we can just only use a mask to control this.High income countries can build air purification halls building more people can getogether and enjoy, do a job etc.until reduce this covid to a significant level.If possible, we can donate masks with air purifications, introduce air purifications to public transportation services including to electric trains, buses, etc.
Negative ion technology, UV light technology etc can be used.Free sanitization of buildings and houses can be implemented.
These things can be done additionally to covid vaccination every countries with daily high covid patients.If there is a country with economically not strong enough to eradicate this disease other countries can help that countries by a covid eradicating grants etc.
Every one in the country will like to live without covid in the world.They would like a world without Corona.Additional safety we can allow any one to wear a mask if need .
We are always serving in Sri Lanka but we have not capacity to serve whole world.
Yes.Covid is a global problem any patient can come to any country with covid If the custom will not behave strict.So until end this fully from whole world, we cannot mention a country without any risk.
- Improving healthcare access and health outcomes; and reducing and ultimately eliminating health disparities (Health)
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea.
Yes this consent use most advanced technology in the world against a disease.
I wish to attain Parinirvana as to Buddhism because of the merits of this achievement
Our hope should be atleast to reduce 50% of daily covid patients from whole countries by next year's.
Educate more people giving financial support for necessary circumstances
This use most advanced technology including airpurification systems with 2.5 air filteration technology, UV radiation , Negative Ion technology,Air purification masks, Sanitized buildings , sanitized factories etc.
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- Sri Lanka
We are always serving Sri Lanka by educating people etc.But we have no capacity to go worldwide.
Deficiency of Financial strength
Any organization or individual can purchase points from us and place banners in above website.First you have to make a profile there.Then you need to make a deposit to relevant bank and send deposit slip to mentioning the number of points you need USD 2 billion of points can be purchased by USD 500million