- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Every second child in the Philippines needs special help to fill the knowledge gaps evident in reading and math achievement decline and recover from learning loss caused by school closures and lack of access to engaging lessons. The interruption to the school year further exacerbates the pre-existing inequities in learning outcomes prevalent in the Philippine educational system, particularly in public schools. Prevalent issues involve low socio-economic status students and marginalized groups having less access to distance learning opportunities; low-income students experiencing greater learning losses while out of school than their high-income counterparts due to lacking access to tools and devices required for remote learning; and compounding problems experienced by disadvantaged and minority children, including girls who are typically the most adversely affected by school closures, manifested in increased dropouts.
Through EDGE Tutor we aim to solve the following problems
Reading skills have regressed by two years.
Math foundational skills have not been formed.
Material is not being understood. Interest in learning has been decreasing.
Inaccessibility to quality learning support
Risk of dropout and absenteeism has increased.
In 2020, more than 3 million students were left behind by the shift to remote learning due to the lack of access to devices and stable internet connections. While those who were able to participate in distance learning struggled with keeping up with the lessons given the lack of teacher support and the inability of parents to provide equal amounts of teaching and tutoring assistance to their children resulting in more than 5 million dropouts in 2021. Yet, while we see these pandemic-induced challenges very clearly, we importantly recognize that the learning loss of Filipino students has been in existence for years now. As evidenced in the 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), the Philippines ranked last in reading comprehension at 79 and 78th in science and math. This data demonstrates the lacking foundational skills among Filipino students missed due to overall education inequality in the Philippines, inaccessibility to alternative learning, and remote learning opportunities. We recognize the role of poverty exacerbates learning barriers making students from low-income families more likely to begin school already behind their more affluent peers and face challenges catching up.
In order to support Filipino learners nationwide and tackle the problems in education stated above, Edukasyon is implementing Edge Tutor - an accessible, quality, and localized online tutoring platform in the Philippines. Edge Tutor’s curriculum covers Math and English, which is in line with the K-12 Program and designed for effective teaching online. Through this learning solution, we are removing the barrier of only relying on traditional, brick-and-mortar learning institutions by offering quality learning online experiences to students that are not conditional on their ability to connect to fast internet or access to expensive learning gadgets, tools, and resources.
The tutor team is composed of licensed professionals who undergo a rigorous selection process to ensure the utmost quality of teaching. They also go through regular and thorough training so that their skills are continuously enhanced. Lessons are conducted in an engaging manner, incorporating a variety of multimedia, from videos to presentations, and also injecting a theatrical aspect to teaching and learning with singing, dancing, and movement. We believe all these elements create an environment conducive to learning, even in the comfort of one’s home.
Since Edge Tutor operates on a tech platform, we are able to analyze the behavior of students so tutors can easily improve the learning experience and outcomes. Blending technology with learning allows young people to develop future-ready skills which are essential for the 4th industrial revolution.
For the expansion of Edge Tutor, we aim to provide all students with access to our quality teachers and an effective curriculum, which is why the entire online tutoring experience will be made available in a mobile app. For this solution, we are currently completing the prototype-stage / beta phase set to be launched in Q3 2022.
The mobile app will be a freemium subscription service wherein downloadable bite-sized lessons, quizzes, and educational videos can be easily accessed and stored offline. It will also allow low data and bandwidth usage to ensure that we reach more learners, especially those in rural areas and with limited access to the internet. Our sustainable business model via the growth of paid subscriptions will allow us to fund the development of more free quality content, especially targeting underserved Filipino learners.
In addition, the Edge tutor program will deliver scalable, low-cost, and high-quality English and Math instruction to students aged 6-12 years old from low-income communities that will benefit from catch-up learning, mastery, and confidence-building as well as advanced learning.
Our programs are designed to produce large learning gains for a wide range of students but specifically work with partners to focus on those who have fallen behind academically. EDGE Tutor aims to provide tutoring services to 5,000 children by December 2022 through our ecosystem of non-profit organizations, partner schools, and corporate and customer sponsors
A meta-analysis of 200 research studies by Roland G. Fryer Jr. in 2016 found that high-dosage tutoring has a far greater effect on math and reading outcomes than even early childhood interventions. Through EDGE tutor’s high-dosage tutoring sessions complemented with additional learning materials on its mobile application, we aim to bridge the gap in learning for learners in underserved communities nationwide.
- Women & Girls
- Pre-primary age children (ages 1-5)
- Primary school children (ages 5-12)
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Philippines
- Philippines
Here at Edukasyon, we take pride in our steadfast relationships with private and public sector partners in the Philippines that allow us to fully scale Edukasyon projects nationwide, reach hundreds and thousands of students per individual project, and carry out sustainability measures. In all these projects, we find it imperative to collaborate and co-create solutions with partners, our target beneficiaries, and their communities.
Similarly, EDGE seeks input from target communities and beneficiaries through these stages of preparation before we embark on a program.
EDGE Tutor team deploys a team of Student Success Advisors who provide a course orientation to teachers and parents of the target communities. This consultation includes a tech readiness check and a learning environment check to ensure the target student group’s access and the devices are ready. These orientations can be done onsite or remotely.
Partner schools identify target groups by shortlisting students who received a final grade of 79% and below (considered below expectations) in Math and English for their previous grade level.
Target groups receive an online pre-assessment designed to identify learning gaps from the key competencies of each grade level. The pre-assessment is an online test that tests the understanding of foundational concepts necessary for the next grade level.
EDGE tutors conduct a FREE 1v1 online placement test in the form of live video lessons for 30 minutes for each target student to compile an individual learning plan.
The results of both pre-assessment and placement tests determine the grouping of each cohort to ensure that each student is placed at the same ability levels.
In the Philippines, millions of students are behind grade level. In 2019, only 17% percent of fourth-graders were considered “proficient” in math and only 10% of children before the age of 10 have the reading skills for secondary school. Falling behind in the early years of schooling in areas of Math and English impacts many students into adulthood. Research has linked third-grade reading proficiency with high school graduation rates, noting that students who are not reading proficiently in third grade are four times less likely to graduate high school than children with proficient reading skills. Mathematical skills are also a predictor of dropout rates with more advanced Mathematics being out of reach to students who fail to master the key concepts from grade school.
Poverty exacerbates these issues: students from low-income families are more likely to begin school already behind their more affluent peers and face challenges catching up.
High dosage distance tutoring—supplemental one-on-one or small group instruction—is an effective method for helping students learn, particularly those who have fallen behind in the foundational skills of literacy and numeracy. EDGE Tutor aims to provide the “the best learning conditions we can devise,” in part by individualizing instruction (Bloom 1984, 4). Compared to regular classroom instruction, tutoring also increases time on task (90+ percent versus 65 percent) and improves student attitudes and interests. Tutoring has been shown to increase the amount of feedback and correction between student and teacher, a key characteristic of effective teaching, and also ensures that students—including those who are struggling in school— receive the kind of individual attention they need. EDGE Tutor solution will implement tutoring in target communities through cost-effective, small-group tutoring by regular volunteer professionals through the effective leverage of ecosystem to center priority on target communities in low-income communities.
EDGE provides two-to-six individualized instruction with substantial contact time—one class period of about 50 minutes each day. In the Philippine school system, with 180 school days, that means a student receives individualized math and reading tutorials for as many as 150 hours per year.
Outcomes on Literacy
Reading Edge will have a positive and statistically significant impact on student reading comprehension, reading fluency, and sight-word reading measured through the results of a pre-test, placement test and mid and final assessment.
Students who received Reading EDGE tutoring will demonstrate growth in phonics, reading fluency, and oral reading fluency scores that were equivalent to an extra 50%-90% of a year of schooling.
EDGE students will demonstrate statistically significant improvements in reading engagement, social competence, persistence, and self-control during the program.
EDGE students will report positive, warm relationships with tutors and high enjoyment from lessons. Positive, warm student-tutor relationships are favorably associated with students’ growth in school engagement and persistence.
Outcomes on Numeracy
Math Edge will have a positive and statistically significant impact on mathematical foundation concepts
Students who received Reading EDGE tutoring will demonstrate growth in four operations, fractions, decimals, and basic geometry that is equivalent to an extra 50%-90% of a year of schooling.
EDGE students will demonstrate statistically significant improvements in attitude to Math, perceived self-competence, persistence, and self-control during the program.
EDGE students will report positive, warm relationships with tutors and high enjoyment from lessons. Positive, warm student-tutor relationships are favorably associated with students’ growth in school engagement and persistence.
Edukasyon recognizes the significance of integrating evidence in its solutions and approach to be effective in bridging the gap in learning. Through EDGE Tutor, Edukasyon has developed a robust, evidence-based learning curriculum delivered in high-dosage tutoring sessions. EDGE Tutor is integrating evidence into its teaching methods to primarily establish each student’s learning level, decide the most effective teaching strategies, monitor student progress, and modify teaching strategies to improve learning outcomes.
Tutoring can meaningfully improve learning for a wide variety of students
A recent meta-analysis reviewed studies of tutoring interventions that have been evaluated by randomized controlled trials in the past few decades and found that, on average, tutoring increased achievement by roughly an additional three to 15 months of learning across grade levels. (connection) EDGE Tutor has developed a curriculum that primarily works towards remediating students’ skill deficits through its own skill-building curriculum. This is to ensure that each student’s skill set in math and in literacy is aligned to their current grade level. Furthermore, Edge Tutors are able to tailor their instruction to the students’ current skill level, often beginning with fundamental mathematical skills. The bulk of each session is tethered to what students are working on in their math and literacy classes or what they will face in national math exams at the end of the school year. Following building fundamental literacy and numerical skills, EDGE tutor is able to assess students' skills and update the lesson plans to improve learning outcomes. EDGE Tutor’s effectiveness in implementing a high-dosage and individualized tutoring strategy enables students to better improve their learning skills.
High-dosage tutoring can be scaled and continually improve student learning outcomes.
A meta-analysis of nearly 200 research studies finds that high-dosage tutoring demonstrates greater improvement in math and reading outcomes, even compared to early childhood interventions. Further, high-dosage tutoring enables students to accelerate their learning. As students work closely with a trained tutor, the tutor is better able to adjust teaching tactics to meet the exact needs of each student. Tutors are also able to foster a positive relationship with students that will not only increase positive learning outcomes but transform students’ outlook toward learning positively. EDGE tutor constantly assesses students' ability and learning needs through a series of tests. The EDGE tutorial approach uses frequent internal formative and summative assessments of student progress to continuously individualize instruction and benchmark achievement. EDGE courses begin with a pre-test and end with a post-test; these tests help tutors determine how much review time is needed before the next unit. Mid-tests and daily progress reports assist tutors in targeting specific areas the student has not yet mastered that will be taught in the next unit. These numerous assessments allow tutors to constantly and consistently measure student progress and tailor curriculum to meet their students’ needs. Further, EDGE tutors are able to gradually scale and improve student learning outcomes because of tailor-fit instruction and assessment.
Tutoring is one of the most effective ways to increase achievement for students from lower-income families.
In 2017, a study examined interventions that aimed to improve educational achievement for elementary and middle school students from low socioeconomic backgrounds. The examination of intervention showed that tutoring was the most significant and most effective. Other interventions examined included feedback and progress monitoring, cooperative learning, computer-assisted instruction, and mentoring of students, tutoring was most effective.
Tutoring can be the most effective yet expensive solution to improving learning outcomes. But with EDGE tutor, we have developed teaching strategies and a business model that ensures accessibility to beneficiaries in low-income communities. EDGE Tutor solution will implement tutoring in target communities through cost-effective, small-group tutoring by regular volunteer professionals.
To ensure EDGE continues to be a low-cost, scalable and accessible solution to improve numeracy and literacy skills, Edukasyon reduces EDGE’s per lesson cost through
Funding partners’s portfolio includes a range of corporate partners that prioritize Edukasyon for its education advocacies. Through their sponsorship, we are able to provide high dosage tutoring to adopted communities and low-income school districts at only approximately 3 USD per lesson.
2. Edge Tutor partners
Edge Tutors for this program volunteer their timeslots at 50% of their normal rates as a public service. They commit 15 weeks for a fixed group for a minimum of 5 slots a week. Edge Tutor training is a scalable effort that can effectively launch tutors for the program in three days providing a steady supply.
3. Edge Parent Partners
Edge parents who purchase a 10-lesson package have the option to add $3 USD to provide10-lessons to a student in our adopted communities.
Currently, EDGE tutor is planning to launch its first group learning sessions targeting low-income communities in 16 communities in Malabon, Novaliches, and Quezon City. The group sessions will begin on July 16. EDGE is on track in planning an impacted program and is yet to gather data after the program’s success which will attest to its evidence-based teaching strategies. This places EDGE Tutor at Level 1 in the Nesta Standards of Evidence.
Tutoring programs that support data-use and ongoing informal assessments allow tutors to more effectively tailor their instruction for individual students. EDGE courses have clear learning objectives and engage in rigorous evaluations to assess the effectiveness of our programs.
Evidence-Based Learning
Robust assessment built into the program
Pre-assessment: Identifies the learning gaps on key concepts from each grade level.
Placement test: Identifies the optimal placement in the EDGE curriculum.
Mid-tests: Formative assessments on key milestones in the course.
Daily Progress Report: provides the tutor with timely feedback on each student for personalized instruction.
5. Final test: Achievement tests that demonstrate outcomes.
For more details about the assessment, please read this:
Edge Classroom App
The EDGE classroom app also collects system data that can provide insights on student engagement, participation, qualitative feedback, and reports of enjoyment. The data collected at the student level over their course duration include
Does the student enjoy the lesson?
Student evaluation on enjoyment from the lesson: 1 to 5-star rating, conducted after class, optional answer
2. Does the student participate in the lesson?
Student participation: % and minutes the student was engaged and on stage during lesson
3.Does the student spend valuable class time asking questions and offering ideas, answers, and solutions?
Student speaking time: % and minutes the student was speaking
4. Does the teacher agree that the child learned the objective?
Teacher Evaluation: Average % of daily progress reports with 1- to 5-star rating for performance
Classroom App data
Through the classroom app data we are able measure and analyze student's enjoyment of the lessons, student engagement, lesson durations and most especially, monitor students' progress.
Parent Involvement Data
EDGE classes are recorded in cloud storage in the classroom app. Parents may view the lessons live during a live stream or view the video later after class on the Classin App.
EDGE classroom app takes a screenshot of the lesson every 30 seconds to ensure that every step of the lesson is recorded.
EDGE classroom app collects parent involvement data in their child’s lesson with reports on:
Playback frequency: % of lessons where a video playback was accessed
Class evaluation: parent feedback on tutors, lessons in 1 to 5 rating
Live stream views: % of lessons where a parent may have observed live
Edge Tutor Quality Analysis Data
EDGE tutors are provided with regular professional development to improve their data-based decision-making.
EDGE tutors undergo a 3-day in-service training which includes a 4-hour self-access module EDGE and pairwork.
EDGE tutors have to pass a “mock” class with more senior teachers before meeting their first student.
EDGE Tutors are regularly observed by calibrated coaches who collect objective behavior based on the EDGE teacher observation rubric. EDGE tutors receive 1v1 post lesson observation consultations with EDGE academic coaches.
EDGE Tutors are also expected to review their personal performance dashboard that is collated by the Classroom App
EDGE tutor compiles a performance profile of each tutor to better deploy talents to the right age group.
EDGE Tutor gives children the winning EDGE by providing affordable, accessible, and quality online lessons in English and in Math for students aged 6-12 years old.
- Pilot
Since the early days of our inception, Edukasyon’s priority has been to use novel approaches to increase access to quality education for Filipino youth, especially learners in underserved communities where additional support in learning is limited or inaccessible. In order to support these learners, Edukasyon has developed EDGE Tutor – an online learning platform that removes barriers to effective literacy and numeracy instruction for Filipino students aged 6-12 years old. Stemming from Edukasyon’s Founder Henry Motte Munoz's core belief that “every child deserves a global classroom that is accessible, affordable, and personalized,” EDGE Tutor was launched in May 2022.
EDGE Tutor has transformed high-dosage tutoring and enrichment learning as we know it by removing location restraints, increasing access to mobile devices, saving time, and creating a new level of access to quality teachers allowing for more equity in education.
EDGE Tutor will deliver scalable, low-cost, and high-quality English and Math instruction to students aged 6-12 years old from low-income communities that will benefit from catch-up learning, mastery, and confidence-building as well as advanced learning.
Our programs are designed to produce large learning gains for a wide range of students but specifically work with partners to focus on those who have fallen behind academically. EDGE Tutor aims to provide tutoring services to 5,000 children by December 2022 through our ecosystem of non-profit organizations, partner schools, and corporate and customer sponsors.
Tying EDGE’s Tutor’s program goal to that of LEAP 2022, Edukasyon is looking into strengthening evidence, improving operational management and impact measurement methods, and developing an effective and sustainable business model.
Reinforcing Evidence in EDGE’s teaching strategies
EDGE Tutor’s teaching strategies and educational curriculum are developed under research evidence that high-dosage tutoring is the most effective solution in improving learning outcomes. We aim to contribute to this research by backing the statement through EDGE tutor’s own data and learning outcomes. In order to do this EDGE, together with LEAP will need to identify specific research questions that will aim to improve EDGE’s innovative learning solution.
Furthermore, EDGE aims to strengthen its effectiveness in improving learning outcomes for students from underserved learners and communities. Through the LEAP program, we aim to strategically identify key steps, teaching methods and platforms, and measurement tools to ensure that beneficiary learners are able to access the learning program effectively.
Impact Measurement
In the world today, we are more than inspired to witness learning solutions being developed across the globe. However, we recognize the importance of measuring impact to ensure the effectiveness, accessibility, and sustainability of the program. Here at EDGE Tutor, we have established different measurement tools from assessment tests built into the program, to analyzing data from students’ participation and engagement, and to parent involvement and feedback. Although we have managed to take into account inputs from teachers, students, and parents to determine the impact of our program, we aim to strengthen and co-develop other measurement tools for the EDGE program. Edukasyon takes value in the impact we create in our programs and consider it a key principle in all of our program implementations.
In addition, EDGE Tutor believes that every child is unique and each deserves a customized lesson according to their needs, level, and interests. Classes and grades may determine the benchmark expected based on the ideal framework. It helps in identifying the learning gaps that may have occurred. When the individual is supported by a teacher that can provide scaffolding and use an approach that gradually helps the child arrive at the answer at their own pace, learning sticks. Questioning that occurs in 1v1 and 1v6 formats where there is ample time to allow for student talk time and input, the tutor may extend the topic to help them build links to future and past learning. We aim to identify if students in group lessons are able to maximize tutoring the same as in an individual learning strategy. If not, we want to identify other methods that support each student in group studies and further empower EDGE Tutor for underserved learners.
Business Model
Edukasyon has developed a business model to ensure that EDGE tutor continues to be an accessible, low-cost, and scalable learning solution for our target beneficiaries. Similar to other social innovation programs of, we can tap into our partner network to look for organizations that are one with our goal to provide effective and accessible learning solutions to young Filipinos nationwide. Through the support of our partners, we are able to ensure the scalability and sustainability of each program. Furthermore, we are rallying support from EDGE parent partners and Tutor partners in delivering group lessons to target beneficiaries. Together with a dedicated LEAP fellow, we aim to strengthen our business model and identify fundamental steps to ensuring our EDGE tutor program is effective, scalable, and sustainable.
Specifically, EDGE Tutor’s project team aims to determine a robust financial model that will power the social enterprise and ensure its sustainability. As of today, EDGE Tutor’s costs of class production are funded by philanthropic donations and from paying customers from Class A and B markets.
Further, we want to develop a growing, sustainable social enterprise with B2B partners. Since learning is a long process, we want to identify opportunities for retention of services and support because learning is a long process. Since one-time projects are usually insufficient to make sustained progress, we want to know how we ensure continuity of progress through high retention of beneficiaries.
We aim to create a modeling tool that allows us to cost-effectively plan for Edge Tutor volunteer recruitment. How do we build, engage and retain the community of volunteers who drive the program? Since the Edge Tutor workforce will rely on a volunteer workforce on a modest stipend/ honorarium (50% of their hourly rate). We want to know the best ways to forecast, model, predict demand, and plan for the supply of those teaching hours from the workforce.
Under this financial strategy, we aim to develop the most effective social marketing strategy that can fuel the sustained support of low-income students. We aim to predict possible lead measures to monitor to assess accurately if these campaigns are working and how to optimize them so they generate a positive profit while making a social impact.
Potential Deliverables during the LEAP Sprint
1.A vital potential deliverable that would further support EDGE Tutor is a business model simulation that would identify the levers needed to generate revenue that will fuel the ability to serve underserved populations with the aim that 10% -30% of students served in the platform have come from. Here are key ideas and funding strategies that we have initially identified for EDGE Tutor.
a.Adopted partner communities
Partner organizations seek services for their adopted communities and Edge Tutor supplies the service that fits their mission. Edukasyon has a wide network of non-profit organizations and corporate foundations whose communities are in need of learning support. Edukasyon aims to bring EDGE Tutor to these underserved communities and improve learning outcomes for students.
b.Whole-school-led tutoring programs
Target groups of students are identified to require support in intensive, high-dosage periods to improve results and motivation. These programs are sponsored by partners or subsidized by organizations to provide K12 support during school hours. We can tap into Edukasyon’s schools and educational institutions network to garner support for the implementation of this model.
c.One-for-One Giving Model
Currently, EDGE Tutor has completed 1,184 lessons delivered to its customers and is aiming to reach 5,000 students by the end of the year. We can promote a one-for-one giving model to existing and potential customers where one lesson package can donate a reading course to a child in need of reading intervention.
2. Customer Journey maps for each student who is availing of EDGE programs and lessons through different pathways. We want to identify how we are able to customize the learning experience for it to remain relevant but also identify ways to reduce the cost of such variables in operations.
3. Establish a network of connections of the LEAP mentors that will provide us expert advice, allow us to learn from visibility, and put us in touch with resources or even potential clients will be a critical help LEAP mentors can give EDGE Tutor.
Utilizing the resources and mentorship opportunity provided by LEAP, we can support the program's sustainability plan as we will be better able to:
Enroll a significant number of students from low-income communities.
The class production cost of serving these students will be largely sustained by the Edge Tutor volunteer workforce and parent donations using the one-for-one giving model.
Predict the lead measures we need to monitor to ensure that we generate positive profit to make the venture sustainable.
Secure several channels that will ensure regular tutor supply for both B2C and B2B efforts.
Create retention-based agreements with multi-lateral orgs and foundations to provide longer-term support to adopted communities.
Effective planning and demonstration of a social marketing campaign that resonates and generates revenue that powers the social impact.

Partnerships Manager

Senior Partnerships Manager

Vice President