Healthcare services in Africa are overused yet under-resourced challenging healthcare providers with a significant burden to diseases. According to The World Health Organization, more than 2 million children die annually of acute respiratory infections, most often pneumonia where death can occur after 3 days of illness. Moreover, Tuberculosis (TB) is a global respiratory disease, found in every country in the world. It is the leading infectious cause of death worldwide. The World Health Organization estimates that 1.8 billion people—close to one quarter of the World's population—are infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), the bacteria that causes TB. Globally, respiratory and cancerous diseases are among the leading causes of deaths Worldwide. This is further escalated by the fact that there are inadequate trained radiologists in Africa. Imaging workflow is inefficient and inconsistent as scale and speed are constrained by the number of health specialists and radiologists available at any given time. While Covid-19 is placing an increased burden on radiologists Worldwide. As infections increase, doctors remain under pressure to diagnose more images in less time and at a lower cost that is why we founded Neural Labs Africa to aid in this noble task.
Our proprietary AI platform offers a great opportunity to enhance and augment radiology services, thereby relieving the bottleneck in medical imaging diagnosis. NeuralSight™ is capable of labeling different diseases on x-rays at a rate of 1000 x-rays per minute, which is 1000 times faster than a human being! Through our machine learning platform, we believe that NeuralSight™ will add significant value to our clinical colleagues as well as improve patient care relieving the burden of diseases in Africa.
Our AI platform offers a great opportunity to enhance and augment radiology services, thereby relieving the bottleneck in medical imaging diagnosis reducing disease burden and morality within the African region.
The team is made up of both Software and Machine Learning Engineers who are well skilled to develop and deploy AI models. Moreover, Neural Labs Africa has partnered with hospitals who provide data and specialists who work with the development team to develop sustainable models which are realistic and applicable in the health sector.
- Mitigate barriers to accessing medical care after diagnosis which disproportionately affect disinvested communities and historically underrepresented identity groups
- Prototype
Meeting like-minded people and industry peers is a major motive for attending the program. This will broaden our knowledge and solve challenges. We will also be able to learn a lot about things that are new to our field such as new methodologies, new types of equipment, unreleased data, or learning from thought-leaders you may not have heard of before. It also will give us an opportunity to share our thoughts and efforts with others. Attending the program has a dual benefit: not only may you learn about different areas of research in your discipline outside of your field, but there are also many sessions for professional development and career counseling.Growth and Market training. The funds will be focused towards helping us establish markets within our two demographic regions East and West Africa
We at Neural Labs Africa Innovation Hub have developed an algorithm that uses computer vision & deep learning to identify diseases in real time. Our AI platform offers a great opportunity to enhance and augment radiology. Imaging workflow is inefficient and inconsistent as scale and speed are constrained by the number of health specialists and radiologists available at any given time. Neural Labs Africa Innovation Hub have developed a solution that uses deep learning and Computer Vision to address these challenges in real time i.e. NeuralSight™. Through our machine learning platform, we believe that NeuralSight™ will add significant value to our clinical colleagues as well as improve patient care relieving the burden of diseases in Africa.
In the near future Neural Labs Africa has a vision to provide automated lab results for various imaging modalities such as CT Scans, MRI, and Digital Radilographies as well as cover other diseases especially cancerous diseases. To achieve these we are working with strategic partners for instance, with us joining the UNICEF Innovation Fund 2022 where we are working with hospitals focusing on peadtriatic imaging to impact and improve healthcare for children.
Recently, Neural Labs Africa started it’s operations in West Africa focusing on Francophone Africa. Such plans to upscale our technology in different African regions is fostered by our vision to build a solution for Africa a region where diseases overwhelming it’s population. Moreover, Neural Labs Africa is focusing on strategic partnerships with hospitals, Tele-Radiology Laboratories, and specialists to help impact and improve healthcare delivery within the different institutions. Our vision is guided by our road map which you could access using this link
NeuralSight™ identifies over 20 respiratory, heart and breast diseases which include: Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, COVID-19, Pneumothorax, Cardiomegaly, Benign breast Tumor, Malignant breast Cancer, Atelectasis, Infiltration, Emphysema, Nodule, Pleural Thickening, Effusion, at a rate of 1000 x-rays per minute, which is 1000 times faster than a human being! NeuralSight™ has proved 99% accuracy on the test data used. As infections increase, doctors remain under pressure to diagnose more images in less time and at a lower cost for availability and accessibility to everyone across Africa.
Using Computer Vision to classify Chest X-ray images of patients suffering from TB, Pneumonia, and COVID-19 in real time reducing time spent by hospitals to analyze lab results.
Computer Vision is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning that mimics the Human brain. Our algorithm Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) mimics the sense of sight in Humans by training the model to recognize images.
The objective of this project was to help reduce a patient’s wait time to receive interpolated lab results. The algorithm is trained to recognise Chest X-ray images immediately the Digital Radiography Captures the Chest X-ray image.
Convolutional Neural Network was used to classify the images and achieved 90% accuracy
- A new application of an existing technology
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- Kenya
- Senegal
- Kenya
- Senegal
- United States
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity (DEI) is an essential theme throughout our company. This approach enables us to build an inclusive workplace where we truly value the contributions of all staff. We are committed to working with and for underrepresented communities by providing a supportive space for their voices to be heard through mentorship and insight. To incorporate this into our work daily is by reinforcing the mindset that everyone’s voices matter, everyone’s opinion is valued and everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed. We have been able to recruit the most qualified candidates to our open positions because of strong ethical and career development processes that reflect our core values.