Just as the term ‘non governmental’ implies, a non governmet
lack of participation of the stakeholders who hardly had any influence and control over development. Sustainable development can only be achieved by continuity.
If the recipients of the NGOs are nonchalant about the need to actively participate in order to execute and maintain the program of change offered, such development would not last long.
Correcting a mistake at work, whether it was made by you or someone else
Overcoming a delay at work through problem solving and communication
Resolving an issue with a difficult or upset customer
Overcoming issues related to a limited budget, and still delivering good work through the use of creative problem solving
Overcoming a scheduling/staffing shortage in the department to still deliver excellent work
Troubleshooting and resolving technical issues
Handling and resolving a conflict with a coworker
Solving any problems related to money, customer billing, accounting and bookkeeping, etc.
Taking initiative when another team member overlooked or missed something important
Taking initiative to meet with your superior to discuss a problem before it became potentially worse
Solving a safety issue at work or reporting the issue to those who could solve it
Using problem solving abilities to reduce/eliminate a company expense
Finding a way to make the company more profitable through new service or product offerings, new pricing ideas, promotion and sale ideas, etc.
Changing how a process, team, or task is organized to make it more efficient
Using creative thinking to come up with a solution that the company hasn’t used before
Performing research to collect data and information to find a new solution to a problem
Boosting a company or team’s performance by improving some aspect of communication among employees
Finding a new piece of data that can guide a company’s decisions or strategy better in a certain area
Non governmental organizations need money to run as such those who fund the organization are particularly influential to the direction an NGO moves.
If there is no synchrony of purpose between NGOs and funders, there will be operational friction which may cause a delay or total abandonment of programs. Ironically, that approach is more likely to waste time and money and reduce the odds of success than one that strives at the outset to achieve an in-depth understanding of the problem and its importance to the firm. With this in mind, we developed a four-step process for defining and articulating problems, which we have honed with our clients. It consists of asking a series of questions and using the answers to create a thorough problem statement. This process is important for two reasons. First, it rallies the organization around a shared understanding of the problem, why the firm should tackle it, and the level of resources it should receive. Firms that don’t engage in this process often allocate too few resources to solving major problems or too many to solving low-priority or wrongly defined ones. It’s useful to assign a value to the solution: An organization will be more willing to devote considerable time and resources to an effort that is shown to represent a $100 million market opportunity than to an initiative whose value is much less or is unclear. Second, the process helps an organization cast the widest possible net for potential solutions, giving internal and external experts in disparate fields the information they need to crack the problem
The active participation of the society must first be ensured and the people taught ways to maintain and continue the development programs. Grants, donations from the general public, national and international philanthropists, governments will go a long way in reducing the financial constraints non governmental organizations face Systems of check and balance should be put in place to ensure that funds are dispensed to the right functions and directed towards development programs and not personal gains. Thorough research must be conducted into the culture, values and religion of the target society and programs tailored to a cultural fit, so as not to insult the cultural sensitivity of the people. Gaining the people’s trust is Paramount to effecting any changes.
Security measures should be put in place for these volunteers in order to protect the lives and properties of these NGOs An intense call for the education of every citizen needs to be embarked on. Adults and children alike need education and should be encouraged to take advantage of the free primary education provided for by the Nigerian government.
Youths should be oriented on the importance of skill acquisition and self employment, by these even they could be employers of labor .Skill acquisition may be imputed into the academic curriculum of schools of various levels.
- Optimize holistic care for people with rare diseases—including physical, mental, social, and legal support
- Concept
Have a defined strategy for hiring, operations and other organizational processes have a strong financial system have a target audience A robust marketing strategy will cater to them have marketing budget decide on what strategy to apply. Person-to-person? Social media flyers and posters Or a mix of different strategies how about record-keeping do you have a plan how often would you produce reports? Bi-monthly, quarterly or annually the above requirements are essential, especially if your NGO’s activities are grant-funded (which means you’ll have to submit regular reports to your handlers the sad reality is not everyone gets grants at the start, but proper record-keeping would prove very helpful should you decide to apply for funds in the future.
I’ll go ahead and assume you went with option two. The opportunity to innovate is something most of us want more of in our daily work lives. Yet often, we feel we can’t be more creative at work because of factors beyond our control. Perhaps your company is risk-averse and likes to play it safe, perhaps your targets are intimidatingly aggressive, or perhaps the sheer size of your to-do list makes adding anything new feel impossible While a lot of these may be true, there are also some tips and tricks almost anyone can adopt to keep your innovation muscles strong and ready to go. And like any muscle group, the more you practice it, the stronger, better, and more unstoppable it becomes. Here are 10 things you can do on the job to make it easier to be more innovative every single day. Whenever you see something from the big wide world that captures your attention, put it on display. It can be any discovery: an awesome ad in a magazine, an unusually arranged menu, or even a well-written email that made you laugh. The more provocative, the better
Well I’m really excited about this opening. In the next five years, I would like to be recognized as an expert in this sector. This job will for sure provide me with a golden opportunity to do the same. Since I already have a few years of work experience, I am excited to take up managerial responsibilities in the coming few years. Besides, I have the potential to lead projects, and if I am able to deliver, I am sure this organization will give me the chance to become one of the forerunners. I would like to mention that in the past, I have worked with some amazing managers. Under them, I have bloomed into a professional with great managerial skills myself. Five years ago, I wanted to be where I am today. So five years from now, I want to set up realistic goals for myself and also for my organization. During my internship years, it was quite difficult for me to foresee what was coming. I had set up simple goals which I know I could achieve. In the upcoming five years, I want to test myself. I have set up targets which can bring out the best of me. These objectives deal with making decisions that were tough but fruitful. In my initial years, I tried to play it safe which most people do. The five years I see ahead of me are full of responsibilities which need better decisiveness. I am sure the years will be mutually progressive for me and the organization.”I will keep the same fire alive within and I hope I will achieve my goal In past, when someone asked me where do you see yourself five years from now, I was not specific with my answer. This made me realize that I wasn’t decisive with my goals. I repeated this question in my mind several times. I have come to a simple conclusion. In upcoming years, I see myself satisfied with the work I am doing. To make this a reality, I have to work within an atmosphere which understands my views. I am sure that this organization can help me achieve the target. Every element of my goal can be constructed within the walls of this organization. The organization respects hard work. The motivation can help me grow and excel in the field. So after five years, I can say that I am happy with the work I do.”
This is the foundation of keeping track of your progress and also accomplishing your goals. A lot of us just go through the motions day-to-day. We are on pure “survival mode In order for you to start tracking your progress, you must take a step back and look at the big picture. Why do you do what you do? What is the purpose of waking up in the morning and getting the day started? Think about these things and answer these questions with the end result in mind. Where do you see yourself in the future in every aspect of your life?
Take the time to reflect upon your goals and imagine what the big picture looks like. It’s important for you to see the bigger picture rather than just living day-to-day with no direction or motivation.
When it comes to tracking your progress toward your goals, planning and organizing your time is key to accomplishing your goals. Once you are clear with the big picture, you must now plan and organize the necessary steps that you need to take in order to accomplish your goals.
Share your goals with your spouse or a good friend. It’s important to have another person ask you about your progress. When there is someone else other than yourself holding you accountable, you are more likely to get your tasks completed throughout the week. You will be motivated by both the desire to avoid letting them down as well as the support and encouragement that they offer when you do accomplish your goals.
Working with a life coach is a great way to help you track your progress toward your goals. When I share my goals with my husband, it helps me stay focused on the tasks that need to be completed.
With each accomplishment, it’s important for me to take a step back and celebrating my success
If you are constantly looking ahead and never taking the time to celebrate your accomplishments, you will most likely get burnt out. When you get burnt out, you lose the motivation to stay focused on your goals.
I know that I am guilty of constantly looking ahead and focusing on the next big thing. What has really helped me stay motivated in accomplishing my goals is celebrating along the way. Celebrating your accomplishments, no matter how small, is a way for you to track your progress toward your goals. You’ll be able to stop and appreciate your hard work before moving onto your next goal.
Whenever you accomplish a goal, make sure you take the time to celebrate.
Theory of Change is essentially a comprehensive description and illustration of how and why a desired change is expected to happen in a particular context. It is focused in particular on mapping out or “filling in what has been described as the “missing middle” between what a program or change initiative does (its activities or interventions and how these lead to desired goals being achieved. It does this by first identifying the desired long-term goals and then works back from these to identify all the conditions outcomes that must be in place (and how these related to one another causally for the goals to occur. These are all mapped out in an Outcomes Framework the Outcomes Framework then provides the basis for identifying what type of activity or intervention will lead to the outcomes identified as preconditions for achieving the long-term goal. Through this approach, the precise link between activities and the achievement of the long-term goals are more fully understood. This leads to better planning, in that activities are linked to a detailed understanding of how change actually happens. It also leads to better evaluation, as it is possible to measure progress towards the achievement of longer-term goals that goes beyond the identification of program output
Fingerprint recognition identifies a person by using a pattern-matching software. It is used in police stations, high-security industries and in situations such as taking attendance, voter registration and identification, driver’s license and professional ID card verification, and to authenticate users to unlock smartphones.
Body/Face recognition systems are comparing people’s faces to their passports and driver’s license photos; Used for attendance tracking, it searches for potential criminals and terrorists attending events and using their mobile phone camera to unlock devices. Also, Facial recognition can recognize people in photos on Facebook.
Iris Recognition scans the iris and measures the unique patterns in the colored circle of the eye. It can operate at long distances and is known for being fast and highly accurate. Its applications are the same as fingerprint recognition systems.
Emotion technology helps businesses construct their marketing strategy based on a user’s emotional reaction, which has found to influence what we buy. Both Emotion detection and recognition technology are being used to help drive purchases because studies Industry giants are analyzing and identifying person’s mood based on facial expressions. Moreover, Facebook has been using emotion recognition technology to personalize ads based on reactions to posts, such as “likes and other reactions virtual reality allows users to experience a world that doesn’t exist. Devices let users interact with a 3D world that isn’t real by wearing a particular headset or smart glasses and some form of input tracking. Augmented reality integrates digital information with the user’s environment in real time. Unlike VR, AR uses the existing environment and overlays new information on top of it. Mixed Reality (MR) aims to combine the best aspects of both VR and AR and can include AR, augmented vitality and other mixed configurations. Transporting virtual experiences are those who transport users to different virtual locations via a virtual-reality headset.
Examples include:
- Google Cardboard or Google Daydream VR transports users to different virtual worlds
- Sports fans feel as if they’re part of a professional sports team through Oculus Rift’s game, VR Sport Challenge
- The viral game, Pokémon Go, uses AR to allow players to use their smartphone cameras to find game characters in a physical world
- Microsoft’s Halogens brings the physical and digital worlds together and lets users engage with digital content and interact with holograms in mixed reality
- London’s luxury hotel, One has a bar that virtually transports customers to the distillery where one of its whiskeys is made
With improvements regarding platforms, content, applications and lower prices for some devices, the Virtual Reality industry is moving forward. Once thought of as the technology for gamers, AR, VR, and MR are now also finding their way to business enterprises to provide sensory experiences beyond our imagination
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence is the most exciting area for us to look at — as this is a super set of all the experiences discussed above. The systems of tomorrow are starting to collect, and visualize the data collected by Voice, Biometrics, and Images and then mine it to create much better experiences in the future.
What we know of Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics and Artificial Intelligence today is only the tip of the iceberg. Tomorrow’s systems — those that know exactly where you are, what you are doing, what you are looking at and that can predict the future of what you will be doing and production of those futuristic experience even before you know — will happen sooner than later.
Dozens of other applications of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence include:
- User behavior analytics — Detecting patterns of suspicious behavior for detecting credit card fraud. This could come from Image, Voice or Biometrics
- Linguistics — used for Natural Language Processing and Natural Language Understanding
- Marketing — Mainly for analyzing data, efficiently target audiences, forecasting
- Insurance — Machine learning for computer-generated insurance information, automating the claims process
- Search engines — For ranking, understanding search queries, understanding documents such as classifying pages and detecting spam
- Healthcare — Technology for medical diagnosis, identifying diseases, personalizing treatments based on predictive analytics, collecting records, sending and receiving real-time data from wearable devices, sorting patient queries via email, transforming handwritten text into digitized text
- Filtering spam — Artificial Intelligence for email spam filtering
- Drones — powered by AI, drones, especially military drones, can make decisions and operate automatically
- Self-driving cars — AI for autonomous vehicles includes technology for making accurate decisions and for computer vision, automatic speech recognition, object detection
- Games — To generate responsive interactions, like the Deep Blue chess-playing computer
- A new application of an existing technology
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 13. Climate Action
- 14. Life Below Water
- 15. Life on Land
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Nigeria
- Nigeria
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
The first is unconscious bias, which can include associations or feelings of bias that may be hidden underneath the surface. Bilal explained a timeless notion to the audience at unconscious biases do not necessarily align with our conscious beliefs or declared beliefs, which means unconscious biases are even more important to pay attention to Leaders can start addressing this by helping employees understand how individuals are impacted by unconscious bias, and what actions continue to reinforce biases. One way to build awareness and address unconscious bias is to encourage every employee to review, question, and analyze their own personal biases and assumptions underscored the importance of leaders and employees keeping a thought journal to process their own biases. Recording instances of stereotyping as they occur will help people become more aware as they start to make those biases more conscious. This will help people observe when they begin to stereotype individuals so they can refute and replace biases
Cultural humility is another way leaders and employees can manage bias and foster more inclusive environments. This concept involves remaining curious and humble about cultural differences. Bilal emphasizes the importance of understanding that no one is an expert, but is on a continuous learning journey when it comes to respecting and embracing other people's experiences and realities. Becoming culturally competent, Bilal adds, is a lifelong practice.
One way organizations can help employees manage their own bias is by leveraging technology and training that provides guidance on actions for moving forward suggests that a concern with diversity or unconscious bias training and teaching is that people can become defensive, and using technology can help alleviate that concern.
“Training can be designed to reduce defensiveness by explaining that we don’t have unconscious biases because we’re bad people – we have them because we are people,” she explains. The article adds that internal bias training is an effective way to inspire change and higher understanding amongst employees
Managers must level out the playing field and provide fair opportunity for each employee. Organizations can leverage analytics to identify which employees are underpaid for similar roles or responsibilities. For example, people analytics can help managers pinpoint any pay gaps that may exist within their team, and leaders can assess patterns within various departments to get to the root of underlying issues. This insight can help identify patterns or trends that may exist where certain groups of employees like people of color, for example, are being underpaid within certain areas of the business
Diversity training helps employees understand how cultural differences can impact how people work and interact at work. It can cover anything from concepts of time and communication styles to self-identity and dealing with conflict. Diversity training that is offered as optional tends to be more effective than that which is made mandatory.
Companies should also focus on training that’s relevant to their specific organization and employees, and that aligns with their broader diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives and identified challenges. In addition to using internal resources, partnering with a consultant can help leaders build customized training programs for both the organization as a whole, as well as those that are function-specific.
It’s critical that leaders are clearly communicating why training is taking place, problems you’re trying to solve, and what comes next. This will help keep people motivated and also help them understand how the learning's tie back to broader company goals
One way to build awareness of diversity and foster greater inclusivity is to be aware of and acknowledge a variety of upcoming religious and cultural holidays. When closing out a team call or meeting, if the audience isn’t too large, ask how people what their plans are to celebrate the holiday. Use your company’s intranet to help employees become aware of and keep track of multicultural religious or holiday celebrations. Be respectful of these days when scheduling meetings, and understand that employees have different needs that may require flexibility the Employee Experience Advantage” said a key part of diversity is understanding and learning from different voices, experiences, values, and cultures. Morgan likened team diversity to focusing on all 64 squares in a chess game instead of getting stuck on one aspect of the board, or where you happen to be playing. In the context of the workplace, getting stuck is similar to focusing only on a particular geography, or your own department or team.
A diverse cross-section of talent allows enhanced perspective, which will spur creativity on teams. If your team is homogeneous, invite someone who is a different gender, cultural background, or age, to weigh in on an initiative or project.
The advertising business model has been around a long time and has become more sophisticated as the world has transitioned from print to online. The fundamentals of the model revolve around creating content that people want to read or watch and then displaying advertising to your readers or viewers.
In an advertising business model, you have to satisfy two customer groups: your readers or viewers, and your advertisers. Your readers may or may not be paying you, but your advertisers certainly are. An advertising business model is sometimes combined with a crowdsourcing model where you get your content for free from users instead of paying content creators to dIf you can bring together a large number of people to contribute content to your site, then you’re crowdsourcing. Business models are most frequently paired with advertising models to generate revenue, but there are many other iterations of the model. Thread less, for example, lets designers submit t-shirt designs and gives the designers a percentage of sales. Companies that are trying to solve difficult problems often publish their problems openly for anyone to try and solve. Successful solutions get rewards and the company can then grow its business. The key to a successful crowdsourcing business is providing the right rewards to entice the “crowd” while also enabling you to build a viable business. If you want to make and sell something in stores, you typically work through a series of middlemen to get your product from the factory to the store shelf. Disintermediation is when you sidestep everyone in the supply chain and sell directly to consumers, allowing you to potentially lower costs to your customers and have a direct relationship with them as well. Instead of selling an entire product, you can sell just part of that product with a fractionalization business model
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Sometimes, it seems like community work has a high price tag, and no one wants to foot the bill. There is so much change we want to see happen, but our finances are in such a sorry state that we're just trying to maintain what we've done so far. Staff is underpaid, overworked, and burning out; necessary programs are dropped or scaled back because there's no money; and closing the organization's doors is a constant fear in the back of everyone's mind. This goes on for years for many nonprofit groups; for others, the doors really do slam shut.
Sound familiar? Our question in this section is, how can this be avoided? Or, if this is the reality your group is faced with, how can it be changed?
Earning money - and as staff of nonprofit organizations, we do earn every grant dollar or other bit of funding we obtain - isn't a mystical process. It's not something that can only be understood by a chosen few. It's a process almost anyone can do. And with enough time and effort, it's a process that can be richly rewarding.
However, it's something that can't done well haphazardly. "If we need it, it will come," isn't a safe philosophy for members of community groups to live by. Many groups will say, "This is really important. Let's do it, and worry about the money later." Later, unfortunately, ends up meaning headaches and frustration, and being in the red.
In this section, we'll look at the basics of planning for the financial sustainability of your organization. We'll discuss what it means, why do it, and how to do it. Finally, we'll close the section with some tips from the field from folks who have been doing this work for a long time.
Generally, people think about sustainability at the point at which their grant is a year from ending, at best, often three months. And they say, 'What we need now is to replace the 1.2 million, hundred twenty thousand, forty thousand dollars,' - whatever it is their grant was. They say financial sustainability is replacing that money and continuing to do what we're doing. That's the general thinking and it's erroneous. It really is a status quo way of thinking of sustainability. You have to ask yourself, what have we been doing, what is worth maintaining and how do we maintain that. One of the ways of doing that is by institutionalizing the effort. That is, you do a curriculum on domestic violence prevention and after your first year of doing it, the schools, the YMCA, or the shelter pick it up. They find a way to get a state grant or something but they keep doing it and so you've institutionalized it into some more formal part of the community. This is the most successful way of doing it, 'cause it means it will keep goin The second way to be sustainable is you create policy change. They recently did a policy in the courts in Massachusetts that requires all divorcing couples to go through a course on the impact on kids before you divorce. So, if you had been doing a prevention program on trying to limit the negative effects of divorce on children, you get the courts to make this mandate. You've now created a policy that will institutionalize this program.
"The third way to be sustainable is really to turn to the community and to strengthen the community in their capacity to solve the problems. This is the idealistic community development approach. I think it's the hardest and longest term, but I think it's a goal that's worth achieving.
"But generally, when people talk about sustainability, they're not thinking about any of those three. They're thinking about incorporating, getting the cash, and continuing to do what they are doing using the money. All this has a place, but only has it after you've asked yourself some questions about the other three.
"The way you should develop sustainable coalitions is when you get your funding, think about what your goals are, and how you're going to sustain your work.
You think at the beginning of a coalition what is that you're trying to do and how would you sustain the pieces of what you're trying to do over time. You don't think about it just in terms of money
