People with rare diseases need to be definitively cured
Problem: Many diseases cannot be cured.
Current state of the problem: There are 7,000 diseases of varying severity that are currently incurable, and this affects 1 in 10 people on Earth.
Cause of the problem: Medicine follows the established laws of physics, and physics has been following the abstract laws of mathematics for 100 years and has actually abandoned determinism. Physics, in fact, claims that the laws of nature are subject to the probabilistic principles of the causelessness of processes and imposes its abstract ideology on medicine.
If medicine establishes facts that contradict the current paradigm of physics, then it seems to us that doctors are being persecuted. For example, almost immediately after receiving the Nobel Prize, Dr. Luc Montagnier became a dissident of science for his study of the electromagnetic radiation of DNA in water. Luc Montagnier said at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic about wave therapy:
“I think we can make interference waves which are behind the RNA sequences that can eliminate those sequences with waves and consequently stop the pandemic”
Marc Henry a professor of Chemistry and Quantum Mechanics:
“If we treat with frequencies and not with medicines it becomes extremely cost effective regarding the amount of money spent. We spend a lot of money to find the frequencies, but once they have been found, it costs nothing to treat”.
However, wave therapy is contrary to the financial interests of pharmaceutical companies. Therefore, as it seems to us, wave therapy and all its supporters are not supported.
The essence of the contradiction between the methods of wave therapy and physics lies in the fact that wave therapy has established the fact that it is possible to selectively destroy pathogens using low-frequency wave fields at their own resonant frequencies of the molecules of microorganisms.
But physics argues that low-frequency waves with a very low temperature of the phonons cannot selectively affect the state of the molecular bonds of pathogens. Only the implementation of thermal broadband impact on all molecules of the body is allowed, as in a microwave oven.
For example, physics claims that there are quantum levels of fine splitting of Rydberg lines according to the laws of quantum mechanics, but cannot even explain the formation of lines of hyperfine (low-frequency) splitting of Rydberg lines.
Physics asserts that the formation of probability waves of Rydberg line splitting has no retroactive effect. However, the facts of wave therapy confirm the retroactive effect on the formation and re-formation of high-frequency waves of atomic bonding, which, according to physics, do not really exist, because these are probability waves.
Thus, physics is not able to understand that all processes in the body are based on the complexes of resonant frequencies of the parametric resonance of molecules with a high degree of mutual coherence and with the soliton principle of minimizing the force and energy of interaction between the elements of matter. This multi-frequency process is similar to the principles of cellular communication, where each communication channel does not affect other communication channels, but all the many communication channels use one small wavelength range.
There are other technical problems with electromagnetic wave therapy, such as the incompatibility of the allowed wavelength ranges with the frequencies of molecules for medical purposes.
Purpose of the challenge:
To define the concept and ways to overcome the scientific crisis in medicine, and begin to accumulate data and implement a safe and effective treatment of any disease using the “NMR Wave Therapy” method. This name emphasizes the fundamental role of the NMR method in calculations and experimental studies of the resonant frequencies of molecular coupling constants for wave therapy.
It will depend on whether there will be enough willpower of the people concerned to achieve the goal. In the age of information technology, it seems to us, there is no other way for the development of medicine. Drug treatment is a relict of the 19th century.
Typically, the NMR method uses a strong artificial magnetic field. If the NMR method does not use an external artificial magnetic field, then this method is widely used and is called the NMR method of the Earth's magnetic field. This method has the essential feature of having a minimum width of NMR lines to be identified and only coupling constants are detected. These, phenomena make it possible to increase the accuracy of setting the required resonant frequencies, compared with NMR artificial weak and strong magnetic fields, and allows NMR wave therapy to be carried out.
It is known that the energy of each Rydberg line is equal to the kinetic energy of an orbital electron in atoms. It is also known that all Rydberg lines of individual atoms and molecules have splitting levels. In addition, it is known that when deciphering the structure of molecules by the method of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), an important role is played by the frequencies of the coupling constants in the main Hz-th wave range.
However, the NMR coupling constants are measured mainly in the Hz-range of waves, and the relative error in their determination is large. Therefore, in NMR wave therapy, it is necessary to switch to higher frequencies of coupling constants in the kHz and MHz ranges, which have a much smaller error.
To implement a simple transition he low frequencies to high frequencies NMR wave therapy, not long ago, established and confirmed by experimental data, new универсальные квантовые законы реальности, which establish interdependent synchronization (coherence) of the waves of splitting levels of the Rydberg lines from the frequencies of the THz range, to the frequencies of the NMR coupling constants in the Hz range of waves.
The essence of the NMR wave therapy technique is as follows:
Coupling constants NMR are used in the generally accepted decoding of the structure of the investigated molecules of the body and allow them to be used to calculate the expected sequences of resonant frequencies of NMR wave therapy in a wide range of waves, based on their mutual synchronization by quantum processes.
The deterministic structure of the molecules is necessary to establish each time the specific goal of NMR wave therapy, i.e. to change the parameters of a specific bond of atoms in all the same molecules in the body.
This is followed by the process of detecting the corresponding resonant responses in the patient in order to refine them in real conditions. The impact is carried out by weak fields at frequencies that are close to the calculated values of resonant frequencies, based on universal quantum laws.
And only after a reliable establishment of a complex of resonant frequencies that correspond to the purpose of therapy, NMR wave therapy is performed, starting with a minimum power. After that, it is necessary to establish changes in the complex of resonant frequencies and fix changes in the patient's condition in order to determine further actions.
Our solution will allow in the future to cure any diseases of all people in need, with a safe and effective method of NMR wave therapy, by correcting the state of specific molecules that cause diseases, including remote methods of diagnosis and therapy.
The success of any innovative solution is directly related to the right goal. The goal proposed in the decision: to treat all diseases in a non-contact and harmless way NMR wave therapy is not set by medicine, in principle, due to objective reasons for limited achievements, insufficient predictive power and non-compliance the proposed solutions with of the bases modern science. Therefore, we do not yet have any contacts with the communities, nor those we serve, nor the means to realize the goals. But the goal we propose is supported by all the necessary sequence of experimental and theoretical confirmations. This is what we are working on. There is also hope that this goal will be understood by the teams at MIT and its partners.
- Mitigate barriers to accessing medical care after diagnosis which disproportionately affect disinvested communities and historically underrepresented identity groups
- Enhance coordination of care and strengthen data sharing between health care professionals, specialty services, and patients
- Empower patients with quality information about their conditions to fight stigma associated with rare diseases
- Promote community and connection among rare disease patients and their advocates
- Concept
With our worldview, we hope to change the negative attitude of medical science towards wave therapy. We also hope for common sense, in the hope that it will be possible to overcome the contradictions of wave therapy to the financial interests of pharmaceutical companies.
All our work is aimed at forming the foundations of a new deterministic physics of reality, including for medicine.
The motto of our work:
Only facts and physical analogues.
Principles of our work:
•Casual determinism; causal determinism;
•Occam's Razor: Among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected;
• The use of only such mechanisms that have a physical cause and physical analogues;
• Exclusion of ideal properties of matter and fields;
• Exclusion of a set of abstract entities;
• The use of the only fundamental entity, which is a toroidal, vortex, fractal soliton and a de Broglie or Compton pilot wave.
For example, it is known that the fine structure constant α is a fundamental constant in quantum mechanics and characterizes the fine structure of spectral lines. The meaning of α is that it is equal to the ratio of the speed of the electron in the main orbit of the hydrogen atom to the speed of light.
Quantum mechanics does not explain the stability of the orbital velocity of an electron, but states that the position of the electron in the orbit is not defined, and is given by the probability wave function in the Schrödinger equation, which led to the rejection of reality and of determinism. The rejection of the reality of the medium of the physical vacuum led to the introduction of the ideal property of photons to transfer energy without dissipation, which led to the study of the fantastic big bang.
However, the stationary Universe is simpler and more interesting due to the circulation of energy in soliton structures and the classical parametric resonance in them. Classical parametric resonance is carried out with necessarily existing energy dissipation, both in structures with nonlinear elastic elements, and with the formation of solitons in nonlinear media. Otherwise, the dispersion interaction of high-quality resonators in atoms and molecules cannot exist.
It should be noted that the uncertainty of the position of the orbital electron in quantum mechanics obviously occurs with the loss of very important information about the parameters of the orbital motion of the electron.
In quantum mechanics, to calculate splitting spectral lines, the basic Dirac equation is used, which uses an unacceptable square root of the sum of squares of quantum numbers and an insufficiently substantiated dependence of the de Broglie wavelength parameters on the mass, which shifts the spectral lines from the exact numbers of harmonics of the splitting lines. Then very complex corrections are used for each spectral line. Therefore, it seems to us that the calculations of splitting lines in quantum mechanics can only be used as approximating functions and nothing more.
In contrast to quantum mechanics, the solution of the Mathieu equation in parametric resonance gives the distribution of amplitudes in a Fourier series. The inverse Fourier transform results in unique non-circular motion parameters for each orbital electron in each atom and molecule. This information about the amplitudes of the resonant peaks makes it possible to significantly improve the identification of each unique molecular bond in the form of a relative amplitude distribution of lines in the Fourier spectra. Where the amplitude characterizes the relative frequency of changes in specific quantum levels and the corresponding intensity of photon emission, during the motion of an electron with deterministic transitions along quantum orbits.
For example, in the experimental NMR method, splitting lines are identified using logical coupling constants in multiplets that characterize a specific Fourier series with numbers of harmonics of splitting lines and with a unique distribution of amplitudes in the parameters of molecular bonds.
Our concept of new physics defines the geometric and numerical cause of quantum phenomena. It is not difficult to see that the reciprocal value of the fine structure constant 1/α=137.036 indicates the number of 137 toroidal pilot waves in the fractal structure, which are elements of a deeper level of matter than an electron, with 137 times less angular momentum, but with a higher propagation velocity interactions, etc. The main feature of the fractal structure of matter is a single resonant frequency for all its elements of the set of levels of matter.
The reason for the rotation of the orbital electron with speed c∙α is the deterministic frequency of interactions of 137 elements of the orbital de Broglie pilot wave with an electron in the orbit of a hydrogen atom, which is equal to the rotation frequency of the Compton pilot wave of the electron.
The most important thing in this phenomenon of synchronization is the principle of self-organization of matter. For example, a separate hypothetical pair of pilot waves de Broglie (outside the atom, or inside the atom) with the wavelength of the electron orbit in the Hydrogen atom is able to gradually form an electron-positron pair at a single frequency of parametric resonance with the fulfillment of the law of conservation of energy. Then, the same pair of pilot waves will gradually form a neutral pion, which will form a 70 MeV photon during “annihilation”, then a pair of particles with a gamma quantum energy of 9.590 GeV will form, etc.
Such a mechanism for increasing the frequency of interacting fractal pilot waves explains the self-organization of matter in sonoluminescence, and in complex developing molecules of organisms, due to the low-potential energy of the medium of physical vacuum, which consists of material pilot waves de Broglie of electrons and atoms. These phenomena of self-organization of matter limit the use of the second law of thermodynamics only to non-superfluid media of atoms, with high friction due to the high density of resonant frequencies of the interaction of Rydberg pilot wave lines.
Very important for understanding the self-organization of matter from non-living matter into living organisms is the fact that the Earth is a completely unique planet for the emergence of life. Its first space velocity can be simply and fairly accurately calculated from the fine structure constant v1=c∙α^2/2=7.982 km/s (the ratio α^2/2 determines the Rydberg constant). While the generally accepted calculation gives a value of 7.91 km/s.
This fact means that the gravitational field on the Earth's surface is able to form stable pilot waves of electrons and other pilot waves, at a stable speed of their equivalent perturbation, and form splitting lines of any pilot waves of molecules, similarly to the magnetic and electric fields.
Moreover, a slight excess of space velocity, which is calculated through α, leads to dispersion suppression of low-frequency waves, which are associated with the action of the Earth's gravitational energy. The energy of the pilot waves, which are associated with molecular structures, on the contrary, increases. It is no coincidence that the balance of energies in microorganisms is disturbed, and, as it seems to scientists, they emit more energy than they absorb.
This cited fact of the mother's self-organization is very important not only for the treatment of diseases, but also for the medical programs of space flights, where it is necessary to create, for people, a comfortable living environment.
A stable pilot de Broglie wave is necessary for the electron, it provides the energy and equivalent speed of the necessary perturbation of the electron and shields it from excessive perturbation to maintain its stable properties. Those. The de Broglie pilot wave of a moving electron is, in fact, a pair of turbulence vortices of the superfluid medium of the physical vacuum, which form a potential well for the electron in its uniform motion.
However, the pilot wave de Broglie electron itself also needs stability, by forming a co pilot wave de Broglie of electron, and so on. Thus, each electron, body particle or atom, is forced to form an almost infinite sequence of coherent pilot waves de Broglie decreasing in frequency, in the form of a common pilot wave gravisphere, which forms the material medium of the physical vacuum with a variable density and a variable propagation velocity of the gravitational interaction (real analogous to the curvature of space-time).
Naturally, if electromagnetic waves are excited at a frequency that is a pilot of a de Broglie wave of a moving electron, then the energy and length of the pilot waves in the entire chain will change. Then an impulse of force will be formed, which will change the speed of the orbital motion of the electron, and it will move to another quantum orbit. This is the reason for the high selectivity and effectiveness of NMR wave therapy.
It is assumed that fractal pilot waves have the property of Wheeler's geon to form toroidal vortex potential fields from pilot wave elements of many levels of matter, which have analogues in the macrocosm.
For example, back Dr. O. Hecker in 1907 and A. Ya. Orlov in 1909, the experimental fact of the existence of the Earth's orbital potential well was established on Zellner horizontal pendulums, similarly to potential wells in the strong fundamental interaction. Those. The Earth is not attracted to the Moon and the Sun according to Newton's law of gravity. This fact seems to have been ignored by most of the scientific community in favor of Einstein's abstract theory of relativity, which is based on Newton's law of gravity, and which turns out not to hold true for orbiting bodies.
The length of the pilot wave orbital potential well of the Earth is very simply calculated from the dependence of the de Broglie wavelength on the speed.
By analogy with gravity, there is a similar paradox in electrodynamics: An orbiting electron rotates uniformly around an atom, but does not emit photons, therefore, the electron is not attracted to the nucleus and is in a potential well. This paradox of electrodynamics seems to have led to the creation of abstract quantum mechanics with an indeterminate position of the orbital electron, which led to the rejection of determinism and common sense.
Unlike traditional electromagnetic wave therapy, the proposed concept
uses data from the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) method, which is
generally accepted for studying the structures of molecules. The NMR
coupling constants are used to set each time the specific target of NMR
wave therapy, i.e. to change the parameters of a specific bond of atoms
in all the same molecules in the body.
“We look for solutions that will have a transformational impact on people’s lives”, that's a great statement.
However, it is unlikely that the theme of wave therapy will be supported this year to change people's lives. But the topic of energy is more relevant today, which will change people's lives. And already in the next year we are going to promote the topic of obtaining energy from a renewable source of circulating energy in the Earth's gravitational field, which is used to form the force of attraction of its mass. The power of gravity energy circulation is 10^18 times higher than the installed power of energy generators on Earth. When the possibility of obtaining energy from gravity is shown, then NMR wave therapy will certainly receive support.
Positive experiments on the detection of material gravitons were carried out by us back in 2006, which led to the direction we chose to create the foundations of a new real physics. And only in the last two years, the universal quantum laws of reality have been formed, which have drawn a line under the long-term research on the laws of quantum gravity.
- A new application of an existing technology
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