Misinformation. The major problem with rare conditions is misinformation. There are different wrong information out there concerning this rare conditions. some communities in Africa thinks that this diseases are associated with witch graft. hemophilia for example, which is a bleeding disorder is still considered as a graft in some of the communities in Kenya. Sickle cell disease which has a characteristic of an intense periodic pain is also thought that someone as been bewitched one to have a lot of pain.
My solution is called consult me. This solution has all the information one wants to know about rare diseases. It works in such a way that, when one is found with a rare diseases, they are registered in an app. This app will be sending accessional messages to give them informing them about what they want to know including exercise, food they might want to eat etc. It also works in such way that, when you want to consult, you can download the app or you press some numbers on your phone and you are given some directive questions leading to answers, and when not satisfied they are directed to speak to a customer care that will direct them to speak to the doctor expert in that specific rare disease.
My solution also has a section where everyone can share their success story and how they are coping with life. This is specifically for inspiration to the rest of community.
My solutions target all the patient suffering from all the rare condition. I mean, they will be able to explain their conditions, and demystify the myths surrounding the diseases they suffer from.
My solution also gives them a sense of hope, informational messages send includes inspiration from the rest of the team.
Their needs mostly is to know more information about the diseases they are suffering from and to demystify misinformation of their about the condition they are suffering from including also to consult whenever they fill something might be wrong in their body. So I thing my solution has addressed all the important aspects of their needs.
As a medical laboratory officer, I have had opportunities to meet with these patients and even their relatives and what I have gathered from them is misinformation. Engaging this community to get what they know so far about the disease is the first assignment to be done, this will help us build on that and address the main objective that we have.
We have position ourselves in terms of the goal. Our main goal is to give more information to those patient suffering from rare condition. We also have a diverse team ranging from medical, statistics and IT department and we are position in term of assigning ourselves tasks and we will be sharing ideas by engaging ourselves and by constantly improving and building on the basic goal.
- Mitigate barriers to accessing medical care after diagnosis which disproportionately affect disinvested communities and historically underrepresented identity groups
- Empower patients with quality information about their conditions to fight stigma associated with rare diseases
- Promote community and connection among rare disease patients and their advocates
- Prototype
Financial and technical challenge are the major barriers am facing. To get finances to get the app done is a challenge. Technical expertise also has been a challenge, to get doctors specialized in the field of rare diseases is very hard. Most doctors have other engagements.
I am requesting that we can partner together and help my app get done and also finance the whole project until it come to a success.
Information is the key. My solution is innovative since no other solution has ever gathered the information about all rare conditions. it also helps demystify all the misinformation that are in Africa and this will help a lot in killing the witchcraft culture which is rooted in Africa.
My solution also is innovative in such a way that it gives those having rare conditions a sense of community, since they will be gathered together in a space where they can share each others stories and it can impact another person.
To share information to more than 500 patients living with rare condition within the next one year.
To share information to more than 10000 patients living with rare conditions within the next five years.
To have 25 % of the total 500 patients access information per quarter.
To have 50 % of the total 10000 patients access information within the first two years
My solution is an app, that we feed all the information pertaining all the rare conditions. This information will be available for those patients and they will be able to know more about the specific disease. When they are empowered, they change the notion in the community about the conditions and it will have a great impact in the society.
My solution is an application that is build in google paly store and also in messaging services. Most of the people living in reserves in African do not have a smartphone to access the google play store, so they can access messaging services.
- A new technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- Kenya
- Nonprofit
Our company is open to diverse opinions because from those opinions we derive our strengths.
Our company also uses inclusivity in its quest to have everybody on board.
Equity in our staff is a thing that is embodied in them, we have currently all the gender represented.
Business -consumer is my model. I will build the app, then put it on a google play store, then they will download to access it. Or else, the should have some credit cards to access the information
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
I will get finances through a few credits that they will be using to access the information.
Also when downloading the app, I will get some money.
I will also be sourcing for grands since I am actually interested in community service and not profit making.
I have been able to raise my own money to support my project through savings.