MDG Relief
Specific problem within the challenge that I am working to solve: I have the forgotten groups in the target area is the children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) and Mentally Retarded (MR). The CP/MR children are totally side-lined and practically have no chance for any type of stimulation, education and training.
Absence of Special Care for CP/MR Children: It is identified that families with several children have one or two CP/MR children. These families are mostly are located at interior villages where very poor transport facilities are there. These families are practically daily coolies and live from hand to mouth. Since the parents, especially the mothers are forced to give round-the-clock care to their cerebral palsied and mentally retarded children. They are unable to go to work. Income to the family is affected. Absence of any kind of care to these children with disabilities is causing great damage to their personal health, development and family development. Opportunities for occupational therapy - services that relate to self-help skills, adaptive behavior and play, and sensory, motor, and postural development, physical therapy - services to prevent or lessen movement’s difficulties and related functional problems, psychological services - administering and interpreting psychological tests and information about a child’s behavior and child and family conditions related to learning, mental health and development as well as planning services including counseling, consultation, parent training, and education programs – are completely absent for these children with cerebral palsy and mentally retarded children. Parents are least aware of the importance of therapies for their children. Neither the Government is taking any kind of care to these children. Therefore they are not equipped with knowledge and skills to provide stimulation for the children. Neither the Government is concerned about these children. Consequently attention given to these CP/MR children is very poor and treated burdensome in the families. Some families have killed (through mercy killing) these considered ‘unwanted’ CP/MR children. To such of them, Lack of proper training, job information and overall social acceptance are the main challenges faced by the physically disabled people. They are part of poverty as majority of them stay in rural/urban/semi-urban areas; hence, migration also becomes a challenge for them. These people are never considered to be in the mainstream; that they are differently able and provide suitable job training. The differently able people do have skills or can develop certain skills and specific jobs, which can suit their ability, can be provided for them.
The scale of the problem in the communities I am working in: There are 36 CP/MR who are living in 20 villages with hardly 12000 population located very close to MDG Centre.
Globally: The worldwide incidence of CP is approximately 2 to 2.5/1000 live births. The incidence is strongly associated with gestational age, occurring in 1 of 20 surviving preterm infants. It is important to note that although prematurity is the commonest risk factor for developing CP, the majority of affected children are full-term. This can be explained by the fact that there are many more full-term than preterm infants born at a given time.3 Despite the reduction in the rate of birth asphyxia from 40/100 000 in 1979 to 11/100 000 in 1996, no associated reduction in the prevalence or incidence of CP was seen.In fact, the prevalence of CP in the USA increased by 20% (from 1.9 to 2.3/1000 live births) between 1960 and 1986. This increase is likely related to the survival of very low birth weight premature infants. There is also evidence of an associated increase in the severity of the disability.This emphasizes the need for more efforts to decrease the rate of prematurity in addition to decreasing the associated neurological injury among these infants.
Factors contributing to the problem:
In 1862, Dr. William John Little, an orthopedic surgeon with a particular interest in tenotomy procedures, described children who had “congenital distortions” of their limbs (118, 119). Little described this disorder based on observations of muscle stiffness and limb deformity in children who had difficult births including prematurity, prolonged labor, breech presentations, and even nuchal umbilical cords (118, 119). In his original manuscript, Little referred to the symptoms as a “cerebro-spinal disorder” (118, 119) because of postmortem evidence of brain and spinal cord involvement.
The present project is focused on rehabilitating this forgotten group which needs special attention.
Our solution envisions creating natural learning environment that is educational and safe, where Children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) and Mental Retardation (MR) can learn daily living skills from and be motivated by their trainers while being supported with physiotherapy, occupational therapy, hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, stimulation exercises, and referrals and so on. MDG believes that children with disabilities, like all other children, are entitled to attention, warmth and dedication. The children are entitled to a decent existence; they must have the opportunity to develop skills on a cognitive, social, emotional and physical level. They are entitled to a full place in society, to be autonomous; educated and learn a profession wherever possible.
Our solution uses assistive technology for disabled people access and use computers in very different ways. Some of them use assistive technologies to do so. This depends on their individual needs and preferences. Assistive technology (AT) describes the devices; equipment and software that help disabled people live more independently. Whether it’s in their education, work or daily lives
Examples of assistive technology include screen readers, braille displays and screen magnifiers. But they can also include equipment like mobility aids, walkers and wheelchairs.
Sip-and-puff switches: A device that allows the user to operate a computer by inhaling and exhaling small breaths of air. The sip and puff device is connected to a computer interface that scans the screen.When the part of the screen the user wants to interact with comes into focus, they can ‘click’ on the area by breathing in or out. (Depending on how they choose to customise it).You can see how a sip and puff switch works for Jared, who has cerebral palsy, in the video below.
There shall be a number of outcomes in the organising of the MDG Relief. Some of the major outcomes foreseen are listed below:
- Initially 36 CP/MR children will be covered with MDG centre where the growth and development of the child will be attended to.
- Children with disabilities and their parents will get respect in the society. MDG Relief wants to ensure that they are respected as normal people everywhere by everyone. Therefore the families with disabled child will get support and formation.
- In the day-care we want the children to feel happy so that they can be who they are. MDG Relief wants the children to learn something when they are in the day-care. Many times parents think the child can’t do anything, so it is very important that we teach them things and that the parents see some result. But always we look if the child is capable to learn.
- Involving the family and the society is most important. So we try to inform them about the disability and tell them what they can do. In this way, the participation of the parents and family members shall be ensured in the rehabilitation of the CP/MR children.
- Parents and the child's local therapist can contact the centre at any time if they have a problem; easy access to quality professional help shall be assured. Access to therapies and social functions will provide with the chance to touch base with other physiotherapists, discuss ideas and develop a peer support network.
- Organizing the development activities with the coordination of governmental and nongovernmental, national and international donor organizations will help in achieving the organization’s objective.
- Running a day care centre will provide all round educational facilities to disabled children; this will help in safeguarding the rights of the disabled and helpless children with disabilities.
- The CP/MR Children will get easy access in treatment and rehabilitation. Regular counseling will help the parents of the CP/MR children to take right choices for the best interests of their children.
- Nutrition supplement will help the children to grow physically and mentally as well. The parents will be motivated to send their children to the day care centre.
- Wherever possible, children who can be educable can be sent to the regular school and thereby ensure their development. This will become a learning point for the general public about the concept of inclusive education and inclusive development.
- Village people will become aware of the science of disability. People will take preventive measures to prevent the possibilities of disability.
- Chances of early marriages and close relationship marriages shall be reduced.
- Health-seeking behavior among the rural women, especially during pregnancy shall be increased for the good of the mother and the children as well.
- Prevention of diseases will be completely taken care of. People will make use of all preventive measures against disability.
- Polio vaccine will be covered for all the below 5 year old children.
- People from community for active participation in the rehabilitation process will our service To encourage and motivate.
- MDG Relief will get better trained teachers to work for the rehabilitation of the children with disabilities.
- MDG Relief will be able to reach a larger population as they progress in achieving the objectives of the organisation.
Executive Team
Our team is composed of highly skilled individuals and motivated ready to work for betterment of the community
Participatory planning with Key Stakeholders
Participatory planning, monitoring and evaluation is about strengthening primary stakeholders’ involvement as active participants in interventions. This shall be achieved by those stakeholders taking the lead in tracking and analysing progress towards jointly agreed results and deciding on corrective action. This approach contributes to demand-led planning and decision-making and improved accountability, as long as effective communication and feedback loops are in place within programmes and agencies. MDG Relief has the practice of involving the key stakeholders in the development process which ensures the participation and involvement of the people. This also paves way for sustainability as it places some sort of responsibility among the different stakeholders of the intervention. Board Members MDG Relief, Staff Team and Parents of the CP/MR Children have met already in the preparation of the project. They shall further meet on receipt of the grant and plan the activities further elaborately for better implementation of the activities reflected in the project.
Main/Refresher Training to Staff Team
MDG Relief will continue to train staff team that shall be involved in the implementation of the mainstreaming of children with disabilities. Child Care Workers teach and care for children while their parents are away. They make sure children are safe. They will also help them play games, do art, and read books. Child Care Workers need to be energetic, fun, and patient. They help children gain new skills and learn how to get along with others. Many Child Care Workers are babysitters. They bathe, dress, and feed children; watch them while they play; and clean up after them. They might put children to bed, read to them, and take them to activities. Child Care Workers in schools and day care centres take care of groups of children. They greet young children as they arrive and help them find something fun to do. Child care workers plan daily activities before the children come. Each day usually includes playing, reading, arts and crafts, and rest time. Child Care Workers also make snacks and nutritious meals. They make sure children are healthy and clean. To help children learn, these workers play educational games. To teach language, they might tell stories, read books, or help kids act out stories. To teach math, they might help children count blocks or cut out shapes. To teach science, they might mix colours when painting. They might also teach music and dance. Some workers care for older children before and after school. These workers might help with homework, lead sports and other activities, and keep everyone safe. They might take children on field trips. Some workers also bring children to and from school. Child Care Workers spend most of their day with children. But they also meet with parents or guardians to talk about how their child is doing. Child Care Workers also write notes about what children do. It is important for Child Care Workers to look for problems children may have and to tell their parents or guardians.
Watching children grow and learn can be fun. But the job also can be hard because workers have to run, clean, play outside, and lift up children. It can also be hard to have patience. Workers need to care for children who have different needs and are sometimes upset. They should also be cheerful, always aware of what the kids are doing, and have a lot of energy. The work hours of Child Care Workers vary widely. Workers can decide to work in early morning or late evening. They can work full time or part time. Child care centres are open year round. To accomplish such demanding works, the Child Care Workers have to be properly trained. The syllabus for the main training as well as the refresher training shall be sharpened through a participatory approach, once MDG Relief finds support to do all these activities.
Review Meetings with the parents of CP/MR children
Review meeting is a process where work managers and employees work together to assess the degree to which the employee has attained agree-upon goals, and work together to overcome any difficulties encountered. This also called performance appraisal meeting, or performance evaluation meeting. However, there is a considerable merit in holding shorter performance review meetings throughout the year, since doing so can prevent small performance problems from becoming larger ones. Also, the longer performance issues exist, the harder they are to remedy, so it makes sense to have meeting more often than just annually. In the present intervention, it has been proposed to organise the review meeting with the parents of the CP/MR children on quarterly basis. Such meetings will become a platform for the parents and the staff team to share their experience with the CP/MR children. This in turn will help in improving the quality of the care provided to the CP/MR children.
Training & Support Services to the Parents/Childcare Workers (Daycare & Therapy for Children)
The children getting special education from this program are classified according to educational background as ‘Educable’, ‘Trainable’, ‘Custodial’ and ‘Care Groups’. Special Education and other related rehabilitation services like Physiotherapy, Speech therapy and Yoga & Dance therapies are offered to these children. Systematic special training facilities will be provided, for all 36 children hailing from the nearby areas. By admitting them in the MDG Relief’S Day Care Centre, with the help of qualified Special Educators and Caretakers they shall be trained in different personal skills like, brushing, toileting, bathing etc.
Teaching Children Basic Academics and Keeping them Engaged through Social Activities
Our objective is to prepare children for school by teaching them basic academics and keeping them engaged through social activities. When children have an interest, they are eager to learn about it. Rather than a set curriculum, our teachings thrive on the natural interests of our children. Our methods focus on creating motivation for learning and exploring through inspirational teaching and the development of self-esteem. Our team uses the latest behavioural techniques, focusing on positive reinforcement rather than traditional methods.
Nutrition Supplements for the CP/MR Children
The CP/MR children hail from families which are socially and economically poor. Parents of these children are not in a position to provide their children nutritious food which they are deprived of. MDG Relief with the support of the partner agency plans to provide these children nutrition supplement which will have direct positive impact on their physical and mental well-being. This has been well explained in the budget estimate more clearly. I hoped that this nutrition supplement will attract the parent to send their children to the Day Care Centre proposed for their children.
- Optimize holistic care for people with rare diseases—including physical, mental, social, and legal support
- Support daily care management for patients and/or their caregivers
- Mitigate barriers to accessing medical care after diagnosis which disproportionately affect disinvested communities and historically underrepresented identity groups
- Empower patients with quality information about their conditions to fight stigma associated with rare diseases
- Pilot
MDG Relief record is being sought after at a pace that we had not anticipated, largely because of our ability to integrate the needs of front line day care workers with the expectations of national government of Tanzania. We are applying to Solve because we would greatly benefit from assistance with our scale and revenue models, as well as our ability to validate the impact we are achieving. This partnership would also further our goal of becoming a thought leader in educational system design.
The dolphin assisted therapy is presented as an innovative method of learning for children with disabilities. The historical overview of dolphin assisted therapy is introduced. Currently it has received the legal recognition in Morogoro Tanzania and expanded to family-centered programs. Newly developed dolphin assisted therapy program can be integrated into the education process of the child with disabilities as well as the whole family system. The aim of this innovative, then is to focus on the dolphin assisted therapy as the classic form of animal assisted therapy, and to analyse how the dolphin assisted therapy has gained its current status as an innovative learning method for children with disabilities and their family members in Morogoro society. Research methods . Qualitative research was conducted with content analysis. Ten families raising children with cerebral palsy participated in the research. The research results brought to the light that educational sphere supports families’ wishes to visit dolphin assisted therapy, educators highlight the experiental aspect of the whole family. The research results are important for constructing the collaborative joints of educational sphere and dolphin assisted therapy. KEYWORDS: learning with animals, dolphin assisted therapy, children with disabilities. DOI: 10.15181/atee.v1i0.666
Our solution goals over the next 12 months:
The Local Ministry of Health leaders visited our center in the beginning of this year they recognize of our service by and child care workers that also satisfies Ministry of Health needs, and has requested to support MDG Relief, Morogoro has got 157 villages.Over the next seven months, our team will have more day care centers in Morogoro District; we will deploy twenty implementation teams and work with local partners to expand MDG Relief throughout Tanzania by mid-2023.
Our vision over the next three to five years to grow and scale our solution to affect the lives of more people:
Over the next five years, MDG Relief will expand to support high quality Cerebral Palsy (CP) and Mentally Retarded (MR) Children day care Centres throughout East Africa and beyond. Because our technology is not complicated can be used anywhere in the world, it can be shared with minimal adjustment to other national educational programs. We will add modules to improve care of other conditions in rural day Care centers, such as Kilosa, Mvomero, and Dumila. Our vision is for MDG Relief to serve as the primary day care record utilized in rural centers serving millions of people across Africa.
How many people we will be serving with our solution in the 12 months and the next 3 years:
Expansion of MDG Relief throughout Tanzania will begin mid-2023. This will allow us to improve the quality of day care to 240,000 Cerebral Palsy and mentally retarded children in 2023. We aim to increase the quality of care provided to Cerebral Palsy and mentally retarded children by at least 50% one year after MDG Relief implementation, leading to significant improvements in education. During this time, The Morogoro Project will work closely with the East African Health Research Commission to prepare for the expansion of MDG Relief throughout their member countries, thus improving the quality of day care to over 1.5 million Cerebral Palsy and mentally retarded children by 2024.
Expected Outcome
There shall be a number of outcomes in the organising of the Day Care centre for the CP/MR Children. Some of the major outcomes foreseen are listed below:
- Initially 36 CP/MR children will be covered with day care centre where the growth and development of the child will be attended to.
- Children with disabilities and their parents will get respect in the society. MDG Relief wants to ensure that they are respected as normal people everywhere by everyone. Therefore the families with disabled child will get support and formation.
- In the day-care we want the children to feel happy so that they can be who they are. Joy and happiness are the most important things, so they can forget the problems they face at home or in the society.
- MDG Relief wants the children to learn something when they are in the day-care. Many times parents think the child can’t do anything, so it is very important that we teach them things and that the parents see some result. But always we look if the child is capable to learn.
- Involving the family and the society is most important. So we try to inform them about the disability and tell them what they can do. In this way, the participation of the parents and family members shall be ensured in the rehabilitation of the CP/MR children.
- Parents and the child's local therapist can contact the centre at any time if they have a problem; easy access to quality professional help shall be assured. Access to therapies and social functions will provide with the chance to touch base with other physiotherapists, discuss ideas and develop a peer support network.
- Organizing the development activities with the coordination of governmental and nongovernmental, national and international donor organizations will help in achieving the organization’s objective.
- Running a day care centre will provide all round educational facilities to disabled children; this will help in safeguarding the rights of the disabled and helpless children with disabilities.
- The CP/MR Children will get easy access in treatment and rehabilitation. Regular counseling will help the parents of the CP/MR children to take right choices for the best interests of their children.
- Nutrition supplement will help the children to grow physically and mentally as well. The parents will be motivated to send their children to the day care centre.
- Wherever possible, children who can be educable can be sent to the regular school and thereby ensure their development. This will become a learning point for the general public about the concept of inclusive education and inclusive development.
- Village people will become aware of the science of disability. People will take preventive measures to prevent the possibilities of disability.
- Chances of early marriages and close relationship marriages shall be reduced.
- Health-seeking behavior among the rural women, especially during pregnancy shall be increased for the good of the mother and the children as well.
- Prevention of diseases will be completely taken care of. People will make use of all preventive measures against disability.
- Polio vaccine will be covered for all the below 5 year old children.
- People from community for active participation in the rehabilitation process will our service To encourage and motivate.
- MDG Relief will get better trained teachers to work for the rehabilitation of the children with disabilities.
- MDG Relief will be able to reach a larger population as they progress in achieving the objectives of the organisation.
- To create an atmosphere that is stimulating, encouraging, safe, clean, healthy and adaptive to each disabled CP/MR child's individual needs; to empower and encourage the children with cerebral palsy and mental retardation to develop to their full potential by improving their physical or mental performance and thus enjoying a better quality of life.
- To assess the mental and physical health of each child, provide daily attention; to measure the abilities of children and put the activities that suit their levels, and to utilize their capabilities to the maximum limit possible.
- To take care of children with disabilities on daily basis and to assist them and to alleviate their families’ burden; enabling the parents, especially the mothers to be relieved of 24 hour care and help them go to work and take time for leisure.
- To develop skills of the disabled and helpless children, so that as they grow, they can be self reliant, skillful and capable in the family and community; to integrate children with special needs into adequate educational programs; wherever possible, integrate the child by admitting them into the formal schools in accordance to their skills and ability.
- The MDG Relief Day Care Centre’ long-term objective is to provide these underprivileged children with the opportunity to live independently in the future; to provide individualized care and counseling to the parents of the children with disabilities.
- To train the mothers on the way to look after their disabled children; to enable her to provide physiotherapy, speech therapy, functional therapy to rehabilitate the children with disability.
- To organize the public awareness programs for changing the negative feeling of the society towards the disabled people.
Activities to be Carried-Out
- i.Participatory planning with Key Stakeholders
- ii.Main/Refresher Training to Staff Team
- iii.Review Meetings with the parents of CP/MR children
- iv.Training to Parents of the CP/MR children
- Training & Support Services to the Parents/Childcare Workers (Daycare & Therapy for Children)
- vi.Teaching Children Basic Academics and Keeping them Engaged through Social Activities
- vii.Nutrition Supplements for the CP/MR Children
- viii.Outing/Exposure Visits to CP/MR Children
- ix.Awareness among the Public on the Science of Disability
- x.Review cum Planning Meetings with the Staff Team and the Secretary
- xi.Evaluation and Assessment
- xii.Continuing Counselling to the Parents
- xiii.Documentation and Reporting to Key Stakeholders
Participatory planning, monitoring and evaluation is about strengthening primary stakeholders’ involvement as active participants in interventions. This shall be achieved by those stakeholders taking the lead in tracking and analysing progress towards jointly agreed results and deciding on corrective action. This approach contributes to demand-led planning and decision-making and improved accountability, as long as effective communication and feedback loops are in place within programmes and agencies. MDG Relief has the practice of involving the key stakeholders in the development process which ensures the participation and involvement of the people. This also paves way for sustainability as it places some sort of responsibility among the different stakeholders of the intervention. Board Members MDG Relief, Staff Team and Parents of the CP/MR Children have met already in the preparation of the project. They shall further meet on receipt of the grant and plan the activities further elaborately for better implementation of the activities reflected in the project.
MDG Relief will continue to train staff team that shall be involved in the implementation of the mainstreaming of children with disabilities. Child Care Workers teach and care for children while their parents are away. They make sure children are safe. They will also help them play games, do art, and read books. Child Care Workers need to be energetic, fun, and patient. They help children gain new skills and learn how to get along with others. Many Child Care Workers are babysitters. They bathe, dress, and feed children; watch them while they play; and clean up after them. They might put children to bed, read to them, and take them to activities. Child Care Workers in schools and day care centres take care of groups of children. They greet young children as they arrive and help them find something fun to do. Child care workers plan daily activities before the children come. Each day usually includes playing, reading, arts and crafts, and rest time. Child Care Workers also make snacks and nutritious meals. They make sure children are healthy and clean. To help children learn, these workers play educational games. To teach language, they might tell stories, read books, or help kids act out stories. To teach math, they might help children count blocks or cut out shapes. To teach science, they might mix colours when painting. They might also teach music and dance. Some workers care for older children before and after school. These workers might help with homework, lead sports and other activities, and keep everyone safe. They might take children on field trips. Some workers also bring children to and from school. Child Care Workers spend most of their day with children. But they also meet with parents or guardians to talk about how their child is doing. Child Care Workers also write notes about what children do. It is important for Child Care Workers to look for problems children may have and to tell their parents or guardians.
Watching children grow and learn can be fun. But the job also can be hard because workers have to run, clean, play outside, and lift up children. It can also be hard to have patience. Workers need to care for children who have different needs and are sometimes upset. They should also be cheerful, always aware of what the kids are doing, and have a lot of energy. The work hours of Child Care Workers vary widely. Workers can decide to work in early morning or late evening. They can work full time or part time. Child care centres are open year round. To accomplish such demanding works, the Child Care Workers have to be properly trained. The syllabus for the main training as well as the refresher training shall be sharpened through a participatory approach, once MDG Relief finds support to do all these activities.
Review meeting is a process where work managers and employees work together to assess the degree to which the employee has attained agree-upon goals, and work together to overcome any difficulties encountered. This also called performance appraisal meeting, or performance evaluation meeting. However, there is a considerable merit in holding shorter performance review meetings throughout the year, since doing so can prevent small performance problems from becoming larger ones. Also, the longer performance issues exist, the harder they are to remedy, so it makes sense to have meeting more often than just annually. In the present intervention, it has been proposed to organise the review meeting with the parents of the CP/MR children on quarterly basis. Such meetings will become a platform for the parents and the staff team to share their experience with the CP/MR children. This in turn will help in improving the quality of the care provided to the CP/MR children.
Some parents keep their children’s disability a secret, which can, even with the best intentions, look like shame or guilt. Without knowing, extended family and friends may not understand the disability or think that your child’s behavior is stemming from laziness or hyperactivity. Once they are aware of what’s going on, they can support their child’s progress. Within the family, siblings may feel that their brother or sister with a disability is getting more attention, less discipline and preferential treatment. Even if your other children understand that the disability creates special challenges, they can easily feel jealous or neglected. Parents can help curb these feelings by reassuring all of their children that they are loved, providing homework help, and by including family members in any special routines for the child with a learning disability. Training in the application of rehabilitation and stimulation therapies for parents and families of the disabled shall be carried out on quarterly basis. Such training shall be provided to them with the help of the experts in this discipline.
The children getting special education from this program are classified according to educational background as ‘Educable’, ‘Trainable’, ‘Custodial’ and ‘Care Groups’. Special Education and other related rehabilitation services like Physiotherapy, Speech therapy and Yoga & Dance therapies are offered to these children. Systematic special training facilities will be provided, for all 36 children hailing from the nearby areas. By admitting them in the ARMDS’ Day Care Centre, with the help of qualified Special Educators and Caretakers they shall be trained in different personal skills like, brushing, toileting, bathing etc.
Mentally retarded does not come alone rather it is associated with epilepsy, microcephalic, down’s syndrome, mobies syndrome, cretinism, autistic, cerebral palsy, and so on. The parents can be taught as to how to impart education and training to such children. Physiotherapy is currently the most popular therapeutic intervention for cerebral palsy. This therapy requires highly trained personnel, diverse equipment, and parental cooperation. It has been shown that physiotherapy from an early age can help children with cerebral palsy to learn the correct ways to move, maximising their abilities and preventing deformities and contractures. Children with spastic cerebral palsy have increased muscle tone causing ‘stiff’ muscles. Because the stiffness is caused by problems in the brain, it tends to increase with effort or excitement. Children with spastic cp need physiotherapy to help stop their joints and muscles becoming stiff or ‘contracted’. Children with athetoid cerebral palsy have difficulty controlling their muscles and posture. The limbs affected by athetoid cerebral palsy often make unwanted movements. Children with athetoid cerebral palsy need physiotherapy to help improve their balance, symmetry and control of movement. Children with ataxic cerebral palsy usually have problems with balance and the control and selectivity of movements. Physiotherapy can help children with ataxic cerebral palsy improve the quality of their movements. Unfortunately many health authorities have a waiting list for physiotherapy and children have to wait a long time for treatment. MDG Relief CP/MR Children’s Day Care Centre can offer early intervention. Trained parents can do physiotherapy for their children to supplement the treatment offered by Physiotherapist, for example, when children need more exercises during growth spurts.
Our objective is to prepare your children for school by teaching them basic academics and keeping them engaged through social activities. When children have an interest, they are eager to learn about it. Rather than a set curriculum, our teachings thrive on the natural interests of our children. Our methods focus on creating motivation for learning and exploring through inspirational teaching and the development of self-esteem. Our team uses the latest behavioural techniques, focusing on positive reinforcement rather than traditional methods.
The CP/MR children hail from families which are socially and economically poor. Parents of these children are not in a position to provide their children nutritious food which they are deprived of. MDG Relief with the support of the partner agency plans to provide these children nutrition supplement which will have direct positive impact on their physical and mental well-being. This has been well explained in the budget estimate more clearly. I is hoped that these nutrition supplement will attract the parent to send their children to the Day Care Centre proposed for their children.
On quarterly basis, it has been proposed to organize outing/exposure visit for the children attending to the day care centre. They shall be taken to the different places & gardens. These help children to learn many concepts easily with environment. Children will enjoy a lot in such outings/exposure visits. Outing/Exposure Visits to CP/MR Children is also important in socializing the child, and to educate child in different social norms such as using toilet waiting for the turn in a queue, keeping clean public places such as garden, roads etc. Such visits are important for socializing and entertaining children.
To sensitize the village community people and concerned school authorities and government and non-government agencies/organizations MDG Relief has develop Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials on mainstreaming education for children with disabilities. The awareness program for the community shall be organized on the prenatal care, different disability with special focus on disability prevention and management will the main areas of discussion.
Such review cum planning meetings shall be held on every month in order to check the process and progress made with regard to the rehabilitation of the CP/MR children. The weekly reports of the different staff will be looked for monitoring the process and also to provide feedback on the development that is taking place.
The aim of the evaluation and assessment is to study the effectiveness of the day care centre for the CP/MR children and to study the relevance and scope of continuing the programs. The evaluation cum assessment will be strictly participatory in nature involving the key stakeholders such as the parents, caregivers and the staff team. Client-centered reflective approach shall be adopted to evaluate and assess the programs. It shall be organized during the eleventh month of the project, so that the stakeholders shall be able to look into the adequate experience which they can share and look forward to continuing with the program.
In the day care centres, the child care worker will go out for home visits and counselling in the families. This shall be widely practiced because many children are severely malnourished, and have other problems because of poverty. The aim of those home visits is therefore to show those families how much we care about their children. We hope this can be seen as an additional incentive for mothers to come to the day care and bring their children.
This is to ensure that another technician can apprise of the status of each child and continue the treatment in the event of the absence of the present technician. Progress notes are also used to chronicle specific findings and events in the clinical encounter. These become important in certain medical-care situations.
Our solution uses assistive technology for disabled people access and use computers in very different ways. Some of them use assistive technologies to do so. This depends on their individual needs and preferences. Assistive technology (AT) describes the devices; equipment and software that help disabled people live more independently. Whether it’s in their education, work or daily lives
Examples of assistive technology include screen readers, braille displays and screen magnifiers. But they can also include equipment like mobility aids, walkers and wheelchairs.
Sip-and-puff switches: A device that allows the user to operate a computer by inhaling and exhaling small breaths of air. The sip and puff device is connected to a computer interface that scans the screen.When the part of the screen the user wants to interact with comes into focus, they can ‘click’ on the area by breathing in or out. (Depending on how they choose to customise it).You can see how a sip and puff switch works for Jared, who has cerebral palsy, in the video below.
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
- Manufacturing Technology
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Tanzania
- Burundi
- Kenya
- Tanzania
- Nonprofit
The skills our solution team has that will enable us to attract the different resources needed to succeed and make an impact:
Our team is comprised of a diverse and complementary group of experts in educational day care, public schools, and human-centered design that provides expert viewpoints from a wide array of fields. Our Tanzania leadership has expertise in rural education needs and national education requirements. The Morogoro Project works closely with the Tanzania Ministry of Health to guide or national scale strategy.
How we will reach and retain our customers or beneficiaries:
MDG Relief day care record customers include national governments, government consortiums, and non-governmental organizations, while MDG Relief beneficiaries include day care workers and mothers.
To respond to beneficiary needs, MDG Relief is designed to support work flows common in many resource-limited settings and has the flexibility to be adapted to new contexts. Our implementation strategy is user-centered, and our experience in Tanzania will inform our ability to scale at national levels while maintaining our focus on day care worker needs.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
The Government of Tanzania through Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment supports NGOs which have 3 years of working in the management of Day Care Centre for the Cerebral Palsy & Mentally Retarded Children. MDG Relief proposes to approach the Government at the end of the third year to obtain such support for the proposed Day Care Centre for CP/MR Children.
Macedonia Development Group (MDG) has been incubated by Street Kids International Tanzania for almost three years with the aim of improving life for Cerebral Palsy and Mentally Retarded Children the type of funding that they have been providing was grants.
For other relevant details, contact directly with Daniel PreußFounder & Voluntary Chairman of Street Kids International, he knows our organization as well as the people who were on frontline working with the project namely Stephen Kashinde and Rahab Elias Geffi. Find below Daniel’s contacts.
STREETKIDS International e.V
Daniel Preuß
Founder & Voluntary Chairman
fon: +49.69 - 1755 490 22
fax: +49.69 - 1755 490 23
Streetkids International e.V.
Headquarters Germany
P.O.BOX 111 761
60052 Frankfurt, GERMANY
Streetkids International Tz Branch
PO. BOX 63095,
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
East Afrika
Plot 705, Kilwa Rd.
Mwandege, Mkuranga District
cell +255.788.618883

Chief Executive Officer