Access to Safe & Clean Drinking Water NADI Filter
Pakistan facing huge water shortage problems in terms access to safe and clean drinking water, The problem with regards to water quality in the proposed district does not end with microbiological contamination. Waterborne diseases and patients ratio in district Hospitals very high, during May 2022 in one District Hyderabad some 500 patients admit in one day, the situation even adverse in remote areas. Groundwater, especially shallow groundwater is brackish, in many sites in Sujawal is contaminated with dangerously-high levels of arsenic. Long-terms exposure to the high levels of arsenic found in drinking-water which reduces child survival, lead to cognitive impairment, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. The proposed Nadi filter & water conservation improve health impact on rural poor women and children and to reduce microbiological contamination & provide them with access to safe and clean drinking water at their household level.
In addition, majority of farming communities belongs to Hindu Minority with deep poverty due to illiteracy and basic health facilities their women and children remain submissive and poor as compare to other communities, shortage of labor and water and health facilities also increasing problems for the target communities, this project will bring new hope for the targeted poor families to have access of safe and clean drinking water. Thus this needs a renewed commitment to improve water quality, installation of the AHD Nadi Water Filters and construction of water conservation/ponds/ tanks would provide a low cost community based solution to the communities at grassroots level.
In the light of aforementioned facts and findings Association Humanitarian Development (AHD) team identified and prioritized 4 Districts of Sindh (Thatta, Sujawal, Tando Muhammad & Badin) are most vulnerable villages where poor rural farming communities have been facing major development challenges in terms worsen socio-economic condition, non-availability of safe and clean drinking water facilities, health, electricity and water borne diseases issues are also the major challenges of these villages of District Sujawal. In this connection.
The rural areas of Sindh, Pakistan communities had to use to drink contaminated canal water for drinking purposes, about 70% rural communities in Pakistan still drinking contaminated water and children age less than 5 years and mother health affected due to drinking dirty water in 2003-2005. In 2003, approximately 500 children death incident happened in District Hyderabad, Sindh. The drinking water facilities in Sindh were not satisfactory and up to the mark according to the need of people. This worst situation has driven the motivation of Association for Humanitarian Development (AHD) to take an action for the betterment of people. To overcome the challenges of access to safe and clean drinking water.
Unfortunately, 10 million children die in the world every year, where Pakistan ranks 8th in the world with approximately 478,000 numbers of child deaths under 5-years of age every year. The health status of children in Pakistan is below acceptable levels, as infant and under five mortality rates are 77 and 94 respectively (PDHS 2006). Two-thirds of all children under one year die during first 28 days of life. Seasonal pneumonia and diarrheal episodes are the major killers of children under five. Nevertheless a slight progress has been achieved in the last 10 years in infant and under five year mortality.
Over all education and health related picture of women and children in the rural coastal areas is bleak, as there are largely neglected aspects of the life. Traditionally women get no preference in health, education, food and clothing. The analysis of the reports reveals that the male literacy ratio is about three times higher as compared to females[1], but sharp differences exist in the literacy ratios by area (rural and urban). The basic health needs of women and children are not being adequately met. Thatta and Badin have only 9&7 Mother and Child related Health Center respectively. Infections, malnutrition and the complications of the pregnancy and childhood continue to take heavy toll of life. Child mortality rates are 4 in 10 under the age of 2 years in some places. There are almost no adequate health services available to mitigate this situation. According to Sindh Bureau of Statistics that unsanitary condition, polluted water, illiteracy among rural mother, high fertility, small budgetary allocation and inadequate administrative structures have been identified as the main hurdles in the progress of health conditions. There are also clear differentials in health conditions by rural and urban areas and socio-economic groups.
Majority of the diseases in the areas are caused by malnutrition and the use of unsafe water. Safe water supply for human, animal and crop consumption is the critical issue for the costal communities. It also effects on their ability to own live stock, especially in the areas where there are severe problems of drinking water and fodder availability. Every documented beneficiary needs assessment mentions water supply as a major issue and most place a supply of drinking water as the first requirement for any project to tackle[2]. Lack of water impacts on the productive use of human time (women can spend all day fetching and carrying water), on health (dirty water means that a high proportion of the population, especially children, suffers from water-born disease), the distribution of the population (often along irrigation canals and drainage ditches) and the choice and productivity of crops. It can be fairly said that the failure of the water supply is the single most important constraint to any development in the coastal district.
Though there are various types of water sources available in coastal areas for drinking and domestics purposes, but majority of them are severely constrained in many ways. For instance, piped water supply mainly available for urban localities or near urban areas, remote and rural areas still deprived from this facility. Canal water is usually uncertain, irregular and polluted. Ground water, ponds and wells have become saline, due to continuous environmental degradation and water mismanagement since long. Therefore, the need for improved water is urgent but more importantly, it should be cost effective, simple and according to local conditions so that the poorest people of the region may efficiently own it.
[1] Provincial census report 1998
[2] “Rapid Assessment of Coastal Fishing Communities in Coastal Badin, Sindh”, NRSP, July 2005
Association for Humanitarian Development has intervened in this sector and innovated with a low cost community based solution model in between 2006-2007 under name AHD Nadi Filter Units. Initially it has replicated in some deprived villages of Sindh and then after the positive result of this innovation, it has scaled up through the different districts of Sindh and Pakistan.
AHD Nadi filter technology is sustainable in its design, cheap, innovative and locally adoptable at anywhere in the world. The Nadi filter unit’s pots made by mud and mud available in Asia & Africa as well as all over the world. Its material is available at all level including national and international level. It can be replicated in different regions and other countries as well. Nadi Filter Unit innovation is flexible in all situations and its 100% community based solutions which can be replicated and promoted all level including other regions and countries. The innovation made with major objective of using limited available resources, particularly commonly used mud pots for water storage (such as; Nadi) in rural household for filtration that could sustained itself, without any external interventions. The specification and details about the innovation of Nadi Filter Unit comprises on different steps. The AHD Nadi filter innovation made from local material available in rural areas and communities residing in far & scattered areas can easily build through their own. The 14 steps to prepare Nadi filter. The positive and sustainable impacts can be seen in the communities of Sindh and Pakistan. The local communities owned this innovation and promoting it at household level. Since, AHD Nadi filter Unit is immensely different from other health care activities. Communities engaged in development and peace process and they are presently taking interest to design the Nadi Filter Unit by themselves and even promoting the same innovation through replication and supporting to the other communities at wider level. They are now sensitized and aware about their basic fundamental human rights of clean and safe drinking water. The socio-economic condition of the indigenous people improved and ensured.
Association for Humanitarian Development won APFED showcase award for 1,000 families in Jati area and then 2008-2021 AHD supported by Oxfam Pakistan, Help Alliance Germany, Lufthansa Airline, WHO Pakistan, GSK UK, Misereor Germany, Care International, SDPI Islamabad, UNEP-APFED and ADP & Oxfam GB. AHD successfully reached 85,500 families and with other NGOs the total Nadi filters reached in Pakistan figures goes 300,000 in Pakistan rural people, NGOs, INGOs and private organizations doing this and helping poor rural people with access to safe and clean drinking water in 3 million people.
AHD Won GSK- UK “Healthcare Innovation Award
Nadi Filter drinking water video:
Video of Kisumu Africa Women Happy:
Cooking stove for rural women:
AHD Won ENERGY GLOBE AWARD of AUSTRIA 2019 for safe drinking water via Nadi filter technology
AHD Looking to working with you
Association for Humanitarian Development targeting poor rural communities, more than one third of the land is tenanted and about two-thirds of land is under sharecropping, a form of farming where output is shared between the landowner and tenant. Sharecropping is the predominant form of tenancy in Sindh where the land ownership distribution is particularly skewed. According to a study, a median landlord in Sindh owns 28 acres of land, whereas nearly 80 per cent of the share croppers-tenants are landless farmers.[1]
AHD discovered the deplorable condition of women belonging to the share croppers/ tenant families (mostly Hindus). These women along with their children spend considerable time (4-6 hrs daily) in the fields and are involved in weeding, sowing and harvesting alongside men. A few of them are also employed as daily wagers for only Rs. 200/ day (USD 2) to work in the fields of landlords. The landless farmers/ tenants are often deprived of production profits of agriculture by the big landlords and their standard of living is on the nosedive. The targeted families have subsistence income only from the crops. Average household income is not more than Rs. 6,000-7,000 (USD 60-70) per month. For all other household needs, they take loan from the landlord/ zamindar and thus are entrapped in a vicious cycle of debt which transfers from one generation to the other. The loss of crops due to floods in year 2010, 2012, 2013 & now COVID-19 has further worsened the financial liabilities of the tenants.
In District Sujawal, the sharecroppers/ tenants are mostly Hindus (minority group) which form almost 9 % of the total population of District Sujawal. [2] In Jati and Sujawal Talukas, Kohli’s (sub caste of Hindus) are mainly involved in growing vegetables and other crops. Presently due to COVID-19 crises and economic situation low down Pakistan, the poor families residing in very poor conditions with shortage of food and poverty increased during recent years 2020-2021. The need for the project was identified during AHD’s team visits in different villages of Sujawal and Jati areas and find people very poor condition due to shortage of food and labor. AHD conducted focused group discussions (FGD’s) with the women from tenant/ share cropper families (mostly belonging to Hindu minority group) who demanded some income generation skills which they could practice at household level and identified the two trades as proposed in the current project.
[2] Hindus fall roughly into three main classes: the advanced trading and commercial class in which the Lohana predominates; the intermediate class (Kohli’s) who have slightly higher social status than the Rabaries - the primitives and the other scheduled castes.
Mr. Abdul Khurshid Bhatti is the founder member of Association for Humanitarian Development, professionally M. Sc in Agronomy AGRICULTURE during 1999. During Job in one of NGO LSRDA in 2005 the New from Local District Hosital Hyderabad that -500 children death due to Gastero and Diheria Than Mr. Khurshid started searching safe and clean drinking water solution and find Bio-Sand Filters in rural Australia and Asia. Mr. Bhatti & 06 BoD members did research and find solution of Mud Pot NADI and converetd into filter during 2005-2006 and find solution Nadi filter during 2006.
AHD started searching sustainable solutions in 2005-2006 and comes up with number of solutions to uplift rural poor communities and introduced Nadir filter in just ONE village and then 10 Nadi filters, in 2007 AHD started work in 100 families with ADP USA and during 2008 AHD won APFED showcase award for 1,000 families in Jati area and then 2008-2021 AHD supported by Oxfam Pakistan, Help Alliance Germany, Lufthansa Airline, WHO Pakistan, GSK UK, Misereor Germany, Care International, SDPI Islamabad, UNEP-APFED and ADP & Oxfam GB. AHD successfully reached 85,500 families and with other NGOs the total Nadi filters reached in Pakistan figures goes 300,000 in Pakistan rural people, NGOs, INGOs and private organizations doing this and helping poor rural people with access to safe and clean drinking water in 3 million people.
AHD 7 Board Members and 23 skilled staff focused on Nadi filter solution for rural poor communities and from 2007-2021 reached 300,000 rural families in Pakistan and about 3 million drinking safe and clean drinking water.
AHD staff 23 highly motivated and sincere with organization and skilled for Nadi filter technology promotion in Pakistan and Africa, AHD staff willing to help developing countries where drinking water contamination is major problem.
(Note: Mr. Abdul Khurshid Bhatti, CEO AHD organziation is founder and innovator of AHD Nadi filter and helping to replicate technology as per design and technology, anyone want to promote Nadi filters should learn how to assemble it first)
AHD Won GSK- UK “Healthcare Innovation Award
Nadi Filter drinking water video:
Video of Kisumu Africa Women Happy:
AHD Won ENERGY GLOBE AWARD of AUSTRIA 2019 for safe drinking water via Nadi filter technology
- Optimize holistic care for people with rare diseases—including physical, mental, social, and legal support
- Mitigate barriers to accessing medical care after diagnosis which disproportionately affect disinvested communities and historically underrepresented identity groups
- Enhance coordination of care and strengthen data sharing between health care professionals, specialty services, and patients
- Empower patients with quality information about their conditions to fight stigma associated with rare diseases
- Promote community and connection among rare disease patients and their advocates
- Scale
AHD applying to this challenge to help rural poor communities and save them form drinking contaminated water and build their skills to learn AHD Nadi filter solution for the sustainable development
AHD Nadi filter have a multiple benefits for the poor communities, once install Nadi filter unit at their household level than:
>1 one Nadi filter unit can save 5 to 10 US $ per month of a family
>save cost of travel and transportation as canal water or ground water can be filtered for drinking purposes
>Women work load reduced to fetch drinking water from 1-2 km away from their house
>women and children health improved and about US $ 10 to 20 saved on monthly basis for 1 family (saved from water borne diseases)
>Energy saving as local material used to prepare Nadi filter unit
>From 1 Nadi filter unit 20 to 30 people can have safe and clean drinking water ….positive change in society
>Nadi filter unit installation also bring peace in different villages sharing technology will be the source of peace
AHD Nadi Filter water technology adaptation of the centuries old slow sand filtration. The Nadi filter innovation made up during 2005-2006 when some 500 children death due to waterborne diseases by Taluka Hospital Hyderabad Govt of Sindh Pakistan and then AHD humanitarian team & research fellows started working on Nadi Pots to solve drinking water issue in Hyderabad Sind. Nadi filter is made from mud, mud available at local level affordable, sustainable household technology, proven to be very effective in improving the quality of water to make it safe for drinking, cooking, bathing, and cleaning.
The average cost of a Nadi filter in Pakistan, which normally serves a household of 12-20 people is only Rs 3,500-4,500/=. That includes the cost of material, installation, transportation, the cost of training on the filter operation/maintenance and important health and hygiene education. AHD Nadi Filter remove 95.0 to 99.0% of organic contaminants, including bacteria, viruses, protozoa, worms, and particles. Safe water produced by the filters is free of discoloration, odor, and unpleasant taste. The most common home-based models can produce between 20 to 30 liters of water per hour & 50 to 60 liters enough for 8 to 12 households for one day.
AHD working in Sindh Pakistan, Hyderabad region focus on 16 districts most poor and deserving for safe drinking water, AHD established warehouse can store 5,000 to 10,000 Nadi pot material & training & material provision to NGOs, CBOs and community leaders, AHD trained more than 35 Artisan / mud pot makers and doing making Nadi pots at large scale in cities Nadi & Mattaka available in local market people purchase and make their filters but still it is limited as AHD reached 85,500 people and with other NGOs and INGOs we reached only 300,000 families sill long way to go, AHD Nadi filter never ends people use it long as they living and mud pot now prepared on large scale and venders / mud pot makers making these pots, AHD working with different groups, media and Govt line departments to scale up Nadi filters, the next target is to reach 1,000,000 million rural poor families in Pakistan and also AHD reached Asian and African countries different organization and helping in Kenya 200 Nadi filters, Uganda 4,000 Nadi filters, Malawi 200 Nadi filters & Zimbabwe 500 Nadi filter in 2021-2022.
The yearly data we manage and our IT officer do excel sheet data count NIC card number and mobile contacts etc. as per update 2021 December AHD reached 85,500 families via excel sheet data and 300,000 via other groups of NGOs and CBOs. These all achievements in just 15 years 2006-2021 and now AHD focus and fully prepared to target 1,000,000 one million families till 2030 agenda. As per AHD plans and preparations to focus Nadi filter tackled well and during COVID-19 target minimized to 3,500 per year 2020-2021. But 2022 is good we find support for 6,000 Nadi filters so far and hope during August to Dec 2022 AHD fund raising team will raise funds for 6,000 more and hope for 2023 target is 12,000 Nadi filters, we looking support from donors for Pakistan and Africa.
Nadi filter solution is totally local based, no nay technique or machine or technology needed just mud needed and local artisan who already making mud pots on large scale in Pakistan and all over the world, the local artisan / mud pot makers once get design and mobilized than can prepare Nadi in just 2 days. Theory totally depend on skills. AHD team experts to trained people in just one day training and once the training Nadi filter given than man or women install their Nadi in front of AHD trainer and then fallow up and the Nadi prepared first time will rung 10 years to 20 years or more.
Nadi filter made from mud and good mud available everywhere and skills make possible to install this Nadi filters. So simple and easy. Please check this video:
- A new technology
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Behavioral Technology
- Manufacturing Technology
- Materials Science
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- Pakistan
- Kenya
- Malawi
- Uganda
- Zimbabwe
- Nonprofit
One billion people lack safe drinking water. Every day they risk their lives and health by drinking from contaminated sources: they are missing out on a basic human right. Here the AHD Nadi filter can make a difference, providing safe drinking water, right where it's needed most: at household level, because it effectively purifies contaminated water.
Cheap and simple, yet effective. Dedicated to spreading knowledge of this unique technology, we believe this filter can make a difference, save lives in just US $ 10 for 12 months or one year, where other technology fails or is too costly.
AHD Nadi filter have a multiple benefits for the poor communities, once install Nadi filter unit at their household level than:
- 1 one Nadi filter unit can save 5 to 10 US $ per month of a family
- save cost of travel and transportation as canal water or ground water can be filtered for drinking purposes
- Women work load reduced to fetch drinking water from 1-2 km away from their house
- women and children health improved and about US $ 10 to 20 saved on monthly basis for 1 family (saved from water borne diseases)
- Energy saving as local material used to prepare Nadi filter unit
- from 1 Nadi filter unit 20 to 30 people can have safe and clean drinking water ….positive change in society
- Nadi filter unit installation also bring peace in different villages sharing technology will be the source of peace
AHD Business model is a skill based technology, self-explanatory and adoptable at local level all ove the world, the vision of AHD Nadi filter to multiply Nadi filters via skills and one by one people learn and promote, Example: during 2006-2007 only 1 to 100 Nadi filters and in 2008 and further on gone high 4,000 to 30,000 and when our team count in Dec 2021 gone 85,500 to 300,000. Now in Pakistan some 07 NGOs doing this and helping their people
AHD wants to trained Nadi filter skills on large scale and help people to use this technology and save themselves from drinking contaminated water and help their brothers and sisters
- Do you primarily provide products or services directly to individuals, to other organizations, or to the government?
AHD primarily help poor rural people and then NGOs and INGOs and community leaders, NGOs and Government offers support and partnerships for their poor rural people, what we experienced so far in Pakistan and Uganda and Kenya
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
AHD is the member of Global Giving US and UK and raising funds for different projects monthly basis, Global Giving give wonderful space to AHD as monthly donation reach Pakistan and we do help people and reach our targets
2ndly AHD raise funds via Donors/call for applications and proposal submission
3rdly AHD website receive funds via bank donations
4th AHD has experts and staff who creates links and video and media active for fund raising
5ht AHD has income generations schemes to raise funds for Nadi filter technology
please see below links
LinkedIn Network:
Facebook Network:
AHD Won GSK- UK “Healthcare Innovation Award
Nadi Filter drinking water video:
Video of Kisumu Africa Women Happy:
AHD started searching sustainable solutions in 2005-2006 and comes up with number of solutions to uplift rural poor communities and introduced Nadir filter in just ONE village and then 10 Nadi filters, in 2007 AHD started work in 100 families with ADP USA and during 2008 AHD won APFED showcase award for 1,000 families in Jati area and then 2008-2021 AHD supported by Oxfam Pakistan, Help Alliance Germany, Lufthansa Airline, WHO Pakistan, GSK UK, Misereor Germany, Care International, SDPI Islamabad, UNEP-APFED and ADP & Oxfam GB. AHD successfully reached 85,500 families and with other NGOs the total Nadi filters reached in Pakistan figures goes 300,000 in Pakistan rural people, NGOs, INGOs and private organizations doing this and helping poor rural people with access to safe and clean drinking water in 3 million people.
AHD started Nadi filter from 1 family and one Nadi filter in 2006 and in 2007 10 and 100 and in 2008 Nadi filter 1,000 and than yearly 3,000 to 12,000 per year
