EHPHA Vaccine Management System is an automated information system for the management of vaccines which includes but not limited to:
- Automating the logistics management information system throughout the supply chain of the vaccines and with the option of interoperability through API allow the exchange of data between Health Management Information System, visualization software, mobile data collection platforms, and any other warehouse ERP systems
- Tracking of the procured quantities of vaccines from Provincial Vaccine Store to Health Facilities
- Tracking the operations related to distribution and re-distribution of vaccines between vaccine store and health facilities
- Viewing Stock on Hand for specific vaccine or summary of all vaccines
- Data collecting
- Improve the forecasting-the processes of estimating the right vaccines, in the right quantities for a specific procurement period, in a timely and accurate manner
- Make rational decisions in response to vaccine delivery, budgetary, service providers' competency, institutional capacities, and other attributes
- Ensure uninterrupted availability of appropriate vaccines at all levels with the option of notifications of low stock
- Improve cost-effectiveness