In 2018 Astana Declaration reaffirmed a global commitment to primary healthcare as a core strategy to achieve universal health coverage (Bitton, Fifield, Hirschborn, 2019) however meeting this potential has been stunted due to fragmented and lacking research into where future support for certain services is needed most. Additionally, primary care providers are not able to perform optimally due to a lack of reliable and universal record keeping that can be transferred easily and shared among multiple doctors and specialists. Ambrii will allow measurement of worldwide statistics to be gathered about the spread of the flu, TB, STI’s, Viruses, and every other medical condition of concern needing worldwide tracking for an effective plan to eradicate it.
With a click of a button authorized entities will be able to gather worldwide redacted data about every health concern being measured, allowing for proper funding to be distributed to researchers studying diseases that have traditionally been difficult to track and evaluate.
Low- to middle income countries will be able to access first world experts to learn how to provide front line care for their patients. First world nations will be able to provide needed equipment to slow or stop the spread of diseases like COVID-19 and Monkey Pox because they will see the spread instantly, in real time, as the doctors providing care are entering symptoms and notes about what works and what doesn’t, from anywhere in the world. Inventory collected for Disaster Recovery can begin to be shifted to locations closer to “ground zero” more quickly, instead of having to wait for overburdened medical professionals to have time to reach out for assistance.
Medicines and vaccines can be distributed where primary care performance is being measured and regional health practitioners have time to contact the CDC or WHO and ask for medicines and vaccines. “Outbreaks” can be seen, tracked, measured, and responded to in real time rather than weeks, or even months down the road.
Distributed Ledger Technology provides quick and efficient access to records stored in any format, providing for easily-accessible secure record keeping and information sharing. Secure track-and-trace capabilities for primary care providers allows a patient’s record to be quickly transferred and shared between doctors anywhere in the world once they have authenticated to the system and their business need to know and permissions have been proven.
For example, if a child needs a vaccination, the referral for the inoculation can be uploaded to Ambrii by a qualified healthcare employee for safe keeping and then sent to a primary care provider. The primary care provider can then look at the referral, create an appointment, and upload the appointment information onto Ambrii for safe keeping, then send it to the patient for scheduling. When the patient goes in to see the doctor and gets his/her inoculation, the doctor can then upload the inoculation record to Ambrii for safe keeping, and the child served will have this record in an easy, accessible place for future reference at any point in his/her life, making it easy to prove vaccination status and prevent duplicate vaccinations. Additionally, because the vaccination record is available to other qualified primary care providers to view, and for qualified researchers to utilize in data collection, primary care performance can be confirmed, measured, and even improved as a result of being able to view records in real-time.
This allows for improved primary care provider performance measurement, essential data feedback that can provide crucial insight for funding efforts, allow for more immediate requests for new equipment or medications, aid in measuring data for research efforts, and thus contribute to increasing quality of life for millions everywhere.
Because Alister Inc. believes deeply in inclusive human-centered design, reducing the implementation of Ambrii to a specific community reduces the accessibility of Ambrii substantially for those who truly need it. One of the great things about our solution is that it can be implemented as an overlay to any EMR system serving any primary care provider (or providers) within any country for any community. We serve caregivers and patients by providing a specialized product that can be modified for ease of use and can assist in measuring the efficacy of primary care providers everywhere, from ambulance to midwifery to surgical suite and research laboratory. Because all primary care providers and insurance companies can be served by this technology and because they have access to it, low to middle income countries and underserved communities gain the most because primary care providers and insurance companies can have immediate access to resources, personnel, systems, and research previously out of their reach. Our solution will impact the lives of millions by providing essential information for researchers, as Ambrii’s record keeping technology is immutable and international.
Ambrii also takes stress off caregivers and patients who might normally have to keep track of their own, or a family member’s, documents and forms, posing the risk of losing essential and sensitive healthcare information, or even risking confidentiality violations.
Due to Ambrii’s potential for international medical record access that is immutable and secure, specialists from all over the world may be able to access important medical information and provide measurable feedback to medical professionals working in the field within low to middle income countries, increasing the ability to measure whether patients are being properly and humanely treated for their conditions.
Our team is committed to social impact efforts and infatuated with easy access to medical care. Our team is composed of natural advocates with experience in cybersecurity, blockchain, data governance, EMR systems, and issues pertaining to healthcare and medical needs. Our team comes from various walks of life, with essential perspectives, and understand the needs of all patients to have access to a primary care provider and accurate medical records throughout their lives.
Alister’s team is composed of professionals with essential expertise integrating Ambrii’s distributed ledger blockchain technology. Our team members include a Cybersecurity expert, Medical Advocate, members with chronic illnesses who understand what a difference timely access to primary care providers can make, caregivers, grandparents, and professional researchers. We all have a vision that Ambrii has the potential to improve measurement of primary care performance for everyone everywhere.
- Employ unconventional or proxy data sources to inform primary health care performance improvement
- Provide improved measurement methods that are low cost, fit-for-purpose, shareable across information systems, and streamlined for data collectors
- Leverage existing systems, networks, and workflows to streamline the collection and interpretation of data to support meaningful use of primary health care data
- Provide actionable, accountable, and accessible insights for health care providers, administrators, and/or funders that can be used to optimize the performance of primary health care
- Prototype
The team of Alister Inc. has participated in an MIT Solve challenge before and learned and grew exponentially as a result. We are confident that access to the resources and professionals provided by MIT will help us launch and get to Beta stage. We believe that our product has great potential, and we’ve proven it works, but without funding to reach its full potential, we will not be able to move forward as quickly to deliver our solution to all who need it.
Distributed Ledger Technology is not new, but it hasn’t yet been applied to this problem in this way. We believe it will change how the world accesses health care and medical records for the better. We believe we would be one of the first to implement an internationally accessible distributed ledger of healthcare records and technology for measurement of healthcare providers around the world.
Our first goal is to fully develop the product with the help of funding over the next year. Once we develop our product to the MVP stage, our next goal would be to beta test it with several local, state, and eventually federal medical record systems. At 2-5 years we expect to be distributing Ambrii worldwide to medical professionals on the “cutting edge” of technology who are more amenable to trying out new technology. From there we expect it to grow “word of mouth” from trusted professional to trusted professional, growing rapidly to meet the worldwide need for this system. And finally, our last goal is providing the ability to measure adequate and quality healthcare for a low cost to increase healthcare access overall.
Alister Inc. has experienced Project Management practitioners familiar with Waterfall and Agile Project Management systems. We will use deliverables-based project management to identify specific milestones and deliverables and assign resources to complete them on time and within our defined budget.
After being invited to the MIT Solve Unbundle Policing incubator in 2020, Alister developed a Proof of Concept that shows our product can be used for many different types of data sharing systems. We will walk in the door of this MIT Solve program with a proof of concept, and a good project plan to transition to Minimum Viable Product under this MIT challenge.
Our product has the ability to meet several of the UN Sustainable Development Goals including:
- Reducing income inequalities
- Promoting universal social, economic and political inclusion
- Ensuring equal opportunities
- Ending discrimination
- Enhancing representation for developing countries
- Encouraging development assistance and investment in least developed countries
- Enhancing shared prosperity in the form of equal and regular access to good medical care for all people in the world
Reducing Income Inequalities:
One of the biggest inequalities in this world is access to quality medical care. Providing medical records to all patients and all primary care providers around the world will make it possible to apply for funding in areas historically less able to support quality medical care by attracting research dollars and facilities. Access to primary care providers delivers a chance to survive medical crises not currently available to large areas of the underserved populations of the world.
Promoting Universal Social, Economic and Political Inclusion
Groups like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have had to struggle for decades to spark interest in fighting endemic diseases like polio, Ebola, TB, and Malaria because it has been practically impossible to show documentation of the need. Our product provides all patients and their care providers with a way to not only seek medical care but measure it’s efficacy. Underserved populations have had to rely solely on research grants and outside entities coming to them for specific and isolated medical research. Now they will be able to report their specific medical need and attract doctors needing patients to work with on new and advanced medical research, development, and cures.
Ensuring Equal Opportunities
No one can be successful in school, work, or social life if they are chronically hungry, chronically ill, or unable to gain mobility due to medical reasons. Our system will provide all patients a place to securely share their medical records with specialists and primary care providers they ordinarily could not access. These specialists may be able to quickly assess and diagnose minor issues for immediate treatment, or provide tests and regionally available resources for longer-term care. A person in low- to middle income care facilities should be able to get proper casting on a properly diagnosed broken limb as easily and quickly as a person in the EU, or the USA.
Ending Discrimination
It’s easy to ignore a problem when it isn’t right in front of you. It’s easy to assume lifestyle choices or geographical challenges are responsible for specific disease outbreaks if you aren’t there to understand the regional challenges suffered by the residents of a stricken community. Our system allows all people in the world to see redacted statistics of outbreaks of diseases already eradicated in first world countries so that the residents in those countries can demand participation in worldwide eradication. No child should ever have to suffer TB or Polio, Mumps, Rubella, or any of the diseases first world countries inoculate their children from already, but if first world countries can’t “see” the problem, they won’t be included in the solutions available worldwide. Discrimination is bred by lack of communication and understanding. If we can speak to each other, we can understand the problem, and can engineer worldwide solutions everyone can enjoy.
Enhancing Representation for Developing Countries
Often misguided “projects” are launched in Developing Countries because the citizens of those countries weren’t available to consult about what their needs, desires, and available resources were before the plan was put into motion. We will make it easier for first world countries to see and hear what Developing Countries are suffering through so they can direct resources and funding to the communities in need. Too often the people’s needs are ignored in favor of political demands. When the people all have a voice, their needs can be recognized and begin to be met.
Encouraging Development Assistance and Investment in Least Developed Countries
People in need of assistance cannot apply for that assistance if they aren’t aware it exists. By providing redacted medical statistics and care measurements to communities and world health organizations, we can encourage development assistance in targeted distributions specific to the actual statistically proven needs of the people of that nation. When people are well and can work to improve their community, they will develop very quickly, and can engineer solutions to their own and their neighbors’ problems much more easily. Our system shares the medical needs of populations with the world, allowing for targeted investment in areas most in need, rather than those most able to advertise their need for it. Executive Boards of large Endowment funds will not invest without factual representation of the problem, and a good argument that their investment can help solve it. Our system provides both.
Enhancing Shared Prosperity in the Form of Equal and Regular Access to Good Medical Care for all People in the World
People with regular access to reliable and high-quality health care are healthy. Healthy people have energy and can research and develop new ideas and technology. Countries with a high level of new technologies and ideas are more successful than those that are trying to survive, constantly searching for adequate basic medical care and food. We believe our system will expand access to high-quality medical care to people all over the world, in all types of socio-economic situations, uplifting and making them healthier and happier. Healthy happy people work harder and create change for their communities, carrying those who need support and providing opportunities for themselves and their neighbors to succeed and thrive. We believe our system will provide that access for people who couldn’t otherwise achieve it any other way. All people in all countries have knowledge, culture, mores, and means to share with other people in other countries that can benefit from it as well.
Our theory of change is that, by the implementation of Ambrii, primary care providers will have ease of access to a worldwide EMR that is immutable, secure, and benefits patient and caregiver alike. This will provide security for medical professionals to accurately file documents and keep track of a patient’s health in real time, giving primary care providers a reliable digital ledger to store and pull information from. This, logically, will provide medical care providers with the tool necessary to share information instantly with other providers, allowing group work and collaboration on patient wellness, and thus improving primary care provider performance due to a larger and easier access to reliable information. This will be disruptive change, the kind that provides health and happiness to as many people as possible, and removes barriers to care caused by funding, access, and interest issues.
The core technology that powers our solution within Ambrii is distributed ledger blockchain technology. This allows all users access to our app via their cell phone, a kiosk, or their medical provider’s computer systems, and the opportunity to upload their care history to professionals who can offer care not usually available in their region. This immutable digital ledger stores essential information in a reliable, safe place which then provides reliable data access and sharing among patients and medical professionals anywhere in the world, without the existing format and other technological limitations currently in place.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Blockchain
- GIS and Geospatial Technology
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
Ambrii allows primary care providers and/or patients to add medical forms and records of their patient’s care to their existing EMR without changing anything about it. Once the record is in their system, Ambrii takes a digital image of the record and encrypts it with the patient’s private hash and uploads the image, not the file, to our private federated blockchain, where role-based access controls limit access to only those with a medical need and permission to access it.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Alister’s team is composed of people from multiple walks of life with identities ranging from BIPOC to disabled who are contributing their essential perspectives to the development of Ambrii. These perspectives have allowed Alister to think of the multiple uses for Ambrii and how Ambrii can be made most easy to use. The team believes that this ease of use is essential for contributing to the equitable, inclusive, and diverse use of Alister’s technology.
Alister is a for-profit economically disadvantaged woman-owned small business with a three-member Corporate Board, three advisory board members, a CISO, and several interns/Junior Board Members. We are incorporated in Wyoming and have an office in Davis, California.
Our plan is to provide the software and installation free to all medical providers in low income and underserved regions, using grant funds like those offered by this program to get started.
Existing EMR systems will pay to license the product in order to gain access to areas that they have historically been unable to serve. Communities will benefit from it because we will give it free to areas that qualify as low to middle income.
All paying customers will pay on a sliding scale based on income. Patients will download and install the app on their phones and will never be charged to use it. There may be upgraded features available for a fee in a later version, but the core functionality will always be free to patients and low-income health care providers.
- Organizations (B2B)
Alister Inc. has been boot-strapping the Ambrii product since its creation in 2019. Our board and staff have all worked toward creating the Ambrii proof of concept because they believe in the product and want to see it succeed.
We have applied for an SBIR NSF grant and provide for-profit consulting services on an ad hoc basis, contract permitting.
Alister Inc. has been boot-strapping the Ambrii product since its creation in 2019. Our board and staff have all worked toward creating the Ambrii proof of concept because they believe in the product and want to see it succeed. We hope to be able to offer our core staff a salary with some of the funds from this program if selected. Our founders have contributed their own money from the equity in their home to fund the program’s development as well.

President/CEO Alister Inc. and Co-Founder of Ambrii

Chief Operations Officer (COO)

Chief Marketing Officer
