Teach Human to be healthy human possible in this Earth
The Nepali people are dying on way to the hospital are equal to dying in the hospital during and after treatment. There are 5-8 patients among 1000 emergency patients are brought dead on arrival in the emergency department. The mortality in the emergency department is also 5-6 patients among 1000 emergency patients during treatment in emergency department. Nowadays, nepali people are rarely die in their own home, that means, people bring their beloved in the hospital for treatment irrespective of severity of the critical condition of the patient. These patients are suffering from head to toe problems, trauma, communicable and non-communicable disease irrespective of age group and gender. There are 8% of nepali population needs first aid every day, among them 5% need primary healthcare and 2% need emergency service and 1% need hospital definite care.
Therefore, the challenge to reduce the disability, morbidity and mortality of preventable deaths of Nepali People in Nepal and other country where common Nepali people are spending their valuable life time serving for Humanity Development in own country and other countries.
The solution is simple - Educate the every student to understand their body and its meaning - 'First Aid for Healthy Human'
'First Aid for Healthy Human' teach, practice of basics of human body, its basic physiology to understand (by common people, even uneducated people) by every students to change their attitude to be competent in their life for preventable disability, morbidity and mortality.
'First Aid for Healthy Human' is local language written book to educate the student by knowledge of gross human anatomy and basic physiology to understand where, what and how it because sick and change during injury i.e. knowledge and simple practice, mostly hands on practice for every student to practice in their day to day life to understand and change to be healthier human everyday wherever they are, with positive attitude of healthy human beings, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially.
How does it incorporate inclusive human-centered design?
It incorporate inclusive human-centered design to educate and practice every human to be competent to be healthy human.
How is it better and/or complementary to existing methods in low- and middle-income countries?
It is simple book to educate the students to change their knowledge and practice to be competent to be the healthy human by themseives for them by reading, understand and practice by trained Primary Care Frontliners Medics to Train School Teachers to train their students in their school.
Appointed Primary Health Care Provider - community Nurse or Paramedics and 'First Aid for Healthy Human' trained community school teacher will collect the data.
With online networking available in every part of country, Nepal - digitally with Apps can be used in their mobile phone to register and record the data and collect them online. These are easiest way to collect the data in modern world with revolution of digital Nepal and the World.
The common people of Nepal who are underserved and maximum number of population of villages and uneducated community of cities also. Therefore, target population are the class 8-10 students of Government Schools of Nepal at the initial period then mandatory educational book for every students of Nepal irrespective of Government or Non-Government school students.
The students are the future of the country who will run the country and other country for entire humanity wherever they move and live for their entire life. They will understand, practice being competent to be healthy human with healthy practice attitude in their entire life then carry on for their generation to generation this world.
It took more than 5 years to complete the 1st edition of this book, initially named "Handbook of Advanced First Aid" in local Nepali language, now re-writing in 2nd Edition as "First Aid for Healthy Human" in Nepali language. This book has been used in testing more than 100,000 population of different parts of Nepal. Because of this book along with Hands on training, we had reduced the first aid related communicable and non-communicable illness, trauma and non-trauma, disability, morbidity and mortality by 70% in the respective community.
I, Dr Ramesh Kumar Maharjan, Health Assistant in 1990 - 1993, MBBS in 1999, Emergency Medical Officer 2000-2002, MD in General Practice 2002-2005, Faculty of Department of General Practice and Emergency Medicine since 2006, then Assistant Professor in 2009, DM in Emergency Medicine 2011-2014, Associate Professor 2016, Chief (Head of Department) of Department of Emergency Medicine, Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital since January 2022 onwards.
I did the Advanced First Aid Training Project via Nepal Disaster and Emergency Medicine Center since 2007, more from 2012, and a lot from 2015 to 2020.
I am with many of my colleagues and juniors to assist me in this project.
- Employ unconventional or proxy data sources to inform primary health care performance improvement
- Provide improved measurement methods that are low cost, fit-for-purpose, shareable across information systems, and streamlined for data collectors
- Leverage existing systems, networks, and workflows to streamline the collection and interpretation of data to support meaningful use of primary health care data
- Provide actionable, accountable, and accessible insights for health care providers, administrators, and/or funders that can be used to optimize the performance of primary health care
- Balance the opportunity for frontline health workers to participate in performance improvement efforts with their primary responsibility as care providers
- Scale
We are applying for financial support to start these challenging task to make Nepali Population and the other similar countries for Right of fundamental basic healthcare by Primary Health Care System support by directly involvement of community people for their health care system development.
We did 2015 to 2020 with various project activities to train the community people and learn that our project help people to live healthy life and prevention of dangerous life during day to day emergency as well as basic primary care of their health to up lift the health status.
There is always need of simplification of solving the problem. Life is running and will run despite our measurable solution in people of Nepal who need just simplification of applicable and day to day use education for better health. Despite of many solution for better health, still there are lacking of such tool to rollout generation to generation to carry on as simple basic of life to live healthier. With 5 years of application of our tools in given districts population, we could reduce the 70% of disability, morbidity and mortality. In addition, these tools work as preventive measures.
The community is always in harmony of locally available resources, hence our tool works as catalyst to change the market or enable broader positive impacts in the people of user of our tools. Since we are training the community students with community teachers by Primary Care Frontliers who as role model in such community.
Application of such knowledge in their day to day practice as basic of eating to survive, it is also the basic to live healther and prosperous healthy life.
The impact goal is to develop Community based Primary Healthcare Care system to link up with Commuity Emergency Healthcare System for the next year.
For next five years is to develop National Primary Health Care System to link up with National Emergency Healthcare System.
To achieve them
1. Train the Trained Healthcare Team for Community based Primary Healthcare System in their commuity
2. Train the Trained Healthcare Team for National Primary Healthcare System
3. Train the community teachers to train their students in the community school for Primary Healthcare System
4. To link up the Primary Healthcare System with Emergency Care System
5. Application, intervention, monitoring and evaluaion periodically to continue and susten the Community to National Level Primary Heallthcare System link with Emergency Care System
Application, intervention, monitoring and evaluaion periodically to continue and susten the Community to National Level Primary Heallthcare System link with Emergency Care System
1. Primary data collection of present situation of Community Primary Healthcare Status - intial 3 months, process of study registration in concern government authorilty, next 3 month for field data collection in selected community from 7 province of Nepal
2. Primary data collection of Primary Healthcare System Nationally assess in from 7 Provincial Level Hospitals of Nepal - another 3 month
3. Data analysis and report writing and publication for Present Status of Primary Healthcare System of Nepal - last 3 month of the 1st Year
4. 2nd Year onwards - Interventional Community Primary Healthcare develpment program
5. 3rd Year onwards - Interventional National Primary Healthcare development program
6. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program periodically
The Theory of Change
Nepal is country of peaceful lover people in this World. People here, understand the measurable meaning of their life. They understand and apply when they were train to use the system. Because of lack of understanding and practice, these people of communty are in danger of health. There have been many measures and interventional healthcare system has been applying since many years. There are changes but not as compare to expected improvement in quality of life of the people living here in Nepal.
Therefore, the theory of change for the people from community level to the national level as "Commuity Primary Healthcare Development Project for National Primary Healtcare Development link up with Emergncy Care System in Nepal".
Logical framework
Stage 1 - Application of Global Challenge Fund
Stage 2 - Win the Fund
Stage 3 - Application for Government approval for the project
Stage 4 - Primary Data Collection frorm selected community different from 7 Provinces of Nepal to represent entire Nepal
Stage 5 - Primary and Secondary Data collection from Provincial Level Hospitals for Primary Healthcare System
Stage 6 - Primary data analysis, Report Presentation and Publication of Community and National Primary Healthcare System in Nepal
Stage 7 - Community Primary Healthcare System Interventional Project in those Primary Data collected community of 7 Provinces of Nepal
Stage 8 - National Primary Healthcare System Interventional Project in the Provincial Level Hospitals of Nepal
Stage 9 - Development of Framework of National Primary Healthcare System in Nepal
Stage 10 - Submission and endorsement of National Primary Healthcare System in Nepal to the Ministry of Health and Population, Government of Nepal
Stage 11 - Follow-up Project of implementation of Commuity to National Level Primary Healthcare System
Stage 12 - Monitoring and Evaluation periodically in all stages of work
We have experience of differnet apps development and software development to boost and easy for teaching and learning, application and reporting, recording and monitoring, simple use by common people as revolution by mobile internet in every person and every corner of community in every corner of Nepal. Hence, we can use and will use modern information technology tools in every aspect of the program as power of solution for correctly recording, reporting, monitoring, evaluation, intervention and implementation.
We can develop the Central Monitoring System and station base from community to respective level 1 hospital to level 2 hospital and then level 3 hospital recording and reporting, monitoring system online with Natioanl Identifcation Number of Nepali people. The National ID Number of indivual will represent the core of data entry and carry on from community Primary Healthcare to every corner of Healthcare System when the indivual moves from one place to another for his or her Primary Healthcare Rights.
These data can collect, monitor, analyse, evaluate and interven as Real Time System of Primary Healthcare System of Nepal.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Audiovisual Media
- Big Data
- Crowd Sourced Service / Social Networks
- Software and Mobile Applications
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
For Commuity Primary Healthcare Data Collection: We will train the team of data collectors from respective selected community with education level of 10+ class passed young and energetic people. Train them and mobilize them according to project design.
For National Primary Healthcare Data collection: We will mobilise the trained human resorces from publical health qualification team and Primary Healthcare Expert Physicians, Policy makers and concern authority of Provincial Level Hospital authorities in involement of these project for various stages of these projects.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
There is no descrimination in our organization. We beleive in Humanity and Human Species as being people Nepal in this part of the Earth. Therefore, we cover eqaul gender in working team, all community of various ethinicty, grasswood level education to higher level education. We apply the Principles of "Beuatiful Flower of a Garden - the people of Nepal".
Our organization business model is service provider and result oriented.
Our customers are the community people who are suffering of ill-healthcare system and they are targeted beneficiaries in the community then the country development further more in every aspect of development with physically, mentally, socially and spiritually healthy community population of Nepal.
Commuity Primary Healthcare system Package is our products and service for them.
These products and service will be provided with winning of this Solve's Global Challenges - Solve's Challenging Mission Project for development of Primary Healthcare System in Nepal.
We are the bridge between the people of Nepal for their understanding and practice with positive attitude to be competent healthy citizen of Nepal with other people of the World for better Earth.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
For the intial phase we need the grant fund to start the project.
Once we develop the community Primary Healthcare system - we ask the local community government to invest their budget and fund to continue of their own health life by themselve in development and sustain their "Community Primary Healthcare System to link up with National Primary Healthcare System". We will be partner with the community with help from Solve's Global Challenges Projects in various phages.
We also make the Governement to understand the value of investment in National Primary Healthcare System and Health Insurance system of Nepal for maximum benefit and resorces useefullness for optimal healthcare system to meet the Sustainable Global Health from Nepal.
With 2015 to 2022 Project of Community First Aid Training Projects to support and development Emergency Care System in Nepal, our organization reporting to Ministry of Health and Population, Government of Nepal directly.
On the basis of Community First Aiders Report, Community Matrnity, Adolscents, and Child Health First Aiders - we work with Ministry of Health and Population, Government of Nepal to handover and development of such Community First Aid Training Program via National Healthcare Training Center, Ministry of Health and Population, Government of Nepal.
With Commuity Ambulence Driver First Aider Training and Ambulance Assistant First Aider Training and report to Ministry of Health and Population, Government has develop "Nepal Ambulance Act - Define the level of ambulance, mandatory of First Aid Training to be the qualified Ambulance Driver. Then, the development of Basic Emergenc Medical Technicians for Ambulance for register Nurse and Health Assistant of Nepal.
Dr Ramesh Kumar Maharjan and our organization NADEM Center www.facebook.com/ncemnepal has been involving in process of development of Emergency Healthcare System since 2007 with close link with Ministry of Health and Population, Government of Nepal.
So, with these priceless involvement of Healthcare System of Nepal from our organization, there are many organizations investing in such health including WHO in Nepal. Now, it is time to invest in Primary Healthcare System for development of Nepal Primary Healthcare System with your Solve's Global Challenges and NADEM Center for Nepal to upgrade in Primary Healthcare System to link up with Emergency Healthcare system in Nepal to be the applicable example for the developing nations of the World to change for better human life where our investment and serves are much real needed.
Thank you!
Emergency Physician