Our project aims at solving the problem of social exclusions in the communities. Based on living conditions of people in Rwanda,many are still under the line of poverty and there are other people who wish to help. However, they don’t do so because there was no strategic way to do that. Recognizing this gap, we developed a system that will simplify donation process and enable communication between donating and receiving parties. It is a poly function system. It supports donation, management and communication processes. Depending on Rwandans level of understanding of what it means to help someone, we undoubtedly believe that many lives of people will be improved through this platform. Moreover, our system is designed in a way that addresses every community meaning that it can be used globally where everyone can contribute to the improvement of human kind and yet every person will be positively impacted.
Here are specific problems that we overlooked at before the development of this system. At first, we looked at the problem of poor people who are attacked by dangerous diseases like cancer; heart and kidney attacks; … because of their bad living conditions and they are transferred to the public hospitals where they are likely to die because of missing amount to pay for medication. Secondly, we looked at the problem of school dropouts because of financial issues as indicated by NISR, the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda in their article of 2017/2018 about school attendance rate where 90% of total students who left school, were for the fact of not paying fees. According to UNHCR, African countries have a bigger number of refugees who are victims of wars and disasters. So, they have to be cared so that they can fit in the community! Finally, we looked at the problem of orphans and disabled people who live a life that can’t give them hope for tomorrow. Unfortunately, there was no way designed through which the above issues could be addressed. Not only in Rwanda but also the neighboring countries.
According to the structure of platform, we are serving the government on work of management. Also serving donors through the provision of secured donation process and particularly serving poor patients in the hospitals, poor intelligent scholars, refugees, orphans and disabled people through the development of a platform where they will be concerned and included in the community. Depending on the experience from secondary school and the observations from the nearby hospital, we passionately wish to serve them. Currently, Rwanda is having more than 5 refugees’ camps hosting more than 100,000 refugees. Those are the categories of people that we aim to serve. Fortunately, our system will hopefully contribute to improvement of their lives. The patients will get the opportunity to expose their wishes, the students will get the way to demonstrate their potentials, orphans, refugees and disabled people will be included in the community and show their influence to the development. Importantly, the donors will get the opportunity to contribute to the improvement of human kind. With no hesitation, this solution will boost up the minds of people on how to help others and fruitfully be the new way to collaborate among the citizens of the communities.
PANGELASSA is a word derived from two geographical terms: PANGEA-PANTHELASSA “the first giant continent and water body”. This means that there was only one human nation with the same vision and mission, people sharing prosperity. But nowadays, the former beautiful firm and resilient human nation riven into different human races. This created conflicts which led to social exclusions.We need its revival. That’s the logic! Our solution is the development of simple-secured poly function system to revive the community interaction. After recognizing the lack of improved donation method, we chose to develop a system that would facilitate and eases the donation process. In the meantime, we developed a platform called “PANGELASSA REVIVAL”. As its name suggests it is simple, easy to use and secured, independently oriented. Especially it is a poly function system. It supports donation, management and communication processes. For management, this platform will be used in the hospitals, schools/colleges, refugees’ camps, orphanages and organizations in charge of disabled people where they will create account and be able to record, save and update the current situation before and after any action (help) is done. For instance, the hospital updates the number of patients who have debts and the amount of money needed and the number of patients who need special care. You understand that this will help the hospital to manage the data and the government as well. Hence, management is simplified! For donation, after these info’s are updated, the donor will also get them through the platform and know the current situation in that hospital. This will encourage him/her to donate because he/she is sure about what his/her donation are going to do. For communication, the plat form will enabled the recipient to give feedback including the video showing patients’reaction and enable the donor to comment. Not only donating but also this platform will enable one to visit, volunteer and sponsor after creating an account too. Hence, this will create the permanent relationship between donors and receivers. One more thing special with our solution is the establishment of Pangelassa certificate of appreciation to the donors. We plan on working with Rwandan government on how these certificates will be the strong CV document as a way to make everyone aware of this system.
- Make government and other institutions more accountable, transparent, and responsive to citizen feedback
- Ensure all citizens can overcome barriers to civic participation and inclusion
- Prototype
- New application of an existing technology
Designing Pangelassa alongside the community driven innovation, it ensures effective and efficient utilization by the end user. We begin by assessing the needs of donors to trustfully get the relevant information they are likely to need before donating. Pangelassa is standardized to provide data to the government and other institutions that may need them and relevant to any country who has signed the agreement to achieve the 2030, 17 sustainable development goals. It enables the communication between the donors and the receivers. Pangelassa enables the sign in options where donor creates account such that he gets all updates and details on all donations he made. The receiving body will be enabled to give the feedback to the donors. Pangelassa is a community centered platform and delivers essential information to national governments and support global scale. Importantly, the donors will gain the Pangelassa certificates of appreciation which will be used as the strong CV documents.
Pangelassa poly function system will revolutionize the way in which e-Donation systems are developed and implemented around the globe. The Pangelassa revival was created because there was no existing digital donation systems were designed to support the organizations in charge of needy people to officially update or demonstrate the day-to-day situation of needy people and the government officials to record the data being provided by those organizations or even give the space for the donors to demonstrate their feelings. Pangelassa will utilize the technology to efficiently create the strong interaction between donating and receiving parties, while promoting the adoption of national help programs, compliance with national reporting requirements and achievement of lasting improvements in social inclusion and shared prosperity.
- Machine Learning
- Blockchain
- Big Data
- Social Networks
Depending on type of organizations that we can work with, we aim to increase the number of them from three including two recipient schools and one juice industry donor organization that we are sure of working with today to 10 donating organizations in the next 12 months including communication, banking and transport companies, Ecole des Sciences BYIMANA Alumni Association, link the database to MINEMA, Rwanda Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugees to efficiently monitor the management. We plan to work with 5 public hospitals in Kigali city, 4 orphanages and 2 refugee camps and Rwanda Institute for Conservation Agriculture (RICA). We will work with charitable organizations to set the campaigns about the humanitarian and charity adoption for 2 months and improving 5000 families in Rwanda approximately 30,000 people. of course depending on the outside environment and the current political stability in our country Rwanda, we undoubtedly expect the full performance in addressing the problems we stated above.
- Very Poor/Poor
- Low-Income
- Minorities/Previously Excluded Populations
- Refugees/Internally Displaced Persons
- Persons with Disabilities
- Burundi
- Rwanda
- Uganda
- Burundi
- Rwanda
- Uganda
With our project, we are currently working offline with Ecole des Sciences BYIMANA secondary school in Ruhango district of Rwanda through SAB, “Scholar Aid Byimana” where we collect money and donations from students themselves and school leaders and redistribute them among poor students in that school to decrease their school debt, and giving some basic needs like balanced diet, building houses and toilets to the poorest people in the community around that school. Simply, depending on the way that we are currently collecting funds and communicating with other people, we are serving 100 people within one term. Since 2018 we have served 1000 people.
The Pangelassa Revival project with Pangelassa staff, the goal is to completely ensure the social inclusion and shared prosperity among people across the globe. After the establishment of 17 sustainable development goals, every developing country was hardly concerned and this gave us the idea to start our project. At the beginning we aimed to at least achieve the first five goals concerning the improvement of people’s lives. Pangelassa is designed in a way that complies the needs of any poor society. In this way we aim at working with all districts in our country during these two coming years and across East Africa as well. As long as the partnership increases, we will work across the countries around EAC, East African Community specifically Somalia. In looking ahead towards achieving the sustainable development goals, our target is that through the newly improved donation system, the dream of zero exclusion and complete satisfaction through shared prosperity will soon be a reality across the globe.
This is a wonderful time that we have been waiting for, it is a great opportunity for us to demonstrate our passion and expose all barriers and challenges to our project. After getting the idea to develop this system, many people appreciated it but they discouraged us trying to tell us that we couldn’t achieve it because of the problem of lack of facilities to start our project including lack of partnership. Our solution aims to deal with the improvement of people’s lives and we can’t do that without knowing the life of theirs. Here is the list of barriers that we face both internal and external. Internally, we are poor to deal with the self-finance means that we are financially weak. No means of transport that our organization owns meaning that it is very difficult for us to move from our location to different parts of the country and no more experience in the workers meaning that we require more training on foreign affairs to expand globally and we have a hard challenge of not having experts in software development and management. Externally, we have the challenge of people’s understanding on the importance of helping and sharing prosperity meaning the challenge of people’s egotism. Severely, we have no partnership which is the key barrier for our solution.
Our team is composed of people who studied different courses in the secondary school. We have the physicists, biologists, mathematicians, chemists and those who studied computer sciences. We are currently one of the students who led others meaning that we have leadership skills. The participation in different international essay competitions like goi peace prove us right to deal with idea representation through the written terms. Our executive director’s character of enthusiasm and management skills from his former and current responsibilities of Public relations together with his computer skills, we undoubtedly believe that we will do it. Specifically, we are the arising generation with so deep imaginations full of innovations, we are the strong pillars of human nation which stand for its conservation. Where it seems to be no change we stand and act to be the agents of change. With our skills of transforming our ideas into the real thing to renew this world, any positive partnership will slightly impact. For sign in option on the link below, use (username: hospital and password: hospital ) to view how the update page of the user works.
- Other e.g. part of a larger organization (please explain below)
Our organization name is KATAS, meaning someone who completely depends on nothing except God and our project is called PANGELASSA REVIVAL PROJECT. We started our cooperation during our secondary studies because two members of our team including our team leader were among the students from poor families who were about dropping out of school because of not paying school fees. Fortunately, the IMBUTO foundation by Rwandan first lady sponsored them to finish their secondary studies. Since then, we started thinking of what we could do for the community such that those who have low prosperity can gradually feel confident in the society. so, that's how our organization started and we plan to soon register it as a nonprofit organization.
Full-time staff: 4
Part-time staff: 4
contractors: 0
Our team is composed of people who studied different courses in the secondary school. We have the physicists, biologists, mathematicians, chemists and those who studied computer sciences. We are currently one of the students who led others meaning that we have leadership skills. The participation in different international essay competitions like Goi peace international young contest prove us right to deal with idea representation through the written terms. Our executive director’s character of enthusiasm and management skills from his former and current responsibilities of Public relations together with his computer skills, we undoubtedly believe that we will do it. Specifically, we are the arising generation with so deep imaginations full of innovations, we are the strong pillars of human nation which stand for its conservation. Where it seems to be no change we stand and act to be the agents of change. With our skills of transforming our ideas into the real thing to renew this world, any positive partnership will slightly be impactful.
organizations currently working with:
With our project, we are currently working offline with Ecole des Sciences BYIMANA secondary school in Ruhango district of Rwanda through SAB, “Scholar Aid Byimana” where we collect money and donations from students themselves and school leaders and redistribute them among poor students in that school to decrease their school debt, and giving some basic needs like balanced diet, building houses and toilets to the poorest people in the community around that school.
We strongly depend on the understanding of prospered people. Pangelassa Revival project considers the help from people with good fortune. We not only accepted the monetary funds but also any other kind of help is appreciated and that why pangelassa staff is there. During the design of Pangelassa, we consider those who may prefer to donate through the other terms. So, the combination of those donations and the help from different partners are the key sources of our revenue to finance those needy people. For case of running the Pangelassa Revival Project, we only have the passion to do that but we don’t have money to pay the employees who will be helping in the action of expansion and that’s one of the reasons to require partnership. We plan to get other revenues from that Pangelassa Shop because we have organized it in a way that will automatically deduct some amount on the price of our products.
We plan to get other revenues from that Pangelassa Shop because we have organized it in a way that will automatically deduct some amount on the price of our products.
When I look into your eyes I see myself, that’s a bigger lesson! The development of Pangelassa Revival System is a huge activity because of its vital role. This means that it requires as much security as possible. The achievement of sustainable development goals is another responsibility of every person. So, from our thoughts and passion to contribute to the improvement of needy human kind, we developed this system. However, we strongly need the partnerships from the experts in any field concerning our project so that we can fully develop it and give it all requirements to function world widely. We really apply to solve for the partnership so that we can achieve our dream as the young innovative peers. We want to be opened to the world of experts so that we can gain more experience on how we can run our project across the globe and positively impact the lives of millions of people. Particularly, MIT as our dream university and its record of achievements in revolutionizing the world, we apply so that we may be fully connected to the MIT community. It will be a great honor for us sitting and working with the MIT community. We need the proper partnership to prevent poor performance of our project and nowhere else to get them except at MIT.
- Business model
- Technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Media and speaking opportunities
This is a really fantastic time for us. Achieving our project goals requires a partner that understands the problems plaguing our passion and can apply the right technology to remedy it. we would like to partner with Sustainable Development Goals Agency. At top, since the beginning of our project, we wished our project to be a UN based project because we got this idea since the establishment of those 17 SDGs. So, we are strongly passionate about contributing to the achievement of those goals. Thus, we wish partnership with the SDGs Agency from UN particularly UNHCR as the UN Refugee Agency that will facilitate us get full information and day to day updates to them.
Secondly, we would like to partner with Magenic,Agile Software Development. when we talk of Magenic, it's all about technology and of course we plan on widening our platform at the extent that it will be used world widely and that's why we would like to partner with such a strong organization that can trustfully improve our platform so that our thought can be fully exploited and advanced from strategy to execution, Magenic’s full-range of digital services will guide our next product innovation.
According to UNHCR, African countries have a bigger number of refugees who are victims of wars and disasters. the world is having around 70,000,000 refugees who have been chased form their properties where our country Rwanda is hosting more than 150,000 refugees in all six camps in our country and this is the biggest challenge that addresses social exclusions. So, they have to be cared so that they can fit in the community! with our project we have designed it in a way that will enable the refugee camps' manager to assess the living conditions of those refugees and through this platform he/she will be enabled to update the number of the refugees who are educated, diseased, ready to study, studying, ready to work and working. you understand that, after these updates are official, any organization seeking for workers will immediately be passionate about employing those refugees and this will show the community that even the refugees are able to do something great!! Moreover, we will use our prize to create the refugees oriented jobs that will help them to apply their acquired skills and this will help them to earn their our money and create their own revenues from their work. In looking ahead towards achieving zero exclusion, through the proper use of that prize and partnership with UNHCR,we undoubtedly believe that the lives of many people will be improved.
CEO - Chief Executive Officer

