H and R app (Health and Rights app)
In 35%of countries with available data over 50%of people report having discriminatory attitudes towards people living with HIV.Stigma and discrimination also makes people vulnerable to HIV.Those most at risk to HIV continue to face stigma and discrimination based on their actual or perceived health status,race,social economic status,age,sex,sexual orientation or gender identity or other grounds.The idea is using theatrical and social media campaigns to tackle the issue.we shall develop plays,TV play shows,we shall run campaigns on social media ie Facebook,twitter etc.The plays will be acted in theaters where any person could watch for free.Other plays will be acted in schools and social community gatherings.We shall also participate in the world AIDS day with a theme of fighting HIV related stigma and discrimination.This would the negative attitude towards people living with HIV hence reducing discrimination action acts.
In 35%of countries with available data over 50%of people report having discriminatory attitudes towards people living with HIV.Stigma and discrimination also makes people vulnerable to HIV.Those most at risk to HIV continue to face stigma and discrimination based on their actual or perceived health status,race,social economic status,age,sex,sexual orientation or gender identity or other grounds.This is happening because community people lack adequate information about HIV and have negative attitude toward the most at risk population ie female sex workers,drug users,MSM etc.
we are serving all people living with HIV most especially the most at risk population (lgbti) because they are the most affected by stigma and discrimination.We also serve the rest of the community in changing their attitude and actions of stigma and discrimination towards people living with HIV.we offer link them for health services in other health center and organizations which offer HIV related services.This solution will sensitize the community about the need to fight stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV.In this solution,they will spear head the implementation of the solution.
The solution is using theatrical and social media to fight HIV related stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV.This solution will be spearheaded by people living with hiv implementing it from their respective communities.They will form performing Art groups based in their communities where they will use songs,plays,poems,dances etc to pass on HIV related information sensitization the coomunity members about HIV and fighting stigma and discrimination.several performing ARt groups will be formed in variuos communities.Some of the plays will be made into short films which be shown on the local TV stations with an aim of reaching a wider community.we shall major campagns on socal media ie facebook,twitter,instagram etc.They will have themes about HIV and more specific on fighting stigma and discrimination.we shall develop an app called CDD (commnunity Drug Delivery) which reminds them about their clinic appointment and which collects data if drugs are delivered to them in the community by their peers.
- Support communities in designing and determining solutions around critical services
- Concept
- New application of an existing technology
This solution is innovative in such a way it involves the community and technology but also it solves a big problem faced by people living with HIV globally.It involves people who are mainly affected by the problem and they spear head the implementation.It uses the performing Art,uses the media (TV) social media like facebook and then develop an app which reminds people living with hiv about their clinic appointments and used in the cokomuntiy during dru delvery program.With the CDD community drug delivery program,people dont attend clinic but the drugs are delivered to them by their peers and then the data is entered in the app.
we shall use social media to run END HIV RELATED STIGMA and DISCRIMINATION CAMPAIGNS ie facebook,twitter etc.We shall develop an app called CDD (community drug delivery ) which will be reminding people living with HIV about their clinic appointments.It will be connected to a health facility server where it will be able to have the data about the people.For people on a particular appointment date drugs (ARVs) could be delivered to some people without coming to the clinic.Who ever delivers the drugs uses the app to enter the data from the community after deliverng the drugs.
- Internet of Things
- Social Networks
its community driven,it involves the community members and its spearheaded by those who are affected.
- Minorities/Previously Excluded Populations
- Urban Residents
- Very Poor/Poor
- Low-Income
- Uganda
- Uganda
currently am serving 763 people in one year i will be serving 1763 and in five years i will be serving 8815 people.This is direct but through the socail media,TV plays and through the app we shall reach 1 million of people in five years.
my goals are reducing hiv related stigma and discrimination to people living with HIV focusing more on the minorities and LGBTQ communities.Another one is creating an easy way of accessing HIV related medication (ARVs) from the community.
its funding basically
working in partnership with other organizations which serve people living with HIV.In planning and implementing of this solution.
- Nonprofit
The organization is called SHES (social ,Health and Enviromental sustainability) i founded this organization and it serves people living with hiv and others.
we are 5 staff and all of us are volunteers
my team has skills in developing performing art pieces,they skilled in IT and are based in the communities.
we are partnering with organizations which serve people living with HIV and those which work with LGBTQ commnities.
this is a non profit solution how ever we shall be selling phones with uploaded app (CDD) to our beneficiaries.Others will be coming with their phones and we upload the apps forthem.they will be paying some money forthose services.
we shall writing many proposals for the solution but also we shall be selling phones with our app.We shall be uploading apps for them and they pay for the services.
solve can help me overcome limitation for funding,This would help me scale up and benefit many people living with hiv.
- Technology
- Talent or board members
- Media and speaking opportunities
- Funding and revenue model
i would like to partner organizations which serve people living with hiv,partner with organizations which deal in technology.Organizations like AIDS Information center in uganda,clinic masters in uganda
we shall scale up the solution to benefit many people and also link our app CDD to many health centers to use it.