“Back to the Novel Path of Life” is the name of our Solution
The consequences of HIV/AIDS sufferings and illicit drug use are widespread, causing permanent physical and emotional damage to users and negatively impacting their families, co-workers, and many others with whom they have contact. Drug use negatively impacts a user's health, often leading to sickness and disease. Illicit drug abuse is most common among men, although it is reported to be on the increase among women. It is seen that the abuse of illicit drugs is more common among teens than now-a-days. Although illicit drug abuse is prevalent among all age groups, it is most frequent among young adults. Most abusers are in the 15-35 age groups. The employed have significantly lower rates of drug abuse than unemployed persons of the same age. Married people are less likely to abuse drugs than single, separated or divorced persons. Prison populations show a high incidence of drug abuse. Taking Drugs are more popular among teens and young youths.
FAMILY AND COMMUNITY: The problems associated with HIV /AIDS and Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) include housing instability, homelessness, criminal behaviours (victim or perpetrator) and incarceration, the transmission of HIV due to IV drug use or high-risk sexual behaviours, and unemployment or dependence on welfare. Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) are associated with numerous medical, psychiatric, psychological, spiritual, economic, social, family, and legal problems, creating a significant burden for affected individuals, their families, and society. To realization of havoc of drugs abuse, our Organization is actively involving in drug demand reduction activities in our Jorhat City, Assam, India. We have organized several Awareness Programmes and Health and Welfare Campaigns within the City to reduce the addicted drugs users in the society. Our volunteers visit the drugs addicted teens and youths of the family at the city and its sub-urban areas for providing counseling and for keeping them away from their evil friends by repeatedly accompanying them. We support the family who are suffering due to using of illicit drugs and of illegal sexual relations by sending them into the treatment centre. Due to afraid of society some family does not disclose their HIV affected disease. Our volunteers and staffs find out such patients for their medical treatments. Some cases we collect money for their medical treatment.
SOCIAL EFFECTS OF SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS AND DRUGS: SUDs impact the social functioning of individuals and create a burden for society. These disorders contribute to medical or psychiatric conditions, disability, and death as a result of accidents or diseases caused or worsened by substance use, or higher rates of suicidal tendency, all of which affect society. To spread the awareness for anti-drugs in the society we made some rallies throughout the city and its suburban areas with flags and slogans for preventing the uses of illicit drugs.
Drug use negatively impacts a user's health, often leading to sickness and disease. In many cases, users die prematurely from drug overdoses or other drug-associated illnesses. The negative impact of drug abuse on health is obvious made the young generation of the society crumble to bring the darkness to their future. The toxic effects and addiction risk of the major psychoactive drugs, as well as illicit alcoholism are the major problems not only for the society, but its negative impacts crumble the economy of our country. Depending on the dosage, substances such as benzodiazepines, hallucinogens and cannabis have a negative impact on health mostly among the teens and young youths. These substances do not usually cause death directly but they may be associated with fatal accidents. On the other hand adolescents are vulnerable to the effects of illicit drugs use very easily. We are arranging several campaigns against the illicit drugs abuse which will paralyze the health of many young youths. Considering the complications of drugs abuse and difficulties in treatment, we have planned to carry out the very strong prevention strategies so that the drugs addictions must reduce in the society to save many lives of young from premature death.
EDUCATION: Though education and drug abuse often appear to be in a circular relationship, it is generally believed that education is an important point of intervention for the prevention of drug abuse. School children who use drugs often suffer from impairment of short-term memory and other intellectual faculties, impaired tracking ability in sensory and perceptual functions, preoccupation with acquiring drugs, adverse emotional and social development and thus generally impaired classroom performance. Reduced cognitive efficiency leads to poor academic performance and a resulting decrease in self-esteem. This contributes to instability in an individual’s sense of identity which, in turn, is likely to contribute to further drug consumption, thus creating a vicious circle. While it is practically very tough to prevent anyone from using illicit drugs, our Organization is still working to avoid drug among the teens and the young youths. The abuse of drugs addicted by teen and young youths can have a major impact on their life mainly in their education. Their education and academic carries would become nip in the bud due to instability of their health. Drug use among them is associated with high-risk sexual activity, unsafe sex and unplanned pregnancy. To address these problems on the society we are providing counseling to those teens and youths suffering from the drugs addictions, by visiting house to house to give drawing books, coloured comics and indoor playing tools etc. for regaining their skill capability in their education and social life.
IMPACT ON PRODUCTIVITY: Premature mortality, illness, injury leading to incapacitation, and imprisonment all serve to directly reduce national productivity. There is a great loss of productivity associated with drug-related premature mortality. Individuals who are employed but have chronic absenteeism resulting from illicit drug use also accrue substantial lost productivity.
We have arranged some family-based prevention Programmes to enhance family bonding and relationships and include parenting skills, practice in developing, discussing and enforcing family policies on substance abuse. Proper training and necessary information about the medical treatment were demonstrated by us. We provide the Learning Programme for control of drugs among the elementary school children to improve their academic and set up a social-emotional learning capability knowing that how dangerous the drug abuse in the society. For creating awareness among the society we are celebration the World Anti-Drug Day held on 26th June of every year in reduction of the demand of illicit drugs abuse.
Our Organization plans to set up a Free Detoxification Treatment Centre including HIV/AIDS Cares Wing with minimum 15 beds on rented house at Malu Ali in Jorhat City for treatment of HIV / AIDS, Illegal Drugs addicted people including teens as there is no HIV/ AIDS and Drugs Rehabilitation Centre in Jorhat City, on the other hand the HIV / AIDS and Illegal Drugs addicted population is rapidly increasing in the City day by day. For this purposed we have visited the areas of Malu Ali several times to select a suitable building for rent. To start a such Detoxification cum Rehabilitation Centre at Jorhat City, we have talked Doctors, Counsellors, Psychiatrics and some Social Workers for their cooperation and guidance as well as for appointment of Doctors, Counsellors, Psychiatrics, Nurses, experienced Ward Boys. In addition we have contacted some NGOs of our city for sending drugs addicted persons to our proposed Rehabilitation Centre. Our volunteers and staffs have contacted the City Police Outpost and the Office of District Administrative Office for collecting information and data in this regards. In the meanwhile we have approached some singers, musicians and dancers for teaching and training the incoming addicted persons weekly three days at our proposed Centre in order to absorb them in cultural activities which will help them for their carries in future. Such activities would divert them from the evil habits of taking illicit drugs. Also we have planned to appoint One Drawing and One Drills Teachers for skill development of the patients. It is our mission to save the drugs addicted teens and youths which are playing a vital role in shaping the future of the society for generations to come. We advocate the public to educate and to alert against the harmful effects of drugs so that the people would be learnt about its negative effects which is 100% risk of live. Now-a-days there is no complete cure for HIV /AIDS, but there are many medications that can control HIV /AIDS and prevent complications that our Organization would be started on ART (Antiretroviral Therapy). Our approaches are one of the best chance of lowering the amount of HIV in the blood. It is very important to start taking HIV / AIDS medicines as soon as possible after diagnosis.
HIV / AIDS sufferings and Illicit drugs are never safe and the impact on our health. They can affect on health, social life, work, school, friends and family. Drugs affect the central nervous system. For young youth the brain is still growing but taking drugs the brain would not be fully formed even at the age of mid-20. Drugs affect the nerves by damaging connections within the brain causing memory and learning problems made the instability of the mind and then disrupting the brain chemistry. We have arranged some family-based prevention Programmes to enhance family bonding and relationships and include parenting skills, practice in developing, discussing and enforcing family policies on substance abuse. Proper training and necessary information about the medical treatment were demonstrated by us. We provide the Learning Programme for control of drugs among the elementary school children to improve their academic and set up a social-emotional learning capability knowing that how dangerous the drug abuse in the society. For creating awareness among the society we are celebration the World Anti-Drug Day held on 26th June of every year in reduction of the demand of illicit drugs abuse. To prevent the use of illicit drugs in the society we have planned to set up a Free Detoxification Treatment cum Rehabilitation Centre with availability of skilled nursing facilities, at our Jorhat City, as Jorhat has no Detoxification Treatment cum Rehabilitation Centre, on the other hand, in Jorhat more drugs addicted teens’ population is speedily increasing day by day. It is done due to the parent has no idea about their sons and his son’s friends. In that case we aware the parents to spare their time with their children to know the activities of their children as well as give attention to their teen’s whereabouts. Now we have made some Prevention Programs at our city and its suburban areas for middle or junior high and high school students even college student will able to increase academic and social competence so that they may acquire the study habits, academic support, communication, self-efficacy and assertiveness and drug resistance skills as well as strengthening of personal commitments against drug abuse. With the help of parents we are able to create such typed of preventive Programme that the parents of the affected family comes forward to participate in the discussion groups with the members of Drugs Control Agency or the members and volunteers of our Organization for active involvement in learning about drug abuse and reinforcing skills. Such development helps to foster students’ positive behaviour, achievement, academic motivation and school bonding. As we know that early intervention can prevent many adolescent risk behaviours, diverting many teens from the life-risk path of the illegal drugs abuse, we are sending the affected persons to the Rehabilitation Centre outside Jorhat City as quickly as possible from our end. The purpose of our proposed Free Detoxification Treatment cum Rehabilitation Centre is to help patients recover and able to return to functioning as independently as possible in their homes. In our proposed Rehabilitation Centre we are committed to help drugs addicted teens, youths and adult or older person to be as independent as possible in everyday activities enabling to participate in education, work, recreation and meaningful life roles such as taking care of family. We have arranged some Awareness Campaigns at our city and its suburban areas held from time to time by performing the street dramas for creating awareness on harmful effects of drug abuse, strategies for drug abuse prevention and rehabilitation for street children. Also our Drug Abuse Awareness Prevention has been carried out among criminal addict’s people of the city. Moreover our volunteers are approaching house to house of the city dwellers for eliminating the illicit drugs from our society along with its sub-urban areas, some extents to the rural areas that closed to sub-urban. The outcomes of our proposed Free Detoxification Treatment cum Rehabilitation Centre is that many drugs addicted persons will cure due to their medical treatment, proper care and counselling in free of cost for which they will be financially relieved in the present hard finance crises days. Also they will able to lead to a productive life. After treatment at our proposed Rehabilitation Centre most of the teens and youths will get their life back enabling them to work in home, school and home. The goal of our Organization is to stop drug from the society to build a normal life. Our project proposal will provide the drugs addicted persons in a drug-free environment with people who will hold them accountable for their goal of getting off drugs. Our proposed Drug Rehab Centre with HIV / AIDS Cares will help drugs addicted persons from intoxication by detoxification treatment with necessary medical treatment and proper counselling to break down their addictive cycle. In this way our works for preventing of illicit drugs uses save many lives from the premature death.
With a view to prevent the uses of illicit drugs and treatment of HIV / AIDS among the young generation of our country taking the active stance against the drugs addicted teens and youths to save the valuable life of human from the premature death, we are running a NGO under the name and style “Sonmilita Arohan Gosthi” situated at Phukan Ali, Jorhat, Assam, vide Registration No. RS/JOR/238/H/07 of 2019-2020 Registered Under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, having 7 Executive Members, 12 General Members, 20 Volunteers. Out of 7 Executive Members, One working as a President, One as Vice President, One as Secretary and One as Treasurer with 3 Nos. paid staff working for full time. Under our Panel there are One Medicine, One Psychiatrics and 2 Nos. Counsellors working as Advisor of our Organization and they are jointly working with us to educate our young generation to avoid the illicit drugs as it has many evil effects on their health, even damaging the human brain. Also we have worked with the District Tobacco Control Cell, Jorhat for preventing smokes and drugs. We made rallies throughout the city and its suburban areas with flags and slogans for preventing the uses of illicit drugs. Many public were joined us to support our anti drugs campaigns with whole hearted. It is a good sign for the society.
It is our mission to save the drugs addicted teens and youths which are playing a vital role in shaping the future of the society for generations to come. We advocate the public to educate and to alert against the harmful effects of drugs so that the people would be learnt about its negative effects which is 100% risk of live. We have arranged some Awareness Campaigns at our city and its suburban areas held from time to time by performing the street dramas for creating awareness on harmful effects of drug abuse, strategies for drug abuse prevention and rehabilitation for street children as well as preventing HIV / AIDS by avoiding multiple sexual intercourse. Also our Drug Abuse Awareness Prevention has been carried out among criminal addict’s people of the city. Moreover our volunteers are approaching house to house of the city dwellers for eliminating the illicit drugs from our society along with its sub-urban areas, some extents to the rural areas that closed to sub-urban which were whole heartily accepted by our local communities because their children were turned out from these illegal drugs taking and avoiding multiple sexual intercourse to prevent HIV /AIDS- Employ unconventional or proxy data sources to inform primary health care performance improvement
- Provide improved measurement methods that are low cost, fit-for-purpose, shareable across information systems, and streamlined for data collectors
- Leverage existing systems, networks, and workflows to streamline the collection and interpretation of data to support meaningful use of primary health care data
- Provide actionable, accountable, and accessible insights for health care providers, administrators, and/or funders that can be used to optimize the performance of primary health care
- Balance the opportunity for frontline health workers to participate in performance improvement efforts with their primary responsibility as care providers
- Concept
The activities of our Organization are to contribute towards counselling, prevention and creating awareness for prevention of HIV /AIDS and using illicit drugs among the people of our country. We will first utilize 6% of Your Fund for Awareness Campaigns, Street Dramas including printing of colour booklets and leaf-lets in local language so that everyone will receive the messages about the dreadful impacts of illicit drugs and HIV / AIDS Sufferings on life. 1.5% fund will be implemented for wide circulation of leaf-lets enclosed in the News Papers to the city and its sub-urban areas by the Hookers of various News Papers at the payment of money found from your Organization. 33.5% Fund will be utilized for establishing a Free Detoxification Treatment Centre with other facilities and with minimum 15 beds starting initially at rented house with kitchen arrangements at place belonged to Malu Ali, a sub urban areas of the Jorhat City, Assam, India covering the expenditures for Monthly House Rent for 2 years, also including 15 Beds & 15 Hospital Tools, One Table for Doctor’s Examine Bed, 15 Nos. Tables, 25 Chairs, 5 Nos. Tables and 10 Nos. Chairs for office, 3 Cupboards for office uses, medicines and surgical items. One Computer, One Printer with Scanner and One Washing Machine etc. including 5% for foods for patients. 42% Fund is required to meet the Monthly Salary for One Doctors, One Psychiatrics, 3 Counsellors, 5 Nurses and 4 Ward Boys, One Receptionist, One Supervisor cum Office Clerk and 2 Night Security for 2 years. 12% Fund will be utilized for purchasing sensitive materials such as Methadone, and Buprenorphine etc. including expenditures for Biochemical Laboratory Test carried out within 2 years on free of cost. Once such Establishment will be set up, it will able to save the society devastating from many evil effects among the teens and young generation.

Resilience of Ecosystem