Measuring PHC Data Structural Fitness
To solve the problem of using data to measure the history of the past performance of PHC to inform a path forward to improve the history of the future performance of PHC, at any scale, anywhere in the world, and to measure any resulting improvement in performance.
(a) The solution equips people with the craft level skills to use a standardized 1 page, 33 part fractal structure for collecting, compressing and displaying data to measure the fitness of the past, present, and potential future performance of PHC, at any scale, anywhere in the world.
(b) What this does is adds to a fine grain view of data. It adds a coarse grain view of the fitness of whole fractal structure supporting the quality of the performance of PHC. This serves as a tool for a collective imagined path forward to improving PHC performance by improving the quality of one or more parts of a fractal structure as a way of improving the fitness of the structure. The fitness of the structure of PHC and the performance of PHC become qualitatively interconnected. It is much easier to collectively agree how to change the quality of one or more parts of a structure and monitor the results than it is to collectively agree upon a plan of action using data without any underlying fractal structure.
(c) This is a human centered approach to collecting and using data as it involves two or more people coming together using only pencil and paper to collect, compress, and display data as the fitness of a structure supporting improvements in PHC performance.
(d) This is better than any conventional method as anyone, at any scale, anywhere in the world can, with only a pencil and piece of paper, collect, compress and use data to create images of the past, present, and potential future improvement in PHC performance. Literacy is not a requirement to participate as long as someone can indicate which one of the 33 parts is being discussed and evaluated. Due to the fractal nature of the structure, this applies equally well to the individual, family, community, village, city, and beyond, even to the scale of measuring the world PHC fitness, thus measuring PHC performance. The skills required to learn how to collect, compress and display, and collectivelly understand data relative to PHC is a craft level skill.
(e) All stakeholders and actors who have an interest in collecting and using data to measure the future performance of PHC, at any scale, anywhere in the world.
(f) How and why data is collected, compressed and displayed as the fitness of a fractal structure is determined by the scale and location of the need to measure the improvement in the performance of PHC. Since the model is a fractal, the scale does not matter. The location of the PHC is part of the structure and is taken into account as one of the 33 parts of the overall structure.
(a) The target population are those who collect and use data describing the history of the past performance PHC to improve the history of the future description of performance of PHC at any scale, anywhere in the world.
(b) Everyone collecting and using data is underserved if there is no generally agreed upon purpose and method to collect and use data to change the history of the future performance of PHC.
(d) Those collecting and using data to measure the history of the future performance of PHC will have a single page representative of a 33 part fractal structure of the history of the past performance of PHC and, thus, a way of collaboratively taking action to impove the quality of one or more parts of this underlying fractal structure of PHC. The solution is to metaphorically and literally have everyone on the same page when collecting and using PHC data, to take collective action, and to measure the results of that action in the future.
I hold the registered trademark #0802812 of the basic design of the structure of the solution to this Challenge. I also hold the registered copyrights of the theory of how to use the structure to change the quality of the history of the future of other intractable social problems. Since I own this registered trademark and many similiar trademarks I can license to Challenge to use this registered trademark, other trademarks and associated copyrighted materials. I have an in person training program on how to collect, compress, and display data to create a collaborative plan of action to change the quality of one or more parts of the structure, and to measure the outcomes of the results. With funding, I am well postioned to hit the ground running to rapidly develop an on-line training program and collaborative scaling up platform.
The community I am serving are all people who want to improve the quality of the history of the future of intractable social problems at any scale, anywhere in the world.
The design and implementation of this solution is the evolutionary result of 22,000 individual uses of this one page tool for using data to implement and collaboratively take action while also measuring the results.
- Employ unconventional or proxy data sources to inform primary health care performance improvement
- Provide improved measurement methods that are low cost, fit-for-purpose, shareable across information systems, and streamlined for data collectors
- Leverage existing systems, networks, and workflows to streamline the collection and interpretation of data to support meaningful use of primary health care data
- Provide actionable, accountable, and accessible insights for health care providers, administrators, and/or funders that can be used to optimize the performance of primary health care
- Balance the opportunity for frontline health workers to participate in performance improvement efforts with their primary responsibility as care providers
- Scale
I am applying for this Challenge as I have the solution. I have the unconventional method to collect, compress, and use data to measure the improvement of the history of the future performance of PHC at any scale, anywhere around the world.
The barrier I have to overcome is what the United Nations has pointed out as the biggest failure of humankind. That is to replicate and scale up social innovation around the world at the same rate as business innovation. I have the innovation and the success and have come up against this barrier. I will use this funding as a catalyst to create a gateway event for this solution to scale up to make its way to low and middle income countries.
I will turn my in-person training program into an on-line training program and a scaling up platform for the collaborative use of this specific solution and other solutions. I will also create a paper version for those without computers.
The innovation is in the collecting, compressing, and displaying the data describing the history of the past performance of PHC as the history of past fitness of a well defined fractal structure. It is the overall fitness of the structure that creates the present quality of performance of PHC. It will be the changing quality of the parts of the structure that will cause the overall fitness of the structure to change over time and, thus, will measure the performance of PHC in the future. The most innovative part is the way collective agreement can be achieved on how to collectively take action to change the quality of one or more parts of the structure and also to measure the change in performance.
The barrier to most solutions to high dimensional social problems has been identified by the United Nations. With the support of an organization like MIT Solve this method of changing the fitness of a fractal structure can equip others in the space with a coarse grain view of the whole of other high dimensional social problems, at any scale, anywhere in the world. Funding would create a gateway event for all people in the space to operate simply, while in a more complex adaptive manner, and also to find other novel solutions.
The first year goal is to have my in-person training program converted into an on-line program and start the learning community. This will be measured by the number of people training and the output of the learning community.
The five year plan will be to expand the use of this unconventional method to innovate, replicate, and scale up social innovation, at any scale anywhere in the world. The feedback from the learning community will document these outcomes.
The impact will be the creation of a gateway event for all people in this space to innovate, replicate, and scale up solutions to social problems, and to overcome what the United Nations called the greatest failure of humankind. The long term goal is to equip all of humanity with a method to move beyond information-only understanding of how to bring about desired changes in the future. This can be accomplished when the focus of bringing about desired change is not to change people, but to change the quality of the fractal strucuture of the space in the world they inhabit. This novel method aims to change the structure animating the infromation describing people, as opposed to trying to change the people being animated.
I will neasure the success when the hisory of the future of the preformance of PHC in some middle and low income countries becomes the history of the past and improvement in PHC has been improved.
The over all measerment of the success will be from the feedback of those newly trained and certified in this method of callecting and using data.
Also, since I will be licensing MIT to use my tracemarks and copyright material, I expect my usual feedback of amazement of the benefits of this method of collecting, compressing, and desplaying data when the method is experienced.
This can solve the what the United Nations has pointed out as the biggest failure of human kind. That is to innovate, replicate and scale up social innovation around the world at the same rate as business innovation.
This solution is based on the theory and pracitice that between the data describing the hisory of the past of human potential and what will become the data describing the history of the future of human potential is a fractal structure whose functions animates the data in such a way that the data is always becoming different and similar in a contiinuous and congruent manner. This fractal structure and functions predates human existence and has resulted in each person being different and similiar in a continuous and congruent manner from every other person. This structure and function has historically put assunder all plans of mice and people. If this structure and function are not taken into consideration, then the plans of humans to use data to plan the futrure will have a greater potential to fail when compared to those who learn to collaborate with this structure and its functions.
What powers my solution is the promise of the existence of simple underlaying fractal geometric informational structures describing all of nature. I have discovered such a simplicity that needs no other technology than people gathering together with pencil and paper and collectively using their imagination to change the quality of one or more parts of a fractal strcuture that will change the quality of the information describing the history of the future.
With computer assistance, many years of data could be used to create an animated motion picture of the history of the past performance. Imagine watching the the data changing the parts over a long period of time and watching the associated increase or decrease in performance at the same time.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Crowd Sourced Service / Social Networks
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- Canada
- Canada
It is anyone who wants to improve the future performance of PHC at any scale, anywhere in the world. There are 6 basic ways that this method of collecting and using data has been used. Everything from using an on-line appplication, to a very quick review to document why a certain action was taken. It takes about 3 hours for an individual to answers the 66 questions and develop an action plan. It can be done with a family, ot it can take a day to work with the community to develop community plans. It can also be used for research at any scale using existing historical data, it can also be the focus of on-line learning to project even more complex fractal structures. This version is at the human scale of using only a pencil and paper and any data source.
This is a craft level skill that people will find to be highly facinating to watch solutions emerge, and the muriad of potential results that will follow.
- Not registered as any organization
There are no employees at this time. It is the very nature of focusing on the fitness of a fractal structure and not on people that automatically includes anyone. This will be developed before funding is used to hire people.
The business model will be to license the use of my intellectual property to others, and apply for other direct funding.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
If this funding is recieved, the on-line and paper version will be licencable to directly bring in income, or it will be used to secure other funding.
It is my experience that those using this method are the ones generating the revenue from the succuessful solving of individual social problems.
One not profit association using my work made so much money through government funding they had to open a charity to disperse the excess revenue or loose their not for profit status. They found success with 7,000 people over a 7 year period.
I did make my living for 3 years by training 260 people in person and changing $20 per person usage. At the end of 3 years I could not scale up beyond grass roots levels of front line workers using the model due to the problem identified by the United Nations.
The Candian Federal Government did fund a third party study and found a 300% impovement in outcomes for those recieving long term social assisstance, but passed over the results. At the time I did not know that the United Nations had noticed this phenomenon of ingnoring successful social innovation.