Data X=Change by iMar Learning Solutions
1. Problem-Ray Down's article for stated that more than half of the world still does not have internet access. This is a major issue because in today's digital age, lack of internet connectivity will EXCLUDE citizens from participating in the improvement of their community. The ROOT cause of this issue must be addressed if citizens will ever be able to grow and improve their community.
2. Solution-"Data X=Change" by iMar Learning Solutions' mission is to give ALL citizens access to digital resources. Data X=Change users EXCHANGE services like helping clean a local park, completing a Government Survey, or completing a task for a neighbor to gain access to DONATED mobile and data.
3. Changing Lives-Data X=Change will change lives because it gives users the ability to complete job searches, hire an UBER driver for an interview or learn a new skill.
The challenge overview states that “The mobile phone, the internet, new digital technologies, and innovations have created unprecedented access to services….Yet, for the most marginalized who lack connectivity, these technologies can further exclude them from essential services and decision making processes.”
The root cause of citizens being EXCLUDED from essential services and resources is that many citizens of the world are still unable to connect to the internet. According to’s 2019 report, “57% of the world’s population is now connected to the internet and the average internet user spends more than 6.5 hours online each day.” BUT, what about the 43% that still don’t have internet access? This is a huge gap that should not exist in 2019.
The mission of Data X=Change is to provide Smartphones and Data to citizens in need in EXCHANGE for doing jobs in the community like cleaning up, volunteering, or even completing government surveys that actually help give them a voice. According to, “The educational divide in smartphone ownership is much more prevalent among emerging and developing economies. The gap in smartphone ownership between those with more and less education is 40 percentage points or more in 12 of the countries surveyed.”
-I will work with low-income families to help ensure they have access to data so they can apply for jobs, learn new skills, or even receive second language support. Crystle Martin addressed this issue in her 2016 article for The Center for Digital Education and stated that “One-quarter of families that earn less than the median income don't have Internet access outside of their mobile data plans,” and “A third of families with mobile-only access quickly hit the data limits on their mobile phone plans and about a quarter have their phone service cut off for lack of payment.”
-I am currently a 6th grade reading teacher in Richardson, Texas. Lack of internet options is a serious problems for my students. Many of my students are victims of trauma, have been homeless, and are living below the poverty line. Homework and enrichment projects are not an option with my current students because they don’t have internet access and they can’t use up ALL of their families cell phone data plan. My students would LOVE to do tasks around the neighborhood to earn data for themselves, their siblings, and their parents.
Data X=Change will provide Smartphones and Data to citizens in need in EXCHANGE for doing jobs in the community like cleaning up, volunteering, or completing task to assist their local government and help give them a voice.
Data X=Change works in 3 easy steps:
Step 1-Each user will will receive a FREE smartphone, tablet, or laptop from our mobile or internet partners. (Many mobile and internet companies have technology recycling programs already.)
Step 2-Each user will download the FREE application.
Step 3-Each user will select from the list of posted GIGS/Volunteer opportunities. Each completed GIG or Volunteer opportunity will pay in DATA so the user can have internet access.
Our belief is that WORK + DATA=OPPORTUNITY!
- Support communities in designing and determining solutions around critical services
- Create or advance equitable and inclusive economic growth
- Concept
- New technology
Data X=Change is innovative because it is using WEB Data as a new form of currency. Instead of labor being EXCHANGED for money, labor is being exchanged for data/internet access and opening doors to opportunity.
In the digital age that we live in, if you don't have access to the internet you will be light years behind. The mission of the Data X=Change program is to close the data gap and try to level the playing field. If individuals have access to the internet then they can learn new things that can help improve their community, help them to develop new skills or help them connect with their local government so they can have a voice in community decisions.
The heart and soul of the Data X=Change program will be the website/mobile application that will be created to connect users with gigs/volunteer opportunities so they can earn data for internet access.
The website application will follow a similar of sites like FIVERR or UPWORK. These sites follow a similar model of my vision for Data X=Change with the main difference being that we will focus on giving those without internet access the data they need to even be able to access sites like those.
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Social Networks
According to, “The educational divide in smartphone ownership is much more prevalent among emerging and developing economies. The gap in smartphone ownership between those with more and less education is 40 percentage points or more in 12 of the countries surveyed.” Also, Ray Down's article for stated that more than half of the world still does not have internet access.
Along with ensuring that those in emerging and developing economies have internet access we also have to ensure that they have the hardware. That is why it is important to create partnerships with companies like AT&T which offers its Life-Line Service for low income families, or Assurance Wireless that offers one phone line per family with data.
- Urban Residents
- Very Poor/Poor
- Low-Income
- Minorities/Previously Excluded Populations
- Refugees/Internally Displaced Persons
- United States
- United States
1. Currently Serving-0 because we are still in the idea stage.
2. Serving in One Year- Our goal is at least 100k users within the first year.
3. Serving in Five Years-We expect to have at least 1.5m users within five years.
(Users include gig/volunteer workers and employers, government and local leaders, and etc.)
Our goal is to first pilot the program with a community where we can make a major impact and use the data to make adjustments before a FULL launch.
Year 1-Developing the application, testing, piloting and make adjustments. Finding partners and seek investors to help fund our expansion.
Year 2-5-Leverage our partnerships to create more worldwide recognition and share success stories with the world. Market our application worldwide to help more communities.
The most obvious barrier of course is a lack of funding, but I believe through opportunities like this that barrier can easily be overcome.
I have my own personal barriers being that I am a 38 year old African American from a small town in Texas that is trying to help make the world a better place. My barrier though is also the reason why it is of the utmost importance that I succeed. I want to help those that can't help themselves, because I haven't always had someone make sure that I had all of my basic needs met.
So, there are a lot of financial, technical, and legal barriers that I can't see yet, because there aren't very many people in my community that I can ask how to overcome. I am working to create programs like Data X=Change so NO ONE has to feel like they don't have a door available to opportunity!
I plan to overcome these barriers by first winning this competition so I can receive the funding to help idea come to life. I also have sought out mentors to help me as I am growing as an entrepreneur.
Here are some of my mentors that have been very helpful in my growth:
1. Mark Demos (My Life Scene)-
2. Carol Welch (Learner Mobile)-
3. Heather Fortner (Signature FD)-
- For-Profit
1. Derrick Wesley-is a veteran educator, entrepreneur, and the innovative mind behind the PLAN-IT application. Derrick has won numerous awards from MINDSUMO for creating innovative solutions to problems. Mr. Wesley created iMar Learning Solutions in 2016 to close the technological skills and critical thinking gap.
2. Jumaan Dussett-Executive Sales representative with an extensive history of sales results and performance driven by engaging providers to challenge their established processes and assumptions
3. Mark Demos-is the creative mind and evangelist for Talent DNA Profiling, Corp-DNA and Positive Forensics.
My team is best-placed to deliver this solution because we each have our own skill sets that make us special. I, Derrick Wesley, am the creative mind behind the idea. Jumaan is the mastermind behind creating the perfect sales pitch and Mark has created successful businesses in the past so he is full of wisdom and connections to help accomplish our goals.
1. iMar Learning Solutionshas partnerships in place with former NBA All-Star, Michael Finley of the San Antonio Spurs, to host iMar Learning’s Youth Leadership Academy.
2. iMar Learning Solutions has partnered with KiwiTech to develop our award winning financial literacy application called Plan-It that teaches users as young as 5 years old all the way up to retirement the the financial skills they need to be successful in life.
We will use a subscription service business model.
Users will be able to use a fully functional lite version that will allow them to access gig opportunities and get the data they need to be able to accomplish their goals.
The paid subscription version will give users more options like access to be the first to apply for upcoming opportunities, insider information and news, and etc.
Users will always have the option find gigs for FREE, but gig posters will pay a fee to use the service. For example, if the local government has a project that will require the help of citizens they will pay a fee to post the opportunity, the user will gain data, and the government will get the volunteers they need to help with their project.
I am applying to solve because the experience will be priceless! I need access to the resources that you will provide. Your website states that "Solver teams" will join a supportive community of peers, funders, and experts to help advance their work; receive mentorship and strategic advice from Solve and MIT networks; attend Solve at MIT." That is EXACTLY what I need so I can grow as an individual so I can help continue my mission to help others invest in themselves and I realize at the end of the day someone will need to invest in me!
- Business model
- Technology
- Distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Monitoring and evaluation
I would like to partner with AT&T which offers its Life-Line Service for low income families, or Assurance Wireless that offers one phone line per family with data. I chose these two companies because they already share my passion for helping spread internet access to those in need.
A.I. is technology is a crucial aspect to the success of my solution. A.I. will be used to help match users with potential opportunities. This is important so that users don't miss opportunities to earn data and posters don't miss out on getting the RIGHT volunteer for their opportunity.
Data X=Change is a perfect competitor for this prize because it is built upon communities embracing each others strengths and make the community better through data driven connections. Yes, I would like to apply because the heart and soul of Data X=Change is in alignment with GM's mission. Users will be able to access online resources for STEM education because they will now have a SMARTPHONE, tablet, or laptop and internet access so they can learn online.
The funds that I will receive will be used to created the Data X=Change website and provide funds to properly market the site so we can add more and more users.
Owner and Founder