Rise up for regeneration of the south western forest ecosyst
In the last 3 decades, there had been a vast, think and dense community of diversify, medicinal, food generated and ecological tree plants. Today, this area is rapidly seen without or with very little number of trees to economically, socially or ecologically sustain the inhabitants of the forest and the world. This is as a result of the difference human activities carryout by the local population and timber exploitation companies through concession in the forest ecosystem. The call to the organization is made to ensure that, the forest ecosystem regenerate and restore to perform the difference socio-economic ecological functions to people and their environment. However, the issue of forest loss is a prolong, inequitable, severe and a frequently occurring social problem in the community. Firstly, the ability to lives under a moderate or constant temperature is under attack. There is the issue of heavy rainfall especially in the rainy season. Secondly rising temperature is accompanied with severe sunshine and prolong dry season. The maximum temperature recorded during the day in the dry season is about 400C and humidity of about 70%. Thirdly, rising temperature is making it difficult for farmer to predict the season for their farming activities. Fourly, rising temperature is affecting the biodiversity and wildlife in the difference ecosystems of the environment. About one-quarter of the difference monkey species has extinct from the community. Lastly this is ensuring the prevalence of new diseases and sicknesses in the community. It should be noted that, more than 60% of pregnant women were affected with malaria. The issue of forest loss is cause by the unsustainable use and the mismanagement of forest resources by households. 65% of foreign timber companies don’t respect concession contract due to lack of follow-up and corruption. There is the practice of high deforestation and agricultural faming system. There is a huge pressure on forest resources. About 75% of the local farmers still practice bush burning as method of farming for food crops production.
Secondly, local community inhabitants are not educated and sensitize on the recent issue of climate change in the community. There is a huge challenge and unawareness to integrate schools, community and the public with green plants. Lastly, reforestation and the plantation of timber species, agroforestry and non- timber products is still a challenge for the local community. There is the illegal exploitation and the non- respect of timber concession contract by foreign companies. Forest loss is giving path to chain of effects on the people and the environment. Firstly, there is rising issue of flooding and damaging of properties in the community. There is the rising of forest degradation and soil erosion causing serious food insecurity. 60% of the difference species of native cocoa yam use as food are threat or might face extinction in the long run due to sun burnt. There is the increase prevalence of malaria, cancers and cholera diseases in the community. Most of the forest wildlife and biodiversity are threaten and critically endangered. The community is at the verge of losing importance species like the Africa Elephants, gorilla and monkey species. There is the issue of severe water crisis and the absent of good drinking water. It highlighted that, 4 of the 10 freshwater has disappear in the forest due the exposition of watershed zones.
If we fail to tackle this issue now, then, we are planning for the total extinction of diversify tree plants, humanity, wildlife and other biodiversity in the ecosystem. The implementation of this project will be carryout in the Tombel community. This community is located in the foot of Mount Kupe in the tropical rainy forest of south west Cameroon. This issue becomes severe around 2002 when the population experience huge increase from migration and natural growth. This period also witnessed the commencement of timber exploitation by timber companies in the forest.
Provision of a restore and sustainable forest ecosystem with the grant money from OMLA. This will be reach when 20000 cocoa, palms, non-timber tree species are planted and cultivated in the forest ecosystem. This will be achieves through environmental workshops and the donation of farming seedlings and materials. This will reduce forest loss in the tropical forest of south west Cameroon for a period of 15months.
our targeted population will be vulnerable cocoa and palms farmers especially women and youths that are engage in the productive and cultivation of cocoa and palm. they project will ensure the provision of modern and productive seedlings for farms regeneration to their old and ageing farms leading to deforestation and degradation in the forest
our team are didn't only have educational credential and experience on the issue and the solution. we are also members that have deep understand and observation of the problem. More so, we have been engage in the implementation of several projects in the communities related to forest management and sustainability. we are educated sons and daughters of the community running an environmental base group to serve the local population in the community.we easily understand the problem as we have bee living in the community for a longer period of time. also, through our interview and focus group discussion. we in the community we are able to know and understand most of the problem affecting them. we announce the solution to community through radio announcement, visitation of church groups, youth groups, women that we engage in the project by providing role and responsibility for them to volunteers. we also work with the local authority of the community for the provision of land and vital stools for project implementation. our solution to the issue is guided and support by community resources, actions, contribution or improvemnt or modification of their livelihood in the community.
- Pilot
our main challenge is the project is financial difficulty that is to raise fund for the project for the purchase of cocoa seedlings from agricultural shops
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- No
- Strengthen sustainable energy sovereignty and support climate resilience initiatives by and for Indigenous peoples.
The project will be more innovative and sustainable as the agroforestry seedlings that will be introduce will be totally difference from the existence ones in the community. This hybrid and innovative seedlings that will be introduces into the forest grow over a short period of time and yield at very early stage. However, these seedlings are more productive and very resistance to pest and diseases. This is provided through their special selection, treatment and the technical imputing of compounds and properties for their germination and growth. This will create change and impact the forest, the local population and the environmental sector of the community. first, this will fastly increase the rate of forest restoration and regeneration in the forest ecosystem. This will intend reduce the issue of forest loss and degradation causing desertification, erosion, extinction, dust and the spread of tropical diseases. This innovative project will increase the food security and income from the farmland of the forest. This will able to reduce hunger and malnutrition face by children and women in the community. This impacts will be sighted and realize from the fact that, agroforestry trees act as carbon store or carbon reservoir of carbon sequestration as a function. These innovative seedlings will also ensure the early, regular and constant production of cocoa and palm fruits for home consumption and capitalization.
The solution that we want to provide aim at providing the following results as the set goals for the organization for the next years in the community
- To ensure a safe, sound, clean and sustainable forest ecosystem in the environment. The forest ecosystem will be zero polluted and continue in the providing water, food shelter, energy and nutrition to the immediate population without jeopardize the future generation in the community. this will be ensure by the planting of the cocoa seedlings in degraded forest land.
- To ensure a non- impoverish and resilient community free from hunger and poverty. we will reduce poverty, hunger and malnutrition on children and women in forest community. this is supported by continue of provision and strengthening of livelihoods and income generating activities to the vulnerable and most affected in the community.
- To ensure clean water and sanitation in forest community. The solution will ensure the regeneration and protection of watersheds on the landscape especially on hilly topography. The solution will ensure the restoration of forest ecosystem in the next five years with the seedlings to protect stream and fresh waters from extreme dryness and sunlight. We will ensure the clean of freshwater and streams in the community, reinforce environmental law and customary through seminars, construction of bole holes in the community.
- To reduce the extreme heat and rising temperature in the community which is causing global warming and other environmental issues. This impacts will be sighted and realize from the fact that, agroforestry trees act as carbon store or carbon reservoir of carbon sequestration in the greenhouse gases of the atmosphere. We want to carryout climate education in schools and community through seminars and seminars which will increase the awareness to both the children, youths and elderly since the fight for climate change remain a join commitments for everyones.
The investigation on the success and progress of the project, we should
open a research finding no the following indicators. The studies will
measure indicators on the status of the human and environment. The
indicators include poverty reduction, increase food security,
advancement of stream and fresh water generation, forest restoration
growth, rising income, rising temperature and other relevant indicators.
The result of the success of the project will be obtain from research
methods like a counter factual or randomize control trial to the
participants before and after or the comparison group for impact
evaluation. We should open a research by conducting a survey or open
group discussion on the participants and program or project managers.
This will go long way to insight on how well or accurate was project
delivery to the participants, and highlight potential areas for
improvement on subsequent projects.
The activity of the project will focus on the provision of quality plant seedlings especially in agroforestry (cocoa and palms). The plant seedlings will be provided to affected, vulnerable and low income farmers of the forest community as the target population. The seedlings to the farmers in the forest region will result in the provisions of trees or secondary forest, cooking oil, cocoa bean, forest fruits and livelihood and employment as output and benefits in community land and households. These results will have the following impact, change and outcome in the community.
- The establishment of a secondary forest in the community will help the issue of degradable or deforestation cause by forest loss, rapid advancement of desertification. Also, this will reduce the amount of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide release in the atmosphere. This will go a long way to solve the issue of erosion and rising temperature. There will be reduction of the issue of flooding, prolong dryness, extreme heat and unclean water supply. Thereby, solving the issue of high prevalence of malaria on pregnant women and new born, loss of live and property. Human will benefit and have a sound and safe environment for settlement without pollution and waste disposal. The waste management technique from the farm for the production of organic fertilizers for the farm will ensure a clean and unpolluted environment from household waste remain
- The output of palm oil, forest products and cocoa beans will reduce the issue of hunger and poverty in the community or among the target population. The issue of malnutrition and lack of diets for children and new born will reduce in the community standard of living and wellbeing of forest people in rural and hard to reach community be improve and ameliorated. Child illiteracy and early marriage especially on young girls will reduce in the hard to reach forest zone. First, the benefits of livelihood and employment from the farm will provide and strengthening the livelihood of old and new farmers in the community. Poaching and hunting of endanger species will reduce as there is the steady and sustainable livelihood for income regeneration. Wildlife and biodiversity like monkeys, elephants, snakes, and others in the forest ecosystem will habit the forest without any threat of extinction. Secondly, The nursing farm for the production of seedlings will employment rural women and youths in the community as workers. Gender base violence and violation of sexual and reproductive health rights on women will reduce. There will be an increase in women empowerment and family planning among rural women in forest community. Pregnant and nurses mothers will have access to natal and antenatal care before and after delivery leading to reduction od still birth, loss of life and miscarriage. This will reduce the outward increasement of sex workers leading to reduction the transmission of infectious disease among the people.
The core power of our science to the seedlings nursing activity will be centre and fuel by plant base technology through greenhouse farm techniques and waste recycling for organic fertilizers in the farm. These scientific techniques will ensure a fast production of the seedlings in the farm for further replanting in the forest ecosystem.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- Manufacturing Technology
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 13. Climate Action
- Cameroon
- Nonprofit
non- discrimination is one of the value system of the organization respect so much, we therefore, ensure equality to all workers and personals in the organization without discrimination as to sex,race, color, tribes, languages and religious. the violation and disregard of this value call for immediate suspension of workers at the jobsite
our business is focus in the provision and selling of seedling of food base plants to our vulnerable farmers and targeted population in the community respectively this is done through the purchase of quality seeds nurse as seedlings then donated and provided to the farmer and the vulnerable persons for replanting in the forest. The seedling which growth as tree crops in the forest is aim providing them food, income generation, livelihood and employment , clean environment and the assurance of environmental sustainability in the community.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
The sustainability concept of the project lie on the fact that, the seedlings produce in the farms will be giving out to the farmers and not affected population at a modern price, this is aim at reinvesting the money as circulating capital in the business.we will also publish our results on our difference social media platform to attract grant and donation from donor organization and philanthropist. we will seek for local government support and assistance for the project.
some of the capital that we have been received so far project come from grants from donor organizations, this includes,
OMLA -$1000
Madam QUEENTA EBANE -$5500