Pejuta Sapa
In my community, both our younger and older generations are struggling with diabetes, obesity and other health issues along with struggling to relearn their traditional language and cultural traditions. There are very few language speakers within our very small community, about 2-3 almost fluent speakers that are trying to help teach and reach out in any way possible to keep our language alive. Many generations before me were able to sit with their elders and learn this types of things, live these ways daily, but now along with the pandemic, we are still struggling with trying to come together and teach, show our younger people. So I am saying, “Pejuta Sapa.” (Coffee)
My solution to this is simple in a way seems way too easy, I intend on building a coffee house within my small reservation of about 1500 people total. A small place where our older generation and younger generation can come together, visit and enjoy being in the presence of each other. Provide a new employment opportunity for our younger generations along with making those connections with our elders. When I was younger I seen all the love, the smiling faces, the joy my grandparents, uncles, aunties and parents while they sat and talked about anything and everything while enjoying a cup or a huge pot of coffee. Nights when we attended traditional ceremonies there was always coffee handed out to everyone sitting before, after or during the ceremonies. This day and age there are so many different types of coffee drinks, hot/cold, espressos, latte’s etc. along with fruit smoothies. I am sure having a place for anyone of any age, to sit and enjoy the “old cafe’ like feeling” would be a great tribute to our community. I am wanting to label my menu with our traditional Dakota Language as much as I possibly can to promote and instill just a word a day to those still learning or as a reminder for those who already know. Within this shop I plan to sell beverages such as tea’s, coffees & smoothie’s along with an occasional light to-go lunch or breakfast. I am planning to sell traditional herbal teas such as Sinkpe, Ceyaka, Bear Berry, Sweet Leaf and Bear Root all packaged and ready for individual sales. We all know as Native Americans we are twice as likely to be diagnosed with diabetes and have a greater prevalence of obesity so I want to be able to give people a healthy food option to add to their daily lives.
My target crowd is both young and older generations peoples. I have asked numerous people online within polls and questionnaire's what exactly it is that they are wanting in our community.
I feel as if I am the right person for this solution because I tend to look at everything from all sides. I ask my children, their friends, nieces and nephews, what it is they want to see within our community. What is it that they want to happen? I have see a huge need for our community because the closest place for coffee or cafe' like feeling is almost 30-45 minute drive.
- Prototype
I am hoping Solve can help me financially with the purchasing of a small building for this coffee shop. I also plan to hire a local in-home small native-owned business for marketing: personalized signs, posters, brochures, stickers and apparel.
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. expanding client base)
- Yes
- Support the creation and growth of Native owned businesses and promote workforce programs in tribal communities.
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
- Crowd Sourced Service / Social Networks
- Not registered as any organization