Collab Leanring
One of things that can make education difficult is that education can be a lonely journey. One example being is a foreign student traveling to a country that doesn't speak your native language can make it difficult to learn and understand difficult courses in another language.
In another scope of educational issues, specifically in STEM, 840,000 students are impacted by the fail rate in STEM lectures. In the United States alone , the overall dropout rate for undergraduate college students is 40%. Of the 40%, 28% was due to academic disqualification as well as 20% of STEM interested minorities finish with a STEM degree. One of the best way to combat difficult classes is through group study and study groups. In a study with a physics class, 59% of incorrect answers switched to correct following discussion with fellow students. However, finding people to study in a classroom you don't know in-person and online can be awkward and challenging. How can students who don't know each other meet together to study in a group to help increase their grades. Our solution to helping students study is to create an online web application where people can find other students in their class to study.
At the university level , One of the ways we are trying to engage students on campus or online is by helping understand their classmates better in order to engage in active learning. Active learning is when students are part of the learning process rather than watching or listening to a lecture. One of the research points that I've discovered creating this platform is that students who use active learning are 1.5 times more likely to pass a class. Therefore, we want to create scenarios where students are actively learning more often to create a better likelihood they could pass their class. STEM in undergraduate classes have a notoriously high fail rate at universities and I believe our platform can help engage student at universities. Our goal is to increase the collaboration in class to combat student failing or dropping out
Our ultimate goal is to create a platform where students are empowered to learn from one another and understand that there are people in the classroom to help them and that learning together is one of the best way to challenge difficult courses.
In the global perspective, 9 million trained teachers are needed in sub-Saharan Africa by 2030. When we create an online community of people helping each other, we can open doors to empower educators across the world. Bringing people from different will help demonstrate the power of collaboration and technology and how we can build a better world of people helping each other toward's their goal and making the world a better place together.
Our solution is a web application that allows students to understand who would be the best person to study in their class. Students will be able to see profile of students containing the information necessary to help them know who they would like to study with. With students knowing who they would like to study with can allow students to enjoy the learning process by studying with people that can motivate them to study more. Additionally, we will use AI and Machine Learning to help facilitate not only collaborative learning but also to assist as a personal assistant in educational journey by predicting a student's problem and providing the necessary resources they need to succeed.
Our goal is to create engagement with learning and how people come across learning and one of the earliest ways we want to act. That's where we come in where we use technology to mediate through a web application to “break the ice" between students and empower students to study together.
Our solution will serve university students to decrease the fail rate in STEM. Our goal is as we grow is to develop education worldwide through collaborative learning where people are learning and helping each other through their journey. We want to take the phrase "Many hands make light work" and incorporate it in education and technology to facilitate collaboration and success between students.
I went through this problem myself during college which drove the passion, then I needed to do research to validate that people other than myself had this problem. When school moved to online learning, I realized how difficult schooling can be online (i.e no camera on, not knowing classmates on zoom if everyone’s camera is off.). I then tested out a pre-MVP of inviting classmates during online learning to a live session on Kahoot. I made flashcards and we all went through the questions together and that was the moment where I knew engaging students online was something that can be expanded with an app to make online learning more engaging. I believe going through this problem myself makes be best equipped to solve this problem.
- Enable personalized learning and individualized instruction for learners who are most at risk for disengagement and school drop-out
- Prototype
To undertake a development such as a web application it requires expertise in web application development and the expertise regarding that the web application that is FERPA compliant. I believe Solve can help provide support and resources with those in the education technology community to assess how my platform to ensure the web application is FERPA complaint. I will also need help in developing the web application with software developers.
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development, etc.)
Our solution is innovative due to the fact students who never met before can get to know each other through technology. Facilitating group study can be one of the best ways to tackle a difficult class. Studying with a friend or a group can help provide more motivation and resources to help a student understand any core problem they are having in class.
To close the skill gap, nearly 50% of Companies Are Spending More on Upskilling Employees in 2022.( I believe that percentage is going to increase in order to retain employees. The companies that will thrive in retaining companies will be Learning and Development Programs that engage with learners optimally through AI. The flexibility of working will increase as well. It is very evident as companies such as Microsoft and Twitter have allowed workers to work from home permanently. It will be interesting over the next few years how Coursera, Udemy, Udacity grow. I believe it is likely there will be a decrease in jobs requiring a 4 year degree for their job hirings as well as many people will turn to online programs for their education. People will need help going through this journey and I believe
I want Collab Learning to be a platform for career changers. I I firmly believe our platform will be the number one platform if a nurse wants to do a 360 career change. My hope is that if a nurse wanted to become a software engineer our web application would help facilitate the transition by being a web application that facilitates learning and motivation through the power of AI.
My goal is that our program recertification studying ,group study in university and graduate school and AI matchmaking with K12 Tutoring just to name a few. I just saw online where someone took the Real Estate license exam over 10 times. Hopefully very soon we will provide the support to transform learning to help those taking an exam for Real Estate and across any industry to help learners get the most optimal form of training and studying to help learners as effective as possible.
Right now we are developing our MVP and our goals would be to solve the following during the MVP stage:
- Test within classes a voluntarily matching system for students to make friends to study with
- How many students decided not to transfer or drop out bc of our software helping their grade (saving universities thousands of dollars if students don’t transfer and would found out via surveys)
- Indication of GPA increase after the use of Collab Learning
- Have at least 60% of students indicate our platform helped them feel less stressed
-Have the indication of reducing the fail rate of a class by at least 20% within a year of partnerships within the university (STEM classes have a notoriously high fail rate )
I believe our platform will facilitate active learning which has shown that students who study with active learning are 1.5 times likely to pass a class. ( By creating a web application to facilitate study groups we create ways for students to study together more effectively and more often to pass their class.
Right now we are using Discord to create an online community of students to help connect students together. The discord can be found at I'm hoping to create a bigger Chemistry community on our Discord Community. We have students at Rutgers from a pre-med program that are taking Organic Chemistry and I'm hoping to add more students from different universities . Not only with Organic Chemistry but with other classes I would want to help students get to know each other better since it can be hard to find people to study in a large classroom.
At the moment students can
A. Study with other students with their classes in real time.
B. Find a study group by filling out a form and we help them match with students to come together and study
C. We are working to create live study sessions in our live Study Sessions that turn academic content into trivia to make learning more interactive
As a background, we want to create more opportunities to students to participate in active learning (active learning is when students are part of the learning process rather than just watching a lecture, which is passive learning). Students who participate in active learning are 1.5 times likely to pass a class (
We are taking that theory into a digital practice by helping students create meaningful academic collaboration in the classroom.
For professors, I can work to help create content that makes learning more engagement into trivia and host them for students to review for exams and finals. I'm open to suggestions and adapting the platform to meet the needs of professors and TA's as well that I haven't mentioned.
Our solution will be a web application that will facilitate an online community of students to study together and through funding create a way to develop AI tools for students to have a personal assistant during their studying process.
- A new technology
In terms of building the web application we are in building the prototype stage now. Right now we use Discord to facilitate our platform. One of thing we did recently is host a gamified study session for students in the classroom for Organic Chemistry for students live on zoom for finals.
Essentially, I prepared questions from an instructor, invited students to join a quiz based game and hosted the session while the instructor provided explanations after each sessions. Students worked together in teams and engaged in active learning. Students told me it was very helpful for studying for finals and it was fun and I hope we can apply the same concept to more colleges and convert that experience through a web application.
- Software and Mobile Applications
- 4. Quality Education
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- United States
- United States
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
We want to help create collaborative communities with our web application that allows students no matter their background or race to study together and achieve their goals together. We want to help more students graduate by facilitating the resources and people necessary to help them.
University Learning Centers
Senior Academic Directors at Universities that want to transition there resources online to provide better outcomes for academic classes
Universities that had alternative online learning centers
University Classes with a considerable high fail rate and want to lower it
Department Chair of STEM Courses such as Organic Chemistry
Partnering with Studies being conducted on active learning and our platform being used to conduct a study
Partnering with Studies being done on social psychology in universities and institutions and our platform participating in the study
Giving study groups the ability to practice with each other with during Scheduled Study Groups → Brainscape
Integrated within Collab Learning
Drives traffic from our users to Brainscape to create an account and make flashcards over their competitor
Would be a plug-in or direct integration
C1: Transfer Students who don’t know anyone to study with and need help and prefer to study in a group
C2: Undergrad Students who don’t know anyone to study with and need help and prefer to study in a group
C3: Departmental Courses with a High DFW rate and want to lower it by using active learning online
C4: Online Course Platforms having a difficulty with fail rates/ or increasing engagement on their platforms
Value PropositionsThe greatest equalizer to burnout is collaboration + gamification
The support to help you along the way the resources that are relatable with the user
V1:Helping students who don’t know each other connect with each other in class generate them a virtual study group to connect students together to study in a group to help improve their grade
V2: An automated scheduling system for group meetings to help create a consistent study habit within a group that can also help with time management
V3: Assessment based individual to predict the grade for exams
V4: Providing Study Tools within Study Group to create active learning practices within a Study Group Session
- Organizations (B2B)
What I’m planning for the pricing model is a B2B semester-based subscription model where we would sell the software for universities to purchase and charge per student user in a classroom. Our value proposition is that engaging learning for students will create better learning outcomes and reduce the dropout rate for universities.
Right now we are in the MVP process and it doesn't require to spend money at this moment in time.