Scholars Hub Stationary Wholesale
There are no comprehensive stationary shops in small towns which serve as service centers for most rural and farm communities in Zimbabwe. Most retailers sell these products at high prices which then compromises children’s enjoyment of their right to education. School stationary becomes overly expensive. The most vulnerable families and rural schools might not be able to have adequate supplies due to the cost barrier for purchasing stationary. This is particularly true in Mvurwi town and the rural communities around Mazowe, Guruve and Mbire Districts.
There is need for a stationary hub, a one stop wholesaler shop, which supplies all forms of stationary which is essentially needed for learning, teaching and administrative work. There are over 7 primary schools and 4 secondary and high school institutions in Mvurwi Town alone, which serve a population of over 4000 students who reside in Mvurwi urban only. My solution which will be a business operating from Mvurwi town is projected to benefit over 30 000 students in Mvurwi and surrounding areas including schools and other institutions in the Northern part of Mashonaland Central Province. Retailers in the town supply stationary to this population and to surrounding communities. However, they basically only provide books, pencils, pens, rulers and book covering materials. None of the supplies white boards, chalks, flip charts, projectors, mathematical sets and many other critically essential pieces of stationary. Individuals and institutions travel a minimum of 100 kilometres to Harare the capital city and others up to 300 or more kilometres to procure these products. There is need for a supplier of all these products in Mvurwi Town. Mvurwi and her surrounding communities needs economic growth which translates into improved standards of living. The quality of education enjoyed by learners in these communities is an essential determinant of the peoples’ welfare status. As it stands, there is need to address the stationary challenges. This stationary business intervention will provide solutions for both economic growth and for improving the quality of education in the schools which are in Mvurwi and in areas surrounding Mvurwi town.
A one stop stationary wholesale shop which supplies all forms of stationary which is needed by schools, learners and other institutions in Mvurwi and in surrounding areas.
Business development must focus on customer retention, building permanent relationships with customers, and providing a need based service which promotes quality education for all.
The business will continue to strategically grow by opening branches further into the marginalized areas with other shops in Guruve and Mahuwe.
The business will also expand into recycling paper and plastic as a growth model towards sustainable waste management and paper production for stationary production purposes.
The business will be established first in Mvurwi Town of Mashonaland Central Province in Zimbabwe. It will render its services to marginalized peri- urban and rural communities that are in Mvurwi urban and the surrounding communities which stretch down to the Zambian and Mozambican boarders, an area with an average radius of 200 kilometres.
The expected impact of the business includes:
-100% availability of various forms of stationary which is critical for teaching and learning purposes as well as other administrative needs at all times.
-100% accessibility to supplies and communications for stationary for teachers and learners and other institutions. Shorter distance and easier communication with the supplier.
-100% guarantee for affordable prices with a significant cost benefit compared with other options to procure stationary from metropolitan cities.
-Job creation for shop assistants, sales men and general handy men and women.
-Improved learning conditions which will translate to increased literacy rates and academic achievements.
-Improved teacher motivation and job satisfaction.
-A stationary donation scheme for orphaned learners.
I am a resident of Mvurwi town. I was raised here and attended school from nursery up to secondary level in Mvurwi. I was a relief teacher in various public schools around Mazowe, Guruve and Muzarabani districts. I have an appreciation of the lifestyle, learning conditions and teaching experiences of people living in the communities I intend to serve.
I have interpersonal skills which will be helpful for marketing and forming partnerships with other businesses, civil society organizations and the government. I also have a network of professional people who will be helpful as partners and volunteers to establish a professionally run social enterprise.
I am a humanitarian and a trained community development practitioner. My professional skills will help in conducting research for social needs, formulating business plans, providing social relief services ans corporate social responsibility and for business strategic planning and management.
- Other
- Concept
The business is still in its Idea Stage. It requires funding for capital financing.
The Social Business Design Competition is an opportunity to win a some prize money for my youth-driven entrepreneurial solution to combat learning and teaching challenges of stationary shortages. Therefore, I would like to join the Solve.
Non-monetary human resources are available. Tonderai has relatively adequate skills and a network of colleagues and associates who have complementary skills to help in establishing this business idea. Solve members will provide support through peer reviews and mentor-ship.
- Legal or Regulatory Matters
The solution may not necessarily entirely new but its relevant to the communities identified a first of its kind in these communities. There has not been any intervention of this sort in these communities. It will bring a change in these communities. It will influence currently trading retailers to review their prices such that their services would not hurt the progress towards achieving universal education for our learners. This will stabilize the market and prevent price extortion.The solution may not necessarily entirely new but its relevant to the communities identified a first of its kind in these communities. There has not been any intervention of this sort in these communities. It will bring a change in these communities. It will influence currently trading retailers to review their prices such that their services would not hurt the progress towards achieving universal education for our learners. This will stabilize the market and prevent price extortion.
The introduction of various learning and teaching stationery and appliances like white boards and projectors and flip charts will bring new perspectives for learners which were never used before which will expose them to new technologies. It will influence the acceleration of the use of ICT using PowerPoint presentations and the internet.
Our marketing will push towards disseminating Modern technologies to marginalized communities. We will achieve this by making these facilities more accessible and affordable with flexible purchasing options for rural and peri-urban communities.
The business will produce a blue print strategic plan which has a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation plan which will be used to clearly outline the projects, the milestones and some clear indicators which will be measurable and verifiable.
A one stop stationary shop with all stationary needs for learners, teachers and institutions→→→improved availability and accessibility of stationary and learning and teaching materials→→→increased use of appropriate and adequate stationary by both teachers and learners and the increased use of modern teaching and learning equipment→→→ improved literacy levels, improved student pass rates and improved teacher motivation.
Leveraging traditional technologies for manufacturing books and eventually promoting environmental preservation and conservation of trees through paper and plastic recycling.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Manufacturing Technology
- 4. Quality Education
- Zimbabwe
- Zimbabwe
- Not registered as any organization
All persons of any nationality, race, sexual orientation and political affiliation are accepted and will be treated equally, giving due diligence to their peculiar special needs while upholding the dignity and human rights of every individual. The organization will always appoint and dismiss persons based on the merit.
Key Partners
Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education
All primary, secondary and tertiary education institutions in the province
Mambos Press
Kingstons Books Press
Eversharp Pvt Ltd
Zimbabwe Revenue Authority
Key ActivitiesOrdering from local manufactures
Importing from abroad
Direct sales and merchandising
Market Research and Marketing and networking
Taking orders from clients
Delivery to clients
Donating to the most needy and most vulnerable learners
Business development, research and planning for expansion possibilities and strategies.
Wholesale warehouse
Trading stock
Human resources- workers
Delivery truck
telephone and postal services
internet connection
Value Propositions
Diverse and various stationary
We provide solutions to schools for all their stationary needs at an affordable price.
We offer a full package for all stationary needs for scholars and institutions at all times. Our service includes pre-ordering privileges for institutions
Our services satisfy the needs of all learning institutions and individuals
All purchases are either cash based or the goods and services are delivered upon receipt of the Proof of Payment to reduce risk of bad debtors.
Our services are accessible to all clients at the physical warehouse and our telephone and other communication channels are always available for customer consultations and inquiries.
Cost Structure: Value Driven
Our major costs are as follows:
Fixed Costs: Rent for the warehouse, Local authority rates and trading licenses, Salaries and worker allowances, Insurance,Tax returns
Variable costs: Discounts and commission for employees who bring new clients or meet certain targets, shipping, travel expenses, payment processing fees
Economies of scale:
Economies of scope:
Customer Relationships
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them?
there basically two segments: Individuals and institutions. Both segments are within Mashonaland Central Province in the radius of up to 250 km from the wholesale physical location.
Individuals who make big purchases and all schools and institutions will be engaged with for a long term relationship. Where ever possible, MOUs with schools and institutions will be signed.
All communications with regular customers will be done through the phone and via internet communication chanells like socialmedia handles and emailing lists. In few circumstances, there may be need for visiting clients'offices. Therefore managing our relationships with clients will require a very low cost.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
I intend for the business to be for profit. Profits will be reinvested in the business to enlarge is scope and to reinforce market presence.
Make profit.
Reinvest the profit and expand.
Continued business development research to identify client needs and expectations and continue to offer relevant products. Innovative thinking.