Agile Orientation : a move-on method
In 2022, it is now almost impossible to answer the classic question of "what job do you want to take when you're grown up ?"
Studies show that 80% of existing jobs are going to be impacted by digital transformation. Robotics and automation are peaking up. Data science and AI are accelerating and so is world wide uncertainety.
Self made super-driven young people can be seen in the media, showing them finding ways to develop their skills, chasing for a better place in this digitalized hyper-fast changing world. But this is not the case of most of the generation of young people born millenials who are losing faith in the capability of society to give them a fulfilling adult life. In addition to that, many teenagers may have a device but do not have any access to capabilities, ressources nor soft skills sensibilisation, even in super-rich countries in Europe.
Based on these statements, we have designed a method, step by step : the Agile Orientation.
Agile : with reference to software development processes for the test and learn approach. In our case, we have set the human beings in the center of the process, taking actions (invited to do so by the adult referent), allowing them to developp their own opinion on industries, jobs, professionnals, studies, skills...
Orientation : in the original way. Our solution is designed to help young people being orientated, up to their own vision.
So what does our Solution do ?
We group teens and we start from the purest simplest question
"what job do you want to take when your grown up ?"
From there, we elaborate a complete path to help them move forward and around with curiosity and proud.
We support, we celebrate, we iterate. This is the digital mindset, infused.
And how comes that this is "Tech challenge" and "MIT Solved" adapted ?
We include digital tools in the process, we explore around to investigate into the www, we influence on public librairies with computers rooms or bring-your-own-device to search for contacts on a smartphone...
We believe teenagers need to feel supported by the adults around them. The people they trust and regularly live with to help them think about "what job they want to take when they will be grown up?" and to support them to walk their path earning confidence in the process.
We can act 2 ways :
- Drive a group of teenagers into the method
- Train the trainers : support a teacher, a community assistant, a social helper... to learn the method and to use it to help the teenagers they are supporting already.
The method is based on 3 stages :
1/ workshops to discover industries, digital transformation, skills, professional paths and networks...
2/ interviews in the field, thanks to a specific context of empowerment and project management practise.
3/ celebration to help the teens gain visibility into the community on their efforts, tenacity and networking.
The solution can serve directly the teenagers and/or the adults who are supporting them.
Into the field, in France so far, we collaborate with different kind of populations. The method is adaptive to specific contexts, populations, needs.
- Enable personalized learning and individualized instruction for learners who are most at risk for disengagement and school drop-out
- Pilot
We hope Solve will help us overcome market barriers : we are exploring to reach out to teenagers through the adults who are struggling to support them.
- Business model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
Our innovation is human centric : we start for the question that so many young people hear every year "what job do YOU want to take once grown up ?".
This is almost a revolution in today's world !
Our mission from this point is to enlarge their horizons and to develop their capabilities to take actions.
- Impact goals : move from pilot to growth stage for this solution, aka from few teenagers enabled to growing numbers.
Our main indicator is the number of teenagers accompanied.
Immediate outputs : groups of young people onboarded into a programm and supported to take actions to discover skills, industries, professionnal paths and networks.
Once they have see themselves "able to" (this is an output supported by the celebration stage), they can unlock new capabilities and project themselves with an action oriented mindset.
Outcomes are teenagers growing up with a vision, with empowerment, networks and actions mindset activated.
Our solution powers digital litteracy : how to find a contact ? how to reach out to them ? how to cope with rejections, with plan B, C through other networks ?
The www and productivity tools are worth being introduced to teenagers as a new way to interact when considering a professional project.
Depending where people are, what hardware capabilities they can find, wath connectivity is available for them, solutions-driven people will always "find a way".
This is what our solution powers.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Audiovisual Media
- Crowd Sourced Service / Social Networks
- Software and Mobile Applications
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
The method is inclusive by design.
We train the trainers or we propose programs to teenagers recruited from highschools or social centers.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
We are planning to move to growth phase, increasing the trainers and teenagers communities.