The ultimate purpose of reading and writing is to be able to communicate. Either with oneself (meditation), or with others (dialogue, exchange, sharing). We are currently in a communication consumer society. Not to say a mass communication consumer society to paraphrase the other. It is the exploitation of this communicative consumption that is the foundation of current and future skills and abilities. We are in a communicative society. We must make this communication productive, that is to say useful and usable for present and future societies. What will be the engine of this communication so that it can properly play its role of regulating the system and participate in the resolution of the current and future problems and major challenges it poses? How to make this communication inclusive and supportive? How to meet the challenge of inequalities and exclusions? How to share universal knowledge that is unequally distributed for the benefit of all and by all?
A- The engine: solidarity
What are the skills and skills required for success in the 21st century knowledge economy? If skills are qualifications, while skills? Are we in the world of innate in the case of skills? The engine leading this movement will be solidarity. It is this sharing solidarity that is at the base of the internet. This implies a set of things including solidarity training or the culture of solidarity, solidarity development and a solidarity approach. We must go back to the human who would imply a certain dose of universality.
The passage of the MDGs to the ODD shows this slide in which the Economic in the strict sense can not flourish. The triangle of a balanced universal development will go through the Tryptype the Economic, Social and Environmental.
The engine of this theory of world rebalancing would be solidarity. With the slogan "I can not do or exist without the other." No country, no continent, no concession, no family, etc. We are in a "consolidated world virtual economy". We are in the era of "to give and receive". We are in the era of "civilization of universality". Not to mention L. S. Senghor.
Approach: equitably liberalize the tools and acquisition elements of knowledge. The learner has his intrinsic personality, he also has faculties. It begins by improving the closest, daily, daily problems and realities. Then gradually focuses on the external problems in his close environment. Thus the helping comparison, it happens to discern its problems from those of others and begins to imagine solutions that might interest others. We are approaching exchange and sharing. We are in the economy of solidarity and sharing.
How can this unfortunate resulting from illegal immigration be taken care of in our analysis scheme to serve as a new citizenship of solidarity?
How can the phenomenon of unemployed almost chronic not to say structural and can be taken care of and solve in our scheme?
How should female leadership and youth preeminence be taken into account?
So many questions and problems that worry or threatens the global balance.
C- Global rebalancing:
We need a new theory of fluctuating and unstable dynamic balance. This would take into account the elements detected earlier to know the components (sort or multi dimensional) and whose engine would be the interest of the survival of humanity. We must not only distribute but especially dose and especially resurrect the communicating vases.
II- Implementation:
i. Prerequisites:
Teacher, teaching and school leader;
The teacher must be reformed to adapt to the new teaching formula. Teacher upgrade sessions and lessons are needed. How should the framework be adapted to the new system? The new teaching methods of writing and reading cause the establishment of a new device for providing them. This new device uses ancient skills (teachers, educational system, framework, ...) that will need to update or update.
The evil of current general education is no longer to be demonstrated. Should we correct it or eliminate it totally? You have to choose between reform or revolution. The 2nd term is more adequate because many reforms have been undertaken and have not achieved the objectives set.
How will this revolution go? Will it be in the sense of creating destruction of Schumpeter or in the Marxist meaning of the term by the reorientation of the bottom up? We leave a given state and we seek to see how starting from these strengths and weaknesses detect carrier opportunities that can learn this change.
A- The engine: solidarity
What are the skills and skills required for success in the 21st century knowledge economy? If skills are qualifications, while skills? Are we in the world of innate in the case of skills? The engine leading this movement will be solidarity. It is this sharing solidarity that is at the base of the internet. This implies a set of things including solidarity training or the culture of solidarity, solidarity development and a solidarity approach. We must go back to the human who would imply a certain dose of universality.
The passage of the MDGs to the ODD shows this slide in which the Economic in the strict sense can not flourish. The triangle of a balanced universal development will go through the Tryptype the Economic, Social and Environmental.
The engine of this theory of world rebalancing would be solidarity. With the slogan "I can not do or exist without the other." No country, no continent, no concession, no family, etc. We are in a "consolidated world virtual economy". We are in the era of "to give and receive". We are in the era of "civilization of universality". Not to mention L. S. Senghor.
Approach: equitably liberalize the tools and acquisition elements of knowledge. The learner has his intrinsic personality, he also has faculties. It begins by improving the closest, daily, daily problems and realities. Then gradually focuses on the external problems in his close environment. Thus the helping comparison, it happens to discern its problems from those of others and begins to imagine solutions that might interest others. We are approaching exchange and sharing. We are in the economy of solidarity and sharing.
How can this unfortunate resulting from illegal immigration be taken care of in our analysis scheme to serve as a new citizenship of solidarity?
How can the phenomenon of unemployed almost chronic not to say structural and can be taken care of and solve in our scheme?
How should female leadership and youth preeminence be taken into account?
So many questions and problems that worry or threatens the global balance.
C- Global rebalancing:
We need a new theory of fluctuating and unstable dynamic balance. This would take into account the elements detected earlier to know the components (sort or multi dimensional) and whose engine would be the interest of the survival of humanity. We must not only distribute but especially dose and especially resurrect the communicating vases.
II- Implementation:
i. Prerequisites:
Teacher, teaching and school leader;
The teacher must be reformed to adapt to the new teaching formula. Teacher upgrade sessions and lessons are needed. How should the framework be adapted to the new system? The new teaching methods of writing and reading cause the establishment of a new device for providing them. This new device uses ancient skills (teachers, educational system, framework, ...) that will need to update or update.
The evil of current general education is no longer to be demonstrated. Should we correct it or eliminate it totally? You have to choose between reform or revolution. The 2nd term is more adequate because many reforms have been undertaken and have not achieved the objectives set.
How will this revolution go? Will it be in the sense of creating destruction of Schumpeter or in the Marxist meaning of the term by the reorientation of the bottom up? We leave a given state and we seek to see how starting from these strengths and weaknesses detect carrier opportunities that can learn this change.
Knowledge of the setting-up environment in the initial phase. The competence of the team in terms of training and acquisition of modern knowledge through the Internet and extensive documentary studies.
- Support timely and manageable assessments to help under-resourced communities better plan, monitor, and evaluate learning
- Pilot
Partneship and funding collaboration
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
Reading and writing must make it possible to interpret and decipher access codes to current sources of knowledge. I mean that they (reading and writing) must make it possible to identify outlines of problems in order to find solutions to them in the universal space that is the Internet. The problem had previously been well assessed and posed.
How will this revolution take place? Will it be in the sense of creative destruction of Schumpeter or in the Marxist sense of the term by reorientation from bottom to top? We start from a given state and we seek to see how, starting from these strengths and weaknesses, we can identify the promising opportunities that can drive this change.
A global citizen achieved through harmonized global education, using ICT and ensuring global balance. The global alphabet, how to read and write universally through the Internet? Numbers and letters do not change.
Transform slates into tablets, blackboards into giant screens, schools into incubation centres, teachers into designer assistants, learners into program validators. i. The phases : - Primary cycle: read, write, research or prospect, watch, observe, find the situation, place geographically, animate, ask the appropriate questions for the future, - Secondary cycle: analyze situations, pose problems and outline solutions, compare situations, specify cases, identify rules, - Graduate and university cycles: reflect, correct, redirect, develop applications, exchange, share, theorize training and practice - Global or web
The following notions are to be discussed and disseminated. In terms of teaching skills, these are: - Exploration: like the colonizers for the great discoveries, new explorers are needed. Their role will be to bring the premises to the new education system. Terms and conditions to be validated… So this exploration must be theorized with its approach and its methods. - Practice: Trial and test laboratories are needed for these new approaches and methods. However, they must be validated by experience. - Feedback: an essential element. It is the driving force behind this new approach. It validates and controls the BABA of this method. A missing link in the old systems, feedback or feedback allows reciprocal validation of the different levels of education.
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
- Audiovisual Media
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 15. Life on Land
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Senegal
- Cabo Verde
- Canada
- Germany
- Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau
- Mali
- Mauritania
- Senegal
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
A novelty in the consideration of innovations in learning would be the consideration of the religious phenomenon. To illustrate this part, we will take the example of daaras or Koranic schools to be modernized in Senegal as well as the anti-secular phenomenon in the West.
How can this unfortunate consequence of illegal immigration be taken into account in our analysis scheme to serve as the basis for a new citizenship of solidarity?
How can the phenomenon of almost chronic, not to say structural, unemployment be taken care of and solved in our scheme?
How should female leadership and the pre-eminence of young people be taken into account?
So many questions and problems that worry or threaten the global balance.
the project fights hunger, participates in raising the standard of living of its members, contributes to the training of the most vulnerable populations, shapes a new spirit of local entrepreneurship.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
The funds made available to the project are considered "credits". These amounts are allocated to the members of the groups according to the needs of their activities in the form of loans. A modest interest rate is defined to cover the management costs of these funds. The principle of repayment of the capital borrowed to finance the future needs after 3 years of Project implementation
All components take into account the environmental dimension in the performance of their respective tasks. The character cooperative and associative management of the project is a guarantee of good governance.