Learning Mall
1 in 5 children is believed to have a specific learning disability like dyslexia. These are students with high IQ and have no physical disabilities that may hinder learning yet they continue to perform poorly in class, leading to low self-esteem, school dropout, early marriages, and crime.
there is very little awareness about learning disabilities and interventions are expensive and inaccessible.
We are training teachers about the basic symptoms of learning disabilities and equipping them with skills that they can apply to make classrooms inclusive. We know that making those lessons takes time so we are also creating a resource center called the Learning Mall where they can access content and materials that they can use to make learning inclusive for children with specific learning disabilities and ADHD
We have an LMS system where the teachers, parents and caregivers can sign up for a free course about learning disabilities and two courses that are accessible through a basic subscription that equip them with inclusive learning techniques and psychosocial support skills respectively.
The second part is a learning/teaching resource that is accessed through a subscription. it has teaching/learning content that can be used to make learning inclusive in school and at home. It has features that allow the learner to be self-guided as they revise.
The solution equips teachers, parents and caregivers with skills that will enable them to support learners with Specific Learning Disabilities and ADHD.
The solution also helps learners with ADHD to access content that is delivered in ways that suit their learning styles and abilities and allows them to do well in school and in life and their careers
We have a diverse team. The team lead is a counseling psychologist who has done the research and has skills that are needed to shape the creation of inclusive learning material and training modules. she will work with a team of teachers editors and designers to be able to deliver this.
We have a programs director who heads fundraising and daily operations and we have a developer who oversees the tech side of the solution.
- Facilitate meaningful social-emotional learning among underserved young people.
- Pilot
We need resources to market the training modules so that we can reach as may teachers as possible. We believe all teachers need to understand learning disabilities and how to be empathetic and inclusive
We are also seeking resources for the development and content creation for the Learning Mall resource center. it will require teachers, editors, designers and technological support.
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development, etc.)
We will use a lot of technology to make our resource center interractive online we hope to tap into AI, VR and AR and will also use some additional feedback solutions like the Feedback Box. We will use animation and videas and will also use a blend of the traditional and inclusive learning techniques.
When a teacher applies our learning guides in their classrooms they will be able to make their teaching inclusive
The learners resources will allow them to have accounts that can track their revision process through AI we will also have add on apps that will read text for the child who struggles with heavy content. We will have a blend of games, videos, worksheets, lesson summeries, stories , AI generated mock quizzes that just quiz the learner on the content they have covered
in the next year we hope to reach 10,000 schools with the training. We will reach them through a partnership we are forging with the ministry of education and with organizations such as the Catholic Church, Presbytarian Church and Christian Private Schools association among others
We hope to create content from K to grade 6 in the next two years and we will have finished high school content by the end of 5 years. By that time we hope to have reached at least 5 African countries, but since our content is online, the possibilities are endless
We are an online solution so our back end information will be able to help us gauge the number of people reached and their impact. by region.
Inclusive learning boosts the quality of education delivery not just for the people with disabilities, but for the entire class. the approaches allow the children to broaden their mindsets. In so doing, we believe that we are meeting the 4th sustainable development goal of Quality education for all.
Accessible, affordable quality education for all.
We believe that if we educate teachers, parents, and caregiver about learning disabilities, they will
1) understand what the learner is going through and will stop putting them down
2) Will apply inclusive learning styles that will enable the learner to benefit from the education process
3) Support the psychosocial needs of the different learner
WE will be using AI, VR and AR as well as the use of a learning management system. we will use videos, animation and gamification among others
- A new application of an existing technology
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Audiovisual Media
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality
- 4. Quality Education
- Kenya
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Our founding director is a 42 year old single mother of 2 and is very energetic and outgoing. She has dyslexia and ADHD and is homeschooling her son who has ADHD because he has been stigmatized in some schools and has been requested to join other schools with a shadow teacher.
The operations director is a straight jacket mechanical and telecommunications engineer who has built a business a tech business from scratch and managed to sell it off. He volunteers as a Sunday School teacher and believes this space will allow him to pursue his passion. He is good with the books.
The third director is a young tech with a degree in computer science and enjoys coding and designing. We have interviewed content developers from different walks of life and ages and we hope we can rope them in once we get the financial support we need to see this through.
WE are providing services through the internet. This is because most teachers, even at the lowest level have access to mobile phones that can allow them to access our services.
We are providing
a free introductory course (Teachers, parents, caregivers)
an application technical course on subscription (Teachers, parents, caregivers)
a psychosocial support course on subscription (Teachers, parents, caregivers)
Learning resource Center that is accessed on subscriptions (Teachers, parents, caregivers, learners)
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
We are charging affordable rates for our services Phase 1 is the trainings and we hope to reach at least 1000 schools in the first year and 10,000 schools by the end of the second year
We have 2 paid up courses that are just $5 per course but the introduction offer will be just $2 the courses are pre- recorded and we are working on school/teacher sponsorship options
The resource center attracts an affordable fee of $20 per school term with a global market of 240M people living with disabilities, a target of just 1% of the market will make us profitable
Primary school enrollment
internet data penetration
what Kenyans are willing to pay for online subscriptions (KES)
number of primary school kids with learning disabilities (20%)
Possible Market Size in (KES)
Billion shillings per year (KES)
value of the dollar
Possible Market Size per year $
Founding Director