Re-engaging Learners

Batonga’s Podcasts for Equality: rural girl-led storytelling

Team Leader
Wenceslas Djokpe

Solution Pitch

The Problem

Adolescent girls in rural West Africa are being left out of the digital literacy transformation happening globally. While digital safe spaces and resources for girls exist, a lack of access and skills prevents rural and off-grid African girls from using them to acquire knowledge and express themselves.

The Solution

Batonga aims to put off-grid, rural, adolescent girls in the driver's seat of digital transformation. This will not only create opportunities for them to learn, interact, and lead, but will also provide connection and solidarity when in-person spaces can’t be safely accessed.

This solution dismantles barriers to technology and digital spaces for female impact leaders in rural Benin through a three-step approach that fits girls’ literacy and language needs: 

1) Equip learners with digital skills and digital access zones

2) Support girls in creating content for social good in digital safe spaces

3) Accompany them in sharing their content through powerful online platforms.

This solution will empower adolescent girls to create engaging, girl-centered, rights-based content for low literacy learners. It will also boost connection and solidarity among girls in Benin and West Africa. Their priorities, their dreams, and their ideas will be shared with the world.


  • In July, 38 new girls’ clubs and 100 young women’s business circles were launched in Benin, reaching a total of 5,000 young women and girls. 

  • New programs are planned to launch in Senegal by the end of 2022, which would increase the potential reach to a total of 12,000 young women and girls across two countries.

Market Opportunity

Batonga's solution aims to benefit young women and girls age 14-30 living in underserved, rural areas in central Benin.

Partnership Goals

Batonga's Podcasts for Equality: rural girl-led storytelling seeks:

  • Experts in streaming podcasts online

  • Strategic advice and coaching on how to better measure and communicate impact

Solution Overview & Team Lead Details
More About Your Solution
Your Team
Your Business Model & Funding

Organization Type: Nonprofit

Headquarters: Cotonou, Benin

Stage: Growth

Working In: Benin

Current Employees: 201

Solution Website:

Solution Team:
Wenceslas Djokpe
Wenceslas Djokpe
Senior Manager
Caitlin Hone
Caitlin Hone