F4RM School
1. Education
The backbone and foundation of the development of our country is education. The current state of public education in the Philippines are as follows:
- total enrolment of K-12 in SY 2019-2020 in the Philippines is 27.7 Million
- 81% (22.4M) of which is enrolled in the public school system
- 4 Million un-enrolled out-of-school youth in 2021 due to the pandemic
The reality of public school education in the Philippines due to poor education funding & investment from the government are deteriorating quality of education, high dropout rates, underpaid, understaffed & overworked teachers, shortages of books & tools, widening social divide and mismatch of skills to relevant careers.
The government has been allotting between 2-4% of the annual GDP to education for decades. UN recommendation is 6%. The Philippines did that only once this decade in 2020 due to the pandemic. Despite this increased government budget in 2020, the education crisis has become dire due to the already poor public education infrastructure that is unprepared to handle this situation. Covid-19 further exposed the weaknesses and limitations of our educational system.
2. E-waste -
Based on the world counts statistics: https://www.theworldcounts.com... 40 million tons of devices.. That’s roughly 800 laptops per second are put into trash. We will be running donation drives all year round. We will set up collection points in the United States, Canada, and Europe. We will be sending the collected devices to the Philippines to be donated to the kids who will be participating in F4RM school program.
Through capacity and community building, F4rm aims to build a school that supports the development of our students’ technology education. With our community of global mentors, we will design a unique 12-week summer workshop composed of STEAM workshops and build a strong network of mentors for our students even after the program. We will bring this program, the resources, tools, quality educators to an underserved community in the Philippines chosen in partnership with a local NFP.
There are five labs where workshops for the different ages stem from: Computing, AI and Robotics Lab (Coding a Virtual Robot), Immersive Lab (VR Game Design), Future Earth Lab (AI for Oceans), Art Hacking Lab (Future of Music Tactility) and Digital Citizenship Lab (Designing an Unbiased AI). By the end of the program, creators will produce a final project that solves a problem in their home, personal life or the community.
We are investing in K-12 students for this first initiative to start them early in their most formative years. We hope that students develop critical, holistic, creative and sustainable relationships with technology and can use programming concepts, immersive experiences and AI literacy to solve problems in their communities.
The Philippines is the 12th most populated in the world and roughly 40% of them are under 18. Within that population are 20 million people under the poverty line. Due to extreme corruption in the Philippine government, the education system is poorly funded. F4RM will serve Grades 10-12 in an underserved community in the Philippines.
With the F4RM founders' resources and network built in North America - US and Canada, along with their abundant and strong network in the Philippines, they could pull people and resources to give more to the underserved communities in the Philippines. There are more than 12 million capable and talented Filipinos overseas and among those are people who are uncertain on how to give back and help the country without going through the government funded charity or organization. So, F4RM is creating an avenue for Filipinos overseas to give back to the community without the need to let go of their life overseas. It could also be seen as a reverse brain-drain method. The F4RM already has a good amount of Filipino-Americans and Filipino-Canadians volunteers who are willing to put the time and effort to inspire and share their knowledge as mentors.
Workshops are designed by global mentors of engineers and professionals from NASA, Blue Origin and Johnson & Johnson to name a few. The program will be taught in partnership with local educators, volunteers and organizations. The F4RM STEAM education will provide a meaningful connection to young adults and will inspire the youth that there’s a place for them in the future. Living in an environment with very limited resources could limit the knowledge and imagination of the people. The founders are prioritizing holistic and practical education to bridge the gap of real world demands vs. skills and technology available.
The founders of F4RM, Ariana and KC, grew up in Manila and they have seen these challenges first hand. Having spent their years in an institution which molds women to become an agent of social change, they are both exposed to socio economic issues at a very young age. As an example, they spent their highschool days going to underserved communities of Baseco, Tondo, building houses under the “Gawad Kalinga” charity. Every exposure and immersion trip, they have seen the challenges and unfortunate situations of families striving for a living with just less resources.
We have already partnered with YWCA in the Philippines and they are helping us together with DepEd reach pubic schools students. We are now in the process of getting applicants through YWCA and we're set to start our Pilot Program on June 2022.
We have gathered inputs from different experts in each STEAM field and have followed the advise level of knowledge in Philippine public schools.
- Enable personalized learning and individualized instruction for learners who are most at risk for disengagement and school drop-out
- Pilot
For a network of people who could make our solution to education problem better.
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
The government has a lot of work to do and reforms to make in order to solve the public education crisis in the Philippines but we recognize that we the community can take impactful action now. We have the power to gather our networks, communities and resources from all around the world to help in alleviating the public education crisis.
As Filipinos ourselves who left the country to pursue a better access to quality of life, we recognize that is our natural responsibility to give back to our home. Reverse the brain drain. Invest in the future of our home. Invest in the education of the people. The systemic problems in our country will not end until we all participate in rebuilding and creating opportunities for those who need them the most.
Our solution is innovative as it tackles two solutions and answers two problems, (1) use the opportunities gained by highly skilled professionals who have accumulated training and skills from working in a different country (brain drain) and (2) funnel back those gains/investment to the public education of our home (education crisis).
We also have seen the realities of the public school institution during this pandemic. Students were given modules and the teachers do not have time to teach them online due to lack of resources. Students end up failing and worse dropping out. There's a huge gap in age with the students due to this.
AFter our pilot program, we would like to fully launch a program which will run every quarter/semester and turn it into an after school program.
For the next 5 years, we would run pilots for K to Grade 9 and do the same format we did for Grades 10-12. Here are the soft plans we have in place:
- Volunteers are coming from Universities/Colleges/ High School which requires NSTP or community work hours; this is a requirement for some schools
- We'll partner with companies who dispose their machines so they can donate it to F4RM
Our key performance indicators are quantitative and qualitative.
1. Inspiring the kids to take STEAM careers;
2. Create meaningful connections within the community (facebook and discord);
1. We will run a culminating activity to gauge their understanding on the topics presented.
2. Before and after survey to understand their level of knowledge
3. The reach and engagement through our partner institutions and applications
4. Number of students who finished the program
5. Number of students who received resources/gadgets
Our 12-week summer program aims to have a holistic approach to tech education. We hope to create holistic future leaders in the community through a program that is a cumulation of the below five foundational labs:
001_Computing & Robotics
002_Immersive Tech
003_Future Earth
004_Art Hacking
005_Digital Citizenship
At the end of each labs, we will equip the students with practical uses of STEAM and we would also use simple life challenges in our modules to explain the theories in simple ways.
F4RM is providing STEAM education to underserved communities of the Philippines. Here's the details of our labs
Computing, AI & Robotics Lab
All about computing, AI and robotics.
Example workshops:
Coding a Virtual Robot
AI for Oceans
**SHOWCASE sessions with experts - Boston Dynamics
Immersive Lab
All about the use and innovations in XR.
Example workshops:
VR Game Design
AR uses in global industries
Future Earth Lab
The climate crisis is the biggest global threat and we think that it is important to amplify this issue in this camp and allow creators to learn how technology and computation can help solve this problem.
Example workshops:
Future of Food
Bio & local farming
AI for Oceans
** NASA, Deep space food!
Art Hacking Lab
Explore and express art: music, performance art & visual art with computing/programming.
Example workshops:
Future of Music Tacticality
Performance Arts
Future of Sound
Digital Citizenship Lab
Becoming a future leader means knowing how to be responsible for technology. We want the creators to critique and have an open discourse about both the magic and demise of tech to design a better future. This lab can be facilitated by activist-educators specializing in creative activism using technology.
Example workshops:
Biased & Unbiased AI
Futurist & Inclusive Thinking: Native Digital Literacy
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality
- 4. Quality Education
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- Canada
- Philippines
- United States
- Philippines
- Nonprofit
The founders are people of color and we've endured the hardship of being a second class citizen in North America and Europe.
Inclusion: We want to give opportunities to different minority groups especially our fellow Filipinos.
Equity: We will be providing knowledge that usually comes with price tag to communities that are victimized by excessive corruption.
Diversity: We want people who are fortunate enough and willing to volunteer to be part of the solution.
F4RM's business model is not matured yet. They would want to be self-sufficient and not rely on out of pocket donations from individuals. They are looking into bridging a partnership with several organization's corporate social responsibility program which are aligned with their manifesto. We have partnership with YWCA - Manila.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
We will want to partner with different 501(3)c in the US and other organization that support the communities.
- Apply on grants like USAid
- Partner with company on their Customer Service Relationship
- Partner with different 501(3)c