Digital Designing
Lack or having low digital skills among people is a common norm in Uganda Regarding teaching, there is no digital development at primary level and digital skills courses at secondary level are optional ) By 2021, Uganda had a population of 46.43 million people unfortunately, one million Ugandans can have access to computers, a number which is still lacking compared to developing countries. For instance, about 120 million people in US, according to statistics for US Census Bureau have access to a computer (Monitor, Uganda’s journey to a computerized era, 2021) Digital literacy is very low especially in rural and marginal urban areas and for people with disabilities, they are affected the more. The pandemic exacerbated digital exclusion for online learning and a big number of learners were left out and so, if we continue hiding our Ugandan children from digital skills, some years to come we shall be like someone tied both knees.
The causes being;
- Lack of access to computers and skilled professionals who can handle a marginalized group on how to use design software.
- Adequate knowledge in design leads to set back and neglect of the government since policy makers do not value graphic design education.
- Low level of awareness and practice for inclusion leads to a setback to empower skills to certain groups like women and PWDs
Digital Designing to bridge the digital divide, foster entrepreneurship and inclusive online engagement for sustainable life. Digital Designing is an artistic way of creating info graphic, report or digital illustrations. It is hands on activity that encourages a favorable learning environment, aids memory and arouses interest for quality education. Digital Designing is composed of different packages like;
- Publication graphic design
- Art and illustration for graphic design
- Visual identity graphic design
- Packaging graphic design
- Motion graphic design
Empowering this STEM based discipline will be classified according to three levels of mastery and these are;
LEVEL I (5-10years)
- At this stage the discipline will be introduced as a fun and figure out the kid’s learning
- Learners will be given an opportunity of basic interaction with a computer a basic tasks
- The same discipline will be introduced but digitized with intuitive interfaces so as learners play with colours. This will enable them exercise their skills and show their interests as one builds on their strengths.
LEVEL II (11-15 years)
- At this level due to progressive learning, there will be increased mastery of the concept within the same discipline
- Learners will dive deeper into the subject as they are introduced to digitized sketcher work
- At this stage learner will be showing what they are skilled in, areas of interest and strength for specialization
LEVEL III (16-18 years)
- At this level, there will be specialization according to areas of interest such as animation, graphic design, illustration and others.
Acquiring such skills will lead to production of business cards, logos, labels, animated logos, posters, flyers, T-shirt designs, book cover designs, branding and so on. Carrying out Digital Designing needs to follow the following processes;
- Working closely with our mother ministry of Education as we offer a duo-curriculum.
- Designing a curriculum, securing equipment, refurbishment and installation of a computer lab Centre with the required Hard and software for digital designing.
- Recruiting and training of personnel who will equip skills to learners with Learning Disabilities.
- Engaging communities through advertisements to enable learners enroll for training.
Different designs use different hard and software however, some of the technologies are computers, printers, heat press machines, digitalized tablets and many more.
The solution will target two categories of learners that is;
Learners with Special Needs especially those with Learning Disabilities 5-16 years) who will enroll in our learning centre for a duo-curriculum. Learning Disabilities are neurological disorders affecting one or more cognitive processes in dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia and sometimes Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. Due to academic challenges, lack of Special Needs Education teachers, computers and failure to reach levels where digital skills can be taught makes learners with learning Disabilities to be left out concerning digital skills.
Another category will be both learners with Learning Disabilities and youths who dropped out of schools for some reasons like early pregnancies. During COVID-19 pandemic, many girls have been affected by early pregnancies therefore; those who may fear to go back to schools will be enrolled to acquire marketable skills for self-reliance. The solution will impact their lives by bridging the digital divide to foster equity and inclusion, improving accessibility of digital job opportunities; facilitate utilization of national services through digital means and arousing interest of STEM among underserved learners.
The target groups are underserved in the way that digital skills are taught at higher levels of education like universities where these learners have not got a chance to be enrolled and for PWDs, there is lack of technology to cater for their needs and also lack of specialized instructors who can handle them well for proper acquisition of the content. This makes them to be underserved and so, be excluded from the system.
Therefore, this solution will make content delivery more practical than theory to cater for individual learning needs, arouse interest and boost memory for proper mastery.
Emphasis should be put on Individualized Education Program IEP) and personalized learning so that the learner’s needs, strength and skills are identified then built upon for proper support of the learner. Therefore, learners will also be given an opportunity to specialize in areas in which they have skills and interest so that those skills are made more perfect.
Our team is composed of enthusiastic, passionate and committed members who have different areas of specialty, work hard to see that underserved people get what they deserve and to make sure that Digital Designing is moved on to benefit a big number.
Nakibirango Jesca the founder and Executive Director holds a Bachelor’s degree in Special Needs Education specializing in Mental Retardation. She taught in a public school with underserved served learners such as those from poor families and Special Needs for over 15 years. That is where she came up with the idea of helping learners struggling with academics and then started RASDO in the same community. She has both professional and motherly skills therefore, she has the skills and experience of how equity and inclusion can be practiced to undeserved learners for better acquisition of the skills and she will be instrumental in designing a modified curriculum and empowering instructors with skills of handling learners with Special Educational Needs.
Richard Semanda one of the founders is a professional teacher who has passionate in Special Needs Education and he taught in a public school for over 10 years then joined The Aged Family Uganda after pursuing his Bachelor’s degree in Public Administration. He worked with TAFU as a project coordinator for 9years therefore, using the same skills he will be instrumental in the implementation of this solution so that success is achieved.
Wanyana Sarah, the finance officer holds a Bachelor’s degree in Information Communication Technology ICT) and has experience in Programming and Website Designing. Having the knowledge of ICT, Sarah will be one of our full time instructors since she has worked with us for some time and has acquired skills of how learners with Special Needs are handled.
Musumba Dan one of our technical team is a talented, self-driven and flexible graphic designer with a proven experience in design conceptualization and implementation. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial & Fine Arts, Advertising Design- Makerere University and Margaret Trowell School of Industrial & Fine Arts. As a 9 years experienced graphic designer, he has worked as Creative Lead and Funding Partner - MOTIF Consulting, Design Lead – XENO Investment, Design Lead – Jumia Uganda, Graphic Designer Fireworks Advertising U) Ltd and Graphic Designer and Web Content Manager – African Woman. Dan has skills in concept development, graphics, illustrator, product design, typography, brand development, creative direction and public relations. Therefore, being a talented, experienced and a child born in a target area, he will be the right person to make sure that such skills are passed on to underserved learners.
Mayega Henry is other technical personnel with a Bachelor’s degree in information Systems Kyambogo University and a certificate in Still and Motion graphics producti0n from African Digital Media Institute. He has skills in digital media development, Design and production, system analysis, system development, animation, motion pictures and graphics. As an experienced person, Henry worked with Vision Group – Editor and producer, Plan International Uganda – Media producer and consultant Safer Cities campaign, Girl up campaign and Safe Inclusive Cities campaign, Office of Uganda Ambassador for Women and Girls – Media production expert and also worked with Princess Diana High School – Systems Administrator and IT consultant.
RASDO has got a Learning Centre and also carries out assessment and diagnosis of learners. Through these activities we interact with parents who request to train their children digital skills because many complete schools without any acquired skill. This affects their economic status since many are recruited to work in under paid jobs. Therefore, during the implementation process, community members are ready to advertise this service to many people and also to refer learners to acquire digital designing skills.
- Enable personalized learning and individualized instruction for learners who are most at risk for disengagement and school drop-out
- Pilot
To secure funds in order to support the marginalized learners with Special Educational Needs whose poverty line is behind the bar due to failure to acquire marketable skills and those who try, get equipped with less paid practical skills.
To get access of sharing over $ 1.3 million prize funding for 2022 challenge to enable the Digital Designing project take off and benefit many Ugandans.
More so, to receive mentorship and strategic advice from Solve and MIT networks and experts
To join a supportive community of peers, funders and experts to help advance our innovation through inspirational words and guidance
To access relevant in-kind resources like software licenses and legal services
To get support in monitoring and evaluation so as to build an impact measurement practice
For our solution and organization to get exposure in media and conferences
The barriers are grouped as follows;
Lack of funds to support the project takes off.
Lack of hard and software to enable learners have access and acquire digital literacy skills in a practical way.
In adequate skilled personnel in digital designing who can teach learners with Learning Disabilities using specialized techniques.
Negative attitude of some parents towards their children that they are retarding their financial status by wasting money on education
Low level of awareness and practice for digital inclusion of women and people with disabilities
We do believe that Solve has potential to help us solve these problems by connecting us to the networks that can support us with in-kind resources such as hard and software, joining us to other peer groups to share views on how they have overcome similar challenges and connect us to a class of funders and experts who can help us to scale this solution in order to benefit many people.
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
Digital Designing as an innovative solution is a free service focusing on underserved learners; content delivery will be more practical than theory to consider individual learning needs
It is inclusive and enrolment of learners will not depend on qualification, first priority will be given to marginalized learners
Enrolment of the learners will start at an early stage as far as 5 years to figure out the kids’ learning
Use of IEP and personalized learning will be key learning models to allow development of individual skills, interests, needs, strengths and identification weaknesses so as to support the learner
The new improved approaches arouse interest and boost memory for proper mastery of the content
They also help to reduce on wastage of time and money training someone a skill he/she is not interested in which may lead to poor performance or drop out in case one finds difficulties.
The new approach ignites the spirit of STEM in learners and` also promotes inclusion. Lastly, it fosters equity and inclusion so as no one in left behind.
However, it will be a catalytic by increasing the number of people who enroll for STEM courses at higher levels and also increase the numbers of women and People with Disabilities acquiring digital skills.
It will reduce on digital illiteracy and promote utilization of citizen services through digital means
It will increase work force in digital designing which will reduce on hiring expensive people doing digital designing work
It will cause improved employment opportunities for marginalized people
The impact goals for the next year will be;
- To empower digital designing skills in a practical way
- To bridge the digital divide and foster equity and inclusion
- To improve life skills for sustainable life
For the next five years the impact goals will be;
- To have a well-equipped digital designing school to promote digital equity and inclusion
- To scale the solution to many marginalized learners
- To empower communities and make them digitally literate for global competition
- To increase the STEM learning interests among marginalized learners and other people
- To improve employment opportunities among marginalized people
- To facilitate the utilization of citizen services through digital means.
Measuring the impact goals will be done by;
- Using a logical frame work to capture the progress and achievement of the set objectives
- Using photo and video clips to show what is taking place during the implementation process
- Carrying out individual sampling so as to get self-satisfaction information
- Using monthly, mid-term or end of year reports or records
- Carrying out surveys on a quarterly basis
Improve digital skills through digital designing for underserved learners
More underserved learners access computers
Increased aspiration and interest in acquiring STEM skills by underserved learners
Improved training of digital skills
Underserved learners become included in digital skills
Underserved learners get quality education in digital designing
Family economic status raises
Instructors acquire more modern skills in digital designing
Other institutions share information about digital designing
Number of learners using computers on a daily basis
Number of learners attending digital classes regularly
Number of learners testifying enjoyment in using a computer
Number of learners with improved performance in digital
Number of learners reported by instructors to have an improvement in doing work
Number of learners reporting to find less difficulty in using digital means
Purchase of required equipment
Designing a curriculum
Implementation and monitoring
Advertising to create awareness
Carrying out trainings for instructors
Writing records
Empowering skills practically
Report writing
Creating a mobile digital designing school
Purchasing enough hard and soft ware equipment
Making the program free for easy accessibility
Provision of iPads for personal learning
Making content delivery more practical
Teaching according to one’s skill, interest and ability
Having motivational speakers in STEM field to give inspirational talks
Having exchange programs and tours to digital companies
Sharing information with other institutions and companies in the digital field
Attending refresher courses for the instructors
Giving daily activities for learners
Technology that empowers Digital Designing;
Monitor is a computer device that helps graphic designers to design efficiently and in many cases a desktop computer can provide more powerful processor, memory and a larger display.
Digitizing tablet is a computer input device with an outstanding pressure sensitivity that enables the user to hand draw images, animations and graphics with a special pen-like stylus.
Printer is a device that sends out approved outputs on a hard copy.
Monitor calibrator is hardware and software program that adjusts the color that the monitor is displaying using a computer program and hardware that attaches on one’s monitor and reads the way colors are being displayed.
GIMP is a cross-platform image editor available for GNU/Linux,05 X with a free software.. It has a high quality framework for scripted image manipulation with multi-language support such as C, C++ and Perl.
Adobe illustrator is the undisputed grand viscount of vector graphics with a software application for creating drawings, illustrations and artwork using Windows and Mac OS computer.
Adobe InDesign is a desktop publishing software application for creating flyers, brochures and magazines. InDesign can be shared both in digital and print formats.
Core/DRAW is a vector-based graphics program originally developed by Microgrator, it is effective for the creation of engineering drawing and also offers function for graphic designs.
Xara Designer Pro X is the world’s most sophisticated high performance vector for all types of graphic design work such as vector illustrations, photo editing, web graphics and flash animations.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
- 1. No Poverty
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- Uganda
- Uganda
- Nonprofit
For gender equality, 80% of RASDO founder members are women, this organization is working under the core value of respect for human dignity and the motto which states that “If others can, we will” of which these two statements enable us not to look at the colour, race, gender, religion or disability as we practice using the following approaches;
- Promoting a pay equity depending on the roles one does
- Educating team members to understand the needs of each other and empower them with communication skills so that mutual respect can be built
- Listening to all team members equally for easy identification of their needs and feel catered for
- Celebrating one’s achievement or bad moments as a family
- Setting regular meetings in order to communicate goals, measure the progress of the programs and also to get people’s contribution for the success of the organization
- Acknowledging holidays for team members so that they fill valued about their absence or presence.
Rise and Shine Dyslexic Organization (RASDO) is a registered B2C organization with NGO Beaural serving in education sector and started with a goal of bringing together learners with learning disabilities (challenges), parents and professionals through sharing information to minimize, psychological, social and economic effects with learners having learning disabilities, related challenges and help them to re-gain their self-value and reintegrate into families, the world of work and the general society at large.
The organization is working under the mission “To come up with a well-coordinated and organized Centre in Uganda helping learners with Learning Disabilities.” To achieve this mission, RASDO works with the following key groups;
- Ministry of Education and Sports – it provides supervision
- Local government councils – mobilizing and sensitizing community members about our programs
- Humanitarian organizations like FENU, NUDIPU – sharing information about education
- Learning institutions – refer learners and also enroll our learners for higher education
- Parents – support financially and also advertise our programs to other people
- Funders – provide financial support so that our activities benefit many
The organization and Learning Centre have a work force, office furniture but still renting. However, in future we hope to secure land where the Learning Centre and Digital Designing school can be established to benefit many people but the most important resources are the hard and soft ware. For this project to take off well, there is need to purchase good modern and enough hard and soft ware, carry out advertisement, refurbish and make extension for the school, recruitment and training of instructors on how to use IEP and personalized models for proper delivery of the content.
Digital Designing project is a free service to benefit many underserved learners so as to solve the problem of lack of digital skills. The project is a multi-benefit in that acquired skills will enable people;
- Access digital employment opportunities
- Become digitally literate for online engagement
- Improve on reading through sound and read Compact Discs
People with Learning Disabilities, school dropouts, parents and community members are beneficiaries of this project however the most target groups are people with learning disabilities and school dropouts. These people will benefit by;
- Becoming digitally literate to access digital means
- Having improved employment opportunities
- Having improved economic opportunities
- Having improved skills in reading
In order for the target group to be aware of this project, electronic, print and social media will the channels to be used but electronic media like radios will be the best to use since many people can access them.
Digital designing project has the major elements of cost like refurbishment and extension of the digital school, purchase of hard and soft ware, advertising and payment of staff. Since RASDO will not make any surplus from this project, we are going to make the project free as a way to give back to our community. Therefore, the revenue streams will be fundraising from companies and big institutions, making services contracts and grants from humanitarian organizations for sustainability.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
RASDO will partner with big organizations which work towards serving marginalized children or youths for service contracts to train them digital designing skills then in turn pay for services rendered.
Carrying out fundraising activities from big companies and institution for example in an institution having 1000 students and each contributes Shs, 2000, Shs 2,000,000 can be generated to support underserved learners.
The organization will continue seeking for grants from supportive charitable organizations or agencies to scale the solution to many underserved people.
RASDO has been sustaining its activities as follows;
- (Selling services Learning Centre)
- Special contribution from people of good will
- Geriatric Respite Care Foundation Uganda
1 Learner pays $343 and the collection depends on the number of learners.
Mr. Katongole Henry
+256 772 920 542
Geriatric Respite Care Foundation Uganda
+256 756 756 159 128
Mr. Besigye John
+256 772 420 326 or
- Selling services Learning Centre) $36015
- Special contribution $26700
- Geriatric Respite Care Foundation Uganda $9000
- Fundraising $3115
TOTAL $74830
- Rent $9600
- Utility bills $2330
- Salaries $34788
- Communication & internet $3103
- Transport $4400
- Welfare $5850
- Insurance $267
- Advocacy and campaigns $4002
- Advertising and Marketing $5030
- Training $2950
- Miscellaneous $1492
Executive Director