Information technologies They allow students and young people, especially those living in rural areas, to broaden their horizons and improve their job prospects.
Our programs, designed by a dynamic, highly professional team, with proven experience and know-how, acquired by the vocation of the Foundation, experienced in Information Technologies and its support, are implemented in the field. in a collaborative and partnership framework with all public and private actors.
institutions interested in the question of education and invested in its qualitative improvement.
The dynamic initiated by the Tamkine Foundation aims to be inclusive, participatory, evolving, involving all those interested in the education system and wishing to contribute to its development and the qualitative improvement of its results.
The Tamkine foundation has been dedicated to implementing a creative and innovative approach to integrating information and technology in education with the aim of contributing to transformation and development through the foundation of 7 platforms allowing teachers, students, parents and interested parties to interact in a virtual environment (synchronous rooms) one of the 7 platforms developed by the foundation is dedicated to providing hundreds of thousands of students, nationwide, with free tutorial sessions by thousands of certified teachers in the use of the platform.
Reading and mathematics are the shortcomings observed among 15-year-old Moroccan students who passed the PISA test; These failures that occur at this age are due to shortcomings accumulated during their primary schooling. To deal with this situation, it is imperative to strengthen students' skills in this area from primary school onwards. The Tamkine PLATFORMS project aims to strengthen the skills of those of these students educated in areas of great precariousness or in rural areas with little or no access to the Internet. This project will be a pilot project, the success of which could lead to its duplication and the extension of its scope of implementation to other provinces and regions of the country.
Our digital solution will have a direct impact on the problems that arise from the education system, by using information and communication technologies and in particular the dedicated Tamkine Platforms to allow learners to have as much time as possible support and guidance; Support learners at the different levels of their school curriculum and in particular at the level of the years leading to qualifying exams; Organize guidance actions that allow learners, their parents, and all interested persons to be in contact with Guidance Counselors to find out about higher education;
- Enable personalized learning and individualized instruction for learners who are most at risk for disengagement and school drop-out
- Scale
We ask the solver price for financial and technical support for teacher training and certification on the use of Tamkine Platforms, and in particular for the development of Platforms by the Tamkine Foundation, which is dedicated to mentoring
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
Our platforms aim to strengthen and integrate information and communication technologies for the qualitative improvement of the education system, the support of all the personnel dedicated to the supervision of young people, in particular those residing in the areas of great precariousness, the adaptation of technologies to the rural environment to guarantee quality studies for students
Our objectives in the next five years are to integrate information and communication technologies into the education system in rural areas so that students from areas of great precariousness can benefit from quality studies that allow them to have better results in their school career; we intend to achieve our objectives through the insertion of Tamkine rooms in schools with the help of the Provincial Directorates of Education, , the Tamkine rooms consisting of computers, Web camera, Microphone, connection, whiteboards, etc. Through the realization of its Tamkine rooms we will have the possibility to organize courses for orientation and remediation, informative seminars, round tables, educational events to guide and coach students through the Tamkine platforms which are interactive virtual platforms that allow students to use the technology.
We measure our progress through the concrete results obtained on the students who have used our platforms for academic support during the school year, their students have made an increase in their results.
Our digital solution will have a direct impact on the problems that arise from the education system, by using information and communication technologies and in particular the dedicated Tamkine Platforms to allow learners to have as much time as possible support and guidance; Support learners at the different levels of their school curriculum and in particular at the level of the years leading to qualifying exams; Organize guidance actions that allow learners, their parents, and all interested persons to be in contact with Guidance Counselors to find out about higher education;
The digital solutions are the Tamkine platforms that the foundation has developed to strengthen the skills of learners. Focus on the shortcomings accumulated during the school curriculum of the students. its platforms contribute to the qualitative improvement of students learning, strengthening their skills, and substantially to their school results.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Audiovisual Media
- Big Data
- 4. Quality Education
- Morocco
- Morocco
- Nonprofit
The Tamkine Foundation considers that the opening to its partners and sponsors and to the public at large of the digital solutions (the Tamkine Platforms) it has developed to implement its various programs ; and the training and certification process it has put in place so to help all master their use brings an immense value added to all as it provides them with proprietary digital solution they use not only to improve their teaching performance, their virtual interactions within their local, national and international environment, but also to generate financial resources (for teachers for example) . It also helps students not only in their studies, but also to attend virtual capacity building seminars, interact virtually in a synchronous mode with their teachers, as well as apply for scholarships or interact with tens of universities and schools from various countries around the world.
Families do also benefit a great deal as they save monies, they otherwise do spend providing tutoring very expensive classes to their children.
Digital solutions (the Tamkine Platforms) being provided are:
· Tamkine Tutoring: www.tutoring.tamkine.org ;
· Tamkine Scholarships: www.bourse.tamkine.org ;
· Tamkine Orientation : ww.orientation.tamkine.org ;
· Tamkine Seminars: www.seminaire.tamtechsolution.com ;
· Tamkine Virtual Open Doors: www.complxee.tamkine.org ;
· and Tamkine Workplace: www.workplace.tamkine.org
- Organizations (B2B)
From the very early days of its creation, the Foundation has considered that the digital solutions it develops (see the paragraph on Our Business Model) and improved are not only to implement its very various programs, but also to be used by its partners, its sponsors and the public at large.
As of today, several of the Foundation’s partners have adopted Tamkine Workplace Platform (www.workplace.tamkine.org) and do pay the Foundation for that use which guarantees the Foundation’s financial sustainability; other partners have also requested that such a Platform be adapted to their use which is being done by the Foundation IT Department and soon the number of users will reach more than thirty users and growing.
Workplace is now in the process of being open for very large use by individuals as well as by small and mid-size companies (the same way as that for commercial platforms) for a monthly or yearly fee; which is much less than what is being paid for said other commercial platforms. We expect that the Platform will be used by tens of thousands of users in Morocco and on the continent as a start, which is expected to generate substantial financial resources and expand the Foundation’s financial sustainability.
Tamkine Seminars Platform (www.seminaire.tamkine.org) is yet another digital solution developed by the Foundation for its own use and to be used by small and mid-size businesses providing seminars and trainings. The Platform is now being used by five organizations for fees and is expected to be used by at least fifty more as it being presented countrywide.
The Foundation is on the other hand in the process of partnering with an internet provider and hosting company so to start offering not only its digital solutions but full packages.
The Foundation on the other hand has been marketing its Platforms to local, provincial and regional education bodies and to provincial authorities; we expect to contact ten of them before the end of the year.
The Foundation will keep receiving the funding it has so far been receiving from its partners and from its sponsors within the agreements its has contracted with them.
The Foundation’s financial sustainability has been successful thanks to the financial contribution of :
· Partner universities
· Foundations
· The National Initiative for Human Development Partners
· Cities elected bodies
· Sponsors such as oil companies, businesses, and individuals
The still ongoing partnerships and sponsorships agreements providing a non-disclosure term, we are not at liberty to give more details. The funding we have so far received will not only continue to be received but is expected to increase a great deal from these sources and from those we are generating from others.