Namibia face a tremendous challenge to retain learners in school. A high dropout rate is experience throughtout the country due to different challenges experienced not only by learners, but also by the Education system. Altough Namibia has an excellent education system with relevant policies to keep learners in school, other factors like teenage pregnancies, alcohol and drug abuse, violence in school and poverty makes it diffucult to keep children in school.
A report on "Analysis of Suspensions, Pregnancies, Drop-outs and Transfers in the Hardap Region, Namibia" term 3 of 2021 by the Directorate of Education, Arts and Culture in the Hardap Region, reports the following:
"During the third term in the Hardap Region, 457 learners dropped out of school. The most common reason for learners dropping out of school was reported as "unknown" (169 counts); followed by "withdrawn by parents" (67 counts); and "Learner has given up" (35 counts). A total of 21 learners "did not return after teh first and second term,"; 19 learners left due to poor parenting; 12 learners dropped out because of "poor parenting issues" and 11 learners transfered to another school; 8 learners were reported to have relocated and same number dropped out on the request of parents. 4 learners died during the term."
The same report indicates the following:
" More than 50% of the dropouts occurred during the PRIMARY PHASE, with 44 learners leaving the Pre-Primary grade, 38 learners leaving grade 7 and 31 learners leaving grade 6. A high number of dropouts is noticeable in Grade 8 with 64 learners and Grade 10 with 59 learners leaving school. The most common reason for learners leaving school in these grades was reported as "unknown" (29 learners in grade 10 and 28 learners in grade 8). A total of 14 learners in grade 2 and 10 learners in grade 3 were withdrawn by parents."
The Hardap Regional enrollment for the years 2019,2020 and 2021 depicts another story:
2019 - 15th schoolday statistics = 25 769 learners enrolled in the Region; # of learners who wrote end of the year exams = 20 943; # of learners who dropped out during the year = 4 826
2020 - 15th Schoolday statistics = 27 118 learners enrolled in the Region; # of learners who wrote end of the year exams = 20 135; # of learners who dropped out during the year = 6 983
2021 - 15th schoolday statistics = 27 597 learners enrolled in the Region; # of learners who wrote end of the year exams = 23 527; # of learners who dropped out during the year = 4 070.
In total for the past three years a total of 15 879 learners dropped out of school due to one or the other reason. This means that these young people are totally lost for the communities where they come from and become an economic burden for the communities.
Another worry some factor is the huge number of transfers of learners that take place and than most of these learners don't make it in the next grade. The total number of learners for grades 8,9 and 10 for 2021 were 5 763. Out of this number only 2 917 were promoted for the year (grade 8 = 1143; gr 9 = 1063; gr 10 = 711); 1408 learners were transfered (Gr 8 = 328; gr 9 = 483; gr 10 = 597) and 1 438 learners were not promoted (gr 8 = 368; Gr 9 = 352; Gr 10 = 718). This actually means that 2 846 learners were not academically ready for the next grade.
The problem Rise 2 Shine wish to tackle and solve is the high rate of dropouts of learners in the Namibian education system as well as the high rate of transfers and not promotion of learners. It seems that learners are not academically ready as they being transferred from one grade to another as the above figures indicates. We believe by providing extra classes through innovative methods like using computors with educational software can secure that learners can master certain academic skills to be sucessfull. We also believe that when a child is physical, emotional and spiritually well, he/she can perform much better academically. Whilst the education system is academically driven, it sometimes failed the child emotionally, spiritually and physically.
Rise 2 Shine will therefore approach children in a holistic way to not only address the high dropout rate in schools in the Hardap Region of Namibia but also secure that children be emotionally, spiritually and physically well to perform academicaly well.
Rise 2 Shine Project envisage a center with the necessary educational equipment like computers where trained teachers can assist learners with multiple tasks to enhance learners knowledge and skills. this will serve as an extension of teacher's hands at school to lesson the burden on the shoulders of overburdened teachers. Teachers sometimes just do not have the time and energy to follow up on low/slow performing learners. In such a lab/center these learners can be assist and tutored to master skills and knowledge on their own paste to ensure they can and will reach better marks by the end of the academic year.
In the same vein whilst learners are being assisted academically, trained psychologists and trained volunteers will attend to the emotional wellbeing of the learner. Learners with learning disabilities will be assessed to find out what emotional and/or spiritual problems they struggle with. Providing ongoing psycho-social support and counselling to these learners will definitely secure a bigger retention rate at school.
Furthermore, we realized that the opportunities for learners who finished grade 11 but cannot further their studies are very limited, by providing these learners with the opportunity to gain IT experience can better their chances to employment. Through re-engaging these learners in the study process will definitely open economic doors for them.
Our primary target audience will firstly be school going learners age 10 - 19 to ensure that they will not only stay in school, but progress from one grade to another grade successfully without being transferred. Here the focus will be to extend the teacher's hand to help with basic homework, reading skills, mathematics and science, assignments etc. Focus will also be on the emotional wellbeing of the child by providing counselling and psycho-social support.
Our second primary audience will be school dropouts at any grade to enhance their understanding and knowledge base so that if possible they can be re-admitted into school. Here the focus will be to help young people to gain self confidence and to acquire the necessary knowledge to be re-admitted into school if possible. If not possible to be re-admitted into school, we will liaise with other higher learning institutions to accommodate such learners to improve their knowledge and academic performances.
As a team we are situated in the communities we served the past more than 20 years. Some of the team members are teachers and senior education officers working in the schools in the Region and are quite aware of the situation on the ground in the schools. Some of these teachers are trained counsellors and know that children struggles a lot emotionally and spiritually and thus they cannot cope academically. Teachers have to fulfill a double task being teacher and counsellor. This place a heavy burden on their shoulders.
The lead team member is a qualified pastor with more than 18years youth work experience. He also hands on experience with troubled young people and knows that emotionally instability plays a big role in poor academic performances.
The communities are very much enthusiastic about the idea of a center where learners can be helped afterschool and during school holidays not only to improve academic grades but also improve emotional wellbeing. Unfortunately, most communities are poor and are not capable to invest in such a center financially.
- Enable personalized learning and individualized instruction for learners who are most at risk for disengagement and school drop-out
- Growth
Rise 2 Shine project needs financial assistance to embarked on a full scale on her vision and mission. Besides financial assistance to appoint a qualified IT, teachers and a psychologist to assist in the center, we also need computers and some technical support to the IT to best improve learning outcomes for the learners.
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
The Rise 2 Shine solution is not per se a new solution, but we believe it is a significantly improved way to address the ever climbing figures of dropouts, transfers and not promotion of learners in the Hardap Region. What we believe is that 'when a child is emotional well and healthy he/she can perform academically well'. Like the saying goes: "A healthy body contains a healthy mind." Our motto is also "To lead peers by a healthy and positive way"
The more children/learners stay in school and progress successfully from one grade to another, the more young people will eventually graduate successfully and become entrepreneurs or qualified employees who can positively contribute to the economy of the Region and Country at large.
Our short term goals are:
1 - To minimize the dropout rate of learners within one year with 50% amongst the 10 - 19 year learners in school
2 - To minimize the transfer and not promotion of 10 - 19 year learners in the Hardap Region with 50% within one year.
3 - To improve the emotional wellbeing of 500 learners within one year amongst the 10 - 19 year learners in school
4 - To reach 500, 10 - 19 year learners with afterschool support through a well established computer lab with educational software.
Our Long term goals - 2 - 5 years
1 - To minimize the dropout rate of learners in the Hardap Region to less than 5% over a period of 5 years;
2 - To minimize the transfer and not promotion of learners in the Hardap Region to less than 5% over a period of 5 years;
3 - To improve the wellbeing of 4500 10 - 19year learners in the Hardap Region over a period of 5 years
4. To reach 5 500 10 - 19 year learners with afterschool support in the Hardap Region over a period of 5 years.
To reach these goals we need the necessary skilled personnel and a well established computer lab/center. Structured day by day programs will be followed and adhere to. Monitoring and evaluation will be done on a regularly basis to ensure efficiency effectiveness of the project.
1. Number of learners 10 - 19years progress successfully from one grade to another within one academic year.
2. Total Number of learners 10 -19 years who enrolled in school and stayed in school up to end of academic year without dropping out of school.
3. Number of learners 10 - 19 years enrolled at center for afterschool support
4. Number of learners 10 - 19years enrolled a center for counselling and ongoing psycho-social support.
5. Number of learners 10 - 19 years with improved emotional wellbeing who can cope with the challenges at school
6. Number of 10 -19years dropouts reached through academic support to re-engage them academically and ultimately re-admit them into the school system.
7. Increased number of learners successfully completed school in the Hardap Region over previous year.
Our theory of change is based on our statement of believe which read as follows: "We believe that individuals and whole communities have the inherent capacity to change attitudes and behaviors. ...This power must now be recognized, called forth and supported from both within and without. This will enable people to initiate and sustain behaviors that promote a healthy state of mind, body, spirit and environment. A critical component in this process is a supportive response to those living within the community. We recognize that behavior change at individual and community level is a complex and on-going process. It is inextricably linked to such basic human values as care, love, faith, family and friendship, respect for people and cultures, solidarity and support. ...." Therefor we believe behavior change is difficult but it is possible.
Our theory of change is also based on a simple logic model using the following framework:
1. If these inputs and activities are provided:
* Trained personnel in IT, Education, Psychology
* Well established computer center;
* Trained volunteers in PSS; * Computer training; * Afterschool support in specific subjects and help with assignments
2. Than we expect the following outputs * # of learners enrolled in afterschool program * # of learners supported in specific educational subjects they struggle with * # of learners trained in computer literacy (IT) * # of learners supported in counselling and ongoing PSS * # of dropouts reached and re-engaged in the learning process
3. By achieving the outputs, we than expect the following outcomes * Increased # of learner retention in schools * Increased # of learners with emotional wellbeing in order to cope with the challenges at school * Increased # of learners progress successfully from one grade to another without being transferred * # of dropouts re-admitted into school system * Increased # of learners who mastered specific subjects and are better prepared for year end examinations
4. These outcomes will than lead to the following impacts * Decreased number of school dropouts in the Hardap Region * Decreased number of transferred and not promoted learners in the Hardap Region.
The following risks accompany this model: * Lack of finances * Unwillingness of learners to attend afternoon/extra classes * Uncommitted volunteers * Not well established computer center * Dropout learners not willing to be re-admitted into the school system
Rise 2 Shine will embark on the following to minimize the risk factors: * Ongoing fundraising and donor seeking efforts to ensure financial stability and sustainability * Provide snacks for learners who attend afternoon classes * Provide incentives for volunteers in monetary and non-monetary values to boost their morale * Seek external advice and support to install necessary and relevant educational software on computers * Liaise with school principals who are willing to accept dropouts back into the school system
Rise 2 Shine Project will make use computers with the Genius Educational Software to help solve the educational problem the Hardap Region specific and Namibia in large is experiencing. The Genius Educational Software is specifically designed to address the Namibian education system from Grade 0 to Grade 12 in most of the promotional and non-promotional subjects. It is learner friendly and with the help of a trained tutor any learner can master any subject in a short period of time.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Audiovisual Media
- Behavioral Technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- Namibia
- Namibia
- Nonprofit
Rise 2 Shine Project leadership comprises of both women and men. Three a young adults who went through the program previously and now put their spare time and energy and knowledge to use of the Project. Since inception of the project the focus was on equipping and empowering both girls and boys to become productive citizens in their respective communities. Our motto is and will be to empower especially girls to ensure that they will not lack behind when it comes to roles and responsibilities previously assigned to men only.
We also focus on boys to understand their gender roles and responsibilities to create safe and secure environments for girls/women to develop their abilities without any fear of victimization or any form of violence.
We don't discriminate against any young person related to their race, gender, sex, age, culture, background, creed or religion. We are an open non-racial youth group with the sole focus of empowering young people to become productive and healthy citizens.
The main aim of the Rise 2 Shine Project is to empower and equip young learners with knowledge and skills to become productive and healthy citizens in their respective communities. The aim is to ensure more young people will ultimately contribute to the economic growth of the communities but also their Regions and their country Namibia at large. For this to happen learners must master the basic knowledge and information gathering by being academically successful students.
Namibia needs more skilled and qualified entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers doctors, and other skilled laborers. Ensuring that more Namibian learners gained the necessary knowledge and skills in required fields of study, it will help to lessen the dependency of Namibia on foreign countries for skilled and qualified workers in specific fields of trading.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Rise 2Shine Project being a Non-profit organization sustainability lies primarily through sustained donations and grants. However, if funded through this project, Rise 2 Shine Project will attached a little fee per month to make use of the computer lab. Thus raise some income for the time when no donor funding will be available.
However, R2S will still embark on fund raising efforts as primary task to be sustainable in the long run. Hopefully there will be a Donor who will be willing to invest in our Project for at least three to five years because we believe to see the change in peoples lives it takes at least three to five years. Our biggest challenge to sustain funding lies in core funding to secure skilled and trained and committed staff to provide effective and efficient services to our beneficiaries or targeted group.
Rise 2 Shine Project previously was generously accommodated under the auspices of the Directorate of Education, Arts and Culture in the Hardap Region of Namibia. Thus it could not open a bank account of its own, However, the Directorate budgeted for program activities over a period of 10 years to the amount of more than N$ 200 000.00 (Namibian Dollars). During this time Rise 2 Shine could also secure funding from Anglo American Namibian Foundation to the tune of N$ 154 000.00 (Namibian Dollar) over a one year period for program activities. Furthermore, Global Fund funded program activities to the tune of about N$ 100 000.00 (Namibian Dollars) over a period of three years. During this time staff members were paid by their respective secular work and program activities were done during spare and free time available.
However in 2017 the Directorate of Education, Arts and Culture in the Hardap Region could no longer sustain the Project due to budget cuts and the fact that Rise 2 Shine was not an official ministerial program. This lead to the withdrawal of other external donors because Rise 2 Shine was not legally registered as an legal entity. This prompt the Management to register Rise 2 Shine as Welfare Organization to be able to continue with program activities and to secure Donor Funding. This registration happened on the 15th October 2021 with Registration number: W.O 505.
Unfortunately we can not provide audited financials for this period of time because we did not have a bank account in our name and funding were directed through the bank account of the Regional Directorate of Education, Arts and Culture. External Donors worked on the basis of Rise 2 Shine provides an invoice for planned activities and Donor pays service provider directly after successful implementation of activity.
However now we do have an own bank account with a financial policy on how to handle funds.