I am here with my project device Promeck. Promeck is a smart pair of gloves, which helps the physician to provide physiotherapy treatment to the patients directly from the ease of their home or clinic. We will be creating a wearable glove and aim to provide wireless connectivity. We are still researching on the connectivity part about how can we give a good amount of range for connectivity of the gloves.
The product will be available at hospitals and care centres. The potential customers can order it directly from the product website or can find out its availability at the nearest care centre available. The product will be priced on the basis of production needs ; aim is to keep the product highly affordable so that everyone in need can be benefitted. Healthcare is one of the most important sector in the world, and its my dream to work for its betterment, thus profit making will be a secondary part.
Key resources required to create the product and keep the product running in the market :
Leap motion controller, 3d Printers, 3D designing softwares, knowledge about few coding languages + technical support to provide connectivity with MAC and Windows OS.
To keep the startup running, proper set up for large scale production, a good (supportive) management team and proper transportation would be required.