Digital-Medicine! Improving Mental Healthcare Ecosystem.
Anxiety/depression are among the most common mental disorders, affecting 1 in 14 study from Kenya Demographic Health Survey (KDHS, 2018) and 1 in 20 (WHO, 2019) respectively, at any given time globally. The conditions are associated with substantial impairment in function and quality of life, resulting in vast amounts of human suffering and costs at the individual, family, and community. In Kenya, anxiety/depression are estimated to be the fourth/third most important causes of nonfatal health loss KDHS, 2021. Meanwhile, there is a huge gap between the number suffering from anxiety/depression and the number seeking and receiving minimal adequate treatment. The case not only in Kenya, but in high-income countries (WHO, 2020). Back in 2001, WHO advocated for over ten recommendations to reduce the treatment gap and should be available in primary care, training/awareness of mental health, massive training of new therapists to provide stepped-care psychological treatment/cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) as the main treatment-approach.
Our programming address and prototype the ecosystem mental healthcare issue and gap impacting the girls and other young youths of reproductive age bracket of 10 - 17 and above 18 - 25 who experienced rape and other common mental health illness. In November, 2020 alone, North Ward Rachuonyo Constituency of Homa Bay County registered 423 rape cases statics from Kenya Demographic Health Survey (KDHS). However, statistics on defilement were very alarming in December, 2020 up to 1,738 girls were raped study from UNICEF, 2021. In 2021 alone, the rate of rape cases has increased by 35% sources from District Health Reproductive Unit (DHRU). Despite the cases being handled by the court, Government has not yet undertaken deliberate steps to integrate and mainstream mental health well-being of the girls and other young youths as main victims research from UNFPA, 2021. Government has turned a blind eye to this element in obstructing interventions to build resilience in girls and other youths who have experienced trauma, anxiety, depression and stress disorder, research from National Institute for Health/Clinical Excellence 2021. To address these gaps in North Ward Rachuonyo Constituency, project is currently to prototype inroads solutions by building and testing the scale up Digital-Medicine, Stress Free Tip Off, ongoing Home of Brains Psycho Therapy Centers and Community Outreach Psycho Counselling POINT as new approaches to enhance equitable and improved access to quality mental healthcare services delivery to girls and other young youths with common mental health illness including post rape counselling, epilepsy/drug addicts and their families through brain awareness programs.
Thus for this programming inroads contingency-measures is solely prototype solutions of an integration of four proposed innovations elements for building and testing ecosystem improving mental healthcare information and services for underserved non-and-residential young youths and young girls as primarily beneficiary targeted:
(i). Digital-Medicine-DM integrate primarily five language interpretable online mental health therapy website to serve nearby countries in Sub-Sahara Africa and extensively to Europe and Asia for expand access to mental health information and services for victims with common mental health illness and through the globalization technology character mapping other social media platform to course viral penetrations first.
(ii). Stress Free Tip-off-SeFT, integrate Mobile Phone applications to connect the girls and other youths to access mental health therapy tips via Chatbot, Call-in mental health doctors/or providers to schedule clinic visit, to increased well-being and extensively piloted robust support group peer counselling forums.
(iii). Home of Brains Psycho Therapy Centres-PTC, expand access to mental health friendly services, encompasses raising awareness with other popular local FM Radio talk show and IEC/hotline to girls and others young youths whom cannot access mobile device or internet connection and having common mental health illness by mapping/or making referrals network, expansion of existing information systems infrastructure for neurological, and substance use MNS disorders link to sound-mind Health Care Centres-HCC and Kenya Police Victim Support Unit-VSU to increase resilience to victims and other youths with common mental health illness.
(iv). Pilot Community Outreach Psycho Counselling Point-CP2, work with health workers to decentralize and de-medicalizing mental health by reaching the main victims in their respective residential, inclusive of training/awareness of mental health, massive training of new therapists and internal staff capacity building to instil life skill to provide stepped-care psychological treatment/cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) as the main treatment-approach.
Programming strategy rhyme with design innovation thus meets the mental healthcare needs of the most underserved young girls and other young youths we currently serves in our target community. The solution build and tested first was adopted after they gave us information.
We consulted the girls we previously serve and currently serving who were raped and other youths with mental neurological, and substance use MNS disorders they shared experience how their lives were affected. Innovation tested and consultations have also revealed that girls and other youths are comfortable using Digital technology appliances to get mental health therapy.
Programming solutions currently piloting this need by Integrating technological innovation using DM and SeFT. This assist non-residential girls and other youths to access remote mental health guidance, counselling and medication using phones or computer, while Home of Brains Psycho Therapy Centres-PTC, expand access to mental health friendly services to residential girls and others young youths whom cannot access mobile device or internet connection and having language barriers and living with common mental health illness. The programming application design after underserved communities key-stakeholders with live experience gave us information as co-creators and partners of this application inclusion of emerged consultation of the young girls and youths whom having shared experience how poor mental health systems limiting access to guidance and counselling, and medical services affecting their lives.
Programming innovation impact is responsive to low literacy marginalized girls and other young youths reside in poor health crisis settings by building and testing DM, PTC and CP2 reducing geographical barriers to accessing mental healthcare information and treatment services currently mapping (one) local constituents targeting over 15,000 young girls and youths for a spring of 12 months as a solver.
The majority of the project team lead in-house having over 10-years experience validation with historical diploma in mental healthcare management and competence skills on mental health to convene and engage key influencers, project effectiveness and results-driven leadership having worked in Kenya for over 10 years, the Team Lead has gained experience in promoting mental health and rights projects. The Project Team has experience in innovations designing and implementation, monitoring and evaluation and data and statistical analysis.
The team has grounded and proven commitment to developing, implementing, and scaling solutions in the area of mental health rights project within Homa Bay Local County Government, District Health Office-CDHO funding, 2018-2022, While delivering similar approaches, the Project team has worked with our target community for over 10 years. This has created strong connection and lived experiences with them in relation to challenges faced by girls and other young youths. The Project team comprise of social entrepreneurs with strong connections for innovative solutions to most pressing social problems. The Project team has capacities to deliver sustainable impact at scale.
The Project team has an understanding of local infrastructure and governance context including relevant laws and social, political, and economic contexts affecting women, girls youths and community as whole. The project team and general programming achievements has increased access to treatments service for mental neurological, and substance use MNS disorders for 32,165 girls and young youths for the past 3 years with (one) constituents funded project CDHO 2018-2022 Title No Health without Mental Healthcare.
The Project Team has relevant scientific, business and social expertise. Over the past 4 Years, the team has integrated using online spaces, phones and making engagement of private sectors to expand the services.
- Improve confidence in, engagement with, and use of healthcare services globally.
- Prototype
We anticipated that their may be low esteemed for advocacy messages and marketing for innovation engagements and limited funding for mental Healthcare from national to the local with CDHO Funding or anywhere globally for transition innovation from South to South and coastal constituents.
We are looking forward solve to connect the team with global partnership both donor and institution for market our innovative technology to cause viral penetration action of Digital-Medicine online website for mental healthcare therapy multiplying awareness into scale to reduce stigma relation to mental neurological, and substance use MNS disorders for seekers through chain reactions simply targeting coalition of community health workers (CHWs), end-users of CBO-led, emerged public and private partnership of multi-disciplinary CSO advocacy task-force to utilize online website and mobile application to disseminate robust information into their social media first thus to integrate toolkit to access remote mental health guidance, counselling and medication using phones or computer with their target beneficiaries groups.
We therefore forsee other major barriers sited in transition are insufficient in resources-limited encompasses contexts in that the introduction of Digital-Medicine may add increased scrutiny of performance and efficiency, which may also uncover institutional dysfunctions. Whether fuelled by inertia, resistance to change, conflicting priorities, lack of training, absence of engagement or lack of clarity in roles and responsibilities, we ask solver for close collaborations and link up our organisation with in-kind support for website/mobile application developers for integration to reduce duplication of application already in existence and make forward interoperability, thus open source and collaboration reduce risk of failure. We also need expertise from Solver connection and mentorship to advance our solutions through monetary and/or non-monetary support from corporates foundation, multilateral and bilateral donors for transition to scale-up project nearby countries Uganda, Tanzania and extensively to Europe in the next 3-5 years.
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
In a snapshot testing of this an innovative is for transformative response to our target setting.
- Equips and empowers underserved adolescent girls, youths and survivors of Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV) with mental health disorders with the needed vocational and technical, workable and employable skills as well as soft and social skills.
- Creates technological environment for innovations and skills-development, helps reduce stigmatization and discriminations amongst persons living with mental health illness including HIV, epilepsy and drug addicts and their families through access home of brain awareness programs.
- Puts mental health rehabilitative measures and programs in place that help bridge the gaps between treatment and reintegration into communities.
- Promotes mental health right through community-based, culturally sensitive approaches that creates awareness about the need of tailored, community-based mental health prevention, psychological therapies and rehabilitation among political and traditional leaders and decision-makers based on research to stimulate community development and empowerment.
- Integrating PTC and CP2 innovations is a bold and up-to-the-minute approach for expanding access to existing mental health guidance and counselling, support and services for young girls as the main victims and youths in their communities, respectively at the nearest police victim support units VSU and health care centres.
- Our innovation is a better alternative to current approaches to the issue and gaps in our target. Currently represents a significant improvement over current access mental health approaches as it will decentralize de-medicalized mental health care and address limiting access to evidence-based solutions.
- Programming innovation is to influence Ministry of health to finance mental health services and integrate young girls and youths’ mental health strategy into National health scaling up plans and propel sustainability of the project.
- Ideal of bringing digital-medicine mental health therapy website approach coordinates and facilitates information on brain health, the effects of rape, unsafe abortion, drugs on the brain, myths and misconceptions on mental health illness, the need for early treatment of mental health illness, and how day-to-day factors affect learning and memory, raises awareness about the brain and enables citizen and stakeholders to consider neuroscience and brain research and into furthering incentivize government representatives for participation on mental health rights.
- Refresher training of new therapist, cognitive behavioural therapist, dialogues and discussions about mental health and rights for exchange of ideas about the brain and the interactions between cultures, society and neuroscience to inform policy development, done through emerged local health dispensary facilities, community units, informal community women and youth groups, medicals colleges, opinion leaders, stakeholders, public medical centres, furthering of empowering traditional and faith healers to deliver evidence-based psychosocial interventions to reduce the treatment gap in Kenya.
Based on current approach the impact goals priorities in next 1 Years.
Overall Impact Goal:-
- Mental health illness incidents reduced through achievements of MDGs/SDGs amongst young girls and youths across Homa Bay Constituents.
- To increase the wellbeing of girls and youths to access treatment on neurological, and substance use MNS disorders in Homa Bay County Constituency.
- To increased resilience on mental health therapy approach coordinates and facilitates information on brain health, the effects of rape, unsafe abortion, drugs on the brain amongst girls and youth in Homa Bay County Constituency.
- To increase reduction of symptom severity needed for early treatment of mental health illness at-least to youths and girls in Homa Bay County Constituency.
- To improved functioning decentralize de-medicalized mental health care and address limiting access to evidence-based solutions amongst girls and youths in Homa Bay County Constituency.
Five Years Impact Goals:-Furthering with multiple experience by the next 5 years, we see ourselves to reach the level of evidence based programming, where key learning informed what we do as a strong movement led-institution for mental health right project and scale up plan across Africa and Europe to Asia with anticipated impact goal.
- To incentivize myriad of governments and multilateral and bilateral globalization donor approach to bring in skill set, expertise and funding to be utilized digital-medicine for mental health right and scale up across Africa and Europe to Asia.
- To create engagement of partners and stakeholders as a key approach that will help and ensure innovation scale up for mental health right across Africa and Europe to Asia.
- To enforce of using a public sector scaling path, to advocate for government ministries and departments, donors and other private sector players to adopt and scale up mental health right across Africa and Europe to Asia.
- To generated evidence to engage government to adopt the innovation and incorporate into national health plans and ensure mental healthcare to becomes part of health sector strategies across Africa and Europe to Asia.
- To enhance mental healthcare management sharing, diffusion and replication using a horizontal scaling path leverage local systems to improve efficiencies and engage young people with lived experiences to increase scale up likelihood across Africa and Europe to Asia.
To achieve this Impact Goals of well-being, improving functioning, resilience and decrease symptoms severity of the mental health amongst young girls and youths within the 1-year time frame, and in the next 5 years, we will prioritize this several activities and deliver measurable change and demonstrate prototype achievements.
- Establish and equip 5 digital medicine Information Points in health centres and Kenya Police Victim Support Units (VSU).
- Establish Peer to peer stress free social media hub course viral penetrations globalization.
- Support 2 weekly education sessions for mental health to create awareness and understanding of local laws to ensure girls who choose to have an abortion know their rights.
- Established two Home of Brains Psycho Therapy Centres-PTC in health care centres and police victim support units.
- Create effective referrals linkages between communities, PTC, health care centres.
- Train 20 community caregivers and 12 police officers as counsellors to provide clients with harm-reduction and psycho-social therapy and counselling.
- Conduct 4 quarterly community advocacy meetings to mobilize chiefs and councillors to demand mental health funding from the District Development Fund (DDF).
- Conduct 4 quarterly advocacy meetings to engage legislators and councillors to demand DDF funding allocation for youth friendly mental health services in health care centres.
- Training 20 Community educators, 10 mental health survivors and 20 Teachers as Mental health rights promotors.
- Training 10 Health Professionals on mental health protocols and updated medical mental Health education provision using digital-medicine technology.
- Facilitate quarterly interface meetings with key stakeholders.
- Develop guideline on youth mental health inclusion in health service delivery.
- Conduct a Message development Workshop to design messages to be used in the IEC Materials.
- Train community Radio Presenters, Reporters and Program editors in mental health messaging and information.
- Conduct quarterly community Radio programmes on mental health.
Programming integrate the following four priority that will best align with the proposed innovation for Mental Health youth seed projects targets increase wellbeing, increase resilience, decrease symptoms severity and improving functioning priority that best align with proposed innovation. To measure priority within the project time frame, we will adopt evaluation approach and tools will be used to measure the priority e.g.
- Referencing potential tools:-Child and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM; ages 5-23), world health organisation WHO-Five Wellbeing Index (WHO-5), Patient Health Questionnaire: PHQ-9, Generalized Anxiety Disorder: GAD-7, Revised Children’s Anxiety/Depression Scale: RCADS-25, Theory of Change, logical framework and organizational monitoring and evaluation policy-to boost and verify the performance and also generate specific forms and other data collection tools that will be used for data collection, summary and analysis.
Qualitative milestones targeting ensure the following:
- Hold monthly review and planning meetings.
- Conduct periodic quarterly review meetings.
- Carry out weekly support supervision in the field.
- Interrogate and verify submitted reports
- Case studies.
Quantitative milestones target data collection from field to ensure report is of high quality and consistency.
- Setting performance targets and follow-up on the percentage achievement.
- The actual field visits conducted and the output of the visit.
- Reviewing the workplan against the report – achievement summary.
- Interrogation of data generated and analysed before submission or reporting.
Expected several key indicators anticipated will be used to measure the health impacts of this innovation over the timeline 1 year:-
- 50 communities with enhanced mental health literacy.
- 4,500 girls with lived experience with improved mental health successful.
- 40 intermediaries providing innovation based mental health information and services.
- Increased level of satisfaction among 4,500 young girls who access mental health information and services.
Note:-Based on Monitoring and Evaluation plans, specific data collection tools, approaches and methods will be used to measure the change and demonstrate prototype solutions achievements. The following indicators will be used to measure these set mid-term changes:
- 4,500 young girls with lived experience with changes in knowledge or skills as a result of the innovation.
- 3,500 girls with lived experience using the innovation to improve their mental health
- 10 facilities/sites implementing the innovation.
- 50 intermediaries trained on how to use the innovation.
- 40 intermediaries using the innovation to improve mental health in their communities
Note:- Program innovation solely having set medium term changes indicators in order to achieve measurable results. To measure the change of intermediate medium-term outlined. The following evaluation approach and tools will be integrated Clinical post abortion care PAC registers, Radio programs and Episodes Records, Attendance Records, Community Surveys, (CS), Community Score Cards, Focused Group Discussions, Baseline and Process Evaluations Studies, In-depth interviews and Referral Making Books.
Furthering organisation having set short term changes that the innovation will expect to achieve desirable results. The following indicators will be used to measure these short-term changes:
- 6,500 young girls reached through outreach and awareness activities.
- 300 intermediaries reached through outreach and awareness activities.
- 300 intermediaries with changes in knowledge or skills as a result of training on the innovation.
Note: the programming innovation having set short term changes indicators in order to achieve measurable results. Evaluation approach and tool(s) To measure the change of intermediate short-term outlined. The following evaluation approach and tools will be integrated Clinical post abortion care PAC registers, Radio Programs and Episodes Records, Attendance Records, Community Surveys, (CS), Community Score Cards, Focused Group Discussions, Baseline and Process Evaluations Studies, In-depth interviews and Referral Making Books.
Overall statement programmed oriented standard theory of change (ToC) components for digital medicine. “ If we provide a pool of training and community education on brain health, the effects of rape, drugs on the brain, myths and misconceptions on mental health illness, the need for early treatment of mental health illness, and how day-to-day factors affect learning and memory, mapping low literacy and illiteracy underserved young girls and youths at-risk experiencing mental health illness equipped with knowledge-skills to confidently access digital mental health medicine DM therapy treatment, Psycho Therapy Centres-PTC, raise awareness to influence Ministry of health to finance mental health services and integrate young girls and youths’ mental health strategy into National health scaling up plans and thus propel sustainability of the project study from WHO, 2001 and “ If we support capacity of multi-sectorial and multi-disciplinary-CSOs human-right-watch advocacy-task-force for navigating-large-activism to adopt and significantly promote and protect mental health right thus improving over current access to quality ecosystem mental health approaches and decentralize de-medicalized mental health care and address limiting access to evidence-based solutions data from Revised Children’s Anxiety/Depression Scale: RCADS-25. “ Then the risk of mental health illness of underserved young girls include youths experienced trauma, anxiety, depression and stress disorder are legitimacy reduced research from Generalized Anxiety Disorder: GAD-7 and National Institute for Health/Clinical Excellence 2021. “ Because lack of knowledge, inadequate awareness influencing behaviour or change to help reduce structural barriers stigmatization and discriminations amongst youngest persons living with mental health illness including HIV, defilement, epilepsy and drug addicts and the high cost of treatment are driving factors behind mental health illness threats and risk data from WHO-Five Wellbeing Index WHO-5 and Child and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM; ages 5-23).
Programming Standard Theory of Change.
- Mental health illness incidents reduced through achievements of MDGs/SDGs amongst young girls and youths across Homa Bay Constituents.
- To increase well-being.
- To increase reduction symptoms severity.
- To increased resilience.
- To improving functioning.
- Increased individuals awareness on mental healthcare as human right.
- Access modern technology digital medicine for mental health right information and services delivery.
- Transformation of mental health illness social norms.
- Changes in, and implementation policy and laws improving mental healthcare ecosystem.
- Organisation strengthening.
- Technical analysis and advice through consortium approach.
- Knowledge advocacy awareness better informed citizens hold decision makers to account.
- Improved access to flexible, response and adaptive of modern digital medicine for mental health care
- Improved delivery of interventions as a result of shared evidence and learning with MIT Solve Grant and marketing.
- Shift in social attitudes and behaviours resulting in positive change amongst young girls and youths.
- Improved access, supply and quality of basic services for mental health care.
- Establish and equip 5 digital medicine Information Points in health centres and Kenya Police Victim Support Units (VSU).
- Establish Peer to peer stress free social media hub course viral penetrations globalization.
- Support 2 weekly education sessions for mental health to create awareness and understanding of local laws to ensure girls who choose to have an abortion know their rights.
- Established two Home of Brains Psycho Therapy Centres-PTC in health care centres and police victim support units.
- Create effective referrals linkages between communities, PTC, health care centres.
- Train 20 community caregivers and 12 police officers as counsellors to provide clients with harm-reduction and psycho-social therapy and counselling.
- Conduct 4 quarterly community advocacy meetings to mobilize chiefs and councillors to demand mental health funding from the District Development Fund (DDF).
- Conduct 4 quarterly advocacy meetings to engage legislators and councillors to demand DDF funding allocation for youth friendly mental health services in health care centres.
- Training 20 Community educators, 10 mental health survivors and 20 Teachers as Mental health rights promotors.
- Training 10 Health Professionals on mental health protocols and updated medical mental Health education provision using digital-medicine technology.
- Facilitate quarterly interface meetings with key stakeholders.
- Develop guideline on youth mental health inclusion in health service delivery.
- Conduct a Message development Workshop to design messages to be used in the IEC Materials.
- Train community Radio Presenters, Reporters and Program editors in mental health messaging and information.
- Conduct quarterly community Radio programmes on mental health.
Note:- this programming target underserved communities/young girls and youths affected by mental health illness and complex cause of poverty, conflict, lack of access, equality healthcare and knowledge, policies, social attitudes and behaviours.
We will use digital technology mobile App, online website and other social media to course viral penetrations to support mental health care delivery in clinical settings and police victim support units VSU to provide basic mental health education to health workers and police. Digital-medicine app Tele-psychiatry using online videoconferencing seemed feasible and acceptable for allowing psychiatrists to provide direct clinical consultations for diagnosis or follow-up care to patients with depression, serious mental illness, and other mental disorders in Kenya and globalization, monthly videoconferencing follow-up visits for care of young girls and youths with depression achieved similar clinical outcomes as standard face-to-face treatment, an online website platform facilitated collaborative care by giving primary care providers remote access to a psychiatrist, which contributed to improved outcomes for care of girls and youths with depression and post rape counselling.
Few individuals living with mental disorders around the globe have access to mental health care, yet most have access to a mobile phone. Digital technology solutions holds promise for improving access to, and quality of, mental health care. We reviewed evidence on the use of mobile, online, and other remote technologies for treatment and prevention of mental disorders in low-income and middle-income countries. Most are feasibility and promising, showing the potential effectiveness of online, text-messaging, and telephone support interventions. We summarised technology supporting clinical care and educating health workers, mobile tools for facilitating diagnosis and detection of mental disorders, technologies for promoting treatment adherence and supporting recovery, online self-help programmes for individuals with mental disorders, and programmes for substance misuse prevention and treatment.
- A new technology
Digital technology support opportunities to reach individuals without access to care, or who might be reluctant to seek services because of stigma, long travel distances, or out-of-pocket expenses. Online self-help programmes can provide on-demand access to resources and supportive online communities, while offering a discrete and anonymous method for seeking support. Digital technologies potentially extend mental health workforce capacity and reach. We found that technology can support treatment and clinical care thus connect patients or community providers with mental health specialists and can be used by non-medical health providers in local clinics for the diagnosis and detection of mental disorders. Online education programmes are promising tools for developing skills in mental health care among community health workers or other non-specialist providers working in community or primary care settings. Digital technologies could also extend the role of the small number of mental health specialists by facilitating the supervision and mentoring of non-medical care workers and coordinating delivery of mental health care. By connecting community health workers, lay providers, or volunteers with mental health specialists through online or mobile platforms, support, treatment recommendations, and professional development opportunities could be offered, while promoting workforce retention and satisfaction.
Digital technology support efforts to reach traumatised individuals in conflict zones and other hard to reach areas. We noted that an online intervention could support traumatised individuals. Effective treatment of individuals with mental disorders in conflict or disaster zones is extremely difficult; however, if individuals in conflict or disaster zones, or displaced populations such as refugees or asylum seekers, are able to maintain access to a mobile phone, delivery of evidence-based mental health services might be possible. This approach has potential for considerable impact: in 2014 the UN Refugee Agency estimated that nearly 60 million people were forcibly displaced worldwide—more than at any other time in history. This estimate includes roughly 19·5 million refugees, of whom over 86% reside in low-income and middle-income countries, and an additional 38·2 million internally displaced individuals who have been uprooted from their homes and forced to live elsewhere in their home country because of conflict or other crises also access online mental health care services delivery.
- Software and Mobile Applications
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- Kenya
- Tanzania
- Nonprofit
Program innovation takes into account gender equality considerations. At board and management levels, women, girls and people with diverse sexual and genders are equally represented. This ensures diversity and equal participation. People of all genders are involved as decision-makers in projects design and implementation. When developing policies and designing projects. The organisation involves all genders to ensure their diverse needs and challenges are represented at policy levels and addressed through inclusive implementation. The aspirations of all genders are represented at all levels. The organisation policies are responsive to diversity and promote specific needs of gay, lesbian, men, women and transgender people LGBTI. Furthering program mental health innovation adopts a human rights-based approach by integrating human rights principles into its design and implementation. Intel will address inequality and marginalization against girls’ rights as end-users by involving them in needs identification and prioritization of interventions and will ensure transparency, accountability, equal participation, inclusivity and equity among stakeholders and beneficiaries. Girls will be involved in measuring change and in on-going innovation refinement process through provision of timely feedback. The feedback will highlight areas to improve and this will ensure effective adoption, scale up and innovation integration into the public health sector.
Our programming innovation will be systematically replicated across Homa Bay County Constituency. The innovation prototype will first be implemented in North Karachuonyo Sub-County mapping 10 location wards the innovation will strategically be replicated to the whole North Karachuonyo Constituents.
- Address business aspects the project will open market for technological appliances and airtime, in return to the communities the business operators can provide fund to project innovation as part of fulfilment of corporate social responsibilities.
- As part of incentivize a myriad of government engaged, to showcase cost effective into minimal employment and workload based on real-time allows community health workers CHWs to collect data compatible and integrated with mental health information software leverage access data and propel instrumental to influence govt resources to scale-up and project sustainability.
Furthering through diversification and functional scaling up, mental health innovation will target east region of Homa Bay County Constituency by testing and adding new innovations for scale up. With a public sector approach, targeting western regions of Kenya Homa Bay County, expansion and replication will deliver horizontal scaling up. Innovations will be replicated in these different sites to serve larger and different populations.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Project Mental Health innovation will become sustainable as it will be integrated into national development plans to access funding from District Development Fund (DDF). Programming Mental Health innovation will engage Chiefs, Councillors and Legislators to allocate DDF funds to sustain change. Most importantly, the communities will have skills that will be put into practice in unforeseeable future and consequently be transferred to the next generation and we will generate required interest from development partners who will bring experience, expertise, linkages and funding for Mental Health innovation will sustain the change by creating referral linkages with permanent service providers.
As important of this innovation of digital-medicine impact strategy plan, value meaningful engagement of gender inclusivity factor and empowerment process rendering technology training participatory to curb-barriers into users and engage End-Users Insight (EUI) and User-Based Design (UBD) to critically become champion and agent of change as a model growth for transition to scale and sustainability even after the end of this project. Also the Programming innovation will continue to receive funds from Google App store or play store from client download android/Apple IOS per $1 depending on the volume of download, we see to be financially sustainability furthering globalization donor approach requesting extra grant funding from corporates foundation, every women every child, multilateral and bilateral donors, especially from MIT Solve and Grand Challenge Canada for transition to scale-up project through proposal application and development.
Current Funders:
- Susan and Raymond Grant 2021-2022: $50,000 Title:- Enhance Ecosystem Improving Access and Prompt Effectiveness of Psychological Therapies and Treatments of Anxiety and Depression and Cognitive Behavioural Disorders for Common Mental Healthcare.
- District Development Fund Grant 2021-2022: $100,000 Title:- No Health without Mental Health.
- Save Foundation Grant:- 2021-2022: $50,000 Title:- Advocacy Awareness for Mental HealthCare Right.
- Ministry of Health/Sub-County Constituents
- District Development Fund
- National Institute for Health/Clinical Excellence.
- Ministry of Education/Sub-County Constituents.
- Homa Bay County Teaching and Referrals Hospital/Mental HealthCare Unit.
- The National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA)
- Exodus Concerns Program:
- Kenya Police Victim Support Units.