All-in-one Digital Medical & Healthcare Ecosystem.
Problem:-Due to unavailability of quality medical services in remote areas, quacks take advantages of it which leads to fatality.Difficulty for consultation with doctors for Physically Challenge & People having Comorbidities due to long queues, waiting hrs,etc. Lack of awareness & health education regarding different healthcare services in remote areas among the public.Very Limited job opportunities for ancillary care providers.Overburdened Doctors due to shortage of doctors as well as no flexibility at all during long working hours. Fake news regarding healthcare through unauthentic sources (Whatsapp forwards). Migration Problem due to limited jobs Opportunities (People roam from one state to another in search of jobs). Self-sufficient & Self-reliance is a huge a problem in a developing nation so it cause a huge barrier between achieving & accessing treatment.
Quick and Rapid Transportation of Essential Medicines & life-saving medical equipment,tools,etc is also an issue specially in reference to Developing Nations & Under-developed nations.
Other Problem is available of Quality Oriented FDA approved Generic Medicines including both essential & innovative drugs or drugs for rare Diseases like Metastatic Triple Negative Breast Cancer and many more, even if it's available not everyone can able to afford it.
Solution:-HDL will make arrangements for everyone since everyone have the basic right to achieve medical treatment in the time of sickness as healthcare treatment is a universal thing under “Universal Health Coverage”. Availability of all qualified health workers in our digital platform which will give services to the patient in a multiple way from online consultation to service at doorstep.Patients & public can get easy medical facilities along medical related information just in their finger tips.It will create self reliant source of income for all healthcare workers just llike.Every Healthcare person will be connected in a network.App based & Web based solutions along toll free number for consultation. Health services on the go.Patients can consult a doctor or any healthcare person online or the healthcare person will come to his/her home through my platform as per the patient needs.
Drone tech like UAVs will solve this transportation issue in delivering of life-saving meds, equipments,etc in the time of emergency services.
Also looking forward to establish a Quality Oriented Generic Medicine based Site just like Costplus in India and around the Globe if possible in the near future where common people can able to afford essential Medicines and other medicines for rare diseases at an affordable rate.
We basically focus on all types Quality Oriented Healthcare Services & other Medical Deliveries to the common people who will be our consumers & customers will be basically the Healthcare & Medical Professionals who will use it provide to their respective patients just like telemedicine but something beyond & much more than that.
We will be giving importance to 3As of healthcare & Medical Sector :-
Well I'm a Medico currently pursuing MBBS from India and the rest of my teammates are from different Medical & Healthcare backgrounds so together we are very familiar with the issues which a layman is currently facing in his/her everyday life.There will be basically 2 phase of our system in HDL(Healthy Digital Life) which is as follows:-
1)Medical & Healthcare Information Centre.
2) Medical & Healthcare Service Centre.
Recently,Phase 1 is already established & administered where we bring various medical & healthcare topics to the common People so that they can able to understand and get the awareness regarding different health issues around them along HDL is always there to guide them in accessing these things.
Other thing is to keep updated the Healthcare Workers like updating them about recent advances in Medical Sector through providing them all the latest info regarding Medical Conferences,CMEs, Workshop, Symposium, Seminars,etc across the globe.
It will be kind of Digital Ecosystem or say a Digital Hub Mall where everyone will be brought to a common place respectively,where everyone can able help each other to fullfill their health needs & vice-versa along to make the things done to accomplish the common Medical & Healthcare Standardisation.
Now coming to Phase 2 of our HDL platform,we are currently working on it but it will take some time to launch it in the near future.
- Build fundamental, resilient, and people-centered health infrastructure that makes essential services, equipment, and medicines more accessible and affordable for communities that are currently underserved;
- Prototype
We are applying to Solve to get a support.Whatever support we get from Solve we will accept it as a token of gratitude.We are looking for someone if they can help us financially in anyway as well as technical support like app development if possible.
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
It is Innovative because it's something unique in the current situation specially in reference to the pandemic everyone is facing around the globe.
Our one hub solution will make everybody Self-reliant & Self-sufficient which will make everyone self-dependent in accessing the healthcare medical Industry to fullfill their health needs as people don't have depend on other platforms for different medical aids separately.
A digital healthcare platform where healthcare services will come to the doorstep of the patients whenever -required.
It will be multi-linguistic platform as everyone can choose their own regional language when accessing my app/site. -Hire healthcare persons in the time of need for specific time as a contract for any health related issues & services.
We will be focusing on our app development and also try to establish a professional network among different Healthcare & Medical Workers everywhere possible so that we all can come together to provide the best medical services & treatments to our clients wherever possible.We are also looking for other Collaboration & tie-up with different organisations to work simultaneously.
It is basically based on comprehensive management.We are in a prototype phase so it's something based on our milestones, achievements and deadlines along different accreditation we recieved so far from different platforms.
My whole concept behind it is to bring a change to make an impact which can bring a revolution or revolutionize to the entire Medical & Healthcare System.Changing the conventional way of providing healthcare Deliveries & services with a new novel way which is like beneficial to everyone. A change which will progress the current Society into a forward direction.
It is combination of different modes :-
Web based browsing technology
App based Technology
SMS Technology
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
- Crowd Sourced Service / Social Networks
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- India
- Bangladesh
- Nepal
- Not registered as any organization
The entire team of HDL comprises various people from different Medical & Healthcare backgrounds under a common umbrella platform that too from many different regions of a particular Country so it's something "Unity among diversity".Everyone knows their respective roles to play when the time comes without any issue. The goal is to provide the best possible care & treatment whenever required to our Patients/Clients. The motive of a Healthcare or Medical Organization like us is to serve Humanity with pure compassion without any kind of discrimination.