Health Right
To provide equitable, affordable, accessible, and high-quality health system for all, especially for the most underserved communities.
Health Right project is a technology-based solution (as website- mobile services- social network- ….) that provide equitable, affordable, accessible, and high-quality health system for all, especially for the most underserved communities.
The main dimensions of the solution are:
- Build fundamental, resilient, and people-centered health
infrastructure that makes essential services, equipment, and
medicines more accessible and affordable for communities that
are currently underserved
- Identify, monitor, and reduce bias in healthcare systems, including
in medical research and at the point of care
- Actively build, or re-build, trust and engagement between
historically underserved communities and their health systems
(Health Right) system consists of many steps in order:
1)- Reaching underserved communities is the first step in this process,
but how? There are many sources to catch data such as asking
participants, government census tracts, health records, metropolitan
statistical areas, migrant center, etc. This website is an example of
data collection process
2)- Health Right system uses several financial resources to provide the
same health insurance for all individuals enrolled in the system as
universal health insurance.
From these resources:
Government support.
Packages offer from multiple health insurance companies.
Small percentage of employees' salaries with exemption of
3)- To be able to enroll in the program, All participants will:
Fill some information such as gender, ethnicity, color, religion,
language, culture background, disability, and full medical record
(this data will be available for the system only).
Have random code ID that changes periodically.
Accept term and conditions of the system such as signing a
contract that includes not participating in any clinical research
unless taking permission from the system to avoid exploitation.
4)- After enrolling in the program, system will provide many services:
a) Matching service: such as providing information about nearest
hospital or clinics according to certain medical condition, hospitals
that provide special service and care for disabled (blind- deaf and
dumb- paralyzed- mentally retarded), and doctors by (languagecolor- ethnicity- gender- culture background- religion, etc.).
b) Feedback service: after every medical service, participants have
to fill questionnaire and give feedback about this service. These
methods are powerful tools to detect biases and quality of health
care services, monitor, and improve health services.
c) Review service: from the previous feedbacks, program will use
this information to rate and review doctors, clinics, and hospitals.
This service will help participants in the next match process to
choose right doctor or place for them and be an indirect way that
motivate doctor and hospital to improve quality of their services
(rate and review information will be available not only to
participant but also to the public – it will be reviewed and changed
d) Platform service: It’s a powerful tool that empower the
underserved communities, minority and marginalized group to
advocate for their rights in health care. These platforms will be
connected to officials and decision makers, and to social media to
increase awareness of the people about this problem.
e) User data service: To facilitate medical services among different
doctors and institutions, every participant has his own data such
as personal data, medical record, follow-up data, etc.
f) User rights protection service: as mentioned before, all the
participants in this program have to return to and take approval
from the program before participating in any other medical service
and clinical research to avoid exploitation. On the other hand, if an institution wants to do medical research on the participants, it must take permission first then choose randomly by using code
g) Tele-service (by using internet, SMS, and telephonic call): It
allows long-distance patient and clinician contact, care, advice,
reminders, education, intervention, monitoring, remote
admissions, remote clinical services, such as diagnosis and
monitoring especially when rural settings, lack of transport, a lack
of mobility, conditions due to outbreaks, epidemics or pandemics,
decreased funding, or a lack of staff restrict access to care,
telehealth may bridge the gap.
h) Other services: such as (events and discussions) that aim to
increase awareness of the people about the problem, empower
the minority group, connect between underserved communities
and officials, gain experiences and take opinions from experts on
the mechanisms of solving this issue and how to build an
infrastructure that serves equitable health system for everyone.
5)- Detecting and reducing bias (explicit and implicit) in healthcare
a) Increasing awareness of clinicians especially about the implicit
b) Using (feedbacks + questionnaire with specific question + followup data especially for morbidity and mortality) after receiving each
medical service to do statistical analysis between different groups
such as (white and black), (male and female), etc. And if there is
significant difference between these groups, this may mean bias
in providing medical service.
With diversity comes multiple perspectives. When team members bring a variety of backgrounds, cultures, and experiences, they are more likely to solve problems and be innovative.
- Build fundamental, resilient, and people-centered health infrastructure that makes essential services, equipment, and medicines more accessible and affordable for communities that are currently underserved;
- Concept
To reach underserved communities, to use several financial resources to provide the same health insurance for all individuals enrolled in the system as universal health insurance, to allow people to enroll in the program, for the system to provide them with many services, and to detect and reduce both implicit and explicit bias in the healthcare system.
International Medical Student