Touch-free identification and step-by-step security
Touch-free biometric identification of citizens with step-by-step validation of the process by a government officer using the same technology.
The key features of the solution:
- Palm veins and iris pattern scanning identification
- as unique as fingerprints
- far more difficult to fake
- works with living persons only
- touch-free and does not require special hygienic procedures
- does not wear out or change with age
- reasonable option to identify traditional Muslim women who can’t open their faces on public
- The mission team members authorisation
- All the team members should be authorised before an office starts working. The member validates every person identification and every data transfer to the database by his or her biometric data (palm veins scan). No data should be processed without authorisation. It takes extra time but provides an appropriate security level. If the equipment or blank IDs have been stolen there is no use for them because no personal data in the database could be added, modified or removed with an unauthorised person. The IDs could not be used without validation.
- Preprinted ID numbers
- All the numbers are registered in appropriate government agency. If blank cards has been corrupted, stolen or lost, their numbers should be removed from the registry and these IDs could not be added in the database.
- Idea
My solution is a new approach and a new combination of existing technologies that could solve the mission task.
The main 'privacy by design' feature of my solution is biometric identification (palm veins and/or iris pattern) as the default method. It doesn't depend on citizens' literacy, it's secure and hygienically safe. Every data transaction should be validated (using the same biometric identification) by a pre-authorised government officer.
The system contains of centralised data storage and special software for personal data collecting and identification in local offices. They should be fully integrated and compatible. It’s necessary to provide full support of local languages and naming traditions.
Depending on the country and personal data storage system a project of its creation or adaptation should be developed. The system should provide sufficient level of data security and give authorised access for citizens, residents and officials including the mission team members. It should support instant and batch data uploading from both stationary and mobile offices.
Biometric identification and re-identification is easy both for citizens/residents and for government officials who validate data transactions. Palm veins and iris pattern scanning are touch-free and hygienically safe.
Biometric identification provide equal rights and possibilities for everyone and doesn't require any specific literacy or numeracy level. In low connectivity environments the biometric data stored on the ID card (for citizens/residents) or on the local computer system (for government officials) is compared to actual biometric data to authenticate the person.
The mission will help the people who is only a statistical estimation now to become citizens, to understand their civil rights, to start integrating in the country society, to gain access to social programs, medical and educational services. The governments could start or fine-tune target programs of social integration when they know the people, not just estimated numbers.
- Other (Please explain below)
- Other (Please explain below)
- 1-5
- Less than 1 year
I have problem solving experience for charity, city government, sport, medical an commercial projects.
I've taken a part in a couple of commercial, non-profit and city government problem solving projects. The Mission is a challenge for me to participate in searching a solution for a global problem.
It's important to explain the people why they need the documents, which benefits they will have, how to use their IDs in future. Both printed and oral announcements should be developed on local languages and dialects. Local authorities could be the source of necessary information for the campaign and its ambassadors.
It would not be easy to explain the document concept to people who live in nomadic tribes or other archaic communities. The announcements could include elements of their beliefs to help them with understanding. Anthropologists will be an indispensable part of the team creating the announcement campaign.