Health vision 2035
Our problem identified are
1) poor accessibility to health related to lack of healthcare structures as a vast majority of the existing health area in Cameroon,still lack health center because of the fact that majority about 70% of health centers in these villages are promoted by the state, while native after post graduate training, turn to be depending on the same state for recruitment and others, about 60% lack capital to boost private healthcare institutions.
2) lack of clinical problem solving abilities among healthcare workers deployed as chief of centers to manage diseases and emergency, using pharmacological standard protocols, and Among immediate post graduate ,as about 80% of them turn up to be theorist limiting our scope of practice until after about an average of 1-2years of consistent practice to regain experience in that line,causing clients to bypass readily available healthcare facilities to very productive once’s..
3) to also solve the problem of poor salaries allocated to those employed, unemployment of healthcare staff,, and poor proportion of healthcare workers to patient ratio globally..
4)coming in as well to harmonize nursing and nursing education for all..
in other to fight agains inaccessibility to health, related to lack of healthcare institutions ,,we carry out monthly community outreach and free screening campaign, similar all communities meeting up their health demands.
2) in other to boost technical knowledge among healthcare workers,,we created a textbook and an app that guides prescriptions purposes and familiarity to treatment guide available to students nurses, nurses and as well as seminars and training workshops .
3) inline with poor salaries,unemployment and unequaled proportion of healthcare is to patient,,we are looking forward on how to raise funds to help subsidize with the financial and human resource deployment...
4) and in other to harmonize nursing body,we created an all medic and paramedic association to promote and enhance continuity in post graduate training..
5)we develop a new nursing philosophy which focuses more on harmonizing nursing and nursing education globally for all...
our population of interest is the healthcare workers particularly nurses and students nurses most especially post graduate ,,as the current training program in Cameroon does not permit full running and special training to nurses in the view of them being look upon as a chief of center, permitting poor coverage and distribution in healthcare workers with both public and private well as boosting the private sector in the multiplication of healthcare institutions,promoting entrepreneurship and financial autonomy to those with necessary practical and cognitive skills including knowledge on pharmacological and drug prescription,inline with diseases diagnosed like wise in the manage of emergencies, in the absence of a doctor, permitting positive feedback to meet up with clients healthcare demands while respecting the minimum package at such levels of the health pyramid,,as our app has detail knowledge on diseases,clinical findings,clinical presentations,pharmacological and non pharmacological interventions including alternative pathways Incase of allergies....
we are well placed as an association with credible profile,,working hand in gloves with the Cameroon nurses association,,health training institutions and decisions making bodies in our area of command..
In other to understand the problem and it’s gravity,,we do carry out research to identify issues,,allocate and test solutions before implementing it,in a SMART way...
In other to implement our solution,,we work closely with school administrators to obtain clearance,provide agreement notice very visible to all students and worker using our app and textbook...and work with the delegate of public health and local Authorities in the promotion of community outreach through clearance..
- Improve confidence in, engagement with, and use of healthcare services globally.
- Growth
we currently face challenges with proper dispersions and advertising our product...
Lack of human resource to meet up with our technical and cognitive facilitate the delivery of our we turn to meet up with all underserved communities globally..
We also lack more editors and mentors to facilitate the app content creation,and field coverage,in other to promote the harmonization of healthcare training curriculum ..
We also lack funds to manage with the project and resources as we wish to be hosted on all app launcher media..
Lack of global access to all healthcare training regulations body in other to facilitate the harmonization of our training globally.
Lack of direct access to health recruiting companies to promote the employment of readily trained healthcare workers..
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
The innovative part of our solution is the fact that,,we use technology and social networking to get to our target population through the app we use with its impacting content revised by medical top officials,,reguids our training and improve competence,,it’s can be catalyze if more promotions platforms and digital app hosts, host the app and more mentors and content creators get will also change the app market as many apps content limit themselves without providing a lot knowledge on pharmacological and non pharmacological management of diseases...
our goals,,
1) improve and promote knowledge on drugs and prescription inline with diseases diagnosed..
2) promote entrepreneurship among those who have skills and capital while guiding practices and conduct..
3) reduce structural unemployment related to lack of skills..
4) harmonize and promote productive educational system to globalization of healthcare for all..
we measure our progress in the following ways.
1) consistently downloads
2) comments from users
3) approval from school administrators
4) and increases skills from students after assessment
a positive change starts from a good mastery and exchange knowledge with other expertises on the nature of the problem...from analyzing data obtained from pilots study..
Providing the people with timely solutions and alternative means use to inform the target population of the solutions,,e.g a shift of the guide from the textbook to app..
Consistently promotion and adaption to gaps as it present itself by providing solutions...
The technology we use is an android app base app launched for android users,,taken into consideration that many around do use such gadgets and a non consumption approach of data of about 15mb with all used offline after downloading..
- A new application of an existing technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
- 4. Quality Education
- Cameroon
- Egypt, Arab Rep.
- Ghana
- Morocco
- Nigeria
- South Africa
- United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom
- United States
you provide good customer values by following comments and producing updates of our products..
Increase quality and reduce quantity..
Talk straight to the point and reduce ads to all those using the app..
Putting our first 6chapters for free and the rest to be open at cheap prices..
- Organizations (B2B)
we expect generating funds from grands,sales of in app content and social forms from sponsors,sales of content through textbook..
we have been able to make money through the sales of the content in the form of textbook and we are looking forward to kick start with our premium package to maintain our systems and sustainability of workers.