Reboot Reforestation
Humans have increased CO2 in the atmosphere by nearly 66% (1-3). We have altered 70% of ice-free land (4-5), and the land we alter is highly productive and biodiverse (2). Global environmental change has increased average global temperatures by 1.8℉ or 1.07℃ (1-3), lead to sea level rise of 8 inches since 1900 and 1-3 feet by 2100 (3), caused the ocean to become 30% more acidic (6), increased the frequency of droughts, floods, and extreme weather (3), and increased the extinction rate 1000X (7). Additionally, individuals who are socioeconomically disadvantaged will be disproportionately impacted by climate change (8). In fact, "Black and African American individuals are: 40% more likely to be living in areas with the highest projected increases in extreme temperature related deaths." (EPA, 8). It is imperative to combat climate change and the resulting socioeconomic disadvantages by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and restoring ecosystems. Reboot Reforestation conducted over 100 interviews of private landowners, land trusts, conservation organizations, nonprofits, scientists, and nurseries to better understand the problems affecting people and the planet. We identified four pain points hindering natural climate solutions: restoration is 1) expensive, 2) slow, 3) labor intensive, and 4) invasive species are difficult to monitor and treat.
1) Ahn, J., Brook, E. J., Mitchell, L., Rosen, J., McConnell, J. R., Taylor, K., ... & Rubino, M. (2012). Atmospheric CO2 over the last 1000 years: A high‐resolution record from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide ice core. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 26(2).
2) Vitousek, P. M. (1994). Beyond global warming: ecology and global change. Ecology, 75(7), 1861-1876.
3) Allan, R. P., Hawkins, E., Bellouin, N., & Collins, B. (2021). IPCC, 2021: Summary for Policymakers.
4) Meyer, W. B. (1995). Past and Present Land Use and Land Cover in the U. S. A. Consequences: The nature and implications of environmental change, 1(1).
5) IPCC, 2019: Summary for Policymakers. In: Climate Change and Land: an IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems. In press.
6) State of the Cryosphere 2021: A Needed Decade for Urgent Action (2021). International Cryosphere Climate Initiative.
7) Pimm, S. L., Jenkins, C. N., Abell, R., Brooks, T. M., Gittleman, J. L., Joppa, L. N., ... & Sexton, J. O. (2014). The biodiversity of species and their rates of extinction, distribution, and protection. science, 344(6187), 1246752.
It is imperative to shift to a decarbonized global economy to halt the effects of climate change. Reboot Reforestation (RR) designs, manufactures, and operates drone technology to monitor and restore ecosystems at scale to combat climate change. RR has developed two drone systems: a reforestation drone and a surveying drone. RR uses heavy lift drones to deliver "seedballs" to restoration area. Seedballs are made of all-natural ingredients which protect seeds from predators, lock in moisture, and provide nutrients. Trials in Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi have shown a year one survival of 48% which is 2X greater than our competitors and 16X greater than natural seed scattering. RR has developed a seedball factory and assembly line which can produce 10,000 seedballs per hour and millions per year. We are not limited by the amount of seedballs we can produce we are limited by the amount of land we can restore. Combining drones and seedball restoration allows us to reduce planting costs 30%-70%, reduce labor by 90%, plant 10X faster, plant in locations previously impossible, and eliminate soil compaction and erosion associated with machine planting operations. RR has developed a light-weight, long endurance surveying drone which can fly for 2 hours and survey 250 acres/hour. RR uses our custom-designed surveying drone to conduct annual surveys, monitor seedling survival, and monitor invasive species.
Reboot Reforestation monetizes natural carbon sequestration through the production, verification, and selling of carbon credits to companies who wish to offset their carbon emissions. Carbon credits and carbon offsets are crucial for offsetting carbon from industry, thus bringing us closer to a decarbonized global economy.
Individuals who are socioeconomically disadvantaged are disproportionately impacted by climate change. It is imperative to decarbonize the global economy to halt the effects of climate change. Reboot Reforestation works with private landowners, land trusts, and conservation organizations to restore ecosystems, sequester carbon, and generate carbon offsets to combat the climate crisis. Individuals who are socioeconomically disadvantages are the greatest beneficiaries of climate action. We must begin decarbonizing today to avoid the most extreme impacts of climate change. Come join us today!
Reboot Reforestation has built a diverse team of 10 individuals with varying backgrounds, education levels, genders, races, sexual orientations, and ages. Reboot Reforestation has a achieved synergy through diversity- everyone brings their distinct background which gives us an insight into the complexities of socioeconmics and the environment.
Timber is a crucial building material, cooking material, and raw material used in everyday products; millions of people worldwide rely on timber to sustain their families. However, climate change is adversely effecting ecosystems and people's livelihoods by increasing frequency of drought, storms and extreme weather. Reboot Reforestation has conducted over 100 interviews of private landowners, land trusts, conservation organizations, nonprofits, scientists, nurseries, and indigenous communities to understand the problems effecting our environment and people. Reboot Reforestation identified four pain points people are facing with a changing environment: reforestation and conservation is 1) slow, 2) expensive, 3) labor intensive, and 4) invasive species are difficult to monitor and treat. Reboot Reforestation develops drone solution to combat environmental degradation and climate change.
- Support local economies that protect high-carbon ecosystems from development, including peatlands, mangroves, and forests.
- Growth
Reboot Reforestation request assistance with market barriers, cultural barriers, and finances. First, Reboot Reforestation also needs help understanding the cultural differences with regards to land ownership in Africa, Asia, and South America. Each region has varying land ownership regimes. Second, Reboot Reforestation needs assistance making connections to large corporations with climate commitments to become carbon neutral. A significant market barrier is overcoming the bureaucracy of large corporations and locating a decision maker. Finally, Reboot Reforestation needs financial assistance to scale reforestation globally to help those most in need.
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
Reboot Reforestation reduces reforestation cost by 30-70%, labor by 90%, increases planting speed by 10X, all while eliminating soil compaction and erosion associated with machine planting and hand planting methods.
Overall, Reboot Reforestation plans to plant 1 billion trees by 2030, secure $5M in VC funding by 2025, and scale globally.
In 2022, RR plans to produce an MVP Herbicide and Fertilizer Drone, secure a factory location and scale to 10 million seedballs per year, secure $250,000 in pre-seed funding, and secure 2,500 acres to restore.
In 2023, RR plants to tap into the Carbon Credit and Wildfire restoration markets, secure a $1,000,000 seed investment, secure 10,000 acres to restore, scale seedball factory to 25 million seedballs per year, and scale to target North and South America for restoration.
In 2024, RR plants to secure an investment of $3M-$5M, scale restoration to Africa and Asia, reforest 25,000 acres, and scale seedball production to 100 million seedballs per year globally.
By 2025, RR plant to bring in a revenue of $10M- $25M annually, scale globally, secure partnerships with major corporations to offset carbon emissions, infiltrate the wildfire restoration market, and to target biodiversity hotspots.
Reboot Reforestation measures progress through the number of acres restores, number of threatened or endangered species conserved, and number of individuals helped.
Reboot Reforestation mitigates climate impacts through reforestation, restoration, and conservation. Reboot Reforestation reduces the cost of reforestation, reduces labor required, increased speed, and improves soil quality by eliminating soil compaction and erosion. Reboot Reforestation provides restoration services to private landowners, land trusts, and conservation organizations.
Reboot Reforestation designs, manufactures, and develops drone technology to restore and monitor ecosystems at scale to combat climate change. Reboot Reforestation combines drones, biotechnology, ecology, manufacturing, AI, sensors, and robotics to monitor and restore ecosystems. Reboot Reforestation has developed a heavy lift drone to deliver custom-designed seedballs to restoration areas. Reboot Reforestation utilizes our long-endurance surveying drone to conduct surveys, monitor seedlings, and monitor invasive species. After conducting an initial survey, Reboot Reforestation
- A new technology
Reboot Reforestation has tested seedball restoration across several sites in Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, and California. Initial trails show a survival of 48% which is double that of our competitors and 16X that of natural seed scattering. Cost analysis of our test plants show a reduction in cost of 30%-70%. We are in the process of publishing our data in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Big Data
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- GIS and Geospatial Technology
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Manufacturing Technology
- Robotics and Drones
- Software and Mobile Applications
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 13. Climate Action
- 15. Life on Land
- United States
- Canada
- United States
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Reboot Reforestation has developed a diverse and synergistic team from varying races, genders, sexual orientation, education, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Reboot Reforestation is committed to maximizing diversity, equity, and inclusion of team members, shareholders, clients and community members.
Reboot Reforestation reduces the cost of reforestation by 30%-70%, reduces labor by 90%, increases speed of restoration 10X, all while eliminating soil compaction and erosion associated with machine planting. Our primary customers are private landowners, land trusts and conservation organizations. Reboot Reforestation charges $100 per acre to plant 500 seedlings with a gross margin of 60%-70%. Hand planting and Machine planting costs on average $165 and $185 per acre, respectively. Reboot Reforestation is almost half the cost, 10X faster, and requires 1/10th the amount of labor of traditional hand and machine planting. Additionally, we are able to plant in remote areas that people and machines are unable.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
The global reforestation market (TAM) is a $177B industry (1). The US reforestation market (SAM) is a $4B industry. We can reasonably obtain (SAM) $250M of the market segment by 2030.
Reboot Reforestation charges $100 per acre to reforest 500 trees with a gross margin of 60-70%. By 2025, Reboot Reforestation plans to reforest 25,000 acres annually, producing a revenue of $2.5M annually.
Reboot Reforestation has launched our pre-seed fundraising round where we will be raising $250,000 in the form of a convertible note in 2022. Reboot Reforestation has raised almost $100,000 to date towards this venture.
Reboot Reforestation has secured nearly $100,000 in funding through non-dilutive equity grants, pitch competitions, GoFundMe, and founders contributions. Reboot Reforestation secured our first client in January of 2022 where we restored 50 acres of endangered longleaf pine. April of 2022, Reboot Reforestation is launching our pre-seed fundraising round of $250,000 to scale seedball production, refine drone technology, and expand our services!