friendly stretegy, , , a green investment plan , carbon prising , support to greens research , measures to be ensured the social fairnesse of the transition , , a green investment push would pave the for a pharesed in corbon pricing , while also boosting demands and employment and helping the recovery form the COVID 19 pandemic , , investment has to shift away from the extractions and combustion of Fossil fuels towards renewable energy , electricity network and storages , electricity of end uses and energy's efficiency , carbon prising , to which can take the form of a corbon tax or an emissions trading system , is the least cost option to delivery Deep emissions cuts, moreover , it generates revenues , that can be used to finance compensatory measures , such as transfer to effected households or greens infrastructure spending , government have a crucial role to bring abouts a transition from a High to low carbon path including through investing in catelytic green infrastructure , the potential of supporting innovativ in hydrogen technological progress , batteries and carbon , captured , utilisation and storages , green hydrogen is an energy career that' can be synthesized through electrolysis with renewables energy's and can be used in industrial applications , which dificult to decorbonise otherwise , ex Steel products and heavy products ,