Climate: Ecosystems + Housing


BIOSORRA transforms crop waste into crop yield by producing a biochar soil improver that increases farm crops by up to 200% while sequestering CO2.

Team Leader
Ines Serra

Solution Pitch

The Problem

Africa’s population will double by 2050, and with climate change threatening, there will be a food supply shortage that directly impacts malnutrition and sustainability while also increasing poverty. It is a vicious cycle of land degradation: unsustainable farming techniques leads to fewer crops, which lowers farmers’ incomes.

The Solution

BIOSORRA exists to support farmers and the climate. The solution breaks the cycle of land degradation by providing organic fertilizer (biochar) and training to farmers and farming cooperatives across Kenya. Biochar is a soil improver that harnesses the power of crop waste to increase yields and simultaneously capture carbon.

BIOSORRA has developed an approach to supporting smallholder farmers to shift away from slash and burn techniques and towards sustainable techniques that will support increased food security across Kenya and sub-Saharan Africa.

Given BIOSORRA is carbon-negative and sequesters CO2 out of the atmosphere, BIOSORRA is able to provide carbon credits to companies that need to offset their CO2 emissions to comply with decarbonization regulations and provide a secondary revenue stream to financially sustain the scalability of BIOSORRA to other SSA countries.


  • BIOSORRA has directly impacted 150 farmers, along with their families. The average family has five people, thus 600 lives have been indirectly affected. 

  • BIOSORRA improves air quality for everyone, due to the avoidance of slash and burn techniques.

Market Opportunity

  • Smallholder farmers in Kenya

    • TAM: 7.5M hectares of agricultural land - 6.3M farmers. SAM: 2.4M farms. SOM: 724 hectares - 604k farmers = 780M$ (agriculture contributes to 26% GDP).

  • Carbon credit companies - 1.46B$

    • 2021 data: 95 MtCO2e +1000 companies net-zero targets (doubled in less than a year)

Organization Highlights

  • Strathmore Business School: Partnered for a two week academic program to learn how to do business in Kenya. They provide access to the agriculture research lab and Kenya Climate Action that is located in the university.

  • Obrobini Peace Complex: local representatives in Ghana, have executed the biochar serving 150 farmers.

  • WICCI Kenya: bilateral council India-Kenya that provides access to women farming. Their vision is to empower women and girls to embed them in economic, social and leadership spheres in all relevant sectors of the society with a particular focus on agriculture. BIOSORRA is currently in the first phase of the project in Kenya with them, to serve 150 women farmers.

Partnership Goals


  • Legal support / advice

  • Importing goods / services

  • Web and social media development

  • Strategy business model

  • Data collection from customers

  • Indigenous Technical, Finance, Legal Expertise

Solution Overview & Team Lead Details
More About Your Solution
Your Team

Organization Type: For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models

Headquarters: Nairobi, Kenya

Stage: Pilot

Working In: Ghana, Kenya

Current Employees: 5

Solution Website:

Solution Team:
Ines Serra
Ines Serra
CEO and Founder