Stablishment of Stabilized Soil Block Making Center
Sudan has a long history of war. A part of this history is the Darfur conflict originating from 2003. The conflict has resulted in large scale displacements. Internally displaced persons are expected to return or reintegrate and reconstruct their homes. Reconstruction in the areas of Darfur needs to be qualitatively superior to those prior to the conflict. In the context of continuous desertification and major in Darfur.
There is a big use of burned bricks in building houses by IDPs and host communities in Kabkabiya town after making decision by IDPs to re-integrate locally. People cut and still cutting a big number of trees around the town and surrounding villages to use in burning their bricks, and this activity causes deforestation and effect climate. Also burning bricks in neighborhoods causes health problems due to inhaling smoke from burning bricks, around 167 people in Kabkabiya fold under this health problem in 2021.
Stabilized Soil Block Making Center to be established/created in Kabkabiya IDPs' gathering area, because one such environmentally friendly, ‘woodless’ technology is Stabilized Soil Block Technology (SSBT) to avoid deforestation by cutting trees and health problems that resulting by burning bricks in residential neighborhoods to 222104 individuals. This center to be equipped by at least ten (10) SSB machines and capacitate with thirty (30) professional workers after training them in the below areas.
• Soil identification, testing and selection
• Production procedures
• Stabilized soil block curing procedures
• Field tests on stabilized soil block.
This center will be managed by communities' association under supervision of Developmental Aid organization (DAID) to share the benefits and build the confidence among community components. The center can be used by IDPs and host community in Kabkabiya in making blocks for building.The center will be used by rotation between communities and under supervision of DAID to avoid the conflict between users.
Kabkabiya locality is located western part of North Darfur state, approximately 156 kilo meters from El Fasher, it is one of North Darfur state localities with 222104 population from 42 tribes which the project will be implemented/covered; 113910 are conflict affected people these populations include IDPs and host communities, they are traditional farmers, traders and herder. These populations are using burned bricks in building their houses, these activities and process of making these burned bricks affect environment and health of 222104 people in Kabkabiya.
Establishment of Stabilized Soil Block Making Center will be the best solution for 222104 population in Kabkabiya.
The Advantages of Stabilized Soil Block (SSB) versus burned bricks are:
- Better comprehensive strength
- Environmentally friend and healthy
- Higher and thinner walls
- Better energy efficiency
- Better water resistance
- Economic savings
- Savings of water
The organization is taking a lead in community concerns in North Darfur as it is community based organization and it is community voice. The organization has previously implemented projects such as Peace building and Conflict prevention through raising awareness on risks of drugs abuse and behavior change and COVID-19 awareness in many localities through out North Darfur state. DAID has office in Kebkabiya and have a wide understanding of situation in this locality including Sortoney and Jabal See returnees’ areas through regular visits and consultation with community leaders/ representatives and civil society organizations. Cutting of trees and burning bricks in neighborhoods activities have been highlighted as the major concerns and it is imperative that this project addressed them.
- Support local economies that protect high-carbon ecosystems from development, including peatlands, mangroves, and forests.
- Concept
We are applying to Solve, because there is a real problem facing communities in Kabkabiya and threatening life of 222104 people and this call for proposal is very suitable solution to rescue the life of these people. Noting that this problem/challenge has been raised by community and community leaders more than three times to DAID, but it hasn't been addressed due to limitation of our budgets in this fiscal year.
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development, etc.)
Environmental Assessments in Sudan generally and Darfur especially identified that brickmaking as an important source of income for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Darfur. However, this activity increases water consumption, damages farmland and causes deforestation. Banning such activities is neither appropriate nor feasible. A practical solution that still provides a livelihood for brick makers is urgently needed for Darfur. So, creating this center and promoting it will improve life of people and add new technology in their livelihoods.
My impact goals for the next year is to expand this idea to North Darfur state, and the next five years to expand the idea to include all five states in Darfur region.
We are measuring our progress toward impact goals by monitoring reports using progress indicators for each intervention.
The economic assessment was conducted in cooperation with national institutions in Khartoum, and in Nyala, capital of Southern Darfur State. Additionally, stakeholders such as the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the World Food Programme, The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the African Union - United Nations Mission in Darfur, and targeted communities were consulted. The assessment reveals the following:
- Stabilized soil block technology is cost effective and environmentally friendly
- The stabilized soil block is at least 18 per cent cheaper to produce than burned bricks, since firewood is not used and the process requires less water. The stabilized soil block technology can cut regional and local government expenditure while providing the needed housing and social facilities for residents. The technology is a sustainable strategy for housing and reintegration of internally displaced persons and can boost the peace process
- Establishment of a Building Materials Production and Construction Training Centre stimulates employment and income generation
- Transfer of technology for local building material production can be achieved when there is an adequate local capacity and the means to sustain the proposed technology
- Establishing a Building Materials Production and Construction Training Centre will facilitate scaling up of the stabilized soil
- block technology by providing training to:
(a) Enhance housing construction, rehabilitation and upgrading of settlements and basic services for easier reintegration of internally displaced persons, ex-combatants and returnees.
(b) Facilitate expansion of environmentally friendly commercial production, marketing and application of affordable building materials.
(c) Support training of small-scale businesses and revolving funding mechanisms for commercialization of stabilized soil block technology. Based on this assessment the SSB is the best solution in Sudan.
The high quality SSB machine with well futures will be used.
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
- Manufacturing Technology
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 13. Climate Action
- 15. Life on Land
- Sudan
- Sudan
- Nonprofit
Gender considerations are taken into account during our work in accordance with IASC measures. Boys, girls and women are focused as they are especially vulnerable to adverse long and short-term impacts, this project will maintain gender balance and response to rights according to their define needs. Though project is targeting men and women it is designed to more inclusive. Training opportunities will allow adequate participation of both of gender and Assessments & Monitoring data will be sex segregated into women, men, girls and boys. DAID will implement solution interventions, through focusing on gender equality however, we will ensure adequate involvement of women, as they are –in most cases- the principal decision makers within the family in issues related to health seeking. At the community level, participation during the needs assessment and implementation process there will be equal opportunity for men and women to participate. DAID through the community association will reach out the most vulnerable groups, vulnerable groups will be prioritized in receiving services
Types of services: We provide services to our communities in shape of in-kind, goods, capacity building services, coaching, encouragement, new technologies.
Way of providing: Directly to the targeted communities because there is no barriers between us and communities.To do so, our Administration and financial policies and procedures are robust enough to ensure transparency and accountability to donors, beside the MEAL staff who will monitor and report project activities in accordance with the set standards and respond to the developed feedback mechanisms that ensures accountability to the affected population.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
We bring in money to fund our work through sustained donations and grants from UN, INGOs, Funds and embassies.
In 2020 secured 600,420 SDG equivalent to 10,917 from members, spent on Raising Awareness on Preventive Measures for COVID-19 among local communities, Comprehensive Environmental Sanitation project, Awareness on risks of drugs in North Darfur, Malaria Response in El Fasher town, Whereas in 2021 to total budget of 612,400 USD, was submitted to USIAD, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Education , GIZ and Relief International, to support trust building among Communities for Peaceful change in North Darfur, Resistance Committee Empowerment for Democratic Transition in North Darfur, to Support durable solutions through civic education forums in North Darfur, Social reintegration for beggars, Promising futures for youth through capacity building for voluntarism in North Darfur, in El Fasher, Zamzam, Abu shouk and El Salam IDP camps, Dissemination of information on education in emergencies through raising awareness of local communities and among schools Children, families, universities communities and education partners in North Darfur localities, Raising Awareness on Preventive Measures for COVID-19 second wave among local communities in El Fasher locality among IDPs in camps, through mobile messages and distribution of hygiene kits for vulnerable groups, in addition to offering fair Job opportunities project.
In this solution, the funds will be used in Provision of 10 SSB making
machines to create SSB making center in Kabkabiya IDPs gathering area,
preparations of location, and train 30 people to work in the center.
The total project budget planned in this solution is 99,500 USD, DAID will provide 13,460 USD as contribution to core staff, operational equipment and rental of Premises. And 86,040 USD will be requested from Solve. Please see the below budget plan:
Activity Description
Total Budget
DAID contribution
Budget request from donor
Programme Cost
Provision of 10 SSB making machines
Training of 30 people
Preparation of center location
Incentive for community association members
Sub total Programme cost
Administrative cost
Office rent and operational equepment
stationary and equipment
Sub total Administrative cost
Staffing cost
Project coordinator
Logistic officer
Data manager
Sub total staffing cost
Total Project cost