Sea Hydroelectric power plant
Todays era we can't serve without electric energy and the way which is producing energy lead to pollution today either by thermal or by nuclear , nuclear plants are so dangerous .we need clean and tidy source Of energy solar plants are but it has some limitations...We have best solutions to generate electricity "Sea Hydroelectric Power Plants".
My project solve all electric energy generation generate ony power without any pollution it's one time has no limitations to generate power .one plant can generate powe for one state or for multiple state without burning any fuel.
Main source of pollution is our power plants thermal or project replace all power plant to "Sea Hydroelectric Power plants" which generate zero percent pollution. It generate power which is not costly as we are not burning anything so cost of production is cheaper to end user so end user can run everything by using power at ? not burning any thing which leads pollution.
everything is under process just waiting for finance.
- Support local economies that protect high-carbon ecosystems from development, including peatlands, mangroves, and forests.
- Concept
If we selected we work on projects on ground level as our concept is clear.....
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
Concept is clear it's one time investment long time return provide cheap power to people's which may be cheaper than burning wood or charcoal they can run all equipment efficiently .it can run continuously once started technology is so simple but the input we are which is using in different manner which is innovation we can't share more details about it now
to identify places geographycaly to design plants setup plant if got some financial help then to start set up or collaborating with any corporate company.
As its out put is affordable and clean energy continuously day by day we are adding something new to our concept as research is going on
In our concept input is one time investment. Out put -clean and affordable energy we are using all available source fro environment as all sources are free and available in tremendous amount just we are changing the way how to use these all things in different way which is eco friendly
design of power plants it's Hydroelectric plant it's traditional plant but using all inputs in different manner not depend on water reservoir using all sea water
- A new application of an existing technology
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 13. Climate Action
- 15. Life on Land
- Not registered as any organization
There is no team at present
My concept provid clean energy to society no pollution no danger of radiation.
- Government (B2G)
Revenue Through Government, Stakeholders , Private Company, Others Financer corporate world
it's only concept now which can change world