Near instant self deploying shelter
Where Pandemics, Natural Disaster, War or other causes arise we see people striving to find fast, cheap, safe shelter which does not require expensive tools, machinery, supplies or tradespeople.
A Tri-wall 6 Mil wicking recycled plastic shell consisting of thin pads and/or tubes which may be filled with absorbent Polymer such as Sodium Polyacrylate or similar. With minimal moistening the polymer will engorge and these units will self inflate without need for pumps or power. Wicking material reduces moisture loss and increases longevity of unit while lessening upkeep.
Openings for door, window, power outlets, vents and drainage are built into formed shell. Larger or joined units can be used as Medical Triage and Treatment Tents, storage or multiple other requirements.
Units can be covered with thin layer of concrete, adobe or other local materials such as Binishell units but without needing pumps. Unit can then be dried out and used again to form more shelters.
Shell pads or tubes may also be filled with expanding foam for more rapid expansion or in dryer regions.
Modified units may also be deployed at sea to serve as a self contained life raft.
Technique can be made Kilometers long for waterborne spill containment such as oil, chemical or other spills.
People displaced through War, Disease, Natural Events or any other reason to move quickly and need shelter with minimal expertise or materials.
Military personnel requiring rapid response structures.
Oceanic crash sites requiring floating rafts whether dropped from rescue craft or as part of craft such as seat cushions or in overhead bins.
Minimal footprint while dry allows easy compact storage.
Fire resistant foam filled units can be integrated into smoke jumpers protective clothing to create extra layers of protection for flashover events.
I am not.
My apprenticeship was Mechanical Engineering from 1988 to 1992 in Dublin, Ireland. I work 60 to 84 hours a week or more which leaves little time to develop system or team to continue this path.
I have over 30 years in heavy pipefitting construction but one of my talents is seeing links others may miss. My skill set does not include office or manufacturing fields.
See "Why are you applying to Solve" section.
- Enable mass production of inexpensive and low-carbon housing, including changes to design, materials, and construction methods.
- Concept
I am hoping this portal will allow my idea to be seen by the right people to whom I can sign this over and allow them develop and deploy this where needed.
My goal is that these ideas be evaluated and, if viable, be improved and developed and brought to those needing such solutions.
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development, etc.)
Speed of deployment. Sustainable manufacture. Stand alone power free deployment. Variety of uses and scope of issues possibly solved including housing, medical, storage or more. Use of recycled materials. Expandability of units and options to coat them with concrete, mortar, adobe or other materials to create long term structures. Ability to store long term without adding bulk or weight to storage area (Aircraft/Boat/Tankers) while remaining almost instantly deployable.
1 Year: Continue construction work and pass this to those who understand the Polymers industry more than I and who can decide best materials to achieve effect.
5 Year: Hope systems will not have been called upon but raise a glass to those who develop such systems and, if needed, deploy them to protect Persons and Environment.
4 years spent researching various Polymers and Instant Foam formulas and have not gotten far enough to begin experiments or development.
2 Years seeking outlets which may be able to run with this and create a fully deployable unit. I believe I may now have found such a site where the right network where the idea can be developed and then financed to fruition.
Primary: Near instant temporary housing whose can be extended with simple local materials. Safe easily sterilized structures for medical triage, treatment or isolation in cases of pandemics such as Ebola, Covid and more. Units can be set up outdoors or indoors as needed depending on need and location using Absorbent Expanding Polymers or Fire Resistant Expanding Foam. This could be considered a simpler, smaller, more deployable Binishell type unit.
Secondary: Kilometre length tubes which condense to less than 3 Metres when dry and can be deployed from large or small boat, plane or even helicopter or vehicle from a tow behind skid. Easily attached to other units to completely surround spills many Square Miles wide.
Tertiary: Multi layered fire dampening for use in Firefighter clothing or blankets which can be spread over larger fires.
Simplicity is key.
Having used Expanding Polymers encased in plastic sheathes to block water flow in pipes while repairing leaks led me to understand how such tubes can be used to create frames which could provide shelter or be covered over for longer term emergency living or working situations. working in Antarctica and Iraq showed me how essential fast deploying safe structures are needed by a large variety of clients.
Expanding foam removes the need for water to expand polymers and can be safer in fire prone locations or where units can be covered with other materials.
Both options allow for a power free lightweight deployment which can withstand moderate weather.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Manufacturing Technology
- Materials Science
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 15. Life on Land
- United States
- United States
- Not registered as any organization
Have spoken about needs and possible improvements with others including Cree Canadian First Nation, African Americans and Pacific Islanders.
I am a Pipe Fitter and my contributions are in construction. My ability to cross connect ideas from multiple sources improves my ability to provide and overcome.
As I am not a businessman the best I can do is pass this to those who can evaluate, escalate, develop and deploy ( And take credit and responsibility for,) this and other systems.
I would rather anyone take this to where it can be useful rather than let it die in my mind because I have no time to research and develop it myself.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
I earn between $80,000 and $100,000 annually with minimal overheads and can contribute to the research and development but earning that much takes 60 to 84 hour weeks which leave little time left for learning and experimenting.
My goal is for others to take this and run with it, I will sign over any papers required to absolve myself of Patent or Copyright issues.
Were I to develop this idea I can seek funding from Construction Contractors and Companies who will benefit from certain aspects but I would rather walk away and hope this Network will determine whether they feel it worth the effort to move forward and then take it and make it a reality instead of my waiting another 7 to 10 years to get anything I can feel confident in calling a true Prototype.
Thank you for your time