Climate change, caused by rising levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere, recognized as the most serious problems of human society of this century. In morogoro Tanzania, annual CO2 emissions into the atmosphere from fossil fuel combustion reached 2.5 Pg C yr-1 in 2018, and land use, particularly deforestation to initially establish monoculture livestock farming accounted for 0.9 Pg C yr-1 of net CO2
emission. Extensive pastureland for
animal grazing is the dominant land use in many parts
of Morogoro Tanzania with almost 80% of forest area cleared to
establish pasture.
Due to the fast increase in pastureland area, any strategy that reduce GHG
emissions or increase in carbon storage in these
ecosystems would have a large impact on the carbon balance at Morogoro.
In Morogoro tropical forests are the ecosystems with the greatest net primary productivity, they play an important role not only in regulating the climate by storing significant quantities of CO2 and other greenhouse gases but also, they offer a diversity of foods (foliages and fruits) that allow the animals to vary their diet and increase their level of production particularly in morogoro regions in the dry tropics areas with scarce forages. The tropical forest in Morogoro Tanzania spans 9 million hectares, of which 5.68 million hectares are low, seasonally dry tropical forest.
In Morogoro region (Southern Tanzania), low deciduous tropical forests (DTFs) are characterized by the presence of three well-defined strata: the canopy, shrub, and herbaceous levels. The canopy has an average height of only 3 m, with the dominant species belonging to the Burseraceae and Fabaceae families.
However, these forests have experienced high rates of deforestation and degradation,
mainly due to land use conversion to monoculture
pastures for ruminant livestock, which affects the
capacity of these ecosystems to maintain their functions and provide environmental services.
Additionally, degradation of more than 65% of the pasture is contributing to the increase in atmospheric CO2. In the search for strategies to increase carbon reservoirs in livestock production systems of the morogoro tropical region, and promote participatory adoption and adaptation strategies by small producers: Silvopastoral systems (SPS) have been proposed as an alternative to monoculture pastures that will allow for sustainable production and, at the same time, produce direct economic benefits for farmers.
These livestock production systems integrate the management of trees and/or shrubs with that of grasses and animals to promote a series of ecological interactions as well as create economic differences between trees and other system components.
These systems offer numerous benefits, including the protection of the soil from erosion and the introduction of greater numbers of trees and shrubs, thereby increasing the quantity of organic material and consequently improving soil properties
We use silvopastoral system which incorporate of tree and shrubs with that of grass and animals to promote series of ecological interaction at
open grazing systems that can significantly increase biomass productivity and consequently improve carbon storage in the biomass and soil, thus allowing for more environmentally sustainable livestock production in our dry tropical environments. Our silvopastoral systems can store up to eight times more carbon in short time, compared to the livestock systems in pasture monocultures.The silvopastoral system stored similar amounts of carbon in their biomass and soil as dry tropical forests. The mean annual carbon accumulation rates in our silvopasture systems were higher than that of grass monoculture and the adjacent deciduous tropical forests, giving insights into net greenhouse gas mitigation potential at the farm level. Silvopastoral systems increase above and belowground biomass as well as other nutrients to the soil.
Our silvopastoral system can led higher soil organic carbon that can increase soil water holding capacity and improve other soil properties like cation exchange capacity, porosity and infiltration. We Incorporate leguminous species such as Leucaena leucocephala (Lam) de Wit., enhance symbiotic nitrogen fixation that provide a limiting nutrient for the fodder plants and reduce the burden of purchasing synthetic nitrogen fertilizers. In addition, high-quality food is available for livestock throughout the year which contributes to reducing deforestation in Morogoro tropical regions and the sequestration of greenhouse gases including carbon in the atmosphere.
Furthermore, the micro-environmental conditions in these open grazing systems are improved due to an increase in shaded areas and greater animal and plant biodiversity is maintained.
The silvopastoral system store large quantities of carbon and atmospheric nitrogen in their biomass and soil compared to crop and pasture monocultures which is due to the rapid growth and high productivity of these systems.
The silvopastoral system led economic opportunity for small farmers if opportunities by sell carbon sequestered through agro forestry
systems to industrialized countries. Silvopastoral system contributes increase yield and to the resilience of
livestock production systems.
Silvopastoral system as one of the climate smart agricultural practices that providing economic diversity and protection from erosion in addition to carbon uptake benefits. We recently establish that approximately 30 hectares of silvopastoral system in morogoro.
Silvopastoral systems (SPS) have been proposed as an alternative to monoculture pastures that will allow for sustainable production and, at the same time, produce direct economic benefits for farmers. These livestock production systems integrate the management of trees and/or shrubs with that of grasses and animals to promote a series of ecological interactions as well as create economic differences between trees and other system components.
These systems offer numerous benefits, including the protection of the soil from erosion and the introduction of greater numbers of trees and shrubs, thereby increasing the quantity of organic material and consequently improving soil properties
We work with small livestock keepers who operate open grazing system in Morogor region Tanzania. We empower small livestock keepers to use the silvopastoral system which incorporate of tree and shrubs with that of grass and animals to promote series of ecological interaction at open grazing systems that can significantly increase biomass productivity and consequently improve carbon storage in the biomass and soil, thus allowing for more environmentally sustainable livestock production in our dry tropical environments.
Our small livestock keepers through using the silvopastoral systems they can store up to eight times more carbon in short time, compared to the livestock systems in pasture monocultures.The silvopastoral system stored similar amounts of carbon in their biomass and soil as dry tropical forests. The mean annual carbon accumulation rates in our silvopasture systems were higher than that of grass monoculture and the adjacent deciduous tropical forests, giving insights into net greenhouse gas mitigation potential at the farm level. Silvopastoral systems increase above and belowground biomass as well as other nutrients to the soil.
Our small livestock keepers through using silvopastoral system they can led higher soil organic carbon that can increase soil water holding capacity and improve other soil properties like cation exchange capacity, porosity and infiltration. We Incorporate leguminous species such as Leucaena leucocephala (Lam) de Wit., enhance symbiotic nitrogen fixation that provide a limiting nutrient for the fodder plants and reduce the burden of purchasing synthetic nitrogen fertilizers. In addition, high-quality food is available for livestock throughout the year which contributes to reducing deforestation in Morogoro tropical regions and the sequestration of greenhouse gases including carbon in the atmosphere.
Furthermore, the micro-environmental conditions in these open grazing systems are improved due to an increase in shaded areas and greater animal and plant biodiversity is maintained.
The silvopastoral system store large quantities of carbon and atmospheric nitrogen in their biomass and soil compared to crop and pasture monocultures which is due to the rapid growth and high productivity of these systems.
The silvopastoral system led economic opportunity for small farmers if opportunities by sell carbon sequestered through agro forestry systems to industrialized countries. Silvopastoral system contributes increase yield and to the resilience of livestock production systems. Silvopastoral system as one of the climate smart agricultural practices that providing economic diversity and protection from erosion in addition to carbon uptake benefits. We recently establish that approximately 30 hectares of silvopastoral system in morogoro.
Silvopastoral systems (SPS) have been proposed as an alternative to monoculture pastures that will allow for sustainable production and, at the same time, produce direct economic benefits for farmers. These livestock production systems integrate the management of trees and/or shrubs with that of grasses and animals to promote a series of ecological interactions as well as create economic differences between trees and other system components.
These systems offer numerous benefits, including the protection of the soil from erosion and the introduction of greater numbers of trees and shrubs, thereby increasing the quantity of organic material and consequently improving soil properties
Our team is committed to promote carbon storage in Morogoro region. Our team empower small livestock keepers to use the silvopastoral system which incorporate of tree and shrubs with that of grass and animals to promote series of ecological interaction at open grazing systems that can significantly increase biomass productivity and consequently improve carbon storage in the biomass and soil, thus allowing for more environmentally sustainable livestock production in our dry tropical environments.
Our team will conduct Community evaluation for open grazing ecosystem restoration Community participation allows exchanges of knowledge between rural populations and silvopastoral scientists and technicians. This process is an opportunity for mutual learning that guarantees the use and dissemination of evaluated practices, which in turn enhances local capacity. Participation is a functional process that allows meta groups to identify with the project. It provides incentives for them to express their perceptions and experiences, giving more substance to the evaluation and promoting the application of their traditional knowledge and techniques. Tools commonly used in participatory approaches include roundtable discussions, rapid ecological assessments, and participatory community evaluations.
Our team will establish demostration silvopastoral system among local communities inorder to learn more about silvopastoral system.We will also establish tree seed banks and nussery for promoting silvopastoral system
- Support local economies that protect high-carbon ecosystems from development, including peatlands, mangroves, and forests.
- Growth
We want to promote carbon storage in our ancestral open grazing land. we want every small livestock keepers to adopt silvopastoral system as significantly strategy for increase eight times of carbon storage compared to mono cultures livestock keeping.The mean annual carbon accumulation rates in our silvopasture systems were higher than that of grass monoculture and the adjacent deciduous tropical forests, giving insights into net greenhouse gas mitigation potential at the farm level. Silvopastoral systems increase above and belowground biomass as well as other nutrients to the soil.
Our silvopastoral system can led higher soil organic carbon that can increase soil water holding capacity and improve other soil properties like cation exchange capacity, porosity and infiltration. We Incorporate leguminous species such as Leucaena leucocephala (Lam) de Wit., enhance symbiotic nitrogen fixation that provide a limiting nutrient for the fodder plants and reduce the burden of purchasing synthetic nitrogen fertilizers. In addition, high-quality food is available for livestock throughout the year which contributes to reducing deforestation in Morogoro tropical regions and the sequestration of greenhouse gases including carbon in the atmosphere.
Furthermore, the micro-environmental conditions in these open grazing systems are improved due to an increase in shaded areas and greater animal and plant biodiversity is maintained.
The silvopastoral system store large quantities of carbon and atmospheric nitrogen in their biomass and soil compared to crop and pasture monocultures which is due to the rapid growth and high productivity of these systems.
The silvopastoral system led economic opportunity for small farmers if opportunities by sell carbon sequestered through agro forestry systems to industrialized countries. Silvopastoral system contributes increase yield and to the resilience of livestock production systems. Silvopastoral system as one of the climate smart agricultural practices that providing economic diversity and protection from erosion in addition to carbon uptake benefits. We recently establish that approximately 30 hectares of silvopastoral system in morogoro.
Silvopastoral systems (SPS) have been proposed as an alternative to monoculture pastures that will allow for sustainable production and, at the same time, produce direct economic benefits for farmers. These livestock production systems integrate the management of trees and/or shrubs with that of grasses and animals to promote a series of ecological interactions as well as create economic differences between trees and other system components.
These systems offer numerous benefits, including the protection of the soil from erosion and the introduction of greater numbers of trees and shrubs, thereby increasing the quantity of organic material and consequently improving soil properties
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. expanding client base)
One of the most important innovative aspects to consider is the silvicultural regime compatible with animal production. As tree disposition has to allow sufficient sunlight for pasture growth, quality timber production has been identified as the most suitable production target, both in literature and in practice. The production of quality timber requires lower densities and silvicultural treatments such as thinning and pruning, which enhances solar insolation. Many varieties of eucalyptus and pine is suitable for silvopastoral systems due to their canopy architecture. In the field, silvopastoral systems observed integrate Pine (such as pinus taeda and Pinus elliottii), Eucalypts (E. grandis x urophylla, E. dunnii), Araucaria (Araucaria angustifolia), Corymbia (Corymbia maculata) andGrevillea (Grevillea robusta). Forest plantations and cattle can be combined in different spatial arrangements
Spatial arrangements in our field included mainly single and double rows. Doublerows in between large alleyways were particularly popular in our farm in Morogro region. This spacing allows for greater tree densities and increased pasture production when compared to evenly dispersed trees. However, the impact of this distribution on timber quality, considering possible uneven tensions in the wood, remains unclear. Fodder production and cattle management Grass species suitable for silvopastoral production systems - due to their shade tolerance and nutritional value – include different types of Brachiaria (Brachiaria brizantha, Brachiaria decumbens and others) Panicum (Panicum maximum), Axonopus (Axonopus catharinensi) as well as our varieties of Tanzania and Elephant grass. In morogoro beef production increases tenfold when substituting natural grasslands with improved pastures. Hence most of the grass species are exotic, although very good results have been achieved with natural pastures of Axonopus Compressus in Morogoro.
Cattle are introduced into the system once trees are strong enough to resist animal browsing, which can take between 6 months and 4 years after tree planting depending on the tree species. Normally with Eucalyptus plantations animals are kept out of the area for one year. Good experiences have been conducted by us with cattle breeds, which are more productive and less resistant but adapt better when shade is available, and the Brahma breed, a mixture between the Indian Zebu and American breeds.
To maintain a good pasture, avoid soil compaction and erosion, producers should adjust animal stocking rates. recommends the installation of square paddocks with similar carrying capacity, installed according to landscape conditions, topography and animal roads. Rotational grazing should be practiced according to a planned sequence and adjusted to growth conditions. In times of accelerated growth the resting period can be shorter, the stocking rate can increase or the occupation period lengthened, while the opposite should be done when growth is low. Animals subject to less grazing time due to stocking rate adjustments but with access to shade had a 14 % increase in performance when compared with animals subjected to continuous grazing without shadow
Refers to a silvopastoral production system in which a beef producer has invested in trees, whilst keeping beef production as a core business objective. Our plantations of morogoro are established for quality timber production to be managed in a 12 year cycle. Trees are planted at a low density of 320 trees/ha in double rows with spacing of (5 x 2.5) x 20 m . Only one thinning is applied in year 3, in which 50 % of the trees are cut. Pastures of P. maximum are implanted on 90 % of the land, as 10 % of the area is lost for the strips where trees are implanted, where trees are implanted. Due to this, the removal of cattle during the first year and the shade, average stocking rate comprises 0.68 heads/ha throughout the production cycle. To prevent damages to the trees shortly after planting, cattle is not allowed to graze the pastures until year 2. During the first year maize is produced in between the double rows. All maize production practices including sowing, fertilizer and pesticide application as well as harvesting are outsourced to contractors
A silvopastoral system with a clear production emphasis on timber is will be implemented. Eucalyptus trees (E. grandis x urophylla) are planted in a density of 714 trees/ha to produce quality timber in a cycle of 12 years. Two thinnings are conducted in years 3 and 6, reducing tree density by 30 % and 60 % respectively (with 200 trees/ha as final density). Trees are planted in double rows with a spacing of (5 x 2) x 9 m. Pastures of P. maximum are implanted on 80 % of the areas due to the effective area loss for grazing, the effective area loss for grazing. Overall, average stocking rate equals 0.51 heads/ha over the whole forestry production cycle. Cattle are not allowed to graze the pastures until year 2
Trees of E. grandis x urophylla will be planted in a density of 1,000 trees/ha in a homogeneous spacing of 5 x 2 m. Two thinnings and three prunings will be conducted throughout the 12 year cycle in year 3
and 6, reaching 200 trees/ha at the end of the cycle
refers to a typical beef production system in morogoro, in which the producer buys cattle at the age of 9-10 months, fattens them for 17 months and then sells them for slaughter. Cattle feed is supplemented with maize only during the winter for a period of 120 days, and P. maximum pastures are implanted on the land, thereby improving the natural pasture. An average stocking rate of 1.2 heads/ha is assumed, comprising around 550 Kg in summer and 380 Kg in winter.
Carbon sequestration potentia
We will using conservative default values established by the UNFCCC AR 14 Tool (Version 02.1.0)6, the long term average carbon sequestration potential of biomass will be calculated for all phases, without considering carbon storage in the soil resulting in 90 tCO2/ha for silvopastoral systems with production emphasis on beef, 137 tCO2/ha for silvopastoral systems with production emphasis on timber and 166 tCO2/ha for the forestry system. These values are comparable to the results of south morogoro, who calculated a long term average of
92.2 tCO 2/ha for eucalyptus plantations established for pulp in morogoro. Hence if trees are planted on former grasslands or
degraded lands, there is a significant potential to increase soil
carbon by increasing aboveground biomass. Calculating the carbon footprint for each emissions – sequestration potential results in net carbon emissions of 1.8 tons CO 2-eq/ha/year for beef production and a carbon sequestration potential of 2.8 tons CO2-eq/ha/ year for
silvopastoral systems with production emphasis on beef, 5.3 tons CO
2-eq/ha/year for silvopastoral systems with production emphasis on timber whilst pure forestry production is estimated to sequester 8.2 tons CO2-eq/ha/year.
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
We using the CoolfarmTool (Online Version)3, emissions for beef
production were calculated for each phase.
. Considering a live weight gain of 200 kg/ha/yr per head and a Carcass
Weight4 (CW) fraction of 59 % of the live weight, GHG emissions per kg carcass weight per hectare are 15 kg CO2-eq in pure beef production systems (scenario 1), 14 kg CO2-eq in silvopastoral systems with production emphasis on beef (scenario 2) and 13 kg CO2-eq in silvopastoral systems with production emphasis on timber. 85 % of these emissions are due to enteric fermentation – a natural part of the animal’s digestive process – and 15 % due to supplementary feed production.When comparing to literature, emissions in the different
scenarios seem rather low. According to the global life for producers who have limited access to workforce, particularly for smallholders.
The economic return by labor input was determined by dividing the cumulative cash flow at the end of one rotation period by the total number of labor hours. Forestry exhibits the highest returns per labor input with 18.3 USD/ha, which decreases to 15.9 USD/ha for silvopastoral systems with emphasis on timber, 10.0 USD/ha for silvopastoral systems with emphasis on beef. The beef production scenario results in 16.6 USD/h per hour of labor invested (Table 10), which is only lower when compared to the forestry scenario.
cycle assessment of Opio et al. (2013), in 2005 the average global GHG emissions per kg of carcass weight were 46.2 kg CO2-eq, with emission intensities varying from 14 kg CO2-equivalents (eq) per kg carcass weight in morogoro and south morogoro to 76 kg CO2-eq per kg CW
in South Asia (Opio et al., 2013). South morogoro exhibit an average of 72 CO2-eq per kg CW. Global averages however also include manure management, transport and land-use change, which is responsible for 40 % of the specialized beef production emissions in South morogoro
due to deforestation for the expansion of grazing area. Also, the non-productive share of the herd – due to a large breeding overhead – is included and responsible for a disproportionately large share of emissions (due to enteric fermentation). The calculated emissions are only for the productive animal and exclude further indirect emissions
throughout the value chain.
Refers to a silvopastoral production system in which a beef producer has invested in trees, whilst keeping beef production as a core business objective. Our plantations of morogoro are established for quality timber production to be managed in a 12 year cycle. Trees are planted at a low density of 320 trees/ha in double rows with spacing of (5 x 2.5) x 20 m . Only one thinning is applied in year 3, in which 50 % of the trees are cut. Pastures of P. maximum are implanted on 90 % of the land, as 10 % of the area is lost for the strips where trees are implanted, where trees are implanted. Due to this, the removal of cattle during the first year and the shade, average stocking rate comprises 0.68 heads/ha throughout the production cycle. To prevent damages to the trees shortly after planting, cattle is not allowed to graze the pastures until year 2. During the first year maize is produced in between the double rows. All maize production practices including sowing, fertilizer and pesticide application as well as harvesting are outsourced to contractors TO EXPAND SILVOPASTORAL SYSTEM WITH EMPHASIS ON TIMBER -2022-2025
A silvopastoral system with a clear production emphasis on timber is will be implemented. Eucalyptus trees (E. grandis x urophylla) are planted in a density of 714 trees/ha to produce quality timber in a cycle of 12 years. Two thinnings are conducted in years 3 and 6, reducing tree density by 30 % and 60 % respectively (with 200 trees/ha as final density). Trees are planted in double rows with a spacing of (5 x 2) x 9 m. Pastures of P. maximum are implanted on 80 % of the areas due to the effective area loss for grazing, the effective area loss for grazing. Overall, average stocking rate equals 0.51 heads/ha over the whole forestry production cycle. Cattle are not allowed to graze the pastures until year 2
Trees of E. grandis x urophylla will be planted in a density of 1,000 trees/ha in a homogeneous spacing of 5 x 2 m. Two thinnings and three prunings will be conducted throughout the 12 year cycle in year 3 and 6, reaching 200 trees/ha at the end of the cycle
refers to a typical beef production system in morogoro, in which the producer buys cattle at the age of 9-10 months, fattens them for 17 months and then sells them for slaughter. Cattle feed is supplemented with maize only during the winter for a period of 120 days, and P. maximum pastures are implanted on the land, thereby improving the natural pasture. An average stocking rate of 1.2 heads/ha is assumed, comprising around 550 Kg in summer and 380 Kg in winter.
One of the most important technical aspects to consider is the silvicultural regime compatible with animal production. As tree disposition has to allow sufficient sunlight for pasture growth, quality
timber production has been identified as the most suitable production target, both in literature and in practice. The production of quality timber requires lower densities and silvicultural treatments such
as thinning and pruning, which enhances solar insolation. Many varieties of eucalyptus and pine is suitable for silvopastoral systems due to
their canopy architecture. In the field, silvopastoral systems observed integrate Pine (such as pinus taeda and Pinus elliottii), Eucalypts (E. grandis x urophylla, E. dunnii), Araucaria (Araucaria angustifolia), Corymbia (Corymbia maculata) andGrevillea (Grevillea robusta). Forest plantations and cattle can be combined in different spatial arrangements
Spatial arrangements in our field included mainly single and double rows. Doublerows in between large alleyways were particularly
popular in our farm in Morogro region. This spacing allows for greater tree densities and increased pasture production when compared to evenly dispersed trees. However, the impact of this distribution on timber quality, considering possible uneven tensions in the wood, remains unclear. Fodder production and cattle management Grass species suitable for silvopastoral production systems - due to their shade tolerance and nutritional value – include different types of Brachiaria (Brachiaria brizantha, Brachiaria decumbens and others) Panicum (Panicum maximum), Axonopus (Axonopus catharinensi) as well as our varieties of Tanzania and Elephant grass.
In morogoro beef production increases tenfold when substituting natural
grasslands with improved pastures. Hence most of the grass species are exotic, although very good results have been achieved with natural pastures of Axonopus Compressus in Morogoro.
Cattle are introduced into the system once trees are strong enough to resist animal browsing, which can take between 6 months and 4 years after tree planting depending on the tree species. Normally with Eucalyptus plantations animals are kept out of the area for one year. Good experiences have been conducted by us with cattle breeds, which
are more productive and less resistant but adapt better when shade is available, and the Brahma breed, a mixture between the Indian Zebu and American breeds.
To maintain a good pasture, avoid soil compaction and erosion, producers should adjust animal stocking rates. recommends the installation of square paddocks with similar carrying capacity, installed according to landscape conditions, topography and animal
roads. Rotational grazing should be practiced according to a planned sequence and adjusted to growth conditions. In times of accelerated
growth the resting period can be shorter, the stocking rate can increase or the occupation period lengthened, while the opposite should
be done when growth is low. Animals subject to less grazing time due to stocking rate adjustments but with access to shade had a 14 % increase
in performance when compared with animals subjected to continuous grazing without shadow
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 13. Climate Action
- Tanzania
- Tanzania
- Nonprofit
The social impact of the different production systems has been estimated using data provided by the forestry and beef producers of silvopastoral production areas. For planting, labor input is calculated per tree, while for thinning and harvesting calculations are conducted per cubic meter. The average results expressed in Full Time Equivalent (FTE) and the daily work input per hectare per year are shown in the table below. We include one full job in a management position and service providers for seasonal work. Employment generated further up the value chain (e.g. in processing, saw
mills etc.). A gradient can be identified according to which labor input
increases with the amount of forestry work. This coincides with international benchmarks according to which beef production provides work for 2 to 3 people per 1,000 heads of cattle (similar to 1,000 ha when stocking rate is close to 1/ha as in Morogoro) and between 20-80 for forestry,
depending on the level of mechanization. Forestry systems are characterized by being labor intensive only in the years of planting, thinning and harvesting. In the region like morogoro where the forestry sector is still imminent, professionalized service providers are not available. While on the one hand this translates into cheap labor for the producers, it also fosters inefficient work, bad management practices, higher accident rates and
reputational risks. While beef production systems offer less employment,
they do provide permanent positions. In Morogoro however, the sector is known for providing lower wages than other sectors to field workers.
One of the most important business model aspects to consider is the silvicultural regime compatible with animal production. As tree disposition has to allow sufficient sunlight for pasture growth, quality timber production has been identified as the most suitable production target, both in literature and in practice. The production of quality timber requires lower densities and silvicultural treatments such as thinning and pruning, which enhances solar insolation. Many varieties of eucalyptus and pine is suitable for silvopastoral systems due to their canopy architecture. In the field, silvopastoral systems observed integrate Pine (such as pinus taeda and Pinus elliottii), Eucalypts (E. grandis x urophylla, E. dunnii), Araucaria (Araucaria angustifolia), Corymbia (Corymbia maculata) andGrevillea (Grevillea robusta). Forest plantations and cattle can be combined in different spatial arrangements
Spatial arrangements in our field included mainly single and double rows. Doublerows in between large alleyways were particularly popular in our farm in Morogro region. This spacing allows for greater tree densities and increased pasture production when compared to evenly dispersed trees. However, the impact of this distribution on timber quality, considering possible uneven tensions in the wood, remains unclear. Fodder production and cattle management Grass species suitable for silvopastoral production systems - due to their shade tolerance and nutritional value – include different types of Brachiaria (Brachiaria brizantha, Brachiaria decumbens and others) Panicum (Panicum maximum), Axonopus (Axonopus catharinensi) as well as our varieties of Tanzania and Elephant grass. In morogoro beef production increases tenfold when substituting natural grasslands with improved pastures. Hence most of the grass species are exotic, although very good results have been achieved with natural pastures of Axonopus Compressus in Morogoro.
Cattle are introduced into the system once trees are strong enough to resist animal browsing, which can take between 6 months and 4 years after tree planting depending on the tree species. Normally with Eucalyptus plantations animals are kept out of the area for one year. Good experiences have been conducted by us with cattle breeds, which are more productive and less resistant but adapt better when shade is available, and the Brahma breed, a mixture between the Indian Zebu and American breeds.
To maintain a good pasture, avoid soil compaction and erosion, producers should adjust animal stocking rates. recommends the installation of square paddocks with similar carrying capacity, installed according to landscape conditions, topography and animal roads. Rotational grazing should be practiced according to a planned sequence and adjusted to growth conditions. In times of accelerated growth the resting period can be shorter, the stocking rate can increase or the occupation period lengthened, while the opposite should be done when growth is low. Animals subject to less grazing time due to stocking rate adjustments but with access to shade had a 14 % increase in performance when compared with animals subjected to continuous grazing without shadow
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Our source of income will come from silvopastoral production system in which a beef producer
has invested in trees, whilst keeping beef production as a core business
objective. Our plantations of morogoro are established for quality
timber production to be managed in a 12 year cycle. Trees are planted at
a low density of 320 trees/ha in double rows with spacing of (5 x 2.5) x
20 m . Only one thinning is applied in year 3, in which 50 % of the
trees are cut. Pastures of P. maximum are implanted on 90 % of the land,
as 10 % of the area is lost for the strips where trees are implanted,
where trees are implanted. Due to this, the removal of cattle during the
first year and the shade, average stocking rate comprises 0.68 heads/ha
throughout the production cycle. To prevent damages to the trees
shortly after planting, cattle is not allowed to graze the pastures
until year 2. During the first year maize is produced in between the
double rows. All maize production practices including sowing, fertilizer
and pesticide application as well as harvesting are outsourced to
A silvopastoral system with a clear production emphasis on timber is will be implemented. Eucalyptus trees (E. grandis x urophylla) are planted in a density of 714 trees/ha to produce quality timber in a cycle of 12 years. Two thinnings are conducted in years 3 and 6, reducing tree density by 30 % and 60 % respectively (with 200 trees/ha as final density). Trees are planted in double rows with a spacing of (5 x 2) x 9 m. Pastures of P. maximum are implanted on 80 % of the areas due to the effective area loss for grazing, the effective area loss for grazing. Overall, average stocking rate equals 0.51 heads/ha over the whole forestry production cycle. Cattle are not allowed to graze the pastures until year 2
Trees of E. grandis x urophylla will be planted in a density of 1,000 trees/ha in a homogeneous spacing of 5 x 2 m. Two thinnings and three prunings will be conducted throughout the 12 year cycle in year 3 and 6, reaching 200 trees/ha at the end of the cycle
refers to a typical beef production system in morogoro, in which the
producer buys cattle at the age of 9-10 months, fattens them for 17
months and then sells them for slaughter. Cattle feed is supplemented
with maize only during the winter for a period of 120 days, and P.
maximum pastures are implanted on the land, thereby improving the
natural pasture. An average stocking rate of 1.2 heads/ha is assumed,
comprising around 550 Kg in summer and 380 Kg in winter
Refers to a silvopastoral production system in which a beef producer
has invested in trees, whilst keeping beef production as a core business
objective. Our plantations of morogoro are established for quality
timber production to be managed in a 12 year cycle. Trees are planted at
a low density of 320 trees/ha in double rows with spacing of (5 x 2.5) x
20 m . Only one thinning is applied in year 3, in which 50 % of the
trees are cut. Pastures of P. maximum are implanted on 90 % of the land,
as 10 % of the area is lost for the strips where trees are implanted,
where trees are implanted. Due to this, the removal of cattle during the
first year and the shade, average stocking rate comprises 0.68 heads/ha
throughout the production cycle. To prevent damages to the trees
shortly after planting, cattle is not allowed to graze the pastures
until year 2. During the first year maize is produced in between the
double rows. All maize production practices including sowing, fertilizer
and pesticide application as well as harvesting are outsourced to
A silvopastoral system with a clear production emphasis on timber is will be implemented. Eucalyptus trees (E. grandis x urophylla) are planted in a density of 714 trees/ha to produce quality timber in a cycle of 12 years. Two thinnings are conducted in years 3 and 6, reducing tree density by 30 % and 60 % respectively (with 200 trees/ha as final density). Trees are planted in double rows with a spacing of (5 x 2) x 9 m. Pastures of P. maximum are implanted on 80 % of the areas due to the effective area loss for grazing, the effective area loss for grazing. Overall, average stocking rate equals 0.51 heads/ha over the whole forestry production cycle. Cattle are not allowed to graze the pastures until year 2
Trees of E. grandis x urophylla will be planted in a density of 1,000 trees/ha in a homogeneous spacing of 5 x 2 m. Two thinnings and three prunings will be conducted throughout the 12 year cycle in year 3 and 6, reaching 200 trees/ha at the end of the cycle
refers to a typical beef production system in morogoro, in which the
producer buys cattle at the age of 9-10 months, fattens them for 17
months and then sells them for slaughter. Cattle feed is supplemented
with maize only during the winter for a period of 120 days, and P.
maximum pastures are implanted on the land, thereby improving the
natural pasture. An average stocking rate of 1.2 heads/ha is assumed,
comprising around 550 Kg in summer and 380 Kg in winter