Figh against climate change
-Due to the global problem of climate change WBE, (Wave Blue Energy) is a project in which our objective is to combat climate change that works through a WEC (Wave Energy Converter), which is a floating device in charge of receiving (in first instance) the movement of the waves, then converting ocean wave energy into electricity generation technology.
-Our vision is to be the first Mexican technology to generate BLUE ELECTRICITY through the construction and implementation of a hybrid tidal energy generator system and to be able to benefit in first instance, people in extreme poverty who do not have access to electricity, later in subsequent to have the potential to scale to reach millions of the world's poorest people without access to this service, maximizing the favorable impact for people in extreme poverty.We are happy, willing and eager to start and participate in the pilot test, (resources to implement the project) then move to the transition stage and thus be able to scale and reach the potential stage.
-We are aligned with the following objectives:
·UN Sustainable Development Goal 7 aligned with world-class institutional policies (as I mentioned previously)
·Kyoto Protocol (2005-2013)
·Paris Agreement2030 Agenda
- Our unique solution is that we are the only 24/7 energy generators.
We don't need from the sun or the wind to mitigate climate change, provide electrical safety and encourage environmental culture through the development and research of sustainable marinetechnology.
-Developing a comparison based on the OCEAN ENERGY SYSTEMS
(OES) report of 2019 where data is collected from all the countries that are researching and carrying out projects with marine energy, to estimate production costs a study of Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), in the indicated report shows the results of a study based on historical projects, and it is shown that wave and tidal energy are the most successful with respect to production costs, as well as a cost projection for energy to 2030 (OES,
Tidal waves between 2025-2030 the cost will be 150-100 / MWhWave energy 2030-2035 the cost will be 150-100 / MWh.Technology type / Average cost 2019 [USD / kWh]
Bioenergy 0.0656Hydroelectric 0.0445Geothermal 0.0732CSP (Concentrated Solar Power) 0.1820
Solar 0.087 Onshore wind 0.0830 Offshore wind 0.115
The creation of electrical energy has a great impact on climate change
Under this concern, global efforts and commitments were created to mitigate polluting emissions and guarantee a sustainable future, among them are:
• Kyoto Protocol
• Paris Agreement
• Agenda 2030
Therefore, one of the alternatives to combat climate change is the generation of electricity from newable sources.
For this reason, the Wave Blue Energy project was created whose objective is to potentiate clean energies through a hybrid wave energy generator system.
Our goal is to advance projects with a dedicated team that are beyond the idea formation stage.
At the time of submission, and to completed a proof of concept for the core functionality of the product service we want to help and so receive founds to start the tests in real conditions, so we can know the exact and real positive impact.
1. Prioritize that energy solutions supply energy to health centers and first response team.
2. Keeping vulnerable consumers connected.
3. Increase the production of reliable, uninterrupted and sufficient energy in preparation for a
more sustainable economic recovery.
Principal Vulnerable Groups:
• Children and adolescents
• Women
• Indigenous
• Migrants
• Older adults
• People with disability
The solution benefits the environment and the people who live in extreme poverty the most (those who live on $ 2 or less a day).
The way to demonstrate operational, social and financial viability focuses on people maximizing the favorable impact and justifying that they do not have access to electricity.
By being an innovation and focusing on improving people's living conditions, it will create alternative solutions and automatically generate resources that will be invested so that they can be used, applied and focused in many developing countries.
With these resources, lives can change and benefit, and that makes us think that we can replicate it in many places for people who do not have access to electricity.
The solution we propose benefits the environment and society.
We embrace social innovation by having new ways of supporting marginalized and vulnerable groups.
Increasing access to electricity, a fundamental right of humanity, that is why we decided to turn a great idea into a global solution.
This innovation will generate impacts on social development and will achieve solutions such as equality, higher income and reduce the mortality rate.
With the intention of being able to bring our technology to the main vulnerable groups of people around the world, we have an exploitation plan to make our project profitable and sustainable.
In relation to the community and in support of marginalized and vulnerable groups, our intention is to poverty with the important implementation of the job offer for generare an income, to educate people and make them self-sufficient, have equality and be able to generate autonomy.
Have a significant impact on the development of the poor, generate gender equality, empower women, elders, indigens, help the main marginalized groups and vulnerable people of all societies to benefit communities and then entre countries.
We have a long-term vision plan and be able to scale to the next levels to reach more and more places seeking joint international development.
I'm passionate to do this:
·First of all to Apply the Theory of Change where short-term changes lead to long-term impacts
· Second because I'm the inventor of this innovation
·Third, to leave new generations a better world to live in (includes my daughter)
· Finally doing a joint venture to acces for all the information that they have collected in the last 40 years in relation to the behavior of the waves is invaluable due to the variations of climate, seasons of the year and lunar phases.
This alliance that we have created allows us to unite the necessary skills to succeed and overcome the challenges that sale innovations bring.
Renewables are a global trend, the countries aligned with the same objective, reducing greenhouse gases, improving the quality of life, economy and environment, generating electricity through clean energy and reducing the burning of fossil fuels.
WBE's mission is to mitigate climate change, provide electrical safety and encourage environmental culture through the development and research of sustainable marine technology.
Our vision is to be the first Mexican technology to generate BLUE electricity through the construction and implementation of the wave power generation system.
About two-thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions are linked to the burning of fossil fuels for the
production of heating, electricity, transport and industry.
- Support local economies that protect high-carbon ecosystems from development, including peatlands, mangroves, and forests.
- Prototype
We are looking for a company to support us because we do not have the economic resources to be able to install our first prototype and know the exact power generation in real conditions, to be able to make a global solution and benefit more and more vulnerable people.
Our device promises to be economically cheaper and get better performance performance.
The risk at this time is not finding financial support.
The potential risk at this point is not to start right away.
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
We are the first Mexican company to create this type of solution, we have the vision of creating an energy generator from the waves of the sea that can have a greater generation of energy at a cheaper price.
The ultimate goal is to achieve sustainability by allowing our organization to receive non-refundable funding from grants and donations so that it can later be self-sustaining and can generate profits by becoming a business to be able to offer the technology in other parts of the world and thus be able to help more vulnerable people.
We are currently located between level 2 and 3 of the technological readiness levels (TRL), and in order to climb to the next levels we are preparing to carry out tests and later launch the device on the market, it is necessary to have the economic resource. We still do not have any previous financial support to start our project.
Renewable energies are a world trend, the most developed countries in this sector are China, Japan, the United Kingdom, Germany, India, France, the United States, New Zealand and Denmark and all are united with the same objective, the reduction of gases of the greenhouse effect, improve the quality of life, improve the economy and the environment, also helping vulnerable people offering them free electricity and decent jobs in the organization.
In addition, generate electricity through clean energy and reduce the burning of fossil fuels.
With this innovation we seek support in this initial phase to be able to implement a large scale globally.
We deeply know the problem being addressed but one step at a time.
We are happy, willing and eager to start and participate in the pilot test, (resources to implement the project) later move on to the transition stage and thus be able to scale and reach the potential stage.
The way to demonstrate operational, social and financial viability.
It focuses on people in maximizing the favorable impact for people in extreme poverty to justify that they do not have access to electricity…
Clear Justification
Being an Innovation and having a focus on improving people's living conditions, it will create alternative solutions and automatically generate resources that will be invested so that they can be used, applied and focused on in many countries, both developing and first world, with With these resources we will be able to change lives and benefit vulnerable groups and that makes us think that in many places people simply do not receive a penny and that they do not have access to electricity.
They are backed by the evidence of what works.
We can teach "how to do it"
Grow and be able to turn it into a business to be able to continue investing and now with the resources to bring drinking water to people in extreme poverty
This evidence could be presented in the changes in the lives of your beneficiaries or clients
Have the potential to scale to reach millions of people.
They are led by strong and dynamic teams.
They are ready for investment.
use our investment to generate new evidence on potential impacts and how to scale effectively, and share learning to show successes (and failures)
supporting innovations is the only way they could since we have difficulty finding adequate forms of financing
environmental standards and social responsibility
We are ready to be tested in the real world.
We firmly believe that in order for our innovative solution to be able to start successfully, the grant has to be non-refundable.
We firmly believe that we can apply the Theory of Change where short-term changes lead to long-term impacts.
With the intention of being able to bring our technology to the main vulnerable groups of people worldwide, we have an explotation plan to make our project profitable and sustainable. WBE is a projected to have an internal rate of return between 24 and 36 months, thanks to its design, development and technological innovation.For this, the following strategies were considered as sources of income:1. Sale of electrical energy2. Marketing of the WBE device.3. Training and certifications.4. Sale of Environmental Regulations.5.Sale of Energy Regulations. Based on the above, we will be able to teach how to do it, to be able to replicate our aid model and turn it into a source of jobs and help for the most disadvantaged globally.
Commitment to social responsibility, operate according to ethical principles, translating into an index with higher and better results
Due to the global problem of climate change WBE, (Wave Blue Energy) is a project in which our objective is to combat climate change that works through a Wave Energy Converter (WEC), which is a floating device in charge of receiving (in first instance) the movement of the waves, then converting ocean wave energy into electricity generation technology.
Our vision is to be the first Mexican technology to generate BLUE ELECTRICITY through the construction and implementation of a hybrid tidal energy generator system and to be able to benefit in first instance, people in extreme poverty who do not have access to electricity, later in subsequent to have the potential to scale to reach millions of the world's poorest people without access to this service, maximizing the favorable impact for people in extreme poverty.
We are happy, willing and eager to start and participate in the pilot test, (resources to implement the project) then move to the transition stage and thus be able to scale and reach the potential stage.
We are aligned with the following objectives:
-UN Sustainable Development Goal 7 aligned with world-class institutional policies
-Kyoto Protocol (2005-2013)
-Paris Agreement2030 Agenda
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- 1. No Poverty
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 5. Gender Equality
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 13. Climate Action
- Mexico
- Mexico
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
We are a Start up company that is designed to grow rapidly, for which we will work with imagination and optimism.
The problem is massive, of great proportions and continues to grow, which is urgent and mandatory to resolve.
We propose the solution and the vision so that the result is successful.
Being an innovative technology based on technology creating a new business model with a unique solution being power generators 24/7.
Being a cleaner and more profitable adaptation to existing solutions.
In reference to innovation:
We embrace social innovation by having new ways of supporting marginalized and vulnerable groups by offering a better solution than existing ones.
Increasing access to electricity is a fundamental right of humanity, which is why a great idea became a global solution.
This innovation will generate impacts on social development and will achieve solutions such as equality, higher incomes, and lower mortality rates.
With the intention of being able to bring our technology closer to the main groups of vulnerable people worldwide, we have an exploitation plan to make our project profitable and sustainable.
WBE is a company projected to have an internal rate of return between 24 and 36 months, thanks to its design, development and technological innovation.
For this, the following strategies were considered as sources of income:
1. Sale of electricity
2. Marketing of the WBE device.
3. Training and certifications.
4. Sale of Environmental Regulations.
5. Energy Sale Regulations.
Based on the above, we will be able to teach how to do it, in order to replicate our aid model and turn it into a source of work and help for the most disadvantaged groups on a global level.
In reference to the support of marginalized and vulnerable groups:
Reduce poverty with the important implementation of offering jobs for
generate equality, educate people to be self-sufficient and generate autonomy
Have a significant development impact for the poor, generate gender equality, empower women, help the main marginalized and vulnerable groups of people in all societies to benefit communities and subsequently entire countries.
In reference to the future and sustainability
We have a long-term vision plan and be able to scale to the next levels to reach more and more places seeking international joint development.
Once our device is working and for the following stages of development, it can be replicated and a business model will be generated as a solution to reach the maximum number of affected people to continue benefiting those people.
And so that our organization together with society can evolve together and that its sustainable operations are in this solution at scale.
In reference to the global alignment
Renewable energies are a global trend, all countries aligned with the same objective, the reduction of greenhouse gases, improve the quality of life, economy and environment, generate electricity through clean energy and reduce burning of fossil fuels.
In the national territory there is no device that generates electricity by means of ocean energy.
WBE's mission is to mitigate climate change, provide electrical safety and encourage environmental culture through the development and research of sustainable marine technology.
Our vision is to be the first Mexican technology to generate BLUE electricity through the construction and implementation of the wave power generation system.
About two-thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions are tied to the burning of fossil fuels for heating, electricity, transportation and industry.
Under this concern, global efforts and commitments were created to reduce polluting emissions and guarantee a sustainable future, among them are:
· Kyoto Protocol
· Paris Agreement
· Agenda2030
WBE is directed to
• Companies and governmental and non-governmental organizations interested in generating renewable energy.
• Individuals or legal entities with an interest in innovation and the generation of clean energy, as well as an interest in buying the technology.
• People interested in auctioning, selling clean energy
• National or foreign companies interested in supplying their spaces with clean energy.
• Research and technology development institutions in renewable energy and ocean energy.
Distribution channels
- Direct communication; swindle
- Digital media: Website, social networks, blogs, magazines and digital coworking, webinars, videoconferences, Google and AdWords. interviews
General Objectives
Potentiate wave energy through the implementation of a wave energy converter device in the coast of Ensenada, Baja California.
Specific objectives
Analyze the wave energy potential on the coast of Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
Design a hybrid system using WEC technologies: floating bodies and Savonius-type turbines.
Characterize the device at the laboratory level.
Develop and implement a system for the generation and supply of electrical energy to isolated coastal areas, local areas or to electrical networks from wave energy.
Promote renewable energies as the main source of energy.
Generate and offer jobs to unemployed, disabled or vulnerable people in the operation stage.
Main thematic focus of the project
WBE is committed to complying with R+D+I (Research, development and innovation) of energy generation from clean sources, subject to the 7th Development Goal "Sustainable and non-polluting energy". Making a perfect combination between technology and the ocean, developing a hybrid wave energy generator system with floating body technologies and a Savonius-type turbine. Likewise, the development of an intelligent platform that visualizes its periodic compartment arranged on the coast of Ensenada, Baja California/Manzanillo. Benefiting the energy sector, creating a more profitable system in its manufacture, operation and maintenance for the generation and supply of electrical energy to isolated coastal areas, local areas and/or nearby electrical networks.
Core problem addressed by the project
Renewable energy is a global trend, the most developed countries in this sector are China, Japan, the United Kingdom, Germany, India, France, the United States, New Zealand and Denmark. All parties with the same objective, the reduction of greenhouse gases, improve the quality of life, economy and environment. Also, generate electricity through clean energy and reduce the burning of fossil fuels. (REN21, 2016)
Over the years of research and development of wave energy, there are currently pilot plants located on the coast of Santoña, Spain, implementing a system of buoys with a production capacity of 970 MWh/year, on the coast of Mutriku with capacity of 300 kW, belonging to the province of Guipúzcoa (Basque Country); on the Island of Islay, Scotland with 10 MW and in Portugal with 2.25 MW. (IAE, s.f.)
In the national territory there is no device to generate electricity by means of ocean energy, but test models have been developed in different institutes and the development and implementation of the first prototype-scale projects is expected in the short term.
WBE's mission is to mitigate climate change, provide electrical safety and encourage environmental culture through the development and research of sustainable marine technology. And the vision, to be the first Mexican technology to generate BLUE electricity through the construction and implementation of a hybrid wave energy generator system.
Currently, the scientific community is concerned about climate change resulting from the concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHG), released by human activities. As the population has advanced in both size and industrial development, these gases have progressively advanced. Some of the effects of climate change are: the global increase in temperature on earth, rise in sea levels, increase in extreme weather events, floods, droughts, storms, among others. (IDEAM, 2007)
Around two-thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions are linked to the burning of fossil fuels for heating, electricity, transport and industry (EEA, 2017). The creation of electrical energy has a great impact on climate change. Under this concern, global efforts and commitments were created to reduce polluting emissions and guarantee a sustainable future, among them are:
Kyoto Protocol (UNFCCC, s.f.) is a tool to implement actions to reduce greenhouse gases. Beginning in 1995 in Japan, however, entry into force in 2005-2013. Having as a result: Environmental laws and policies, the creation of the carbon market in the business sector and the taking of future investments in favor of the environment of the subscribed countries.
The Paris Agreement (UNFCCC, 2015), aims to prevent the increase in global temperature of 2ºC on earth compared to pre-industrial levels and also seeks to promote additional efforts that make it possible for global warming not to exceed 1, 5ºC. It comes into force in 2016 and was approved by the United Nations (UN) as the 2030 Agenda.
Agenda2030 (Agenda 2030, s.f.), whose objective is to end poverty, inequality, injustice, and climate change through 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The 7th SDG "Guarantee access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all", proposes some of its goals are:
Increase the consumption of energy sources through renewable technologies.
Double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency.
Greater international access to research, clean and advanced technology.
Promote investment for infrastructures that present modern, affordable and sustainable energy services in developing countries.
Therefore, one of the alternatives to combat climate change is the generation of electricity with free energy from the burning of fossil fuels. For this reason, the WBE project was created, which aims to potentiate clean energy through a hybrid wave energy generator system. On the coast of Ensenada, Baja California Mexico/Manzanillo.
Geographic Feasibility
Mexico has approximately 11,122 km of coastline, which represents an opportunity to responsibly exploit wave energy.
Technical feasibility analysis
Renewable energy
Starting with the industrial revolution, fossil fuels became essential for human development and economic growth for several decades. However, these resources are limited and polluting, the main emitters of greenhouse gases (GHG).
In the last five years, the increase in temperature at the pre-industrial level has been 1.2 degrees and is caused by GHG, according to the Copernicus climate change service (C3S, s.f.). The rise in temperature produces important challenges such as: alterations in precipitation patterns, extreme climates, desertification of fertile areas, melting of glaciers, rise in sea level, migration of species, development of new diseases and pandemics, food shortages among others (IBERDROLA, sf)
Likewise, it is estimated that in 2052 the reserves known as crude oil will have been exhausted. As a result, one of the most viable alternatives for the administration of fossil fuels is the use of renewable energies. (CEMIE-Océano, 2017)
Renewable energies are sources of clean and inexhaustible energy that, thanks to their diversity and energy potential, can be extracted and converted into electricity, gas, heating, cooling, among others. (ACCIONA, s.f.)
Types of renewable energies:
Solar energy: the energy obtained from the sun, its main technologies are photovoltaic solar (direct use of the sun) and thermal solar (use of the sun's heat).
Wind energy: the energy obtained through the wind for the generation of electricity.
Hydraulic or hydroelectric energy: the energy obtained by means of rivers and fresh water currents.
Ocean energy: It is the use of energy associated with the sea, whether by waves, tides, salinity or thermal conversion, it is of great importance for countries with large coastal areas.
Biomass and biogas: the energy that is extracted through organic matter.
Geothermal energy: the heat energy contained in the interior of the Earth.
Bioethanol: organic fuel suitable for the automotive industry that is achieved through fermentation processes of vegetable products.
Biodiesel: organic fuel for automotive and other applications, which is obtained from vegetable oils.
Ocean energy
An average of 3,000 million people live in the oceans, they live around the coast and it is estimated that they will double by 2025. In addition, it contains 97% of the water on earth and 71% of the earth's surface is covered by sea water. As a consequence, ocean-derived energy sources represent great potential for supplying power, cooling and refrigeration, drinking water, and other products and services to coastal markets. (OES and iea, 2017)
The capture of ocean energy can be harnessed in several different ways, listed below:
Tidal currents, movement caused by tidal changes or currents. Usually, the use of this energy is carried out near the coast or geomorphological constrictions, such as: straits, islands, and ports. The tides create kinetic movements which in turn power generators to produce electrical energy.
Ocean currents, complex flows that move through the world's oceans, occur in deep water with slow movements. Currently, they are little developed technologies, however, they allow the generation of
slow moving electricity
Tidal range (the rise and fall of tides), potential energy derived from tidal range and height changes in sea level caused by the gravitational pull of the moon, sun, and other astronomical bodies on masses of oceanic water. The amplitude of the tide is found near the coasts and its most used application is for the generation of electricity.
Waves, also known as concentrated solar energy, thanks to the variation in temperature due to solar heating and atmospheric phenomena, generates wind currents that cause waves in the sea. Its main use is for the production of electricity.
Oceanic thermal energy, arises from the temperature difference from the surface water of the tropical oceans at depths greater than 1,000m with 20 to 4 degrees Celsius having a heat exchange, with which energy can be generated and extracted to cool, heat or generate electricity.
Salt gradient, the difference in salinity from underwater movements and surface current, can be used for power generation.
Wave Energy
The energy of the waves is made up of kinetic and potential energy, since the mass of water in movement presents a change in speed and height. Wave energy converters (WEC) are devices that capture wave energy to generate electricity. There is a large number of technologies, classified below (IRENA, s.f.):
Active: WEC technology under development and possible operation.
Inactive: the WEC concept does not remain active.
Unknown: The status of WEC-related activities in the public domain has recently been published as unknown.
Nearshore: WEC devices are found in shallow, nearshore waves where bottom friction has begun to dissipate some of the incoming sea wave energy. (distance from the coast 37 to 70 meters)
Onshore: they are devices designed to be located on fixed structures or breakwaters.
Offshore: the device located far from the coast, where long waves are found. (distance from the coast greater than 70 meters)
Electric: device designed to produce electricity for distributed generation or public services.
Desalination: device intended to produce pressurized seawater for direct use in desalination systems.
Base: installation system by means of a base fixed to the bottom of the sea or with a structure on the coast.
Floating: systems with moorings to keep it floating, usually close to shore.
Submerged: systems tied or fixed to the seabed, they are completely submerged.
Attenuator: device that has a main axis and perpendicular to the incident wave front, the energy obtained is due to the movement along the WEC.
Terminator: device that has its main axis parallel to the incident wavefront, which allows it to intercept the wave.
Point absorbers: they are relatively small devices capable of absorbing the energy of water waves from all directions.
reaction source
Seabed: The relative motion of the WEC connected to the seabed.
Self-referencing: the relative movement of one device to another, applied to floating bodies to pass and take advantage of the movement of the waves.
Pneumatic: it is the action of the waves that causes the movement of the air that feeds a turbine.
Hydro: is the use of the movement and force of water to drive turbo-hydraulic machinery or systems that pump pressurized water.
Hydraulic: it is the activation of a generator through high pressure hydraulic oils transmitted between pumps, motors and accumulators.
Direct drive: they are electrical generation systems through mechanical systems coupled directly to flywheels, ratchet systems, among others.
The WBE project is a hybrid wave energy generator system made up of two WEC technologies: 1) Floating body, the main technology of the hybrid system, responsible for greater energy use, and 2) Savonius-type turbine, with the turbine responsible for obtaining the remaining wave energy.
Project analysis
Sustainable strategies over time
Having a SWOP analysis strengthens the Wave Blue Energy project from the beginning, because it shows its positive and negative aspects.
Based on the above, it presents the comparison of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and present threats.
Ocean energy experts
Support from UNAM
Support from CEMIE-Océano
Consulting with experts organizational structures
Sufficient equipment for laboratory tests
Mexican innovation in the field of clean energies team of Mexican scientists
International support for the generation of electricity from renewable sources
Few pilot projects in Latin America to generate electricity through waves
International sectoral fundsI
nvestment in the wave sector
International recognition for competitions for financial support
Commercial device
Association with international governments
limited team
Insufficient experience in testing under real conditions
Limited national policies on renewable energy
Reduced support in the Mexican electricity sector
Flight of investors in Mexico
Change in policies in the six-year development plan
Reduction in support for electricity generation projects from renewable sources
Global financial uncertainty due to the 2020 pandemic.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Estimated offer price
There is a limited database on the costs of generating electricity from wave sources, the information that is available so far with projects tested in the field, the Pelamis device has more information about it. The Pelamis has as its main source the waves, it is comprised of five connected sections which flex and bend with the waves, the energy is harnessed by hydraulic rams in the joints that in turn drive electric generators located inside the device.
Investment and maintenance costs of wave power technology.
In a study carried out by the Pacific Community, the costs of an installation for a Pelamis device with a nominal power of 750 kW and an output power ranging between 310-1210 MWh per year in the Pacific, the calculation was estimated between $6 US$318,000 and US$14,104,000 for sites exposed to large surges with an estimated lifetime of 25 years. It is clarified that these ranges were obtained for certain areas of the Pacific (Bosserelle, Reddy, & Krüger, 2015). The power output for any WEC technology is implicitly related to the wave potential of the location.
To visualize investment costs in wave energy projects, a search of different authors was carried out, of which two proposals with different technologies were shown, the first is the study carried out (Bosserelle, Reddy, & Krüger, 2015) and the second is a proposal of a wave power plant (Píriz Hurtado, 2017) using Pelton-type devices for the generation of electrical energy with an electrical power of 2.8719 MW. The results obtained in both studies are shown in the following tables.
$ 3 - 4 millones
Tres (support)
$ 0.3 – 0.4 millones
$ 1.2 -1.6 millones
$ 0.18 – 0.24 millones
$ 4.74 – 6.3 millones
To date we have not received grants or income generated or investment funds so we have not raised funds yet.