Organic Coastal Conservation Machines
Poor coastal farming and upstream management causes widespread destruction of carbon rich mangroves along the coasts at the rate of 3 to 5 times greater than the average rates of forest loss, make up nearly one-fifth of the Global emission. The Global emission from mangrove loss, results in economic damages of $ 42 billion annually and denying millions of people the ecosystem services they need to survive. (UNEP,2019).
Currently, Tanzania is experiencing 60% loss of mangrove and wetland caused by poor farming activities and upstream management of using chemical fertilizer and pesticides distributed using single use plastic/bottle packages that end up in water streams flows to the coasts and harm wild plants and animals(Mangrove and wetlands), as a result of denying millions of Tanzanians the ecosystem services they need to survive.
How the problem occur:
i/ Agricultural chemicals designed to kill or limit the growth of certain life forms are a common source of pollution. Farmers use them to limit the negative effects of “undesirable” species on crop production and golf courses. Irrigation, groundwater flow, and natural run-off bring these toxic
substances to mangroves and oceans.
ii/ Pesticides and fertilizer empty containers/packages are dumped on land and water streams/sources by small holder farmers after use. Rainfall, groundwater flow and natural run-off bring these plastic wastes to mangrove and oceans.
Ngwala Inventions has developed low cost Organic Coastal Conservation Machines for coastal farmers and communities in Developing Countries to protect coastal wild plants and animals (Mangrove and wetlands) from farm chemicals and wastes. The digital machines delivers organic pesticides and fertilizers to coastal famers and communities on demand, on pay as you farm basis, on time, on site, at low cost and on credit. Not only does the system facilitate access to locally made organic pesticides and fertilizers but it eliminates a dangerous source of chemical exposure for the Coastal areas, Coastal farmers and communities by eliminating the use of harmful farm chemicals and pesticide/fertilizer empty containers that commonly end up in waterways. The machines are installed at strategic Coastal locations for farming activities, thus, promoting organic farming and discouraging uses of single use bottles/packages by Coastal farmers for healthier Coastal wild plant and animal.
Facts: Coastal organic farming and proper upstream management against conventional farming and farm wastes (plastic bottles/packages) is the quite driver of change towards sustainable Coastal production systems, investing in them leads to 30% increase in Mangrove and wetlands, lifting its contribution from US$33-57 thousand per hectare per year to the national economies of developing countries with mangroves.
Coastal communities: The solution protects mangrove and peat land from dying. It creates sustainable environment for survive of mangrove and peat lands by replacing farm chemicals with organic and reducing empty pesticides/fertilizer single use bottles/packages hence increase mangroves along the coastal helping coastal communities in the following ways:-
1. Households of all income categories poor, medium and high-income groups are dependent on mangrove products, however, highest foregone benefits accrued to poor in conversion or degradation of mangroves. Total benefits to income groups poor, medium and high are 42 %, 37% and 21% respectively. Poor and middle-income categories depend mainly on fish, timber, wooden poles and vegetables obtained from the mangrove ecosystem. The high-income category depend more on high value shrimps and crabs.
2. Mangroves also perform a large number of regulatory ecological functions, which support economic activity. Nutrient retention, flood control, ground water recharge, microclimate stabilization and shoreline stabilization are the important ecological functions of mangroves that are largely unrecognized. Mangroves generate a value ranging from US$ 4,77.9 to US$ 7,74.3 per hectare of mangroves per year for fish breeding and value of US$ 392.5/ha/yr for coastline protection respectively for mangroves providing fish breeding habitats for coastal fish and providing protection from extreme weather.
Apart from working with conservation experts, I worked with my parents who are peasants in Tanga Coastal. More-over in 2019,we volunteered for 5 months working with Usambara Farmers Group (UFG) doing Vegetable farming in Tanga Coastal. Through UFG group we got Interacted and connected with other 10 groups of farmers from Tanga coastal and its communities. We got a chance of observe the farming practices along the Coastal as well as conducting interview, survey with coastal farmers and communities. We collected ideas, recommendations and data that we used for innovation designing and improvement.
In 2020 we shifted from Tanga Coastal area to Mtwara Coastal area doing the same practices of observing agriculture practices along the Coastal as we did in Tanga Coastal. The difference here was the type of crop. This time the crop was Sesame not Vegetables like in Tanga Coastal. We spent again 5 months working with the coastal communities in their farms having interactions, observations, data collection, idea improvement and designing.
After the period of 10 months spent with coastal farmers and communities we developed our Organic Coastal Conservation Machines using the combination of the tools that obtained from a total of 22 groups Coastal farmers and communities from Tanga Coastal and Mtwara Coastal who we worked with them for 10 months validating our idea.
Founder/CEO Edmond Ng’walago is a founder at Ng’wala inventions Company in Tanzania. He is among international outstanding group always driven with passion as in 2016; he rejected two employment offers in transport sector and joined Youth Agripreneur Incubation in organic Agriculture at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture in Tanzania fulfilling his passion of enhancing African agribusiness. He has five years of experience in International sustainable Agribusiness practices leading agribusiness projects and attending international agribusiness conferences both as panelist and participant. Former assistant agribusiness manager of youth agripreneur projects and agribusiness development officer of Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation Program (TAAT) and Enable Youth at International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. His talent and contribution to the community on environment conservation, food security and good health and well being made him to received National and International innovation awards;- Conservation Finance Alliance (CFA)2021/2022, Bioscience Innovation organized by ICIPE/BioInnovates Africa in collaboration with BecA-ILRI hub 2021, Pitch Agrihack by Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa 2021, Stanbic Entrepreneurship Challenge from Satanic Bank Tanzania 2021, Social and Business Inclusive Boot Camp from French Development Agency 2021, Fishbowl challenge from Fishbowl 2021, Idea Carrier LEAP4FNSSA Dialogue for Action and Brokerage in West Africa from CIHEAM Bari, University startup world cup from Venture cup Denmark 2020, Brilliant Young Entrepreneur from French Embassy in Tanzania 2020, World Business Angel Investment Forum and Global- Fund Raising Stage 2020, MEST Africa Challenge from MEST Africa 2020, Young Graduate Entrepreneur from National Economic Empowerment Council 2018, Advancing Agribusiness from African Development Bank in 2018 and Youth Agripreneur from International Institute of Tropical Agriculture 2018.
Operation Director Ms. Roseline Nandi Okoma is an operation manager young researcher with passion in the field of Organic agriculture and agro ecology. Driven towards advocating and empowering the society in Organic Agriculture, sustainable biodiversity conservation and agro ecological practices in strengthening the resilience of agricultural business, fostering long-term and sustainable profitability and also training farmers on the socio-economic importance of agro ecology. Roseline has worked with Institute of Biotechnology Research (IBR) at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (Kenya) for eight years on Tissue Culture Banana Project, knowledge in mushroom and spawn production and in production of African Indigenous Vegetables (AIVs). She graduated from Uganda Martyrs University, Nkozi, Uganda in 2018 with Bachelors of Science in Organic Agriculture and currently pursuing Masters of Science in Agro Ecology at the same University. She did also attend a short course in International Training Course on Organic Agriculture (ITCOA) in 2020 which aimed at equipping youth with hands on skills, educating farmers and the communities at large on the impact of Organic Agriculture. With the professional and technical skills developed through past work experience and her studies in the field of organic agriculture especially on the maximization of profits, environment conservation and quality of human healthcare, her advocacy targets and aims at empowering the youth and women in the society who largely contributes to improving the food security and boosting the economy of the country.
Business Advisor: Dr. Nteranya Sanginga is our business advisor. He is the Executive Chairman of the African Fertilizer Network and Agribusiness Partnership and General Director at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). He became Director General of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in November 2011. He has more than 35 years of experience in international agricultural research and development and research administration and management, particularly in the fields of applied microbial ecology, plant nutrition, and integrated natural resources management in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia. Before joining IITA, he was Director of the Nairobi-based CIAT-TBSF (2003-2011). His entire career has focused on mentoring and building the capacity of young scientists, especially youth in science, entrepreneurship, and agriculture/agribusiness in Africa. He has published more than 120 research articles in peer-reviewed international journals and was honored with the International Foundation for Science Sven Brohult Award for his contribution to agricultural and Agroforestry research. Born in DR Congo, Dr.Sanginga did most of his postgraduate training at IITA and his PhD in Agronomy/Soil Microbiology under a joint program in DRC, Burundi, and Rwanda. Under his leadership, IITA has transformed from a pan-African research organization.
Electronic and Telecommunication Engineer Karimu Khatwabi Electronic and Telecommunication Engineer. He has three years of experience in agribusiness data engineering working at International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Youth Agribusiness Incubation.
Quality Control Manager: Engineer Chanda Chalwe is a Quality Control Manger. She has Master of Science in Energy Policy from Pan African University in Algeria. She has 3 years of experience in Renewable Energy for Sustainable Agriculture and 2 years of experience in Agro-Input infrastructure development.
Director of research: Dr. Elibariki Nsami is a Director of Research and Development Department. He had worked as a Secretary of Bio control Agents Subcommittee for over 20 years.
Accountant: Anord Ndimbo is a multi-professional person with Bachelor of Education in Commerce (BedCom) and a registered member of NBAA in Tanzania. He has more than four years of experience in accounting, auditing, financial advisory and financial management specializes in the preparation of financial statements, Auditing and setting internal control and system of Non Government Organization, Private Organization and Donor funded projects.
Business Advisor Dr. David Meyers is an Executive Director at Conservation Finance Alliance. He is an environmental finance expert and entrepreneur with more than 25 years of experience in sustainability, business strategy and management, environmental economics, international conservation and development, environmental impact assessment, training, education and research in ecology and evolution. From 2012 until 2018, David was a Sr. Technical Advisor for the Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN/UNDP). David has launched and managed various companies including a financial services company providing online marketplaces for impact investing and environmental assets, a triple-bottom-line bamboo-flooring manufacturer in Madagascar, and a technology incubator. At the CFA David has led the creation of the CFA Incubator and the Investment Plan for the Global Fund for Coral Reefs. David has spent well over a decade in Madagascar and has worked in 47 countries. In Madagascar, he helped the country plan and execute a doubling of the area under conservation, including establishing the Makira Natural Park 370,000 hectare protected area using REDD+ financing. He holds a Doctorate in Biological Anthropology and Anatomy from Duke University and an MBA from the Yale School of Management.
- Support local economies that protect high-carbon ecosystems from development, including peatlands, mangroves, and forests.
- Pilot
1. Technology Challenge which we are expecting to have partnership with mobile and software technological companies from MIT Solve that could facilitate payment systems so as our customers who are coastal farmers and communities to purchase bio-pesticides/bio-fertilizer from our Organic Coastal Conservation Machines using mobile money services and electronic cards.
2. Business culture challenge that we believe we will learn from MIT Solve community and experts and supporting us in this time we are planning to expand internationally.
3. Human capital challenge that we are sure through MIT Solve community we have the support for sourcing talent and board development
4. Global public relations challenge that we believe through support/partnership from MIT Solve community we will have recognition by social and global media
5. Business model (product-market fit, strategy & development) challenge that we believe we will learn from MIT Solve community and experts and supporting us in refining our business model ready for growth
6. Lab for improving our product challenge, we hope becoming a member of MIT solve community will have access for a Lab supporting to develop and improve our technology for commercialization
7. Finance Challenge although we are struggling to raise capital by applying for financial support from different organizations and programs such as MIT Solve that supports social entrepreneurs
8. Using my innovation and entrepreneurship knowledge that I have to help Solve leaders/teams refining ideas of fellow entrepreneur for better MIT Solve programs successions
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
i/ The Organic Coastal Conservation Machines is limited to Bio-pesticides Bio-fertilizer therefore protect mangrove and peat land from chemical exposure of pesticides and fertilizer
ii/ Organic Coastal Conservation Machines encourages coastal farmers and communities to go with their sprayers direct to the machines and not single use bottles which have been the sources of water pollution when thrown in water streams ending up to coastal and harm wildlife and animals.
iii/ On credit to support all coastal farmers and communities to encourage use organic fertilizer and pesticides which protects mangrove and peat land from farm chemical exposure.
vi/ Environment friendly restricted to organics and ignore the use of single use plastics pesticides and fertilizer packages which are sources of water pollution that ends up in killing mangroves and wetlands.
In General our Organic Coastal Conservation Machines align with UN principles for responsible digital payments which are:- Treat users fairly, Ensure funds are protected and available, Prioritize women, Safeguard client data, Design for individuals, Be transparent, particularly on pricing, Provide user choice through interoperability, Make recourse clear, quick, and responsive and Champion value chain accountability.
Working together with MIT Sol[ED] Communities a Global Organization that supports tech social innovation like ours, we are sure in Next five years we are going to archive the following goals by 100%.
1. Manufacturing of 1,000,000 Automated Organic Coastal Conservation Machines doing installation around coastal farms in Tanga, Mtwara, Pwani, Ruvuma, Lindi, Dar es Salaam and other Developing Countries. Support organic coastal farmers and communities eliminating millions of single use plastic bottles protecting mangrove and wetlands by 60% in the Coast of Tanzania and developing countries. Contributing US$33-57 thousand per hectare per year to the national economies of developing countries with mangroves.
2. Helping millions people from coastal communities in Developing Countries increasing their economy and raising their living standard by generating value from US$ 4,77.9 to US$ 7,74.3 per hectare of mangroves per year for fish breeding and value of US$ 392.5/ha/yr for coastline protection.
3. Eliminate carbon-dioxide emissions contributed from loss of mangrove which is 1/5 of the Total World Carbon emission to zero in all places where our technology will be in use.
4. Helping millions people from coastal communities in Tanzania and developing Countries improving their economic power and living standards from living under $5 to over $20 per day.
5. Conserving coastal environments suitable for fishing, timber, hence creates employment to 250,000 people along the coastal of Tanzania.
1. 1,000 Mangrove plants conserved per hectare
2. 540 metric tonnes of carbon storage per hectare of mangroves per year
3. Generate a value ranging from US$ 4,77.9 to US$ 7,74.3 per hectare of mangroves per year for fish breeding and value of US$ 392.5/ha/yr for coastline protection
3. Improved of the living standard of coastal farmers and communities from under $5 to over $20
4. Reduction of the quantity/numbers of pesticides/fertilizer single use bottles thrown in water streams entering to Coastal from 3000 bottles per season per hectare to 0.
Designing and operating Organic Coastal Conservation Machines that are installed along the coastal. Coastal farmers and communities use the digital machines receiving organic fertilizer/pesticides (bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizer) directly to their sprayers ignores the use of single use bottles/packages. Coastal environments including water becomes free from farm chemical and single use plastics bottle /package wastes leading to the increase in coastal wild plants and animals (Mangrove and wetlands). Increase in Mangrove and wetlands leads to the;- reduction of carbon emission preventing climate change impacts, increase fishing activities, timber, vegetables that are traded by Coastal communities resulting to the increase in economy and living standards among the people from Coastal communities.
Organic Coastal Conservation MachineMachines are powered by solar which is a clean source of energy. The Machines are connected with prepaid meters and sensors to allow automation flow of high quality bio-pesticide and bio-fertilizer on demand and pay as you farm basis. The machine has a hard ware (board) designed for installation on strategic farming areas at Coastal facilitating delivering of high quality bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizer on site, on time and at lowest cost to Coastal farmers and communities. It has a software data base system to facilitate registration of Coastal farmers for on credit services. The machines are integrated with a software to facilitate payment through mobile money or electronic cards. The machines have a printer that generates a print out used for instruction/training manual to Coastal farmers and communities in protection of mangrove and peat lands. It has the the space for placing the sprayer directly to the machine for receiving the amount of bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizer in questions as the substitute of using single use bottles.
- A new technology
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Big Data
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 13. Climate Action
- Tanzania
- Congo, Dem. Rep.
- Kenya
- Tanzania
- Uganda
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Ngwala Inventions has policies aligning with diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). Adhering to its policy currently the Company has a Total of 9 employees whereby 7 are fully time and 2 are part time. Among 9 employees 4 are Women and 5 are men according to our 50% policy, 7 are youth under the age of 35 years and 2 are old person over the age of 50 years, 8 are professional and 1 is a non professional, All 9 employees comprises comes from all religion but again among 9 employees there are black and whites working together in a happy and joy life like brothers and sisters. The most thing which people don't know is our company has special facilities for disabled people and has its employment policy for reserving special position for disabled people.
Our company run on participatory basis as it values every contribution and ides from its workers even those who are absent the day of meeting we have a system that allows them to contribute before the decision is made. Every decision made with effects to the organization must involve a meeting allowing deep discussions among all employees from Down to Top management and vice versa. Not only allows participatory from its employees but also from customers as the company before coming up with the products it validate it with its customers who are people from Coastal communities with different income level (low, medium and high) but even after developing the product /service still we involve our customers as we have after sales service and customer follow up program collecting data on customer satisfaction and the data are used by the company for product improvement.
To make diversity ,equity and inclusion practices sustainable to our organization especially at this time we are expanding internationally employees o participate in different training on Gender equity, Culture from different renowned organization like Acumen Academy, . Not only participating in training but also we are involved in working with other organization in the specific area for experience and exposure which we believe its our best teacher in the specific area for the development of our organization which currently is expanding Internationally.
Ngwala Inventions we are offering digital delivery service to local producer of bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizer using our Organic Coastal Conservation Machines, delivering organic bio-fertilizer and bio-pesticides digitally at low cost, on site, on demand, pay as you farm basis and on credit to Coastal farmers and communities encouraging them practicing organic farming and discouraging single use of plastic bottles/packages. We charge organic bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizer manufactures a commission of 10% per each litre sold at a lowest price of $3 to Coastal farmers and communities delivered digitally by our Organic Coastal Conservation Machines installed at strategic Coastal farming locations.
Our Organic Coastal Conservation Machines support environment conservation along the Coastal leading to increase in Wild plants and animals (Mangrove and peat lands) generating a value of US$ 7,74.3 per hectare of mangroves per year for fish breeding and value of US$ 392.5/ha/yr for coastline protection for mangroves providing fish breeding habitats for coastal fish and providing protection from extreme weather.
- Organizations (B2B)
Ngwala Inventions is offering digital organic pesticides and fertilizer delivery services to coastal farmers where demand exceeds the supply in the market. People from the Coastal have shifted from common method of using farm chemicals and single use plastics/packages to organic pesticides/fertilizer delivery digitally using Organic Coastal Conservation Machines. Ngwala Inventions currently is raising funding as initial working capital for construction and installation of the Organic Coastal Conservation Machines to Coastal areas in Tanga, Ruvuma, Pwani, Mtwara, Dar es Salaam, Lindi to finance its first operations. The Projection and indicators show that Ngwala Inventions business will sustain itself after the funding where it will not seek another funding for this project. Ngwala Invention's goal is to design and operate Organic Coastal Conservation Machines and install them along the Coastal for Coastal farmers and communities. Establishing a business that will survive on its own cash flow without putting finance from other external sources once funded by MIT Solve community and Partners. Ngwala Inventions has identified strategies to win Coastal communities of providing low cost, safe, environment free, on farm and on credit organic inputs over Chemical and pollutants products that has been destroying Coastal areas and health leading to poverty among Coastal communities caused by loss of mangrove and wetlands.
1. $20,000 from Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology
2. $20,000 from Conservation Finance Alliance Incubator in 2022
3.$10,000 Milkem Motsepe Prize in Agritech in 2022
4.$5000 from Land accelerator in 2021
Past Successfully projects:
i/ In 2020 with the partnership of Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology we implemented NG’WA bio-pesticides project supported by Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) succeeded to train 5000 small holder coastal farmers to manufacture and use bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizer impacting 22,000 small holder farmers from Tanzania increasing yields from one 1ton to 2 tons per hector and income being able to shift from living under $1 to over $5. Contributing food to feed 60 Millions Tanzanian as well as maintaining the ecosystem balance benefiting hundreds of people from Coastal in Tanzania .
ii/ In 2021 with a partnership of Land Accelerator and Conservation Finance Alliance (CFA) we have implemented a project of Solar Powered Automated Bio-pesticides and Bio-fertilizer Dispensing Machines offering On credit, On time, On site, On demand delivery of bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizer to more than 25,000 small holder farmer in Tanzania conserving coastal areas.
iii/ In 2018 with partnership of International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) I implemented Organic commercial rabbit farming which was a solution towards Malnutrition in Tanzania. The project involves raising and processing of rabbit meat supplying to schools, hospital, super market and local market. It also involves processing of rabbit by products like making shoes using rabbit skin. The project helped 30,000 children under the age of 5 years old from malnutrition but also created employment to 220 youth who until today are running their own rabbit farming. Reference on page 4 of
