Colors represent a universally identity language interpreted and understood by everybody no matter what their educational or physical backgrounds are.
Colors stand for a universal language which may be easily understood by everybody across the world, as our beautifully dwelling Earth is made up of them, no matter what people's origin, race, sex, physical trait, religion, education, location and so forth are. Colors always determine our moods, i.e. our feelings are mostly reflected on colors we identify with, clothes we wear, food we prefer eating, stuff we purchase. On the other hand, numbers are symbols we are made of and utilize at everything we do ever and ever again. They determine who, what and how we are citizens bearing full rights within our societies. Thus they represent us in order for both the State and the private sector to provide us with all benefits and services we need as a result of our tax paying.
Both colors and numbers are an intrinsic part of our everyday lives and everything around, but we have not fully realized yet how may we benefit from them altogether throughout our lifetimes. Furthermore, colors and numbers have something universally unique in common, which makes them two sides of the same coin, their countlessness. So, how may numbers and colors be fully related to better identification issues worldwide?
Despite the fact that the right to identity is the most important one -after that of birth-, millions of people worldwide are not able to be fitted by goverment assistance for lacking a securely proper identification card due to a number of factors such as partial or full iliteracy, physical or mental disability, remote dwelling, ethnicity isolation, low-connectivity, poverty, among others. Hence living in a globally but inequitably continuing development into the technology-advanced XXI century, all countries are to work jointly in order to construct or improve better identification systems to guarantee everybody equal opportunities to fight for unhindered satisfaction of inalienably national human rights. Even though it is true that there are some significant cases of countries of which identification systems are models of well-advanced providers of identity cards, there is still much to be done regarding thoroughly tamper-resistant identities. Thus seeking an #ID4DBillionMission Challenge arises naturally through the...
IMPLEMENTATION OF A COLORCODING IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM which would enable us to feel completely protected about our personal data privacy by utilizing encrypted color-coding apart from iris scanning and bar coding. In fact, the more I read the ID4D PDF documentation provided by the World Bank, the more convinced I got over the fulfillment of the overall provided conditions and corresponding feasibility regarding the proposal herein. Once all personal data is input, the operator requires for the user to select a set of four-to-six colors which are randomly and secretly combined by the system to obtain a encrypted color-coding unit. Such colored encryption unit is then placed over the bar code and/or iris scan as a solely and individually security key unit to each and every identity card around the world. Users are given a slip of paper showing the resulting color-coding unit rather than their selected color choices.
- Idea
I do think it is just a new application and/or adaptation of an existing part of a common technology in use to global Identification Systems. What makes my solution innovative is its SIMPLICITY to be adjusted to the most advanced identification technology. Thus I would also say that it could be a new process for solving the challenge as well, as it utilizes a targeted adaptation of an existing computerized tool. A new process does not necessarily imply the creation of something unexistent but the adaptation of an existing factor to solve issues.
My solution develops "privacy by design" features by means of randomly and secretly color combinations. In fact, they are easy-to-be embedded features into digital identification systems in order to obtain an encrypted color-coding unit, which is finally added up with the already existent bar coding and iris scanning as a newly and uniquely guaranteed "privacy by design" protecting trilogy compact. The users are given a slip of paper with the newly resulting color-coding unit from the four-to-six set of color choices they were initially requested for, but they will never know what color order the system applied to get such color-coding unit even if they remember what color choices they made.
My solution is already a computerized tool embedded into Microsoft Office so that all developing countries using basic computers will be able to adapt it to their digital Identification Systems. In fact, this color tool will only have to be adapted by incorporating a feature capable of randomly and secretly combine selected color choices in order to obtain the newly color-coding unit, which in the end will be part of the newly "private by design" protecting trilogy compact.
It is a completely "user-friendly" solution, as it is based on something everyone has known since birth, colors, and may be easily incorporated into digital identification systems as part of a privately security key unit. Thus all existing computerized editing and writing programs already have a color tool which could be improved with a randomized and secret combining easy-to-use function by identification operators. Furthermore, it could also be adapted to people with all sort of physically and intellectually special needs through colorcoding units resulted from varieties of glow hues which finally prove their condition.
My colorcoding solution does ensure interoperability to the full, as it will be part of a security key trilogy compact, i.e. along with bar coding and iris scanning. Hence as a currently computerized color tool capable of being implemented and improved with a randomized and secret easy-to-use combining function, it will enable integration and data portability as well as prevention of vendor look-in to actually guarantee strictest confidentiality over people's sensible information. No matter how basic identification systems may have been implemented in developing countries, this newly colorcoding identity protection should be feasibly adapted to all economic contexts.
My colorcoding solution does account for low connectivity environments, as it does not require of costly and complex tokenization to be implemented into actually basic identification systems. As mentioned before, it is an existent computerized tool which only requires to be incorporated with a randomized-and-secret combining function to work out properly. On the other hand, people do not need low or any literacy or numeracy levels to understand the universal language of colors, as they are present perpetually everywhere all across the world and have direct implications in people's mood.
My vision over the next three to five years is to live in a world where most of their nearly eight-billion people have already gotten properly secure identities to be capable of full-right citizenships within their societies. As I mentioned in my introductory summary, there is a number of factors that prevent people from being fitted by government assistance. Thus I hope that their newly colorcoding identities will impact on people's lives in such a way that they will be enough proof to make themselves sustainable over time, as they will permanently prevent their societies from inequalities.
- Peru
- Academic/Researcher
- 1-5
- Less than 1 year
I am a freelance English Language Specialist, under my own ENGLISH LANGUAGE SERVICES.
I am skillful enough to explain my solution to identification system developers. It does not need a great amount of resources but just a randomized and secret combining function into the already computerized color tool we have been using for so long.
A potencial revenue model for me is based on something I have been able to get instructed, which has a worldwide usefulness and much more since the full globalization process started off.
Because I am really interested in fully solving this issue, as I was once discriminated against by the National Identification System of my country. My participation herein will advance at a great extent in my work, as I will be considered in a quite different but better way.
I do not think it has key barriers, as it is based on a part of our computerized systems we have been using for so long.